Dhawa Ihuru Verifizierte Bewertungen
Male city, North Male Atoll, 08300 Male, 08300 Malé, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
Bewertet: January 19, 2024
Perfekt, lugnt, skönt allt topp.
Vorteile: Bästa husrevet. Bästa maten. Bästa läget. Bästa personal.
Nachteile: Gillade allt.
Bewertet: January 18, 2024
Wonderful. The staff were incredibly attentive without being over the top. The island is beautiful and the food very goo
Vorteile: The island is amazing - very small and incredibly beautiful. Our villa was very private, with plants separating us from other guests and a beautiful view from our private beach
Nachteile: Nothing
Bewertet: January 15, 2024
Perfect 5star Maldivian resort
Vorteile: 1. Island is close to Male (20 min speedboat). 2. Individual and separate buildings per villa, direct access to the private beach per villa. 3. All-inclusive bar & minibar absolutely proves that this resort is 5 stars. 4. Easy access to snorkeling (you can reach reef in 10 meters from the shore).
Bewertet: January 12, 2024
Vorteile: Понравилось все: номер был комфортный, персонал хороший, уборка в номере была два раза в день, еда разнообразная, очень вкусные десерты, детям нравилось в игровой комнате. Первый раз плавали с масками понравился живой риф.
Bewertet: January 6, 2024
Vorteile: Риф
Nachteile: требуется ремонт плохие коврики в номере, в итоге песок везде, в том числе в кровати и уборка 2 раза в день не помогает приватность отсутствует интернет медленный на завтраках и обедах плохой выбор еды персонал не смог организовать трансфер из другого отеля
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: January 5, 2024
Overall exceed my expectation
Vorteile: Almost every thing in the hotel
Nachteile: Maybe the a little bit the price
Bewertet: January 4, 2024
A great way to experience what the Maldives have to offer.
Vorteile: Beautiful beach, beautiful reef, easily accessible from the airport, good comfort on a reasonable budget.
Bewertet: August 19, 2021
Ein kleines Paradies
Vorteile: Kleine überschaubare Insel mit nur 45 Beachfront Villas. Angenehm ruhig auch im Restaurant. Dort: Außenbereich = Nichtraucher!!! Keine Qualmbelästigung beim Essen! Asiatisch-Europäische Küche. Nichts für Pommes- und Currywurstliebhaber. Zum Frühstück frisch zubereitete Eierspeisen. Mittags und Abends zusätzlich zum Buffet Grillstation. Uns hat es immer geschmeckt! Sehr sauber überall. Das komplette Personal immer und überall sehr freundlich, hilfsbereit und zuvorkommend. Eigener kleiner Strandabschnitt/Meerzugang. Kleine Terrasse mit Tisch und Stühlen sowie Liegen und Schaukel. Außenbad teilüberdacht, wohlduftende Pflegeprodukte. Flip Flops und Hauspuschen. Wir hätten einiges zuhause lassen können! Erholung pur für Ruhesuchende!
Bewertet: August 19, 2021
Vorteile: Thanks to Shareef and Asitha for the excellent food and service every day
Bewertet: August 19, 2021
Отличный остров для спокойного отдыха
Vorteile: Отлично организованный сервис начиная с встречи в аэропорту и заканчивая уборкой виллы. Питание очень разнообразное не смотря на шведский стол - всегда есть свежий гриль, который готовят при вас и если не очень много гостей то действует алакарт на ужин. Обслуживание за столиками очень хорошие и не навязчивое. Остров представляет на выбор разные пляжи (разные стороны острова) - от спокойной лагуны перед баром, до высоких волн с противоположной стороны острова. Попасть на риф можно очень быстро - выходы короткие и их много. Есть акулы, черепахи и другая мелкая рыба. Сами кораллы в большинстве мертвые. Отличное SPA (вы можете выбрать вместо обеда и всего-включено в баре кредит на спа - пакет Play) - огромное спасибо Vita и Shainy за массажи и ритуалы. Развлечений практических никаких (вечером просто тихая музыка в баре, один раз в день ходит лодка до соседнего острова) - остров подойдет только для спокойного отдыха без активностей.
Nachteile: Уборка в номере не подстроена под ваше отсутствие - вы только вернулись из СПА после двух часов и тут же приходят убирать номер. Обработка от насекомых не по расписанию - никогда не можешь быть готовым когда начнется (неприятный запах, хоть и не вредно для людей). Вечером скучно.
Bewertet: August 16, 2021
"Сезон" , но подороже или "не сезон", но подешевле, что выбрать?
Vorteile: На этот раз мы рискнули отдохнуть в августе, то есть не в сезон, цена привлекла. Персонал по-прежнему любезен и отзывчив. Чисто, сытно, пакет "all inclusive" превосходит качеством и количеством Средиземноморье или Черноморье... Далее - это не + и не - отеля, а скорее напутствие, для тех кто выбирает свой остров, чтобы ожидания совпали с действительностью. Если вы или члены вашей семьи не занимаетесь снорклингом\дайвингом, имейте в виду, что других развлечений нет!!! Если вы боитесь в условиях плохой видимости и волн выплыть из лагуны с маской, то под водой вы не увидите ничего, кроме песка и отдельных случайных рыбок. Для детей нет ничего, в том числе и выбора диетической еды. Фото красивой лагуны с бирюзовой водой- это довольно узкая полоса вдоль острова, глубина по пояс, в прилив чуть выше, на дне хаотически разбросанные кораллы от маленьких обломков до больших валунов. Каждый свой отзыв я повторяю, как мантру, Ихуру - это рай для тех, кто проводит день с головой под водой! Такого количества рыб я еще не видела. Им просто тесно в океане. Летом стаи мальков и детенышей всех видов. Зрелище потрясающее и завораживающее. Даже на вечерней рыбалке ловилась только подрастающая мелочь, отнюдь не для запекания на ужин.
