Radisson Blu Resort Maldives Verifizierte Bewertungen
Huruelhi Island Male, 20026, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
Bewertet: December 16, 2023
Vorteile: Everything was awesome 👌 above expectations Big rooms clean private pool Smiles all over staff Jaison the fitness guy was top 👌 Airport attendant was so patient till we checked in back home
Nachteile: Guests need be prepared financially items not cheqp
Bewertet: December 6, 2023
زوجين من الكويت
Vorteile: الفندق او الجزيرة جميل جدا هادئه طاقم متعاون نظيف جدا يوجد تقريبا 5 مطاعم متنوعه وتعمل بنظام الايام مثلا مطعم الياباني تقريبا كل ثلاثاء وخميس ويوجد مطعم دولي مفتوح دائما يوجد انشطه واماكن ترفيه مجانيا كا غرفه العاب سوني وبريالدو وتنس طاوله اما الانشطه المائيه توجد ومتنوعه ولكن الاسعار جدا مبالغ فيها وضريبه وطعام مكلف انصحه للاخوان المسلمين اخذ فلا المائيه بتجاهل الغروب وذلك للخصوصيه اكثر وانصحه باخذ مع الحجز الوجبات كامله وذلك لتوفير بقيمه الطعام ... و انصح اخواني بطباخ prasad خدوم جدا ويلبي جميع الطلبات . اتمنى رجوع لنفس الفندق مره اخرى
Nachteile: الاسعار فلكيه حتى بالاكل وشرب
Bewertet: November 27, 2023
Vorteile: Beautifull, excellent
Bewertet: October 27, 2023
Vorteile: Kind staff ,, quick room service,, perfect resort
Nachteile: Nothing
Bewertet: October 19, 2023
Vorteile: The staff was very friendly Good place to relax and nice beaches
Bewertet: October 17, 2023
fantastic, wonderful and it will be very well remembered.
Vorteile: wonderful!
Nachteile: Nothing!
United States of America
Bewertet: October 9, 2023
Bathroom smelled horrible the entire time we were there , and also they forgot to load all my items on the seaplane back
Vorteile: The view is nice
Nachteile: Bathroom smelled horrible
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: September 20, 2023
Vorteile: كل شي جميل ومريح وهادي والطاقم جدا متعاون وجميل
Nachteile: لايوجد اي انشطه يمكن القيام فيها ركوب خيل او قياده السياكل
Bewertet: September 20, 2023
Heaven on earth is how I describe this beautiful resort
Vorteile: Amazing everything was paradise
Nachteile: People facilities location water
Bewertet: August 19, 2022
Moments to remember 🤍🤍
Vorteile: Amazinnnnnng🤍
Nachteile: Nothing , i liked everything 🤍
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 18, 2022
استجمام جميل
Vorteile: المكان هادئ والموظفين متعاونين بشكل جيد الافطار نفس الشيء كل يوم بس الغداء و العشاء متنوع نوعًا ما الاكل مو لذيذ بالشكل الي تتصوره ولاكن مقبول نوعا ماء ، الماء طوال الوقت يعطونك النظافه في المنتجع ممتازه جدا ، الموظفه اسماء متساعده جدا من الاستقبال حتى الخروج عمال المطعم الرئيسي متعاونين جدا ، في الاقامه 3 وجبات لا تشمل المشروبات الغازيه اخذنا دراجه اليوم ب10 دولار اسرع بالتنقل لان البقي يتأخر مره من ناحيه الراحه والروقان 10من 10 ، من ناحيه الاكل 8من 10 ، من ناحية الفعاليات 3من 10 لانها غاليه يحسبون التكلفه على الشخص ومافيه فعاليات كثير ، فيه جت سكي و برشوت هذي بفلوس وغالبه وفيه زوارق صغيره تجديف بالارجل مجانيه ، الخدمات داخل المنتجع تتأخر شوي وتقييمي لها 7 من 10 البقي يتأخر و لما طلبنا حليب جلسنا اكثر من نص ساعه وبرضو طلبنا سكر وجلسنا اكثر من نص ساعه وكان في استقبالنا في الغرفة بناسبة شهر العسل كيك وفواكه وماء فوار ومجهزين السرير بالورد ، النقل المائي غالي سعره تقريبا 2400 ريال لشخص الواحد رايح راجع وتاخذ الطياره من المنتجع الى المطار تقريبا 35 دقيقه والطياره غير مريحه ومزعجه ولكن في الختام الرحله كانت تستحق التجربه والايجابيات تغطي على السلبيات وتقيم الرحله من السعوديه الى المالديف ذهابًا و إيابًا 8.5 من 10
Nachteile: خدمات النقل داخل المنتجع سيئه جلست انتظر السياره الي تنقل اك اكثر من 50 دقيقه
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 17, 2022
Vorteile: الموقع ممتاز .. وطاقم العمل جميل ومبتسمين ويلقون التحية دائما … فيلا على الماء رائعة وخدمة اروع . مطعم جميل ومتنوع .
Nachteile: لا شيء
Bewertet: August 17, 2022
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: August 16, 2022
Unforgettable trip to a fantastic resort
Vorteile: We spent 6 nights at Radisson Blu and felt that we should have stayed for at least another 3 nights. Staff is so kind and resort is fabulous. Highlights: Customer service from airport to check-in and check-out, kindness of the staff at all restaurants we visited, the view from water villa, SPA services, good food options in my opinion (if not very demanding restrictions), housekeeping, internet working great, transportation from our room to other facilities , fantastic overall customer service at the resort. Designated diving areas are not perfect but good enough for us. Interesting wine tasting event.
Nachteile: Lowlights: We had two days of bad weather but this is totally expected. Not many gluten free options but they were still available. Biggest lowlight, a little disappointed with the OCEAN DIVE CENTRE. We purchased the evening fishing trip and at the end just felt it was a waste of time and money. Not talking about the fishing results itself (in fact, we did not catch any fish) but the overall trip is driven in an automatic mode and we could not feel any joy being offshore. Trip takes 15-20 min until the fishing spot. 30-40 min two way trip. 120 min cruise for a fishing purpose did not make any sense. Thus, I strongly do not recommend it, as it was really not cheap for 3 people. By the way, turtles swim away once they see humans, most likely the turtle encounter could be very disappointing also.
Bewertet: August 16, 2022
Vorteile: Personal, essen, Pool Aussicht
Nachteile: Renovation bedürftig , zu langer Flug vom Flughafen Male , danach Boot Zuviel
Bewertet: August 15, 2022
Vorteile: The island is astonishing, with crystal water surrounding the white beaches. restaurants are very fine and the people working at EAT & BEAT and RAHA are great: mentioning NASH, JAZZ, chef SAJITH and the PIZZA's chef, chef PRASAD and many many others working there. People that take care of the customers. BRAVI. Also should be mentioned the work behind the lines made by Charlina, she is very kind and professional. and her staff as well. I'm missing the quite and the relax the island provided to me.
Nachteile: I did'nt like to see, mixed with the white sands in the beach front to the adult pool, scraps of tiles, pieces of cement, pieces of electric wire (evident waste from construction sites on the island). Also the housekeeping should put more attention in removing the large amount of dust covering the furniture ( Radisson is a top brand and finding dust that is not removed for 11 days was'nt that good for an location that claims to be one of the luxuries place in MALDIVES ) .
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: August 14, 2022
Vorteile: The breakfast was full and amazing,.
Nachteile: Need some more resturant or coffee shop.
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 12, 2022
الجمال والاهتمام
Vorteile: الاهتمام بالضيف من استقبال وترتيب
Bewertet: August 11, 2022
Vorteile: Calme, le personnel au petit soin, la bouffe diversifié et la piscine avec le couché du soleil
Nachteile: Rien du tout, tout est parfait
Bewertet: August 9, 2022
awesome and unforgettable stay. great!!!!
Vorteile: it has everything for all age group people. very welcoming staff. amazing infinity pool, excellent beach, excellent rooms. many restaurants. recommended to everyone.
Nachteile: nothing as such.
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: July 17, 2022
لن تتكرر الزيارة
Vorteile: - طاقم مطعم البوفيه متعاونين لأبعد حد . - المساحات الواسعة .
Nachteile: -عدم المصداقية - اللامبالاة من بعض العاملين في الاستقبال - الشخص المسؤول عن الخدمة في الواتساب سيء جداً. وصولي كان الساعة 8:40 صباحاً وانهيت اجراءات الحجز الساعة 9 صباحاً وجميع الذين كانوا معي في الرحلة ذهبوا الى غرفهم الا انا تم التضحية بي الى الساعة 12 تقريباً في البداية تم اعلامي بأنه يريدون 25 دقيقة لإنهاء التنظيف ف الغرفة بعد ساعة قمت بالتواصل مع المسؤولة عن الحجوزات وقالت لي بأنه هناك مشكلة في الغرفة و يتم العمل على إصلاحها وبعد مرور ساعة اخرى قمت بالتواصل مرة اخرى وقالت بأن لا زال العمل قائم وبعد مرور دقائق اتت الى غرفة الالعاب وقالت الآن يمكننا نقلك الى الغرفة وبعدها ذهبت الى الغرفة دخلت الغرفة وكانت الحرارة داخل الغرفة تتعدى حرارة الجو بالخارج وكأن حمام ساونا في الغرفة وقمت بالتواصل مع المسؤولة عن الحجوزات وقلت لها بأنه التكييف لا يعمل وقالت بكل برود هل قمت بإدخال المفتاح لكي يعمل المكيف وكأنني اول مرة احجز في فندق او منتجع قلت نعم قالت سأري كيف يمكنني حل المشكلة وارسل لك مهندس الصيانة انتظرت حوالي ساعتين مهندس الصيانة وأتى وقال نعم التكييف لا يعمل ويوجد هناك عطل سأقوم بإصلاحه وبعد مرور 30 دقيقة قام بطرق الباب وقال قمت بإصلاح المكيف وسيكون المكان بارد بعد 30 دقيقة !!
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: July 16, 2022
Vorteile: The cleanliness
Nachteile: The Buggy car doesn’t come to the door of the villa, we have to walk to a shuttle pick up point which is inconvenience for guests with infants.
Bewertet: July 15, 2022
Great place to spend few days in water villa , great privacy and excellent staff saumya facilitated
Vorteile: Superb location , great water villa
Bewertet: July 13, 2022
Fabulous place to stay and enjoy
Vorteile: The resort and villa was fabulous
Nachteile: The restaurants close at 11 PM
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: September 11, 2023
We got robbed and the mangers are not helping.
