carla lacambra sanchez
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
We have been there for 4 days as a family and everything was very good, good coral reef and very good treatment from the workers, the pool area was very good, the rooms were also very clean and modern, the only thing that is weaker is the issue of the food , little variety of average-good quality and the desserts are quite fair, bordering on approval, everything else is great, highly recommended
Hemos estado 4 dias en familia y todo muy bien, buen arrecife de coral y muy bien trato de los trabajadores, la zona de piscina estaba muy bien, las habitaciones tambien muy limpias y modernas, lo unico que flojea mas es el tema de la comida, poca variedad de media-buena calidad y los postres bastante justos rozando el aprobado, todo lo demas genial muy recomendable
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Eriyadu Island Resort Verifizierte Bewertungen
Eriyadu, 20189 Reethi Rah, Maldives
Bewertet: a week ago
Il resort è molto bello,curato e nulla è lasciato al caso,la vegetazione che lo circonda incornicia l atollo nella sua bellezza.|Lo staff è stato sempre gentile e premuroso nei nostri confronti!|È un grazie speciale va al nostro room boy |MONOWAR che è stato sempre veramente tanto gentile con noi e la sera prima della nostra partenza ha voluto omaggiarci con una sorpresa al nostro ritorno dalla cena.|Per quanto riguarda il cibo purtroppo per il nostro gusto personale non ci ha soddisfatto pienamente,non per quantità o scelta,ma solo ed esclusivamente per quello che concerne i sapori e gli abbinamenti a cui solitamente siamo abituati in Italia..|Abbiamo avuto anche la fortuna e il piacere di partecipare alla prima "olimpiade"di giochi che hanno tenuto un pomeriggio,è stata veramente una bella festa organizzata da parte di tutto lo staff,con musica,giochi che ha coinvolto tutti gli ospiti a cui è stata regalata una maglietta 😁||
Bewertet: a week ago
Abbiamo soggiornato in questa struttura sulla piccola isola di Eriyadu la settimana di Natale 2024. Esperienza assolutamente positiva.|Sononstato alle Maldive molte volte diversi anni fa e mai nell'atollo di Male. Quest'isola mi ha sopreso per la varietà di fauna ittica presente.|Tutti i pesci vlassci del reef e tartarughe marine, squali pinna nera, aquile di mare, squalo nutrice...|Il resort mostra qualche segno di età ma è dotato di tutto i servizi desiderabili, diving center, water sport, una piccola palestra, piscina, bar, ristorante, spiaggia per tutti.|Tutto il personale è estremamente cordiale senza essere invadente.|Ringrazio in particolar modo Monowar, il mio room keeper.|Ringrazio tutto lo staff del diving, Eurodiver e sempre una garanzia ma qui in quest' isola abbiamo toccato livelli di fantascienza. Organizzazione maniacale, gentilezza e un pizzico di allegria, Pratik, Julia, Elsa e Lisa, tutti bravi e professionali.|La reception sempre disponibile è stata fondamentale per procurare un farmaco per mio figlio che ha avuto un'otite e mettermi in contatto con un medico, senza alcun costo. Ringrazio il personale del ristorante, attento alle numerose restrizioni alimentari della mia famiglia. In conclusione, specie se si è alla prima esperienza nelle Maldive, struttura e isola assolutamente consigliata, se volete immergervi in una piccola oasi paradisiaca, vivendo in semplicità e in modo informale, (anche senza ciabatte) .||We stayed at this property on the small island of Eriyadu during Christmas week 2024. Absolutely positive experience.|I have been to the Maldives many times several years ago and never in the Male atoll. This island surprised me with the variety of fish fauna present.|All the reef fish, sea turtles, black tip sharks, eagle rays, nurse sharks...|The resort shows some signs of age but is equipped with all the desirable services, diving center, water sports, a small gym, swimming pool, bar, restaurant, beach for everyone.|All the staff are extremely friendly without being intrusive.|I especially thank Monowar, my room keeper.|I thank all the diving staff, Eurodiver is always a guarantee but here on this island we have reached science fiction levels. Maniacal organization, kindness and a pinch of cheerfulness, Pratik, Julia, Elsa and Lisa, all good and professional.| The always available reception was essential to get a medicine for my son who had an ear infection and put me in touch with a doctor, at no cost. I thank the restaurant staff, attentive to the numerous dietary restrictions of my family. In conclusion, especially if it is your first experience in the Maldives, the structure and island are absolutely recommended, if you want to immerse yourself in a small paradise oasis, living simply and informally, (even without slippers).