Nachteile: Увы, в августе, в отличие от ноября\января\февраля, погода совсем не предсказуема. 2 дня был полный штиль, потом был ливень целые сутки, так что даже дверь домика не открыть, постоянно сильный ветер и волны, взбаламутившие песок и планктон, местами в воде просто нулевая видимость, даже не видно очертаний дна и рифа, ориентация теряется сразу, только выныривать и смотреть, где берег. Солнышко за облаками комфортно лишь для загара, под водой темно. Качаться на волнах и разглядывать рыб можно, а вот вести качественную съемку весьма затруднительно. Но это все природа, от отеля не зависит. Теперь про отель, минусы отдыха подешевле. Отель не был пуст, отдыхающих не меньше, чем зимой. Но при этом очень мало фруктов, никакой экзотики. Нет специального представителя кухни, который раньше отжимал любой сок по твоему выбору, нарезал на тарелку любые фрукты по твоему выбору. Все три приема пищи -шведский стол и довольно скудный, однообразный, по набору ингредиентов. Не было привычных и полюбившихся нам блюд, типа самосы и дамплингов, суши и сашими. Не было ужинов по меню (раньше через день) с блюдами практически высокой кухни и красивой подачей. Шеф-повар тот же, он замечательный повар, и мне жалко, что он вынужден готовить ведерными кастрюльками нечто... Можно за дополнительную плату заказать несколько блюд, как раз тех, что доставят удовольствие от еды. Так что привлекательная цена одновременно подразумевает и сниженное качество. Это наш 6-й визит в Angsana, поэтому есть с чем сравнивать. Очень сильно размыло берег по всему периметру. Полгода спустя берег просто не узнать. Вода высокая, возможно, так каждое лето, дальше песок подсыпят, намоют, накачают... Но сейчас около некоторых вилл просто нет персонального пляжика, только дворик.
Bewertet: August 13, 2021
Vorteile: До отеля очень удобно добираться - 20 минут на катере с аэропорта и вы дома) сервис начинается уже в аэропорту, вы нигде не таскаете свой чемодан, все сделают за вас. Остров маленький, обойти можно за 4 минуты, но очень уютно и комфортно, почти ни с кем на пляже не пересекаетесь. На фотках потом кажется, что вы не виллу сняли, а целый остров. Мы жили на стороне сансет, там лучшие виллы с 32 по 36 (отличный песок, нет мешков, которые укрепляют береговую линию от размыва). Уборка два раза в день. Минибар весь включён и пополняется ежедневно (включая крепкий алкоголь). Кормят три раза в день, всегда разнообразно и очень вкусно. Десерты просто восхитительные! С собой в номер мы набирали фрукты детям и вафли с завтрака. Каждый день в 16.30 возят в Баньян Три на кормление скатов, потом ещё час можно там гулять и брать напитки в баре. В середине острова есть детская комната, она работает с 9.00 до 12.00 и с 14.00 до 17.00, с ними в это время сотрудник отеля, ребёнка можно спокойно оставить играть, если он не малыш. Комаров не было, остров обрабатывают 2 раза в неделю специальным безвредным для человека газом, он ничем не пахнет. Из развлечений - спа (но очень плотная запись, записываться надо заранее), сапы, байдарки, дайвинг, бесплатно дают маски, ласты, жилеты. На экскурсии мы не ездили, про них ничего не могу сказать. Домашний риф вполне хороший, очень много разных рыб, маленьких акул, даже отплывать никуда особо не надо, я плавала с маской вдоль берега. Персонал всегда приветлив, вежлив, готовый помочь. При выезде сотрудники сами нам организовали трансфер между Ангсаной и другим отелем в Мале, нас везде встретили и не было ни минуты задержки.
Nachteile: Я бы продлила часы работы детской комнаты, вечером в темноту очень хочется, чтобы ребёнку было где тусить без висения на родителях)
Bewertet: August 12, 2021
Immer wieder gerne, bevorzugt im Frühjahr.
Vorteile: Insel, Villa, Personal top!
Nachteile: Essen zu eintönig, wird einem 5 Sterne Resort nicht gerecht. An einzelnen Tagen konnte man das wahre Potential erkennen.
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 31, 2021
Best polite staff speciall aimy & shiam
Vorteile: Cleaness,Location,friendly polite staff
Nachteile: Nothing
Bewertet: August 30, 2021
Ogólnie jestem bardzo zadowolony , super stosunek ceny do jakości , polecam , z chęcią bym wrócił.
Vorteile: Śniadanie bardzo dobre , wszystko było co potrzeba , wszystko świeże ,wyciskane świeże soki , jajka po benedyktyńsku robiły robotę , obsługa pomocna i uczynna , w razie potrzeby spełniali dodatkowe prośby.
Nachteile: To absolutnie nie jest wina hotelu , było trochę komarów , jedyna rzecz do której mam zastrzeżenie to rura zaraz w wodzie na plaży , ciągnąca wodę lub coś innego , leżała na dnie po 2-3 metrach od brzegu , dość że nieestetycznie to dzieci łatwo się o nią potykały.