Vorteile: The room was fairly nice and the pool was big
Nachteile: There is allot to mention here so I hope this helps people out. 1- The was always a huge bug flying over our pool 2- food isn’t great and very very expensive 3- we got robbed for around 4,000$ and till now the hotel nor booking got us the money back. 4- it’s a very long trip from Maldives to the hotel
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: August 28, 2023
يرجى انقاص الاسعار وترتيب السرير
Vorteile: الاطلاله والسرير
Nachteile: غلاء الفطور
United States of America
Bewertet: August 1, 2023
Vorteile: really good , thanks about service
Nachteile: all perfect
Bewertet: July 27, 2023
Vorteile: very amazing place, most beautiful
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: July 1, 2023
يستاهل التجربه واعادتها مره اخرا
Vorteile: كل التفاصيل من مكان والي العاملين هناك الي ترتيب الوصول الي الجزيرا والخروج منها اكثر من راااااائع
United Kingdom
Bewertet: June 19, 2023
Vorteile: the resort is beautiful, love this place and will recommend for other
Bewertet: May 20, 2023
Vorteile: privacy
Nachteile: little pricey
Bewertet: March 14, 2023
Very Good
Vorteile: kamers waren erg ruim en het personeel was heel aardig. stranden waren ook heel netjes en mooi. hotel is erg mooi en netjes.
Nachteile: eten is echt heel duur en je kunt natuurlijk niet buiten het hotel eten. daarnaast waren de activiteiten ook erg duur.
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: March 14, 2023
Great staff but…
Vorteile: the staff and the beach
Nachteile: facilities. the bed. slow service in breakfast & lunch. few restaurants options.
Bewertet: March 13, 2023
Incredible stay - we couldn’t have enjoyed ourselves more! We didn’t want to leave!
Vorteile: The staff and the service were amazing. Nothing was too hard or a trouble for them. The accomodation was incredible, and the views were amazing. Bat-Su was our room boy and he did such an incredible job - we can’t thank him enough for all that he did for us!
United States of America
Bewertet: March 10, 2023
Vorteile: Nothing, disaster. Stay away.
Nachteile: Everything. Mold in pool, terrible food & service, no beach when you book a beach villa.
Bewertet: August 27, 2022
good place and good staff only reception staff rode
Vorteile: nice place good room good food good villas one of staff called Alejandra very kind i like her very much and she’s is very helpful
Nachteile: Reception staff very taff and rode i don’t like them
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 24, 2022
Vorteile: Hospitality of the staff and resort facilities, restaurants and cleaning designing of the water Vella
Nachteile: No supermarket for supplies and the tax, prices of activities expenses
Bewertet: August 24, 2022
Vorteile: Tout Île magnifique très bien entretenue, petit dejeuner buffet varié et très bon, salle de sport bien équipé, la villa sur pilotis 334 était spacieuse, plus belle que sur photos, pas de vis a vis avec superbe vue sur lever de soleil. Transfert aller retour en hydravion très bien organisé. Accueil et suivi client au top avec Dian. Personnel compétent et très sympatique. Je recommande fortement et envie de revenir.
Nachteile: Seul bémol si je dois critiquer quelque chose se sera le restaurant Eats and Beats, chèr et pas très bon ... Je vous recommande plutôt d'aller au Alifaan
Bewertet: August 22, 2022
Vorteile: Stuff, location, water pool villas
Nachteile: Price
Bewertet: August 22, 2022
اول زياره لي للنالديف وكان اول حجز لي فيه والحمدلله توفقت في اختيار المنتجع الجميل والطاقم الموجودين فيه.
Vorteile: كل حاجه كانت جميله وخفيفه والمطاعم اكلها لذيذ وفرش
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: August 22, 2022
Vorteile: Best management and personnel. Food is excellent.
Nachteile: Low capacity of air-conditioned restraunt (sometimes too hot outside and no tables inside) Very bad quality of sound (not singers, but background music in the main bar) No dancing, no lighting/coloured lights/ As usually - transfer is overpriced, crowded and has stops on the way. Worst transfer for $500 per person.
United States of America
Bewertet: April 5, 2023
Very Good
Vorteile: Clean resort, good food, customer friendly environment. The staff were awesome 👌.
Nachteile: Not much entertainment. And the price was too high. Everything was expensive.
Bewertet: April 1, 2023
Vorteile: Все очень понравилось. Приветливый персонал, хорошая кухня, отличная зона отдыха на пляжной вилле. Отель недавно открылся.
Nachteile: такого нет
Bewertet: March 31, 2023
love it!!
Vorteile: super love the crews service!!! food need to improve.. great get away!
Bewertet: March 30, 2023
Vorteile: sensacional as instalações
Nachteile: gente! peguem um opção de all inclusive, pagamos 100 dólares em um hambúrguer! kkkk
United States of America
Bewertet: March 29, 2023
It’s a bucket list trip
Vorteile: The ocean view is breathtaking. The staff takes very good care of you from Male Airport all the way to the seaplane. Service at the resort is top notch. The over the water villa is amazing.
Nachteile: What’s not to like? 😄
United Kingdom
Bewertet: January 31, 2023
Its a Manta Ray villa, its also a cockroach villa
Vorteile: The staff who work there are amongst the best. The food is good as well. Jojo, Roy, Shahid, etc were great to us and the sole reason I did not rate this stay as a zero.
Nachteile: I dint like the cockroaches that were in our bed at night, causing us to spend an hour at night trying to chase them out and killing them. Geckos, flies etc are understandable. But presence of cockroaches indicated a hygiene problem. Also the staff were great, but the management trying to offer an alternate room to solve the situation wasn't useful. It's not like cockraoches choose one particular room to haunt.
Bewertet: January 30, 2023
Splendid! A one of a kind luxury vacation with my husband 😊
Vorteile: we liked the courtesy of all the staff. the food is delicious.
Nachteile: the television in our room is not functioning. every time we turn it on we always call for assistance.
United States of America
Bewertet: January 29, 2023
loved it
Vorteile: Food was good. staff was friendly , resort was amazing
Nachteile: no bicycles
Bewertet: January 29, 2023
Everything was perfect
Vorteile: useful and had everything needed
Nachteile: I don't know if it's bad, but the air conditioners work extra cold :)
Bewertet: a day ago
Best Spa service by Rita and Zangmo 🥰. Very professional, clean and friendly service. Highly recommend both the therapists.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 3 days ago
Perfect stay for our first trip to the Maldives! The staff truly make this resort shine.... Shout out to Das! We had a lovely view from 415 sunrise room. Room was clean and service top notch!
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a week ago
My wife and I have been wanting to go to the Maldives for years as one of our bucket list vacations. First and foremost, the resort was always clean and felt safe at all times. We had a room out on the water and more specifically the “heart” section of the water villas. The room was better than the photos and was extremely spacious. We had a view of the open water. Everything in the room exceeded our expectations. Each visitor will get a specific guide that you will meet when you first get to the island. They will give you a tour as well as be your main contact for any questions or needs you may have. We had Muby who was extremely personable and always answered promptly. He was able to give us updated information as well as get us reservations for specific restaurants and/or activities. I’d have to say having a direct contact to answer questions helped significantly keep us in “relax mode.” I’d highly recommend Muby for any upcoming stayers. Let’s talk more about the staff. The staff was amazing and in my opinion a large component of the overall experience at the Radisson Blu. While we are taking about the staff let’s talk about one of the main cooks. Ajit was extremely personable, kind, and passionate about his cooking. My wife asked for beet juice one morning in which they did not have that day however, the next morning we were greeted with fresh beet juice! He also made some of our favorite Indian dishes that were beyond flavorful. In the kitchen helping things run smoothly was Vineet! Vineet was also pleasing and always ensured everything was up to par which it always was. Next mention would be Zuntey! This guy not only was knowledgeable about the menu in terms of spot on recommendations, but super funny and just put off a vibe that he is definitely a people person. Zuntey always had a smile on his face and also cracked several jokes which is how I roll as well. Das was also extremely nice and pleasant as well. We worked out everyday in the morning to keep the positivity flowing. The gym was always clean and had ample equipment to get either cardio and strength training completed. My wife and I got a couples massage out on the water in the villa which had a glass floor below each massage table where you could see the fish in the Indian Ocean. The food was all really good and I cannot complain about the food at all. The only suggestion I would have would be having more evening activities and/or shows. However, given we were in relax mode this wasn’t a deal breaker for us. One thing I’d like to add that isn’t specific to this resort but more to the Maldives in general. If you are a star person. Wake up early one morning and take a look outside in the sky. We had somewhat poor weather the first 3-4 days with rain and clouds. The last evening I woke up at 4:30 am and opened my eyes to see a clear sky filled with stars on a level I’ve never seen before. The stars were so large, bright, and felt very close to me. I’d normally never wake my wife up at that hour however, I knew this was a new of a lifetime. I woke her up and she was also amazed. We took photos however, they did not do justice for what we actually saw with our own eyes. All in all I’d highly recommend the Radisson Blu in the Maldives. From the amazing views, rooms, staff, and crystal clear blue water, we really got a reset from our extremely busy lives we life here back home in Florida. Not only did we love our time at the Radisson Blu, but we also met friends (staff) that we still continue to be in contact with to this day.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
We had a wonderful stay at Radisson Blu Maldives. They really customised our vacation according to our taste, I really appreciate the hospitality of all the staffs over there, specially Hassan Edi our host. He provided all the necessities we wanted for and guided us through everything on that resort till the end of our stay. He was very helpful and humble. I highly recommend Radisson Blu Maldives to everyone. Thank you 😊
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Great Resort!! The service and staff were amazing. Special shout out to Hassan for a great service
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
everythings was perfect from the airport to the resort our host hassan was very kind , room was clean and superior view but the water of pool can be a little bit cold , the resturant was good needs diversification in food more than this , The hospitality was wonderful , all of them was kind
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
I’d give this place a 3.5. Based off of these 2 experiences that meant so much to me. My husband and I spent our honeymoon at the Radisson Blu. One night, we decided we would like to go to a specialty restaurant and try Kabuki, especially since I LOVE sushi. It was the most disappointing dinner of all nights. I didn’t even finish the sushi, which is unheard of for me. And we paid almost $300 for it when we could have eaten at the buffet for free, which was significantly better. What was even more disappointing, was the couple we shared a table with, got their meals for free at Kabuki under their classic all inclusive package, the same package we had. The differences in the meals were minimal. Additionally, we paid around $700 to see whale sharks, and we didn’t see any. We heard Maldives is one of the best places for this, and I have been looking forward to this excursion for almost a year. After 4 hours of searching, nothing. And we were not offered another chance for the next excursion the next day. We were able to see manta rays and turtles two days later after a discounted price, but we really came for the whale sharks. I do want to share my appreciation for Bilaal - he was a great guide, just wish there was an opportunity for redemption when spending so much money. Otherwise, the room was clean, the rest of the food was decent, our villa was comfortable, and the service was good most of the time!
