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1. Visit Male. Male, the capital of the Maldives, is densely compressed onto an island of about two square kilometers (1.25 square miles). It’s one of the world’s smallest capital. Top sights to check out in the capital city include: Republic Square. The square was constructed in 1989 and features a flagpole with the nation’s largest Maldivian flag waving proudly. This area is also a popular spot for locals to meet.
Read moreThe best time to go to the Maldives is between December and April when the monsoon season has ended. Specifically, we recommend booking
Read moreSpend your days dozing off in the tranquility of an overwater bungalow, lounging on beaches with white sand, and going on snorkeling trips
Read moreDharavandhoo Island is located in Baa Atoll 110 km north of Male. With a population of about 800 people, the island has its
Read moreGoidhoo is a local island in Baa Atoll. The island is 100 km northwest of Malé. Goidhoo is a rather large island, 2.2
Read moreThe Maldives is renowned as an ideal romantic retreat for couples, yet its stunning beaches, turquoise seas, and fantastic islands offer plenty of
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