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Eriyadu island resort offre un’ottima soluzione rapporto prezzo per chi come noi vuole fare un viaggio romantico, ma va bene anche per famiglie e persone più grandi. L’isola si presenta piccolina ma ben proporzionata , offrendo campo di calcio, di badminton una rete per beach volley e una zona gioco con Biliardo , Ping pong e qualche gioco per bimbi. Abbiamo scelto Eriyadu per il rapporto/qualità , con opzione pensione completa, e devo dire adatta, perché i cocktail erano a parte e i prezzi nella norma. Il buffet completo e ben proporzionato, il cibo buono e vario , i camerieri sempre disponibili e sorridenti , davvero un valore aggiunto al servizio! L’isola semplice ma bella (peccato per i lavori in corso) piena di barriera corallina , avendo le spiagge sia a ponente che a levante riuscivamo a decidere in base al vento dove andare. Piena di squaletti anche a riva e di pesciolini alla fine del pontile. Facendo un po’ di snorkeling anche fai da te riuscivi a vedere qualche tartaruga. Sul pontile invece ho molto da ridire , perché c’è poca luce e ciò diventa davvero PERICOLOSO essendoci delle scalette laterali davvero poco visibili, qualche bambino potrebbe farsi davvero male. Anche se state facendo il nuovo pontile non si può lasciare in questo modo. Altra pecca sono le escursioni, (sicuramente si appoggiano a dei grandi professionisti) hanno dei costi spropositati , non adatti al target del resort, purtroppo non ne abbiamo fatta neanche una proprio per questo motivo. Servizio pulizia stanza ottimo, venivano due volte al giorno sempre puntuali, le stanze semplici con condizionatore e terrazzino fuori molto carino. La sera c’era sempre qualcosa di organizzato come serata karaoke , quiz , dj set e gruppi di cantanti molto bravi. Piscina grande e molto ben curata, se fosse stata un po’ più al chiuso sarebbe stato meglio così da dare un opzione quando c’è brutto tempo. Devo dire che come voto su 10 darei un meritato 7,5 .. suggerirei di abbassare i prezzi delle escursioni o comunque fare dei pacchetti e sicuramente il voto sarebbe salito di gran lunga. Comunque in generale consigliato.
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Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Eriyadu Island Resort has always been a special place for me, and this being my third visit (previously two and five years ago), it felt like coming back to paradise. This trip was extra special because I proposed to my fiancée during a romantic beach dinner, which was beautifully set up by the resort staff. They went above and beyond to make it a memory we’ll cherish forever.||The spa experience was phenomenal! Desak, Mutva, and Vineetha provided the best massages we’ve ever had—and we get massages regularly while traveling. Their expertise, attention to detail, and warm hospitality were unmatched. My fiancée still can’t stop talking about it!||The dive center staff—Pratik, Elsa, and Shifau—were incredibly professional and friendly. They made exploring the underwater world around Eriyadu an unforgettable adventure.||The restaurant and bar team were equally impressive. Rayhan and the rest of the staff’s attentive service at the restaurant ensured every meal felt special. Imam, our bar waiter, always greeted us with a smile and crafted delicious cocktails.||Special thanks to Bahir for maintaining our room impeccably and ensuring it always felt welcoming.||The reception staff, Pooja and Nuf, were always available to assist and made check-in and check-out seamless.||Eriyadu Island Resort continues to exceed our expectations with its incredible team, stunning natural beauty, and personalized service. Thank you all for making this visit—and our engagement—so memorable. We can’t wait to return!
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Отдыхали в декабре с 14 по 21 число, местами были дожди, один день лил не переставая, но это никак не относится к отелю)))|Остров ухоженный, красивый, риф чудо, и с разных сторон острова разная погода !! Это важно , мы жили на ветреной стороне и я думала ну вот целый день ветер, но стоило немного обойти и там тишь и гладь, это где риф кстати )|Спасибо Абиру уборка была на высоте, всегда радостный и отзывчивый!! |Еда….еда не фонтан, но есть что поесть….фрукты: папайя, ананас, арбуз, бананы, яблоки, 2 вида пакетного сока, рис, макароны, рыба, курица и говядина, суп|Номера Гасановым вид уставшие, но потом на это не обращаешь внимание|Пляж, океан и солнце - восторг!!!
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
L’Isola è bellissima, ci sono tantissime attività da fare con il dive center, e il personale è gentilissimo , specialmente i miei amici Deluar e Imam….gentili e cordiali! Una nota negativa del mio soggiorno è la poca scelta del cibo . Per me che non mangio pesce è stato difficile 😞! La mia ragazza mangia pesce e per lei il pesce offerto è stato delizioso !