Bewertet: August 28, 2021
Vorteile: Очень компактный остров, хороший риф, много акул красивых и мирных и рыб
Nachteile: Не очень убирают номера, еда средняя для такой цены, хорошее пиво заканчивалось быстро, остальное нормь
Bewertet: August 27, 2021
Vorteile: El snorkel increible: tiburones, tortugas, peces tropicales y todo en la misma playa del hotel.
Bewertet: August 27, 2021
Amazing staff and property
Vorteile: Clean and the staff was very courteous and warm !
Nachteile: The time I went the corals and visibility wasn’t at the best due to some sand pump work.
Bewertet: August 25, 2021
Vorteile: Очень дружелюбный персонал. Хорошее качество уборки. Еда без изысков но все вкусно , хорошего качества алкоголь на олинклюзив что приятно
Nachteile: Несколько портят общий вид мешки с песком на западной стороне острова, но это понятно берег укрепляют как могут
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: August 25, 2021
Vorteile: الاقامه كانت رائع و كان فريق العمل متعاون الي ابعد الحدود
Bewertet: September 27, 2021
Vorteile: La tranquilidad, el buffet con un toque asiático, el todo incluido. Que podías ir a la isla de enfrente de forma gratuita cada día. El aroma de los geles y champús que se utilizan me encantó.
Nachteile: Todo me gustó por decir algo el armario para colgar la ropa era justo para dos personas. En el todo incluido quizás faltaría variedad en los cocktels, por ejemplo el mojito.
Bewertet: September 27, 2021
Vorteile: It's more expensive this hotel value. No swimming pool no water vila no activity.
Nachteile: This hotel food service is very bad . Last night food come next breakfast and lunch foods come dinner. No variety food.
Bewertet: September 25, 2021
Un pequeño paraíso
Vorteile: Las instalaciones y el personal excelentes. Muy buena comida. Las villas son amplias, cómodas e intimas. Tienes tu pequeño trozo de playa para ti solo, precioso. Si eres amante del buceo tienen un diving centre excelente con personal muy profesional.
Bewertet: September 24, 2021
Vorteile: Начиная от встречи в аэропорту, ты понимаешь, что попал в рай! Прямо у выхода из аэропорта нас ждал катер, и через 25 минут мы были в отеле. Несмотря на ранний приезд, нас сразу разместили, угостив приветственными мороженым. Вилла шикарная, со своим двориком с качелями, лежанкой и шезлонгами. Пляж прямо сразу. У нас риф находился очень близко к вилле, нам это было очень удобно, т.к. мы много плавали с маской, а просто купаться мы ходили в лагуну у ресторана. Риф богатый, много красивейших разноцветных рыбок, есть живые кораллы. Видели акул и черепах. В вилле все очень удобно, красивая ванная с душем под пальмами и гибискусами, шикарные средства- мыло, гель, шампунь, кондиционер, бальзам для тела. Миллион полотенец, включая пляжные, их меняют дважды в день. Вообще уборка идеальная и в то время, когда нас не было. Убирали тоже дважды в день. Кровать очень удобная с отличным постельным бельём и выбором подушек. Что отличает этот отель от других, это всякие мелочи, создающие неповторимую атмосферу. Свечи, аромалампа с потрясающимся ароматом, ароматические палочки с подставкой, декоративные подсветки. Здесь постоянно чувствуется забота о гостях, персонал потрясающий! По еде. Все свежайшее, очень вкусное, перечислять не получится, всего много. Отмечу только сказочные яйца Бенедикт на завтраке, потому что это самые лучшие, которые мы ели. Ужины буфет и по меню через день. Подача блюд как ресторане высокой кухни, только порции не мизерные)) На гриле всегда есть тунец. Еще отмечу шикарные десерты. Хочется поблагодарить каждого сотрудника этого замечательного отеля за наш потрясающий отдых и организацию празднования дня рождения!
Nachteile: Такого нет
Bewertet: September 22, 2021
Very Good
Vorteile: Personeel is heel vriendelijk en behulpzaam.
Nachteile: all inclusive is voor een omgeving als deze eigenlijk niet goed. Exclusieviteit hoort niet samen te gaan met een buffet elke dag en dat het dan ook nog eens voor 90% hetzelfde buffet is als de dag ervoor is niet goed.
Bewertet: September 21, 2021
Потрясающий отдых, очень красиво, очень здорово!
Vorteile: Фантастически красивое место. 20 минут от аэропорта на катере. Маленький остров, который можно обойти пешком за 10 минут. Не смотря на то, что Мале видно на горизонте, никакого дискомфорта это не доставляет, посторонних звуков нет. Степень уединения на острове достаточно высокая. Красивый риф, который находится с одной стороны острова очень близко к берегу. Сначала думали, что это не удобно, но на самом деле наоборот, такое расположение рифа почти идеально.Огромное количество самых разных рыбок, больших и маленьких, рифовые акулы нескольких видов, скаты, морские черепахи.Все очень мирные, если к ним не приставать. С другой стороны острова лагуна, в которой можно просто купаться. Из наземой живности летучие мыши, цапля, какие то мелкие местные птицы типа куриц. каждый день бесплатно возят на соседний остров, где можно посмотреть на кормление местной цапли и скатов, почесать скатам пузо.Очень уютный номер. Свой выход на пляж. Очень романтично. Приборка два раза в день, минибар с алкогольными и безалкогольными напитками, во все включено в минибаре алкоголь качественный: два сорта пива, белое и красное вино, водка, виски, джин. Кормят очень хорошо и вкусно, нет великого разнообразия, как в турецких отелях, но всегда есть какая-нибудь вкуснятина. По утрам помимо шведского стола при вас могут пожарить омлет с начинками на выбор, иногда также жарят блинчики, а также давят соки из фруктов. На обед при вас могут пожарить мясо (курица, баранина или говядина) и рыбу (стейк тунца), цукини или кукурузу, всё очень вкусно. На ужин, когда ужин в режиме шведского стола, тоже жарят мясо и рыбу. У нас ужин был в основном a-la carte с очень хорошим выбором очен вкусных блюд.В ресторане и баре готовят вкусный кофе, коктейли, наливают пиво и вино. Один раз приезжали люди с там-тамами и исполняли какие то местные песни, очень зажигательно. В СПА два раза заказывали массаж. Массаж был супер.В целом атмосфера на острове очень приятная и расслабляющая, персонал очень радушный и внимательный.