Bewertet: 4 weeks ago
Room and hospitality were just amazing. Our host Hassan made sure to help us out with every query. As soon as we arrived he gave us his WhatsApp number so that we can contact him at anytime with anything we needed.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Главный плюс отеля - отличный персонал, к работе которого никаких претензий, только благодарность! Munavvar самостоятельно учит русский и разговаривает с туристами. Мы учили с ним мальдивский язык. Zuntey дает отличный ресторанный сервис, может хорошо рассказать про местную кухню, не знакомые нам ингредиенты, даёт хорошие и действенные советы из народной медицины местного населения. Не запомнил имя девушки (смотрите фото), с которой мы много разговаривали про местный уклад жизни, как было раньше, как оно сейчас. Очень открытый и жизнерадостный человек. Вообще все работники: ресторанов, центра проката и экскурсий, персонал по уборке - все молодцы. Бич-виллы вполне, хорошие, все системы работают без нареканий. Некоторая нехватка мебели в больших номерах, но это больше эстетический вопрос, чем практический. Немного портит картину продолжающаяся стройка на той стороне острова, где СПА-центр. Есть некоторая неорганизованность в предоставлении информации о том, что есть на острове. Например, о том, что в открытом лаунже живая музыка можно узнать только видев и услышав ее, письменных и устных анонсов нет. Домашний риф не особенно хорош. Мелко, в самых глубоких местах на приливе 1,5 метра… В основном плаваешь прямо над кораллами, рискуя задеть их пузом. Было бы хорошо, если бы отель организовал ежедневные поездки за 10-15-20 $ на катере на соседний остров, это 8-10 минут, но там совсем другой риф - красивый, более богатый и красочный, плавно уходящий в синюю бездну. Поездки два раза в неделю за 120$ на каждого человека - не очень хорошая идея. В целом, хороший отель, рекомендуем. Наш гостевой менеджер Авас, из Ташкента - был на быстрой связи круглосуточно, что выше всяких похвал, молодец.
Bewertet: a month ago
We stayed at the Radisson Blu Maldives in November 2023 for 5 nights for a honeymoon. Lets start with the good. The transition from Male Internation airport to the resort is super seamless. There is a Radisson representative the moment you pass baggage claim waiting to get you on the seaplane. They check in your luggage and get your boarding pass to the seaplane lounge. You take a shuttle to the seaplane lounge and wait for your seaplane. The seaplane takes you to Radisson Blu after a few other hotel stops. When you are greeted at the Resort, you are assigned a Host. Our host was Mubah. He is probably the best person we met in hospitality anywhere in the world. He was so caring and attentive the entire stay. He gave us a tour of the island before dropping us at our room a golf cart that refer to as a “buggy”. These buggies are amazing when the sun is beaming, the rain is pouring, or when are just too wet or lazy to walk. You are able to call a buggy from any location on the island and within 5 minutes you are taken anywhere you want on the island. The island has three main food places that you can access throughout the day with the all inclusive package: Raha, Cruseo’s, and Eats&Beets. And then there are some premium restaurants that cost additional money. Having an all inclusive (AI) package is a MUST. The menu items are more expensive than the fanciest 5 star restaurants across the world if you do not have the AI package. When you go eat anywhere, you will see the food prices, but if you have the AI package, you don’t owe any money. This leads me to the most annoying part of the resort. Just make the resort all inclusive and remove menu prices. It’s way too confusing for people. This is honestly gibing people anxiety for the first 2 days until you adjust to the system. Going back to the good, the overwater villas are absolutely amazing. Pool is great, air conditioning is amazing, bathroom is massive, king size bed, large closet, minibar, safe, etc. Definitely purchase the SUNSET rooms as the sunrise is too early anyway and the lagoon view is visible by everyone in the common areas. If you are going on your honeymoon, you don’t want people seeing you and your partner spend intimate time together in your personal pool or deck. The premium restaurants, such as the Japanese, Mediterranean, and the Lab are exorbitantly expensive where we just walked out after seeing a US$150 per person price for Kobuki (Japanese). The water sports center is also super expensive, compared to any other water center we saw in other all inclusive resorts. However we rented snorkel equipment for free so leave yours at home. It’s free for everyone. Theres also paddle boats and paddle board for rent for free. That was very fun. The jetskis are $225 for 30 mins. Which is crazy as they are usually $80 in Mexico for same time. 3x the price is ridiculous. There are so many different fish everywhere and we had an amazing time snorkeling around our villa and in the lagoons. We probably saw over 50 species of fish, stingray and some reef sharks (they are not dangerous) Going back to Mubah, he always greeted us so politely and offered us a buggy anytime he saw us. He knew our name and schedules by the second day and it was so welcoming to have someone there regardless where we were. We could always ask him questions throughout our stay. Shoutout to Rokky, the bartender at Eats & Beets from Indonesia, on making the best drinks we had on the island. The food was absolutely delicious everywhere we went in the three included places mentioned above. Very happy with the cooking on the island. All in all we had a wonderful time and will probably return to the Maldives. We probably will want to try a different resort out of principle, but would recommend this resort 10 out of 10.
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Bewertet: a month ago
First of all I should thank Neesha who made bookings so easy and provided all information I needed.my daughter and son-in-law also came for 4 days.water villa was so spacious, luxurious,bath tub facing sea ,bed was comfortable and had breath taking view of sea.They were cleaning room twice a day.charan was always ready to help if we needed anything.They prepared special jain food for us at Raha.sand is soft and white ,near eats and beats snorkeling is best ,you can see amazing corals and colourful fishes .They are trying their best to manage buggy.on arrival representative is ready to take you to VIP longue and sea plane transfers and check in was so easy.snorkel set is free ,kayak and pedal boating ,pedal boarding are free.whale shark excursion was expensive but we could see them.over all really five star experience, Thanks Neesha.
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Unbelievable experience for me and my group! We had an outstanding experience at the Radisson Blu Resort in the Maldives. I hosted around 23 people there for a meeting, and we paid for 18 villas. The over-water villas were spacious, well-spaced from each other, and offered total privacy. Nobody could see you swim in your private pool or look into your villa. Everything was incredibly clean. All the staff were amazing. The Maldivian people and those from other countries working there were very humble, gentle, and warmly kind. There are 400 staff members on the island, equating to more than 3 staff members per villa. Upon departure, our seaplane was nearly two hours late due to bad weather. This delay threatened our subsequent flight. However, the wonderful staff at the resort took charge, transferring all our documents to the airport. Upon landing in Malé, instead of taking a bus, we were whisked away by private car. We were immediately greeted by Nazy, who handled our luggage and guided us swiftly through the airport, security, and to the check-in counter. Her reassurance helped us relax, and I noticed no other resort representatives providing such VIP service to their guests. This service alone makes me want to return to the resort. I’d like to acknowledge some staff members by name, although all were amazing: Munavvar and Vineet provided excellent service during meals. Xiyaxan kept our room spotless, was kind, and showed us things of interest. Ruwan took great care of us at our meeting, arranging a private dinner at the island's Japanese Restaurant, which was outstanding. Joseph Della Gatta, the General Manager, was very warm and welcoming. The staff at the dive center were also amazing, making our whale shark outing a great experience. My contact, Neesha, who assisted us before our arrival, was excellent. Everyone was wonderful. I highly recommend this resort!
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Bewertet: 2 months ago
This 6 night trip was truly a once in a lifetime experience. I was worried about the poor reviews I read on Google, but we had a wonderful time! My husband and I were celebrating our 20th anniversary, and we felt like royalty. The seaplane transfer at arrival went smoothly. The overwater bungalow was huge, immaculate, with a perfectly sized pool. The service was impeccable, starting from my butler, Hassan, all the way to everyone at the restaurants, spa, and water sports. For our anniversary, we had a floating breakfast, our bed was decorated, dinner table made for us with decorations, and Hassan went above and beyond to give us a special cocktail night with flowers and a card. Most of the food was very good (I loved the breakfast buffet, but sushi and food from Eats and Beats was just ok), especially our last night's dinner at Alifaan was amazing. You HAVE to try the 48 hr braised Wagyu ribs. Thanks to Prasad and Alex at Alifaan, we also got to feed the sharks and fish! There was some mandatory construction on the shorelines to protect the island and some restaurants were closed due to low occupancy but this didn't impact our stay at all. This trip will be remembered for a lifetime.
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Bewertet: 2 months ago
Our stay here was wonderful. Thank you to all the staff: Happy, Lyn, Zi, Zar, Chef Prasad, Hasan, Luna, Speedy (I hope I got their names right) and all the ones whose names I cannot remember but not least important! You all have made our holiday unforgettable. We wish we could bring our dog and live here; let us know if you’re hiring 😅 The rooms are amazing! We also loved going to the restaurant and get hypnotized by the fish and sharks underneath it. Really sad to be leaving but we’re hoping we can come back in the near future ♥️
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Bewertet: 2 months ago
Hi Dear Radisson Team & Mr. Hassan Thankyou for the warm happy welcome and Room setup as expected and we enjoyed our days and it was beautiful the one room was upgraded to sunrise view Thankyou also Thankyou for the chef and staff from eats and beats for suggesting the best Italian dish as expected Once more, thank you for making our days special. It was definitely worth the money. We look forward to your next visit. Inshala
Travel group
Bewertet: 3 months ago
My wife and I went to Radisson Blu Maldives for our honeymoon for 5 nights and everything was amazing. Views, food, and staff were perfect. Our first time visiting Maldives and they exceeded our expectations. We got the all inclusive package and it very much was worth it. All Inclusive is certain items from each restaurant but all delicious. We got an overwater villa and view and weather was perfect I think it only rained one evening for us. They clean your room twice a day, the whole island in fact is so clean and they have carts to can call to bring you where ever you want or you can walk it is a small island maybe 20 min. max to get to the other end. We've already decided to come back and do it all over again.