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
bien, con pequeñas mejoras a alcanzar. No hay luces en el cabezal y no puedes leer por la noche. La comida, calidad ok pero poca variedad y suspenso en los postres, industriales y mediocres. El personal es amable y el snorkel muy bueno en el mismo resort. Zona piscina estupenda y al ser una isla muy pequeña lo tienes todo a la mano
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Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
The resort was located in a very small island. The hosting and staffs were very cordial and friendly. Clean waters, clear reefs, smooth white sand and breathtaking views and beaches. Our room was a beach view villa and the location was perfect 100m from the beach. The room size was big enough to accommodate my infant's running and playing. The pictures are exactly as available in resort, whether it be room, swimming pool, bar, beaches. Very good options for diving and snorkeling at the island itself by Euro Drivers. |I booked full board package for B-L-D for 5 days 4 nights which had American, European options and lots of desserts but no options for Indians. I had to make special requests for making chapatis to the home chefs which seemed to be difficult to be made available. Also, no Indian veg in lunch /dinner. Once, i could have Indian style gobhi which I loved 😍 but was rare. Also, not even once did I ever have stuffed parathas in breakfast. I believe Indian cuisine is loved all over world and should be provided more often to make them feel more homely and comfortable and attract more Indian guests as I see lot if staffs constitutes Indians |Secondly, I did not see any recreational activity for kids, whereas there were lots of kids on the island.|Also, resort needs some active recreation/engagement plan for guests. There was only Live singing/DJ which used to close by 9pm. And hence post dinner, the island seemed to be dull and gloomy. I suggest more self-engaging activities involving all inmates with small invitations across rooms and encouraging guests participation - cud be a game, singing, performances, dance across cultures could make the experience on the island a long lasting memory.
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
November 28 - December 12, 2024||Here follows a very detailed review of Eriyadu, which is worth reading for those looking for a resort in the lower price segment and willing to compromise on food and drinks.||Introduction:|We’ve been vacationing in the Maldives regularly since 1991, often twice a year. We previously stayed on Eriyadu in 2003, 2004, and 2013. Back then, the house reef was so spectacular and vibrant that guests from other resorts would take snorkeling trips to Eriyadu — and rightfully so.|At that time, there was a buffet restaurant located directly on the beach with an open view of the sea. |The swimming pool was considered an unnecessary luxury, and all accommodations were distributed as duplex bungalows around the island.||For the last ten years, we weren’t interested in how Eriyadu developed. We moved on to “better” resorts. About six months ago, however, I came across a blog by an Englishman about Eriyadu. The pictures and videos showed a relatively dull reef but an astonishing variety of fish. That convinced us to visit Eriyadu once again. Back to the roots….||Arrival and Departure:|After a 1.5-hour wait at Velana Airport, we had a rough speedboat ride to Eriyadu, which took about an hour.|The resort staff gave us a warm welcome, provided a brief orientation, and handed over the key to our bungalow.|The return transfer was punctual, and with calm seas, it took just under 50 minutes.||The Island:|The first view of the island revealed a construction site for a new jetty, which was urgently needed after 40 years. This didn’t surprise us, as I’d read that the new owners had carried out safety checks during the takeover and found the old jetty no longer met regulations. After contacting our travel agent and the operator (Schauinsland), we were assured that there would be no construction noise in our bungalow. Trusting this information, we decided not to rebook and make the most of our holiday. While we occasionally heard the excavator or hammering, it didn’t bother us. Other guests, even those staying on the far side of the island, complained loudly and demanded compensation.||After a week, the excavator was gone, and construction continued manually. We estimate the new jetty will be operational in six months, after which the old one will be dismantled.||The second glance revealed a “row housing development”: a two-story building with 12 units where the buffet restaurant once stood. The restaurant was relocated behind this building, set back from the beach, which is definitely a downgrade. There’s now no view of the sea from the restaurant.|The island cannot currently be circumnavigated on foot due to erosion. The southern side has very little beach, while the northern side has plenty.||There’s no need for parasols, as the area between the bungalows and the beach is densely vegetated, providing ample shade. The resort is due for a complete renovation at some point.||Accommodation:|We booked a renovated bungalow and were assigned No. 205 on the windless southern side. To us, it didn’t look renovated.|A definite highlight was the air conditioning, which was nearly silent.|The furniture is dark, but there’s plenty of closet and drawer space. Previously, the bathrooms were fully enclosed, but now there’s an opening above the shower, which we found amusingly referred to as a “semi-open” bathroom. Double sinks, a bathtub with a shower, a toilet with a wash hose. An outdoor foot shower by the entrance is a convenient addition.|The terrace was small, and the chairs were uncomfortable without cushions. Overall, everything felt dated.