Nachteile: Краны и душевую лейку в ванной пора поменять )
United Kingdom
Bewertet: September 21, 2021
We had the most relaxing and exciting time of our lives.
Vorteile: The staffs were nothing short of excellent. The meals were world class. The hotel had a special arrangement for my boyfriend’s birthday (a beautiful chocolate cake, a reserved decorated table) Everything about our stay was perfectly splendid.
Nachteile: The island is quite small, activities on the island are limited and it could get really boring.
Bewertet: September 16, 2021
Vorteile: Everybody from the housekeeping to reception waiters and chefs, half taking the service to another level. They have a outstanding team!
Bewertet: November 30, 2023
Якщо хочете втекти з великих міст і шуму - то Вам сюди, лежати і дивитись, як ваші дати бігають на пляжі😉
Vorteile: Маленький острів, ідеальний для сімейного відпочинку з дуже маленькими дітьми ( 8 місяців і 2,5 роки),ми були в жовтні 23. Беручи до уваги що добиратись цілу ніч, тому обирали найшвидший і найпростіший трансфер, тому і вийшли на даний готель. Але вишенькою даного готелю є те, що персонал дуже приємний, стараються завжди допомогти, відчуття наче велика родина, чого немає у багатьох великих резортах. Готель має лише 45 вілл, тому добиратись всюди швидко і острів можна повністю обійти за 10 хвилин ззовні😉 тому з дітьми ідеально, непотрібно чекати на транспорт. Також з дітьми йдемо спати, ніяке нічне життя нам не світить, відповідно відсутність всяких шумних розважальних програм нам було лише на руку. Те, що пишуть раніше, що риф прямо під носом і купатись неможливо,- це відносно. Зранку прилив, купатись можна сповна, але десь з години 16 буде важче, потрібно заходити в певних місцях, зате в 18 вже було темно, тому дане питання нас взагалі не турбувало 😀 Ерозія острова - це печально, але природа невблаганна. Так, на острові є мішки, але коли зранку приплив, то їх майже непомітно взагалі. Ми були в віллі номер 5, пляж перед нами був дуже широкий і без мішків і дітям було ідеально гратись в піску. Так як це не західна частина, то десь з 14 год було багато тіні на пляжі , що рятувало дітей від сонця, тому знову ж таки, нам лише на руку. на мою думку для сімей з дітьми такими маленькими найкращі вілли це 2-16 десь приблизно, точно не скажу. Бо потім починаються мішки і при припливі зранку мало пляжної лінії і дуже глибоко. Їжа - в нас було все включено і було дійсно все включено, ми заплатили лише окремо за вечерю на пляжі перед віллою. Жодні коктейлі за окрему плату … так як ми майже не вживаємо алкоголю, то не скажу, чи вибір був великим.
Nachteile: Ми хотіли побачити, як годують скатів на сусідньому острові, та цього вже не роблять, були розчаровані, але так і повинно бути. Зате ми бачили дуже багато скатів на екскурсії в Мале, їх там підгодовують.
Bewertet: November 28, 2023
Very Good
Vorteile: Perfekte Insel. Kreisrund. Nicht umsonst mehrfach als DIE Insel auf den Malediven prämiert. Leicht erreichbar.
Nachteile: Wie überall.... Sandsäcke alle 30m. Schöne Wellenbrecher. Vor 10 Jahren lagen die Dinger noch willkürlich am Strand in einzelnen Säcken. Jetzt eben konzentriert. In 100er- Packs. Trübt extrem das Bild, leider.... Badezimmer könnten mal gaaaanz langsam renoviert werden. Sehe noch genauso aus , wie vor 10 Jahren. Aber gut. Küche sehr gut. Ich komme wieder, falls nicht wieder einem Trottel einfällt, eine Pandemie auszurufen 🤣🤣🤣
Bewertet: November 26, 2023
Vorteile: It's not my first time in the Maldives, but this island is something incredible. At Dhawa Ihuru, you forget everything… just the ocean, palm trees, sand and silence. There is a playroom for children, where they do a lot of handicrafts. For complete relaxation, there is an incredible Spa. Very comfortable villas with their own beach. On this island, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Thank you very much to all the staff for our incredible vacation.