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Bewertet: 3 months ago
Amazing views all around with amazing hospitality! Love is just in the air!
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Bewertet: 3 months ago
Radisson Blu is very very good Resort Please Come All Holiday's and Family Trip& honeymoon
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Bewertet: 4 months ago
1 full day without elctricity and land line and in the end they offered 30 min massaga as a gift 😂😂 worse bruising ever.
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Bewertet: 4 months ago
Лучший курорт на Мальдивах!
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Bewertet: 5 months ago
Fantastic people with lots of fun. Vineeth, Luna were awesome. Suggestion: book the Sunset view over the sea villa. You will enjoy both the stormy sea and it’s unusual tranquility. Make sure you carry your sunglasses and sunscreen cream.
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Bewertet: 5 months ago
Bewertet: 5 months ago
Because I wanted to stay two more nights, I booked the hotel myself on Ctrip. First of all, I would like to highly praise Ctrip's service. No matter what questions I have, Ctrip will patiently communicate with the hotel and give answers. Let's take a look at the Radisson Hotel again. First of all, all the facilities are very new, especially the yachts that go out to sea are the latest and greatest I have ever done. Secondly, the sea view is invincible. Every time I come out of the room, I can’t help but wow. The casual photos are masterpieces. Even if it rains (it only rains on the first day, the weather is very good afterwards), the sea water is also blue and clear. Let’s talk about service again. No matter where you are, the staff on the island will greet you warmly. Every time the car comes to pick us up, the driver will ask you how your day is going. The same goes for the staff in the restaurant. At the entrance of the restaurant, he greeted him from a long distance away, and the butler responded quickly to the message. I read the comments before saying that they are very enthusiastic about foreigners. I think there is a high probability that the British are not good at English, and they can’t communicate with us^_^ In short, this is a very pleasant experience and it is worth the money. If you don't want to experience more hotels in Maldives, I really want to stay at the Radisson next time^_^
Bewertet: 5 months ago
Pros: - clean and quiet - relaxing water villa - of food Cons: - not enough bath supplies - sharks near water villa. Not safe to swim in the your villa
Bewertet: 5 months ago
I"ve been around many places, but Radisson Blu Maldives iits a paradise. Great staff, top privacy and of course the view is fantastic!
Bewertet: 5 months ago
We have had an amazing time at the Radisson. It's such an wonderful resort and the staff are all very friendly and helpful. We travelled with our 4yo daughter and 4 of the staff in particular went out of their way to make look after us, particularly our 4yo daughter. These were Sid, Akphah and Zentay in Raha restaurant and Anoof our room attendant. They all went out of their way spoiling Sofia. The restaurant staff made her all kinds of trinkets and special deserts and milk shakes. Anoof our room attendant made all these special towel animals that are in the photos. I'd strongly recommend this resort to any young family or couple. The only faults with this resort is their cocktails at the bars. Everyone cocktail is different then the person who made it before. There is no consistency and there is a need for some out of house cocktail training. The other is there was such low occupancy when we visited due to the season and we asked to have a sunset room. We were told our package was a sunrise room and to upgrade would be USD$100 a night to upgrade. If you have spare rooms on the sunset side why not upgrade customers to give them the best experience and improve the guest return rate. Just a thought Radisson. To finish it has been one of our best getaways. We highly recommend a visit. Ask for the 3 boys in the restaurant to make the most of your trip! Not even close to enough reason for us not to return
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Bewertet: 5 months ago
Bewertet: 5 months ago
The room was unexpectedly good
Bewertet: 5 months ago
Fabulous resort. The only downside was having to leave. Our experience started with exceptional service we received from Happy. From the moment we arrived, he went above and beyond to ensure that our stay was as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. He was always available to assist us with everything we needed, and his attention to detail was truly impressive. Our overwater villa was nothing short of breathtaking. The villa itself was well-equipped with all the amenities we could ask for, including a coffee machine and a well-stocked mini-bar with great snacks. A spacious bathroom and walk-in robe. A private pool on the deck overlooking the reef. The housekeeping team did an excellent job keeping the villa clean and tidy, including a night turn down service. The resort has a choice of 5 main restaurants available to all guests, we do highly recommend you try Kabuki and Alifaan for their mouth-watering dishes. Rahaa is fantastic. The food was fresh and delicious, and there great variety of options available for both breakfast and dinner. We were particularly impressed by the friendly and welcoming attitudes of Alex, Lya, Zar, Akphah and Vineet who went above and beyond to make our dining experience enjoyable. Their excellent service added an extra touch of warmth to our meals. Crusoe's is a charming beach restaurant. While the menu may be smaller, the quality of the food is still excellent, and there’s a smaller pool and sheltered lagoon which provides a great opportunity to snorkel. We loved Eats and Beats. This little gem quickly became one of our favourite spots, Shameen, the lovely gentleman who attended to us, went above and beyond to ensure that we had a great experience. He was always attentive and welcoming. He even set up a beautiful table for us in the pool for a memorable dining experience which we really appreciated. The food was also excellent, and we enjoyed the variety of options available. The larger swimming pool, with its stunning views of the reef, ocean, and sunsets, was the perfect backdrop for evening meals and drinks. Murhurab Bar is another great spot to unwind and relax in the evenings, with live music, which was always fantastic. The resort offers a variety of excursions at a cost, and we highly recommend the whale shark tour. The Ocean team are fantastic. Even though I fear the ocean and have never snorkelled before, I was helped the whole time by Dhoni (sorry if spelt incorrectly) as I was so nervous. He was very patient and understanding and made sure I felt safe and comfortable throughout the excursion. This experience of seeing the whale shark up close was truly unforgettable. We cannot express enough how much we love this. We extend our gratitude to everyone who made our stay unforgettable. Although we cannot mention everyone, we appreciate each and every one of you for your warm hospitality. Our first trip to the Maldives will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Giovanni and Kim Lapenta
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Bewertet: 5 months ago
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Bewertet: 5 months ago
Pros: My husband and I travelled to the Maldives in May, and it was a wonderful trip! The Radisson Blu was a beautiful resort. We stayed in an over-the-water villa which was clean, spacious, and luxurious. We loved using the infinity pool and deck lounge chairs daily. There was a convenient shuttle service, and we never had to wait more than 5 minutes for it to arrive. The beaches, lounge chairs and umbrellas, and the pools by the beach were all very picturesque. We enjoyed lots of snorkeling and saw many friendly reef sharks. The resort itself was very quiet which was nice, but I’m not sure if that was because we were there during the off-season. Cons: We bought the all-inclusive deal. However, the all-inclusive menus (food and drink) were a small part of the larger, full menu. There were pricey surcharges for remaining food and drinks (e.g., mimosas were $25 each). We also had to wait for and sign a check at every meal, even if it was for $0. There was a mini bar in our room….but that was not included in the all-inclusive price and would have been a surcharge. The food itself was just okay.
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Bewertet: 6 months ago
Just as amazing as "Social Media" makes it look and feel! Seriously.
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Bewertet: 6 months ago
Beautiful place to be at in Maldives for our first time there. Breath taking views. Packages says ALL INCLUSIVE but alcohol you have to pay, fresh fruit juice you have to pay, foods other than the buffet restaurant (leftovers from last night's meal from a fine dine). You have to pay. There's a catch to get you there and you are stranded on an island and all in a sudden you have to pay for your food from an all inclusive deal 6k usd per couple for 6nights. I was hoping to have fresh coconut drink everyday but not one drop. Ridiculous service fees and government fees in the island.
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Bewertet: 6 months ago
يمتاز بتعامل الموظفين و نظافة المنتجع و مطعم راحة ( بوفيه مفتوح) لذيذ و افضل من بقية المطاعم ( وجبات ) و الافضل تحميل تطبيق الخاص بمنتجه لمعرفة الفعاليات و جداول اليومية و اشكر الموظف حسن على تعامله الحسن
Bewertet: 6 months ago
We spent 5 lovely nights here at Radisson Blu, everything was top notch and we had great experience. Our sunset facing overwater villa had an unobstructed 180 view and full privacy. It was spacious and a well designed villa. Compliment to all the staff in the resort,. Friendly, helpful and sincere attitude to everyone, most notable in our interaction are the boys in Raha restaurant, Luna who always look after us at the restaurant and have good chats, and Dian our personal carer in the resort, thank you all. Food was good, we went half board and it was the right decision for us, as the 2 meals have plenty of food to last us around the clock. Weather was great, despite weather report may indicate otherwise.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time and we recommend Radisson Blu Maldives.
Bewertet: 7 months ago
Simply Amazing. Everything from staff to food to facilities, amenities and location, truly exceptional. If you’re planning to visit Maldives, seriously consider this resort if the prices are suitable for you, it might be a little bit more expensive but it’s worth every penny. Went there with my wife on our 10th anniversary in 2021 and really enjoyed every moment. Go for an ocean villa with pool and use the seaplane to get there not the boat.
Bewertet: 7 months ago
Un hôtel incroyable, un séjour de rêve. Nous avons séjourné dans une villa sur pilotis avec piscine. Je recommande a 2000% le radisson blu resort Maldives. Le personnel est d’une gentillesse sans nom (nous n’avons connu ça nul part ailleurs). Les chambres sont impeccable. Le petit déjeuner, repas du midi et du soir sont variées et la nourriture est vraiment bonne. Le matin vous avez la possibilité d’avoir des oeuf bénédictine, omelettes … et c’est un délice! Nous y retournons sans hésiter. Merci pour votre gentillesse, votre professionnalisme, votre disponibilité. Merci d’avoir fait de notre séjour, un séjour de rêve inoubliable. Attention particulière pour l’anniversaire de mon mari (merci au personnel du restaurant, merci pour votre grand coeur). Je vous conseille également l’excursion pour voir les dauphins. Nous avons eu l’occasion de la faire et de les voir, c’était incroyable! Merci à Bilal.