||That said, the staff made every effort!|Not enough hangers? No problem — they brought more.|The mattress was extremely hard. They brought one topper, then another, and even a third until it was comfortable. I asked for one of the old wooden loungers with thick cushions to avoid back pain (having experienced discomfort from worn-out plastic loungers on Vilamendhoo). Within 30 minutes, two wooden loungers were placed outside our bungalow. Fantastic!||Thanks to Mainuddin, who made a very good job, housekeeping was excellent, with twice-daily cleaning, towel service, soap/shampoo refills, and restocking of coffee, tea, sugar, and creamer.|Two 0.5L bottles of water per room per day were included, though only in plastic bottles.||Restaurant:|Tables and chairs are still in the sand, while the buffet is set up in a tiled area.|There’s free seating and full self-service.||We intended to book half-board but ended up with full-board plus, which includes water or a soft drink per meal. Coffee at breakfast is served from a large pot.||We remembered the food being simple but acceptable ten years ago. This time, it was downright awful. Breakfast was the exception, with freshly prepared egg dishes, tasty waffles, a good selection of sweets, and fruit. However, the savory options, like processed cheese slices and chicken salami, were dreadful.||Lunch and dinner were bland, overcooked, lukewarm or cold, unimaginative, and carelessly prepared. Pasta and potatoes were mushy. How do you make chicken or fish so dry? The curries were reportedly decent, though.|In the end, we stuck to salads and desserts.||We were frequently asked for feedback on the food. At first, I thought they genuinely wanted to improve, but with the current kitchen staff, nothing will change.|In summary, anyone nostalgic for the Maldives of 1990 will be 100% satisfied here 😉||Bar and Entertainment:|On the first evening, my husband wanted a draft beer — unavailable. I fancied a glass of Prosecco — also unavailable. Aperol Spritz? They hadn’t heard of it. The next day, they said Prosecco would be back but only by the bottle, starting at $60++ per bottle.|We tried cocktails and house wine (included in AI) but didn’t like them. Bottled wine? Many on the menu were marked as unavailable. The same frustrating conversation repeated daily.||Evening entertainment began at 9:00 PM and included diving presentations twice weekly, live music twice, karaoke twice, and a DJ once. We enjoyed this 🤗||Snorkeling:|Great !!|The easiest entry point is mid-north side, where the drop-off is 25 meters out, or via stairs at the dive center. At high tide, entry and exit are possible anywhere. During our stay, there was almost no current.||The reef is vast and teeming with life. We snorkeled more than ever and discovered something special every day, though visibility was sometimes reduced due to plankton.||We spotted devil rays, eagle rays, nurse sharks in action, six different turtles, batfish, and many more. A highlight was finding a scorpionfish.|Night snorkeling with flashlights was also a lot of fun.||The reef itself is mostly gray. We’re particularly concerned about the surviving healthy corals, as we saw roughly 80 crown-of-thorns starfish, which have devastated reefs on other islands like Angaga and Vakarufalhi (now Nova).||Weather:|The forecast predicted five days of continuous storms and heavy rain. What we got: a strong 2.5-hour shower on day two and a few drops early morning on day four. The rest of the time was sunny with occasional clouds.||Spa, Watersports, Gym, Excursions, Island Shop:|We didn’t use these facilities.||Guests:|The majority were British, Italian, and Russian, with a few Germans, Dutch, Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, and some Asians. A good mix, with no one behaving poorly.||Staffing Issues:|A receptionist shared insights about Maldivian work culture, noting that 60% of young people in Male work at most 50% of the time, spending the rest “chilling.” Work-life balance is emphasized, but often without much work. The result is a massive skills shortage — a problem that we know very well in Europe.||Costs:|Regarding HB, FB, or AI:|We like AI, but only when it’s truly all-inclusive, covering the minibar, bar, and restaurants. We would have also used the money that we spent on expensive wine on site for the very limited all-inclusive.||Conclusion:|Two weeks barefoot 😁|A very relaxing holiday without luxury but filled with amazing experiences above and below water. Friendly and helpful staff everywhere. |Thanks to Naf for always having a smile and a nice chat with us. |We won’t return to Eriyadu, but we don’t regret going either.
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
This was our first visit to Maldives and we chose Eriyadu Resort because it had a dive center with a lot of activities and the prices for booking were reasonable.|If you enjoy water sports, this is the resort for you, there is a dive center in the island offering a lot of activities and excursions. Euro-Divers Eriyadu staff are great and helpful, we had a great first experience diving with Pratik and then snorkeling with Elsa.|The island is quite nice, with a lot of vegetation and surronded by a beatiful reef that you can explore by snorkeling. I suggest to always check the tides (google or apps) to make the most of each snorkeling. It is a place full of life where you can see reef sharks, turtles, all type of fish and on land you will see small lizards, hermit crabs, from time to time fruit bats flying around.|Our staying was very pleasent and peaceful, all the staff were friendly and helpful, in particular Nimesh, the waiter from the restaurant who provided an excellent service and good suggestions.|We hope to come back soon.
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