Nachteile: -
Isle of Man
Bewertet: November 26, 2023
Perfect snorkelling break with amazing staff and convenient location
Vorteile: I loved the commitment to sustainability at this property, and the ease of access from Male. The reef was second to none, a couple of meters off the beach, so easy to access and so beautiful. It was fantastic to have the 2 islands (sister island Banyan tree) to travel between, we visited and dined at both, the Japanese restaurant at Banyan was incredible, but we preferred Dhawa for other food. Fabulous catering for vegetarians, and lovely staff making a personalised stay very special.
Nachteile: There was nothing to dislike it was wonderful, but couple of improvements- the decor was not as nice as Banyan Tree, some simple improvements could transform the resort including a change of colour scheme. If Dhawa looked like Banyan it would be out of this world amazing. Either way we loved it a lot. Through no fault of Dhawa, sometimes plastic bottles wash up from neighbouring islands, so we did a daily litter pick which we were more than happy to do.
Bewertet: November 22, 2023
Vorteile: Le personnel, notre chambre avec vue sur le coucher de soleil. Le restaurant, la plage tout était magnifique
United Kingdom
Bewertet: November 19, 2023
Great reef, great staff, high privacy but better value resorts available
Vorteile: House reef is very good, lots of different fish and abundant sea life, larges patches of healthy coral too. Staff are very friendly and helpful, restaurant has nice ambience. Rooms are large and most have a secluded front area with plenty of space and privacy. Free transfers to/from sister island (Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru) are a nice touch too, opportunity to explore another island and reef is a huge bonus.
Nachteile: Not a fan of Dhawa's bright colour scheme, feel it takes away from the natural beauty of the island and the dark teal in my room made it feel quite dark inside with little daylight. Limited common area seating when it's raining, the range at the restaurant is small compared to most islands and lacked fresh salad (which may not bother all, but is my staple in the Maldives!) Also, no fault of the resort but there is a lot of construction going on in North Male atoll right now (November 2023) lots of dredging ships and construction visible on the horizon. The island has suffered a lot of erosion and they're working hard to mitigate this, but location isn't as desirable as others in Maldives at this time. This isn't an Angsana standard property anymore (hence the brand change perhaps!) and the prices need to change to reflect that, I think there are many islands that are better value for money right now despite the strong reef and great staff.
United Kingdom
Bewertet: November 13, 2023
Nachteile: We were in difficulty regarding medical equipment. Having a pharmacy (at least a small one) could be a good option
Bewertet: November 12, 2023
Wir hatten rundum gelungene Ferien und würden jederzeit wiederkommen.
Vorteile: Es ist eine sehr kleine, aber dadurch recht familiäre Insel. Trotzdem wird es nicht langweilig, da diverse Aktivitäten angeboten werden.
Bewertet: November 7, 2023
Vorteile: food is great. it is a small island, so it is pretty silent like you own the island. sea is great. even thou it was September weather was perfect. it felt to me that i was on a different planet.
Nachteile: what a question all was perfect. it was a good experience.
United Arab Emirates
Bewertet: November 6, 2023
Can't wait to be back! 5*
Vorteile: Everything was amazing in the 2 nights we stayed here. From the staff who were wonderful and helpful. At some point, my boyfriend had left some clothes in Dhawa and the next day, this was delivered in Banyan Tree without us even knowing we left it behind. Also, we were picked up by Adam who was already there waiting for us at night. There were no issues at all and it was only 25 minutes boat ride. The facility was amazing too for all activities, we didn't feel the need to get out of the island as everything was already doable inside. Snorkeling was great and there were spots around the island already marked. Overall, it was a lovely chilled vibes around the island with lots of things to do. I also liked the idea of having rest areas, you can have coffees/juice at any time.
Nachteile: Nothing! Everything was perfect.
New Zealand
Bewertet: November 1, 2023
Vorteile: Fantastic resort, close to Male airport, excellent restaurant and staff there, with delicious food, adequate kids club, beautiful clean rooms right on the beach front, and just meters from an amazing house reef that surrounds the island. The small gifts housekeeping staff gave the kids were very much appreciated. We were half board, and I do think that was the right choice for this particular resort.
Nachteile: Nothing in particular. I do think a swimming pool would be a welcome addition, but they probably don't have any room to put one in.
Bewertet: October 30, 2023
Everything was perfect!
Vorteile: Everything was awesome! I love nature and it was pleasure to see a lot of herons, parrots, other birds and pteropuses near the villa ant in the island in whole. It's very interesting to observe fishes from the pierce. And the snorkeling was amazing! Beach, staff and food were great.
Nachteile: -
Bewertet: October 29, 2023
Worth it and will come back as well
Vorteile: Everything was great. Not too far from the airport and it was a beautiful island. Felt cosy and the staff were very friendly and attentive. Marine was great too.
Bewertet: October 27, 2023
Vorteile: Tout, le personnel au petit soin, le manager vraiment top, toujours à venir saluer les personnes qui arrivent.
Nachteile: Rien tout était parfait
Bewertet: October 26, 2023
Loved it. Will definitely come again
Vorteile: Food, Reef, Scuba, Snorkeling, Staff, Cleanliness, Beach
Nachteile: Cost of some watersports; No play area like swings , volleyball etc.
Bewertet: October 25, 2023
Хочу снова на этот прекрасный остров
Vorteile: Очень внимательный персонал, за это отдельная благодарность. Красивый риф, интересный дайвинг, снорклинг. Удобно добираться от аэропорта Мале. Понравилась вилла и ее расположение на острове. Уборка в номере два раза в день.