Bewertet: 7 months ago
I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Radisson Blu Resort Maldives, and the experience was absolutely unforgettable. From the moment we arrived until the day of our departure, the staff at this resort were faultless in every way. Let me start by mentioning Luna and Lya, the restaurant front of house staff at Raha and Alifaan. These two individuals were incredibly friendly and welcoming, always ready to assist and make sure that our dining experience was exceptional. Their warm smiles and attentive service truly added to the overall ambience of the resort. We also had the pleasure of interacting with the waiting staff, specifically Akphah, Aisar, Sanun and Vineet. Not only were they efficient in taking care of our orders, but they also engaged in delightful conversations that made us feel like we were among friends. Their professionalism and genuine friendliness truly made a difference in our dining experiences. The housekeeping staff also deserves high praise. Rasheed, in particular, went the extra mile to ensure that our room was impeccably clean and comfortable throughout our stay. His attention to detail and dedication to his work were truly commendable. Also from the housekeeping team, "Zee," showcased his special artistic flair in the way he arranged the towels and decor in our room, adding a personal touch that made our stay even more special. We must not forget to mention the buggy drivers, especially Speedy. With his signature red-tinted sunglasses and the great music he played while driving us around the resort, he made each ride a joyful and memorable experience. His friendly demeanour and entertaining personality were a delightful addition to our stay. Upon arrival, Dian, our Guest Service Representative, warmly welcomed us and ensured an extraordinary stay from the start. She kept us up to date with all the events happening on the resort, ensuring that we didn't miss out on any of the exciting activities or special occasions. If not for messaging us, we would have missed the Coral Plantation activity on Earth Day which was great to be a part of. We look forward to returning and seeing how much the coral we planted has grown, and contributed to the further attraction of marine life to the area. Dian was easily accessible and contactable throughout our stay. Whether we had questions, needed assistance, or wanted to make a reservation, Dian was always just a text message away. Dian's warm hospitality and exceptional service truly enhanced our stay. While our stay was overall incredible, there were a few minor areas that could use improvement. Ideally, the smoking area in Mahurab should be placed further away from Alifaan to prevent smoke drift during dining, which can inconvenience non-smokers. I noticed maintenance issues with the pool table in Mahurab and the games room. They would benefit from being reclothed as the current condition affected the playing experience. Regarding the dining experience, we observed inconsistency in cocktails between restaurants. For example, the "Mrs Green" cocktail tasted more natural and fresh in Raha than in Eats and Beats. Ensuring consistency in cocktail preparation across all dining venues would be appreciated. The well-appointed villas would benefit from an extra drying rack, particularly for drying towels and swimwear after swimming or snorkelling. This would provide convenience without adding clutter to the existing space. Lastly, the resort should enforce stricter guidelines against feeding fish with human food to protect the marine ecosystem and preserve natural behaviour. Clear guidelines and reminders would raise awareness and promote responsible visitor behaviour. Overall, our time at the Radisson Blu Resort Maldives was nothing short of exceptional. The staff mentioned all contributed to an incredible and memorable vacation. Their commitment to providing a 5-star service and creating a welcoming atmosphere truly sets this resort apart. I highly recommend this resort to anyone seeking a luxurious and unforgettable experience in the Maldives.
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Travel group
Bewertet: 7 months ago
We are spending 25 nights here at the Radisson Blu Maldives, we have been here for 6 days, so far everything is perfect! Our villa is amazing, the view of the sunset is beautiful, the staff is very kind and helpful in everything! We made a very good decision to choose Radisson Blu Maldives for this long stay! I think we will come back here again! I can only recommend it to everyone! In the end, we extended it and spent a total of 53 nights here! We are sorry that our vacation is over! I'll see you!
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Travel group
Bewertet: 7 months ago
I made a non refundable booking for water villa via an app without realizing that the transfer is through seaplane and price is not included in the booking. I realized after receiving a very long email about seaplane instructions and price. It was shocking to know the round trip costs 759 USD. Pickup from airport to seaplane and opposite were excellent. Thanks to Panney, Rafhan and Hussain from Radisson Blu airport service. They helped me in the airport, great people. Seaplane booking service is smooth however waiting time was 4 hours. I arrived at 18:00 in hotel and it was already sunset time. The only other option to go to the hotel is a flight. I chose seaplane but honestly It was not a good experience, I felt sick. Reception service: Thanks to Masishan for his great personality and the smooth check in Thanks to Charline for helping me out during boarding to seaplane. Welcoming: Welcome at hotel is great, thanks to Shifau who took me around, assisted me during my stay until check out time. They got me many chocolates, fruits and sparkling water. Unfortunately, I dont eat chocolates. Hotel: The hotel is amazing and well designed. Got a gym and many restaurants. Also, spa and sea activities center. Many groups coming. You will enjoy the nature and the beach. Villa: The villa is amazing, big and well designed. The swimming pool is amazing. Slippers, tooth brush and paste as well as tissues were not available. I requested them and got them asap. Fruit flies: I was not expecting to see fruit flies everywhere in the villa. It was annoying seeing many many of them allover the place, coming over your face, during your sleep and over your food and coffee. I couldn’t leave my cup of coffee for 1 min. Every time, there is light, they are flying everywhere. Weather: It’s important to check weather conditions prior to your visit. I came during a rainy time and the wind is too much. I wasn’t able to sleep for 2 days because of the whistling sound of the door. The wind blows from the openings and makes a strong whistling sound. I had to put a big towel under the door. Food: Food service is amazing. Variety of food sections during breakfast. Food is delicious. Dinner service is extraordinary. They have specific dinner cuisines. Yesterday, was Italian and the day before was Indian. Some cooks are welcoming while others seems not interested. The food is great. Thanks to Khorsheed for his great help and personality and guide. He guided me through food sections and recommended great dishes for me. Loved all the food. Thanks to Luna and Vitalli who are always welcoming me during breakfast and dinner. Special thanks to the talented cook Prasad who made me a great pasta and grilled fish. Main Resturant: The place inside was too crowded, lack of fresh air and it was too hot. I sat there once, couldn’t anymore. The place where meant to be outdoor is divided into 2 sides. Better and open but far from the food area. They don’t offer eating on beach which disappointed me. Waiters are assigned in specific areas of the restaurant. Some they are coming, greeting you and asking what do you need and what to drink, nice welcoming attitude. Some they are not and you don’t see at all, its like you are invisible. Good they leave a bottle of water on the table in which you need to put for yourself. Room service Room service employees are helpful. Thanks to Ibraheem who is always at service. An important recommendation I can make is professionalism and respect among some staff. It was really annoying that a staff is insisting to get me alcoholic drink while I said no three times.
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Travel group
Bewertet: 7 months ago
First I would Like to start with the negative points; - the full resort is served by two buggies. So for sure the buggy service will be late to pick you or drop you off. - Therefore, you are expected to wait for 45 minutes at least for a bucket of ice. - The food quality is poor, it needs improvement. - there is shortage in staff as they are always late In everything. - Employees in Eats and Beats Restaurant and Raha Restaurant at night needs more training of Customer service and satisfaction The positive points: - the view is breathtaking, nice view and good price - even though everything took time, the Employee Dian ( she was in the Lobby) was EXCELLENT, she would reply to any concern at ANYTIME of the day and any hour, super helpful. And her manager offered us late check out and complementary lunch for the bad things that happened in the hotel. Overall, I hope that the hotel takes the negative points under consideration; and keep the level of good employees.
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Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
We just got back from our amazing 5 nights (too short) at the Radisson Blu Maldives for our 10th year wedding anniversary and it felt like a dream. The place was beautiful and dreamy. Book here if you want a spacious overwater suite with one of the biggest private pools in the Maldives, as well as a bathtub overlooking the ocean. The service here is top notch, they truly care about you and everyone here was trying so hard to please you. Don't expect amazing food and cocktails if you are on the all inclusive plan. So if you are picky about your food and drinks, you might want to look else where like Heritance Aarrah. Overall, I loved my experience and will forever remember our special trip, the friendly staff, and the perfect Maldive holiday at Radisson Blu.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Everything from the rooms to the island was beautiful. The water is so clear. We had a blast snorkeling and water sports. We had a sunset over water villa with a pool. So amazing ! The service was nice. We weren't alound to bring food or drinks back to the room though. Unless we ordered room service. And if you don't have all inclusive, forget it. Everything is so over priced. All in all it was a lovely honeymoon and great experience.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Si vous voulez une belle chambre c'est le bon hôtel, si vous vous attendez à un service 5* ne venez pas... En dehors de la lenteur du service, des verres à aller chercher au bar quand vous êtes en all inclusive car ils ont les consignes de ne pas vous resservir rapidement, ou si vous vous attendez à obtenir une réponse à vos demandes.... cela n'est pas le bon hôtel... et aussi prévoyez de demander votre petit déjeuner en chambre en avance, le notre est arrivé froid et 10 min avant notre départ programmé par l'hôtel lui même.... et si vous espérez une réponse à vos emails de la direction.....encore une fois.... ne venez pas.... Bel Hôtel mais par contre.... pour le service.... on y est absolument pas...(et je vous fais grace de la qualité et prix de la nourriture....)
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Loved the courteous staff and the entire resort. The rooms are huge and the private pools are very clean. Enjoyed our vacation to the fullest.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
If you know the Maldives you should avoid this place, its nothing like you would expect. I dont know where to start or end the list of issues we had. Simply terrible, resort in a bad condition, really bad service, crazy transportation problems with their buggies, bars close 11pm, very limited scuba diving offers. Food was OK, nothing special but OK, everything else not even worth 3 stars. We spent a small fortune for a trip of 14 people for 5 days there , lets see if the agent “Luxury Escapes” will grant any refund… The story continues: After all we endured during our stay on the Radisson Blu Resort Maldives booked via “Luxury Escapes” our group of 14 people (booking value somewhere around USD 50.000,—) did not get any refund. “Luxury Escapes” offered a “USD 250 promo code” for “future purchases” as a compensation for: -Unmaintained villas: Electric problems, fridge not working, several light switches not working -Waiting for transportation buggies for up to 20min in the burning sun -Unresponsive waiters in all restaurants -All inclusive package (more than USD 200,— per day) but incredible “supplemental charges” for Sparkling Water, Spaghetti Bolognese, etc. -Birthday party booked in advance, live band simply did not show up -Lights turned off during birthday party around 10:00pm, after complaining service till 11:00pm, then everything closed -Mold and color coming off the walls in all pool villas -Broken pool tiles everywhere -Rubbish bags right in front of some villas for days -Double charging of “Green Tax” by Luxury Escapes and Blue Radisson after arrival -Not enough boats to organise scuba diving -Carrying the private diving gear back to the villa, no service whatsoever -Champagne served in plastic glasses -Missing bathroom amenities in some villas -Dirty sunbeds next to the pool in all villas -...
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Amazingly wonderful place. An unforgettable experience. The whole team here is friendly, kind and provides a warm hospitable sunny Maldivian experience. I cannot recommend this place enough to anyone who would like to experience Maldives in its full splendor, comfort and simply an outstanding quality. Come and live the sunny side of life!
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Good experience
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Bewertet: 8 months ago
Wir waren nun das 7 mal als Paar auf den Maldiven und jedes mal auf einer anderen Insel. Ankunft: Naja was soll ich sagen, bei unserer Ankunft in Male um 06.30Uhr war niemand vom Hotel da, auch hat das Radisson Blu keine "counter desk" der angeschrieben ist. Wir standen dann 20min da und haben gewartet, bis eine junge Dame am Flughafen angekommen ist "jedoch nicht sehr motiviert" ein warm welcome to maldives geht anders. Sie hat uns dann gesagt, wir müssen 3.5h auf unser Wasserflugzeug warten, denn 3h sei ganz normal. Dies stimmt natürlich nicht, in unseren ganzen Aufenthalten auf den Malediven mussten wir 1-2h aufs Wasserflugzeug warten. So hatten wir in der Lounge auch reklamiert und siehe da, nach 2.5h konnten wir fliegen. Insel: USP der Insel ist die Architektur von oben, sowie dass die Merheit der Zimmer und Restaurants auf dem Wasser sind. Hier unterscheidet sich dass Radisson zu den meisten anderen Resorts auf den Malediven klar. Zimmer: Preis/Leistung für Wasservilla mit Pool in der Grösse ist schon einmalig, war super. Achtung: Leider haben nur wenige Zimmer einen freien Blick aufs Meer, manchmal Restaurants oder Wellenbrecher davor. Aus diesem Grund haben wir nach 3 Tagen ein down grade auf Sunrise Villa gemacht, danke an Muby. Hat man mal das richtige Zimmer, ist es ein Traum. Service: Wir waren zu Beginn nicht wirklich glücklich, wegen Ankunft, Zimmer 144 "Aussicht" und Buffet am ersten Abend. Jedoch wurde dies beim ersten Frühstück bemerkt und in einen absoluten spitzen Service verwandelt, danke an Shameen und Vineet die sich sehr um uns gekümmert haben. Essen: Abendbuffet fanden wir gar nicht gut, zum Glück hatten die anderen Restaurants "Alifaan & Eats-Beats" eine ganz andere Qualität und Präsentation vom Essen. Auch das Ambiente ist dort sehr gut. Frühstück war gut, Kaffe sehr gut "Cimbali mit Lavazza" Das Kabuki haben wir nicht probiert, schade dass man da an diesem schönen Badestrand so einen Klotz ins Wasser gebaut hat "nur 3-mal pro Woche am Abend geöffnet" Ausflüge: Wir haben den Walhai Ausflug gebucht für 320 USD pp, war eine echte Entäuschung für den aufgerufenen Preis. Man fährt mit dem Boot 4h hin und her und hofft dass man mal ein Walhai zu Gesicht bekommt, natürlich mit einer ganzen Horde an anderen Booten im schlepptau. Wenn einer gesichtet wird, springen 200 Leute ins Wasser, jeder schlägt wild um sich und der Walhai verschwindet nach 5sec wieder. Für Manta und Turtle schnorcheln wird der gleiche Preis verlangt, was im Vergleich zu unseren letzten Hotels fast das doppelte ist. Allgemein: Crusoes Island ist coll, toller Badestrand, wir hatten Vollpension super war, dass Softdrinks beim Essen inkl. waren. Wenn man nicht viel Alkohol trinkt rechnet sich das All-IN nach unserer Meinung nicht, da auch bei All-IN einiges extra bezahlt werden muss. Toller Urlaub mit mega Wasservillas
Trip type
Travel group
Very good
Bewertet: 20.12.2023
The weather was very good during this time where you will enjoy the delicious food at any of the 5 restaurants specially with their chef prasad and thilan and the stay worth for maximum 5 days, and make sure to have your account with avasbek who is very supportive, knowing that all stuff are friendly as well, and this place is only for honeymooners so there is no partying at all
Bewertet: 19.12.2023
What an amazing place. The food, the views, the people!!! Form the moment we arrived at the airport we were greeted with a big smile and top notch service. The sea plane ride to the resort took about 1/2 hour and was spectacular. We were welcomed at the dock by staff and drums and quickly escorted into the air conditioned check in lobby. Our room was ready upon arrival and since it was my wife’s birthday they had cake and treats in the room for us. A very nice touch. One of the first people we met was Zuntey, a waiter in the buffet. He was like the Godfather, if you wanted something Zuntey was the man for you. He made the trip that much more enjoyable. The food was always great and the beaches were never crowded. It was like our own private island at times. This place is perfect for the couples vacation you have always dreamed about. Did I mention the over the water villas? What happens there stays there 😉. The only thing that fell short was the “all inclusive” alcohol and up charge for some food items. If Radisson truly wants to make this a first class memory for guests they need to include everything. They still get 5 stars though.
Bewertet: 17.12.2023
Our stay at Radisson Blu was fantastic. From the minute we landed at Male Airport, we were greeted by a friendly staff who was with us to do the booking of the seaplane for us and ensuring that we boarded our plane to the resort. The minute we reached the resort, we were warmly greeted by their staff and brought into the arrival/departure lounge. Our island host, Mr Avazbek, was really friendly and approachable and he even brought us around the resort for a quick tour. He made us feel at home and would check in with us to ensure that all was well for us. Should we need any help, we know that we can always count on him to assist us. The resort has their own app which makes everything so easy and convenient. 👍🏻 The villa was spacious, clean and big and the view was just magnificent. Big thanks to the housekeeping team for always making sure our villa is clean with ample amenities in it. The staff at the various restaurants were friendly. Special thanks to Tia and her colleagues at Eats and Beats who always make sure that we are full after each meal. Overall, the stay at Radisson Blu was awesome! Definitely a memorable honeymoon for me and my hubby. ❤️
Bewertet: 17.12.2023
Beautiful resort. Had a wonderful time. Wonderful service, Thank you Mr Avaz and his team especially in Eats x Beats (Italian restaurant) Amazing foods excellent services Thank you for taking care of us !! I love you all guys !
Bewertet: 17.12.2023
All the staff who works there are so fantastic! Thank you for taking care of us for such big group with many urgent needs! You are all amazing and brought a wonderful vacation for our important guests. Also, thanks so much for the lovely Bday decoration in the room, that’s so sweet and thoughtful! Hopefully we’ll come back soon again!
Bewertet: 16.12.2023
Spacious and beautiful resort in Maldives Very clean and aireated balcony with swimming pool. Food is for all type of people, we’re south Indian and we liked Thai food and maldivian curry. Maldivian chicken curry and dhaldatka like south Indian food We’re very much enjoyed the scuba diving with personal Guide Eat and beat restaurant is very good place for fun
Bewertet: 15.12.2023
The resort is on extremely Beautiful ocean. We met Manta ray on the tour and saw sharks, eagle ray, etc. around the resort. All staff we met are kind and introduced us this beautiful island kindly. We recommend Raha(wonderful restaurant with fantastic staffs! Having meals while seeing various fish, sharks and even the ealge ray. Special thanks to Munavvar, Thandar, Zunaam.) and Alifaan(the great lame rack by Prasad.)
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
Maldives is so beautiful. 恩惠 received us.She is very thoughtful and answers all our questions patiently.The most important thing is that she can speak Chinese with us, this is really a plus. The food is also delicious.There is a China chef in RAHA restaurant, and his cooking is great.There are all kinds of foods to choose from. My husband experienced the pleasure of snorkeling here, which was really interesting. Radisson is really good.
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
This is a beautiful island with pure blue sea and white soft sands, and lots of fishes, small sharks. I came to this island because of the photo studio. Good luck we met good weather and good employees, the photographer and the dresser very good, all the employees, specially our host Mia 恩惠, provide warm and kind service! The only one thing I’m not happy with the hotel didn’t give us the honey moon package because we stay only 2 nights , need 3~4 nights.
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
我的建议就是岛上服务的都像恩惠一样就好了. 有的看我们是吃免费冰淇淋都不爱招待 可是我们一共去就吃了三次。小车超级慢 是真的超级慢。没做过几次那个车。 My suggestion is that the service on the island is as good as En hui . Some see that we eat free ice cream and we don't like hospitality, but we ate three times in total. The small car is super slow.
Bewertet: 11.12.2023
All the staffs are very friendly, nice and helpful. Not to forget our butler, Azuhaan which try his best to accommodate our requests. The water villa here is super spacious and have spectacular seaview. This will definitely be our unforgettable honeymoon trip.
Bewertet: 11.12.2023
The Radisson Blu Maldives was amazing and definitely exceeded our expectations. The resort was very welcoming, clean, and provided a variety of activities. We would highly recommend the sunset view overwater bungalow. The bed was super comfy and room was huge. The staff was PHENOMENAL!!! They all went above and beyond to make our stay more memorable. We came for our honeymoon and cannot wait to come back for anniversaries!!
Bewertet: 10.12.2023
Staff were very friendly and attentive. Beautiful location and enjoyed walks around the resort. Rooms were large and nicely done. Great variety of restaurants and bars to choose from. Great holiday!!!
Bewertet: 09.12.2023
Highly recommend a vacation to this island, my mother and I had a very enjoyable week. The food was included in the package and was ok. But the wait staff were all very kind and welcoming, the view was beautiful, the rooms were all newly equipped and there was plenty of free equipment for snorkeling. My housekeeper Inan was very professional and the service was excellent, highly recommended!