Bewertet: October 7, 2023
Vorteile: Все сподобалось! Приватний пляж і кораловий риф з рибами, те, що багато рушників у ванній кімнаті і їх замінюють два рази на день, те, що тапки є і для приміщення і для пляжу, і багато чого іншого. Дуже гарний відпочинок у нас був.
Nachteile: Було б круто, якщо б на пляжі був душ - змити сіль і не треба було йти мокрими через весь номер, щоб помитися в кімнаті.
Bewertet: October 3, 2023
Wunderbarer zu kurzer Aufenthalt - kommen wieder
Vorteile: Sehr schöne Strandvillen mit viel Privatsphäre und perfektem Strand. (Da das Resort nur max zur Hälfte gebucht war wurde dankenswerterweise wohl zusätzlich drauf geachtet, dass immer nur jede 2. Villa belegt war) 10m zum Wasser und weitere 15 zur Riffkante was will man mehr. Super freundliches und zuvorkommendes Personal in allen Bereichen. Kurzer problemloser Transfer vom Flughafen. Essen (zumindest in den 6 Tagen) abwechslungsreich. Die frischgepressten Fruchtsäfte nach Wahl. Immer frischer Fisch beim Showgrill.
Nachteile: Es gab kaum etwas auszusetzen. Cocktailqualität ist eher wechselhaft und hängt vom Barkeeper ab - sie können es auch gut. Preise der Getränke bei VP bzw Aufpreis auf AI unverhältnismäßig hoch zu unserem Buchungszeitpunkt.
United Kingdom
Bewertet: October 1, 2023
Vorteile: breakfast was extensive and excellent staff extremely friendly
Nachteile: beautiful setting
Bewertet: September 29, 2023
Vorteile: Идеальный тихий и умиротворенный отдых. Вилла чистая, 2 раза в день уборка. Завтраки очень вкусные с широким выбором. Снорклинг идеальный, кайф!
United Kingdom
Bewertet: June 28, 2023
Amazing location and service
Vorteile: Excellent Breakfast. Amazing reef to snorkel. Kayak and Sailing activities available.
Nachteile: Scuba Diving prices were very high.
Saudi Arabia
Bewertet: June 27, 2023
تجربة مقبوله لكن لا اكرر زياده المنتجع
Vorteile: العاملين و الاكل
Nachteile: النظافه بما فيها الغرفه و المفارش كان العرض مع رحله للغروب و ماعملوها لنا
Bewertet: 5 days ago
Meglio il Banyan Tree isola gemella della stessa proprietà
Bewertet: a week ago
West time and service stay is not comfortable food coality is poor
Bewertet: a week ago
This island is small, perfect and beautiful with good snorkelling. |Lots of little reef sharks completely ignoring you, and a wreck accessible from the shore.|The hotel feels relaxed but everything is happening seamlessly.|The staff are brilliant, Siyad was a star from the moment I touched down and calmly resolved a booking error. I had a spa bath villa - all rooms have verandas to the sea due the size of the island.|Elena quietly helped me to get a health thing from Male, fantastic care was taken.|The spa was on a similar theme - no rushing guests through -tea before , and following. Susie the masseuse was incredible - request her if you can! The spa also has stream and jacuzzi rooms and the prices are kinder than at the sister island. |You'll have access to the Banyan tree facilities (the larger sister hotel/island)|I did dine and swim there (food great in both islands) .|But I would unreservedly say that Ihuru was my favourite - both were immaculately clean - the reef is nurtured at Ihuru and I only saw one small well decayed small piece of plastic in the sea - which I fished out of course! |Highly recommend- thank you
Bewertet: a week ago
Eine Insel mit sehr schönem Hausriff welches so viel offen lässt, so dass man der Umwelt zuliebe die Bootstauchgänge reduzieren kann. Auch zum Schnorcheln bestens geeignet. Unsere Kinder fühlten sich sehr wohl.|Punkto Service: das Eine oder Andere Problemchen gab es wurde aber gleich behoben. Das Weihnachtsmenü war von der Qualität her Sensationell. |Essen war generell gesehen sehr gut und bot eine gute Auswahl/Abwechslung.
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Really loved this island. Rooms were fantastic and great view of the beach and ocean on the side we were on (room 17 I think and would definitely recommend). The mini bar was a nice touch and refilled daily. Loved the outdoor bathroom with jacuzzi and shower. Rooms were very spacious. Beach was beautiful and loved snorkelling around the house reef. There were a lot kids on the island but this didn't bother us at all. My partner is limited in terms of what she can eat however the chef was very accommodating at meal times. There were a few a la carte nights that I did prefer over the buffet. We did hire a catamaran for the day which was an amazing trip and saw lots including dolphins and turtles. Scuba dive was great with the instructor - we went to see the ship wreck which I really enjoyed. Loved the bar which we went to every day for numerous cocktails and entertainment was perfect for what we wanted - not too much and not too busy. Last thing we did was dinner on the beach which was outstanding and really beautiful Would definitely go back. Really big shout out to Bendee, Hanna, Afraah, Zayaan and Rohit who really did make our holiday a special one and one to remember.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Has been an incredible staying , everything perfectly organized , the restaurant and the bar where high quality and all the staff has been incredibly kind.|Amazing sea and activities with lots of attention paid to the client .|As an Italian I have been surprised by the high quality and variety of food. |A special mention to the manager Noufel and for the involvement into the atoll life at Rayan and Allath , but everyone has been really kind to me from the staff you don’t usually see around to the day by day .|Has been a special experience I can recommend for a perfect time of relax , I’ll come back for sure .