Bewertet: 09.12.2023
This resort was absolutely amazing. It's the best place I've ever stayed as we were treated like royalty. All the staff were so lovely. Our host, Inan was superb. He was there for us anytime we needed something or had any questions. Inan made our stay extra special. Our room was just fabulous with stunning sunset views. All the restaurants were really good - Me and my husband used Raha, Eats & Beats and Crusoe. We would like to thank Munavar, Zuntey, Vineet, Saja, Ameer, Mahabir, Lya, Ruwan, Anil & Ritesh for their hospitality and making our honeymoon truly memorable. We would love to come back soon
Bewertet: 09.12.2023
My wife and I have been wanting to go to the Maldives for years as one of our bucket list vacations. First and foremost, the resort was always clean and felt safe at all times. We had a room out on the water and more specifically the “heart” section of the water villas. The room was better than the photos and was extremely spacious. We had a view of the open water. Everything in the room exceeded our expectations. Each visitor will get a specific guide that you will meet when you first get to the island. They will give you a tour as well as be your main contact for any questions or needs you may have. We had Muby who was extremely personable and always answered promptly. He was able to give us updated information as well as get us reservations for specific restaurants and/or activities. I’d have to say having a direct contact to answer questions helped significantly keep us in “relax mode.” I’d highly recommend Muby for any upcoming stayers. Let’s talk more about the staff. The staff was amazing and in my opinion a large component of the overall experience at the Radisson Blu. While we are taking about the staff let’s talk about one of the main cooks. Ajit was extremely personable, kind, and passionate about his cooking. My wife asked for beet juice one morning in which they did not have that day however, the next morning we were greeted with fresh beet juice! He also made some of our favorite Indian dishes that were beyond flavorful. In the kitchen helping things run smoothly was Vineet! Vineet was also pleasing and always ensured everything was up to par which it always was. Next mention would be Zuntey! This guy not only was knowledgeable about the menu in terms of spot on recommendations, but super funny and just put off a vibe that he is definitely a people person. Zuntey always had a smile on his face and also cracked several jokes which is how I roll as well. Das was also extremely nice and pleasant as well. We worked out everyday in the morning to keep the positivity flowing. The gym was always clean and had ample equipment to get either cardio and strength training completed. My wife and I got a couples massage out on the water in the villa which had a glass floor below each massage table where you could see the fish in the Indian Ocean. The food was all really good and I cannot complain about the food at all. The only suggestion I would have would be having more evening activities and/or shows. However, given we were in relax mode this wasn’t a deal breaker for us. One thing I’d like to add that isn’t specific to this resort but more to the Maldives in general. If you are a star person. Wake up early one morning and take a look outside in the sky. We had somewhat poor weather the first 3-4 days with rain and clouds. The last evening I woke up at 4:30 am and opened my eyes to see a clear sky filled with stars on a level I’ve never seen before. The stars were so large, bright, and felt very close to me. I’d normally never wake my wife up at that hour however, I knew this was a new of a lifetime. I woke her up and she was also amazed. We took photos however, they did not do justice for what we actually saw with our own eyes. All in all I’d highly recommend the Radisson Blu in the Maldives. From the amazing views, rooms, staff, and crystal clear blue water, we really got a reset from our extremely busy lives we life here back home in Florida. Not only did we love our time at the Radisson Blu, but we also met friends (staff) that we still continue to be in contact with to this day.
Bewertet: 07.12.2023
The trip with Radisson is amazing! The room is spacious with great view. Special thanks to our host Azuhaan! He tried his best to make our journey memorable! He is responsible and responsive to our requests. We had a wedding ceremony there and Azuhaan was our host for the ceremony too! He is amazing and definitely worth thousands of stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Bewertet: 07.12.2023
The room is very nice and the service is top notch. Azuhaan takes care of our stay and are very kind in helping us with everything. We really appreciate his help during our stay and would recommend couples to come to Radisson for their vacation.
Bewertet: 06.12.2023
Everyone was super nice , the food was amazing , rooms were great , and the island was spectacular . I would 100% go back ! There are a lot of fun actives to do on the island as well. Also , I did a couples massage which I highly recommend.
Bewertet: 05.12.2023
The scenery here is really good and worth a visit. The service on the island is very good and everyone is very polite. The facilities are complete and there are many places to play. Mr. Azuhaan, who received us, was very warm, introduced us very carefully, and served us very responsibly, which saved us a lot of time.
Bewertet: 04.12.2023
It was a fantastic time we had in my first trip to Maldives as we started at Radisson Blu. They took care of all our needs, everything that we needed. Hassan the relationship point of contact did amazing work and organised everything we needed whether it was early morning or late night.
Bewertet: 04.12.2023
I deleted my original 4 star review to write this one. There were some “one-off” entree issues, but we had a great experience overall. The breakfast is very fresh and well done. And Raha is the best place for the included dinner. We had exceptional service from Mubah, Munivvar, Nas, Thandar, Anil, Fogg, and Siham. The room was better than pictured, enormous and faced the waves and the sunset. We recommend the western facing rooms.
Bewertet: 04.12.2023
One of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had .all the staff are soo friendly ,cheerful, lovely .. the place was soo romantic quite clean that helped u to relax Thanks to all staff Specially azuhaan.. who helped us in every single moment.. and explain every things to us .. I hope to come back soon In love with this place 😍
Bewertet: 03.12.2023
We didn’t have our honeymoon 5 years ago and we planned over years to visit the most beautiful place to celebrate this milestone and we searched and found Zublu diving, spoke to Adam and later Vici who helped us look for a dream place for our anniversary and we loved and ended choosing Radisson Blu Maldives It was a seamless and hustle free process, Zublu were professional in the process and advises, planning things to do at our destination of choice, helped in receiving us at Male airport to make sure we arrive safely and hustle free, We are very happy with their services, not forgetting that they also saved us money. On our arrival at Male, not only Zublu had someone receiving us but Radisson Blu also had officials to assist us checking out and taking us to the seaplane airport where we waited at seaplanes lounge, which was neat, which served us well whilst waiting to fly us to Radisson Blu. At arrival at Radisson Blu we were welcomed by their welcoming team and introduced to Hassan from Egypt our host who was very friendly and helpful, who helped with our check-in process and took some time to show us the island before taking us to our overwater villa with a pool, We need to put this here that the entire team at the welcoming lounge was friendly and professional The villa was as it was advertised on Radisson Blu website, actually picture don’t make justice you need to be there to see and experience the beauty and and cleanliness, We went to the main restaurant for our dinner, Raha The staff was friendly and the food was the best, we met Das another friendly guy who was taking care of us at the bar every night, we also had a memorable dinner on our anniversary with the help of Zublu and our host Hassan, we met the Chef from Sri Lanka who hit our dinner out of the ball park, the best meal at Eats and Bits restaurant The staff at Radisson Blu were professional and friendly, from the bakie drivers, chefs actually everyone was helpful friendly and welcoming, not to forget our photographers who took some amazing pictures, oh our dolphins cruise was spectacular We had the most beautiful time. Thank you to Zublu Diving, Radisson Blu and Fly Emirates
Bewertet: 03.12.2023
I like the spacious villas , very well thought and comfortable . The prices with current special offers are more than affordable and this good value for money . Beach is natural & very wider , marine life is very rich as Ari atoll is famous for its whale sharks & mantas . We saw many of them during snorkeling trip . The food menu is very rich and the management team does its best to meet tourists expectations & guest’s taste . Can definitely recommend 😘
Bewertet: 03.12.2023
Amazing down to every little detail. My boyfriend and I went I late November into early December and the weather was great. A few showers here and there, but you couldn’t beat the views or the temperatures being perfect. This resort was nothing short of amazing. The main restaurant was our favorite for everyday eating. It was probably the best breakfast I’ve ever had. The staff went the extra mile to make sure my food allergies were avoided too! I never had to worry about a thing. The moment we said the room number they knew what I could and couldn’t eat and accommodated, no problem, which was so nice to not have to worry. Prasad I believe was the name of the main chef and he was so great! All the staff were great and I wish I could remember more of their names. A place called eats and beats was in the far side of the island with amazing sunset views and huge pool. Perfect snorkeling area near the swings in the water. Mubah was our host and main contact for the whole trip. I wish every vacation I went on I had him! He gave an amazing tour and was only a text away on WhatsApp anytime I had any question at all. He was kind and personable. He is the reason our trip was perfect. He paid attention to every detail. We fully indulged on this once and a life time trip going to their intimate sushi restaurant (best sushi ever), taking excursions to see manta rays, getting couples massages, and experiencing “The Lab,” which is an intimate 4 course private meal with wine tasting specialist as a host and guide. Everyday was wonderful. An example of a perfect day at this beautiful place is having the amazing breakfast (Vineet and the chef Prasad were amazing!) followed by walking the beautiful beach. Half day of snorkeling on an excursion with Halil (spell check) who got us to the best reef for pictures without the crowds. He also found the rays so fast and was an amazing camera man for the morning! So fun and professional! The captains of the boat were so nice and accommodating too! If you’re not that adventurous, the spa and yoga classes are beyond great! They even have a beautiful view of the waves and fish below while you relax. We liked relaxing in the over water bungalows in the afternoons before dinner. There’s not a bad view on the island and every room has an infinity pool! I’m not one to care much about the rooms because I like to be out exploring while on vacation but WOW. I was even obsessed with how the complimentary room lotion smelt! These rooms had huge showers with views of the reefs below, tubs with sunset views, comfy beds with tons of snacks, and a deck with ocean access private for you and whoever you’re staying with. After a great seafood dinner overlooking black tip reef sharks and colorful fish, we usually went for a walk or indulged a little more in the complimentary drinks at the cigar bar. They had great entertainment there too. If we were too full walk (which happened often haha), there was always a golf cart for a ride in less than 5 minutes. To sum it all up- BEST. VACATION. EVER.
Bewertet: 02.12.2023
Классный отель) настолько хорошо там проводили время с друзьями , что даже во время отдыха продлили пребывание еще на 3 дня. Мы жили на вилле на берегу , с собственным бассейном , прекрасный вид на океан даже с кровати ) персонал очень вежливый ) удивило то, что многие говорят ра русском. Аваз помогал и был на связи весь отдых , решал все наши вопросы. Из официантов отмечу Мунавара и Амира . Ребята очень хорошо говорят по русски и всегда помогали и быстро обслуживали )
Bewertet: 02.12.2023
I would definitely recommend this place. We came to our honeymoon and was experience. What stood out from this island was the restaurant eats and beats. Fog our server along with Chef Rashmika did excellent in accommodating us in everything we requested, which made this experience more magical. I would recommend this resort to anyone that wants to enjoy a relaxing vacation and wants to be adventurous. There’s activity’s snorkel to scuba diving and yoga. We did the snorkel, and we saw many fishes that are in their private beaches. Overall, I would like to give all the credit to the staff in this island.