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
Una vacanza fantastica, posto bellissimo, il personale è davvero eccezionale. Tutto perfetto
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
we enjoyed our stay at Dhawa Ihuru|snorkeling, food, sunset, all were very nice.|and also staffs here were all very kind and helpful.|especially cleaning staff was very good, always keep very clean, so we spent our time very comfortable
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
We stayed 10 nigths in villa n 4. |Bar and restaurant are excellent.|The staff is just so nice. |Island is beautiful with palm trees, birds... and snorkelling was amazing! Turtles, sharks, Eagle Ray and tropical fishes everywhere...|We will come again!
Bewertet: 2 weeks ago
One of our BEST HOLIDAYS EVER and thanks to NAOUFEL assistant manager and to Siyad and Samrath front office staff we had a great time during our stay. The entertainment,food activities and accommodation were amazing ! |Wi-Fi connected great even by a he beach ! |friendly staff willing and keen to assist with our requests 24/7. ||See you soon and thank so much ❤️
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
We were there four five days. Had an amazing experience.customer friendly staffs. Very clean rooms. House keeping was perfect. Food was delicious indeed. Overall u ppl made our vacation so enjoyable.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
Most dedicated personnel with just one intention to be of service. We were into diving and Sharath was just excellent but it is impossible to mention every one! Your inclination has to be towards diving and fishing. Our weather happened to be very bad but they really try to make the best of us!
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
small island with palm trees, sandy beach, beautiful lagoon and ( very important for us) no waterbungalows and no swimming pool. Exeptional friendly and encouraged, warmly associates. Siad, Liu and Salmaan are outstanding customer orientated. House reef okay, diving okay. Great food. Unfortunately close to Male skyline and airport.
Bewertet: 3 weeks ago
We had an amazing holiday at Dhawa Ihuru. The welcome and hospitality of the staff was impeccable. The gardener Kanna always kept our garden area clean and tidy, and Majid was our housekeeper who always made sure we had enough towels and room was clean. The food selection was really good during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The cocktail party at Banyan Tree on xmas eve was spectacular. The personalised sarongs for the party was a lovely touch. I loved the fact we had the option to use the facilities at Banyan Tree - it's sister island.
Bewertet: 4 weeks ago
This was our12th visit to the maldives and second one to this island from arriving at the airport to the swift boat ride to it and the 2 week stay we could have not asked for more.|We arrived on the island at 10.30 and greeted warmly with a cold drink and shown to our bungalow which was beautifully furnished it had its own small garden and direct view of the blue ocean our room boy mouhand kept it immaculate and nothing was to much trouble.The bar we loved all the staff were amazing a big thank you to Hannah and Zasaan .The restaurant we could not fault again staff always smiling and polite we must thank Lui for her kindness we miss her greatly.|I must mention the house reef there were some fantastic corals the fish were in abundance and turtles and it was lovely to see a couple of pods of dolphins passing by.|From the bottom of our hearts we thank everybody on the island from the gardeners to management who made our stay so enjoyable.
Bewertet: 4 weeks ago
Уютный комфортный номер, очень вкусная еда. Прекрасное голубое море, очень удобный заход. Отзывчивые, дружелюбные работники. Очень интересные и веселые развлекательные программы. Здорово отметили Рождество. Все замечательно 👍🏻
Bewertet: 4 weeks ago
All around beautiful! Friendly staff, community culture, amazing water & coral and an incredible place. Kids club was great for the kids! Food was great as well. I thought I overpaid before I got here but realized it's worth it.
Bewertet: 4 weeks ago
酒店自然環境非常好 很適合浮潛。算是很親民低調的小島,更適合家人出行。離馬累也不遠,快艇20分鐘上島。
Bewertet: a month ago
Perfect holiday experience. Resort facilities, hotel staff, location, house leef, everything perfect. This hotel is environmentally friendly, that’s also I feel very happy and satisfied☺️
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Great Resort to spend your holiday. The island is amazing and its reef is full of fish, sharks and we also saw a turtle. The staff is super friendly, they are always keen to help you in whatever you need. Nevertheless there are some things that can be improved. The food is good but, that's it. There are some dishes that are really tasty, but others are just regular. The other thing is that the jacuzzi of our room was quite old, it should be replaced.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Die kleinere Nachbarinsel ist empfehlenswerter.
Trip type
Bewertet: a month ago
Un grand merci à toute l’équipe en particulier le manager pour sa bienveillance et sa disponibilité Hanane au bar pour sa gentillesse |Le resort reste à dimensions humaines très chaleureux et convivial le restau un vrai délice et tout le personnel adorable merci 🙏🏻 🤩😎🍸🎄🐬🐢🐠🐡
Bewertet: a month ago
Superbe expérience sur cette petite île typique des Maldives! Personnel très accueillant et très serviable. Activités au top comme la plongée ou la pêche.