Bewertet: 02.12.2023
I don’t have enough beautiful words to describe the wonderful hospitality we received while staying at Radisson Blu Maldives. The island is breathtaking everything you see is scenic. We absolutely loved dining at Eats and Beats. The Chef Rashmika was absolutely wonderful. Everything he made was with so much love and he really went out of his way to cater to our likings. He felt like a friend and we are so thankful we got to meet him. Fogg was a wonderful server who was so kind and recommended delicious meal and drink choices. He is funny, and went above and beyond to serve us. We also loved the server Tia who was so sweet and wonderful. This trip was for our honeymoon and we know we made the right choice in coming here. We hope to visit again soon.
Bewertet: 02.12.2023
This is our first time in Maldives. We are truly grateful for the arrangements made by butler Hassan Eid. We really enjoy the food and outdoor activities here, and our needs have been taken care of in a timely manner. We had a wonderful time at the Lisheng Hotel, where the scenery was unparalleled. The room is cleaned very clean every day, and every staff member is very enthusiastic
Bewertet: 30.11.2023
It was so delicious! The service was good and it was the best dinner ☺️ It was a good day 💗 Zuntey's customer service was great! I want to come again! I'll be back from Japan. There was music playing and the atmosphere was great! Anyone who comes to this island should definitely visit.
Bewertet: 30.11.2023
It's my girlfriend and my first time visting Madives. Really appreciated for the host Azuhaan's arrangement. We like the food and outdoor events, and our needs were mostly taken care of promptly. We had a wonderful time here at Radisson Blu.
Bewertet: 29.11.2023
The resort and room is very beautiful. All staff in the resort are very friendly, nice and helpful! My husband had a fever and thanks Azuhaan for his help and kind arrangement for us. Definitely we will revisit again!
Bewertet: 29.11.2023
The room was luxurious and the view second to none. Rooms cleaned daily, linen and towels changed daily was a lovely surprise. Did not come across one staff member who was not respectful and obliging. We loved having a point of contact in Mubah! He was fantastic and always professional nothing was a problem. Zantey was always lovely and very attentive. Both these people went above and beyond on my birthday making it a very special occasion. Thank you we had such a wonderful time and will definitely be telling our friends and family to come and visit.
Bewertet: 27.11.2023
My wife and I spent 5 days here for our honeymoon and I gotta say it's truly an unforgettable experience. We stayed in one of the overwater villas with a private pool just outside of our room. It was big and spacious that it did not disappoint us. The bed was comfy and everything inside of the room was in excellent condition. Since we're here for the full board experience, there were a few restaurants where we could eat and drink anything in our package. Overall speaking, food was average among all of the restaurants, but drinks and servers were amazing! Eats & Beats is the must go place everyday if you're much of a drinker. We spent the afternoon there everyday where we enjoyed the sunset with our drinks. The view was mesmerizing and it's something that made our honeymoon trip more unforgettable. We'd like to give special credits to a few people in the resort who have made a significant impact to our trip here. Thanks to Azu for being a responsive host in dealing with all our booking matters and also following up on what's included in our package. Hope we did not bother you too much! Thanks to Munavvar for always entertaining us while demonstrating excellent hospitality during our meals at Raha. Also, a special compliment to Prasad, the relentless chef at Raha who never ceased to amaze us with his cookery. Thanks to you for bringing us those special dishes.
Bewertet: 27.11.2023
The resort located on a beautiful island with colorful reefs and reefish around our villa. We can see a lot when we snorkel randomly around the resort. It is safe as there are a lot of lifeguards around. Thanks our house keeper Inan for arrangement of our honeymoon. He is nice and helpful , always positive in his work and create a good vibes between guests and staff. He invited us to play tennis and badminton together with other guests. We have a lovely honeymoon spent there. For F&B , I would like to give credit Manager Heni and Mahabir for their proactive response after knowing that our bbq dinner was cancelled. They complimented us an omakase dinner at Kabuki and lunch at Crusoe’s which really makes our day. Heni is very understanding and helpful to her colleagues as well. We have a 20 mins free photo shooting included in our package, the couple in the studio is lovely. Photographer from Beijing is a very professional one, he can take amazing pictures efficiently in 20 mins and we love them all !! It’s a very enjoyable experience with them!
Bewertet: 27.11.2023
Room and staff were very nice. Our housekeeper Inan was very attentive to our needs and enhanced our stay in Maldives. Restaurant staff Heni and Mahabir were very nice as well. We would definitely recommend this hotel to our friends and family.
Bewertet: 27.11.2023
I highly recommend Radisson Blu Resort Maldives, we have made a lot of Research before choosing the resort, I am so happy to be here. We had Water villa and Villa with a beach both of them are so clean and soft, comfortable bads and amazing views. The Staff are super friendly and welcoming, I have t0o tell that I forgot my bag in a plane, and they found and bring me back without any damage and i am so grateful, we had water sport activities and see Turtles and Manta also whale shark with professional crew, i was very relaxed. Will never forget My holiday full of comfort and with tasty restaurants. Thank you!
Bewertet: 26.11.2023
The Radisson Hotel made my honeymoon wonderful and lovely. Special thanks to our butler Mubah for arranging everything for us, his thoughtfulness was unforgettable.And also Raha restaurant a waiter we met both morning and evening always he seemed to be a new employee and he was lovely every time if he served us with smiles on his face. Maldives was the place my husband and I dreamed of going for our honeymoon before we got married. We did it and it was very unforgettable. 麗笙酒店讓我的蜜月變得美好又可愛。特別感謝我們的管家Mubah 為我們安排了一切,他的體貼令人難忘。還有Raha 餐廳的一位服務員,我們早上和晚上都遇到了他,他似乎是一個新員工,每次他都微笑著為我們服務,他很可愛。馬爾地夫是我和先生結婚前夢想去度蜜月的地方。我們做到了,這非常令人難忘。
Bewertet: 26.11.2023
Wonderful honeymoon trip. A really nice host —— Mubah. Only one things unfortunately that we can’t find the whale shark when we joined the whale shark talk & tour. I think it’s might be good that give the guest a discount who didn’t see the whale shark but want to join some other water sports.
Bewertet: 26.11.2023
My husband and I came for our honeymoon. it was an incredible experience. The food is very delicious and the rooms are very comfortable. Azuhann was the one who welcomed us, he was very attentive and helpful. We are grateful for the experience.
Bewertet: 26.11.2023
The most satisfying thing about this trip is that the restaurant has Chinese chefs and the dishes are very delicious! The service staff on the island, we all agree that MR INAN's service is very warm and caring, and his smile is very bright, which left us a very good impression.
Bewertet: 25.11.2023
The service was everything from 1 service to 10. azuhaan & muba They were really kind and if you ask or contact me anything you don't know, they responded immediately. It was really nice to have each service, it was so nice to see the turtles and mandarins on the package, and the food was delicious in every restaurant Next time, I will come to Maldives in Redison Blue
Bewertet: 25.11.2023
This was a beautiful resort with great staff and had great attention to detail. We were greeted immediately by Azuhaan who helped us to our room and assisted in scheduling our whole trip. The whole staff was friendly and accommodating. We had such a nice time at our villa and out to eat every night at the various restaurants. The snorkeling was also unbelievable!
Bewertet: 24.11.2023
Radisson Blu provides a private zen experience within Maldives, a little slice of heaven to revel in for your stay. This slice of heaven requires a tedious long seaplane transfer and above normal wait times at the airport, but it’s smooth sailing after that. Once you arrive to the resort, the large vistas provide ample space to luxuriate in nature activities till your heart rejoices. The over water villas are majestic and fulfill all the instagram fantasies. Our particular villa allowed for many wild animal encounters such as eagle rays, countless variety of fishes and morning passage of Dolphins from the comfort of our beds. One of the most noteworthy things that we experienced was the hospitality of most of the staff. Particularly Inaan, he was always present to help us with a smile and utmost courtesy. He provided information regarding activities, helped with restaurant reservation and navigated us through the resort with ease. We delighted in Chef Hassan and Chef Prasad’s cooking, Indian cuisine at Alifaan and Italian cuisine at Eats and Beats were absolutely delicious. We were concerned regarding possible options available for vegetarians but our concerns were easily layed to rest due to amazing food options provided by the chefs. Additionally, the excursions carried out by the dive Center on the resort has incredibly skilled professionals. We felt we were in safe hands during our whale shark excursion; it was a true breathtaking experience and a pleasure to experience nature in its raw form. Lastly, our 60 minute Balinese massage was completed by Leni and Zumango who were extremely diligent in the care provided to us. The only critique I would add to this experience to be 5 stars would be have increased efforts alloted towards social gatherings and activities. Not a lot of people gathered at the bar or movie night etc. Thus a sense of detachment forms when everyone stays within their own villas, so the social extrovert will die a slow death within you here.
Bewertet: 24.11.2023
Very helpful and friendly staff throughout the resort. In particular the wait staff that served us at each restaurant and bar were fantastic, and our resort host Azuhaan was more than accommodating of our requests, also giving some great advice on where to snorkel. The resort and villa’s are very clean and tidy. Access to the water from the villa was very good, with a small landing, perfect for putting on your snorkeling gear, an outdoor rinsing hose to wash off before heading inside or into the pool, and an infinity pool with a view to die for. The island paths make it a beautiful walk to every meal or activity, whether you wish to walk along the shore line or through the middle of islands tropical growth. Be prepared to feel full after every meal. The food at each restaurant is wonderful and even though the portions aren’t huge, they are very filling. We found it hard to not “over order”. In saying that we normally like tapas style dining, to try a bit of everything, so that didn’t help our situation 😂 All in all we loved our time spent here at the Radisson Blu and look forward to our next holiday in the beautiful Maldives
Bewertet: 24.11.2023
Bewertet: 23.11.2023
Bewertet: 23.11.2023
The resort reach my expectation, Stuff of the resort are very friendly I am very helpful specially (Azuhaan) The place in very quite They need to do some entertainments or events such as live music or movie night
Bewertet: 23.11.2023
We stayed at Radisson Blu Maldives for our honeymoon! As soon as we landed we received the best service! Ahzam and Muby greeted us on arrival showing us around the island. Ahzam was our host for the duration of the stay, and no matter what we asked he did it! Very promptly. If you are lucky enough to get Ahzam as your host you will have an awesome stay!! The island was magical, all staff and restaurants were 5 star! Our favourite was dinner at Kabuki. We met so many beautiful staff but a special mention to Saja, Melvin and Kamith who worked at Eats and Beats, for making our stay so enjoyable! We highly recommend staying at Radisson Blu Maldives!

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