Trip type
Bewertet: a month ago
Nur zu empfehlen sehr gute Personal sehr familiäre Ambient Service sehr gut essen kleine Auswahl aber gutes Qualität Strand sehr gut gute Reiff mit verschiedenen Haien und forsche und Korallen 👍👍👍👍👍
Bewertet: a month ago
Zusatz: was mich auch negativ erstaunt hatte, war, dass nur gefragt wurde ob es uns gefällt und was für ein online-fragebogen ...? Bereits während unseren Ferien hab ich nochmals nach der Hotelbeschreibung und den Rezensionen geschaut und ich kann diese nicht wirklich nachvollziehen. Das Hotel gehört zur Banyan Tree Group und hat auch eine entsprechende Schwesterninsel, wo man auch essen (gegen Bezahlung) und Aktivitäten mitbenützen kann. Deshalb hat es wohl die vielen Sterne, nur finde ich persönlich, dass dies sehr abfälscht und einem ein falsches Licht auf Dhawa selber gibt. Die Insel kann knapp 4* halten und wenn man eine etwas differenzierte Beschreibung hätte, könnte man sich überlegen, etwas mehr (noch mehr) Geld auszugeben und dafür das zu haben, was man will. Mir ist schon klar, dass Ferien immer teurer werden. Das Frühstücksbuffet hat das, was ein 4* anbieten muss, aber absolut nichts mehr. Ich wusste am 4. Tag bereits nicht mehr, was ich essen sollte. Die Brötchen, sogar Croissants waren staubig, Früchte etwa 4 Sorten, ausser Wassermelonen, alle unreif. Und jeden morgen Speck und Spiegelei, Omelette ? Das Frühstück auf Banyan Tree war da GANZ ANDERS. aber dafür musste man 8 Uhr am Steg stehen. zum Mittagessen kann ich nichts sagen und beim Abendessen waren wir nur 2x, beim 1. x hat mein Mann sich vom Dessert ernährt und beim 2x (Auswahl aus 3 Menüs=a la carte Menü nicht Restaurant) dachten wir nach der Vorspeise oh Wau, die Suppe war auch fein und der Hauptgang war wieder schlecht. Somit waren wir die restlichen Tage auf der anderen Insel und haben separat drauf bezahlt, was auch korrekt war. die Bungalos sind klein aber fein, da kann ich nicht viel sagen, ausser, dass es absolut keinen Sinn macht, super Nachtrollos gegen den Strand hin zu haben, wenn auf die "Strassenseite" der Rollo ganz und gar nicht dicht ist und schlimmer noch, keine Türe vom Gang ins Schlafzimmer und vom Gang ins Bad eine Glastüre ist, wo das Licht in der Nacht vom Weg, dem Eingang und dem Nebeneingang voll ins Schlafzimmer fällt. Da hat aber niemand sich wirklich Gedanken gemacht. Ob eine Rezeption an der Bar sein sollte, ok, ist Geschmacksache. Die Drinks und sonstigen Getränke waren gut, da hatten wir schon Weine, die man nicht trinken konnte. Wenn man z.b. aperol haben wollte, muss man separat bezahlen, auch bei Kokossaft und das verstehe ich NICHT !!! alles in allem, es ist kein 5* Insel, knapp 4 und man muss sich überlegen, ob man etwas mehr zahlt und dann eben Komfort für 5* bekommt, zahlen muss man eh drauf, wenn man den all inclusive service schlussendlich nicht in Anspruch nimmt. und zu den Gästen: ich denke, das kommt auf die Saison an. Wir hatten z.b. fast nur ältere Leute, bis nach ein paar Tagen, 2 russische italienische Familien kamen und dann wurde es lauter. Ich habe die Ferien genossen, bin aber enttäuscht von der Insel und dem Standard bzw. von den Beschreibungen. Aber jeder entbindet es anders. Zu der Insel noch einen kurzen Kommentar. Das Riff ist super und super zugänglich, wirklich ideal wenn man keine Touren unternehmen will, aber der Insel läuft der Sand weg.... dh. alle paar Meter gibt es Sandburgen, über welche man steigen muss und es sind auch jeden Tag Arbeiter dran, neue zu errichten. Das ist nicht wirklich schön anzusehen, aber notwendig.
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Our experience at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives was truly exceptional, primarily due to the outstanding service provided by the dedicated team. The absence of water villas and the limited number of rooms, all well-maintained bungalows, added to the charm. Despite the house reef being in a comparatively ok condition, there is plenty of room for improvement. Increased awareness and care from guests and management could contribute to its betterment. We see the hotel management responsible for investing more in educating guests about reef protection to prevent coral damage while snorkeling, diving, and swimming. Also on the downside, the lack of pictures during booking which show a realistic view to the city islands left us feeling a bit misled on purpose. A final disappointment was the sight of plenty of food garbage sacks in the sea and on land on our last day, an unsightly and odorous end to an otherwise wonderful stay. Overall, Dhawa Ihuru Maldives offers an unforgettable experience with a few areas for improvement.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
공항에서 스피드보트 25분 거리에 위치해 이동이 편리했고, 음식과 서비스, 아름다운 바다, 스노클링 수중환경 등 어느 것 하나 빠짐 없이 훌륭했습니다. 꼭 다시 방문하고 싶어요!
Bewertet: a month ago
Auf der kleinen Insel hat es uns an nichts gefehlt. Das wunderschöne Hausriff war perfekt zum schnorcheln und das Personal war sehr freundlich. Wir wohnten im Bungalow Nummer 44, wo wir ganztags die Sonne geniessen konnten. Der eigene palmenreiche Strandgarten lädt zum entspannen ein und ist mit einer Schaukel, Relaxinsel und 2 Liegen ausgestattet.|Das Essen war hervorragend und abwechslungsreich. Uns hat besonders gut gefallen, dass an 3 Abenden der Woche ein 4 Gang à la carte Menu mit mehreren Optionen serviert wurde. Wir werden das kleine Paradies noch lange in Erinnerung behalten!
Bewertet: a month ago
Das Hotel und das gesamte Personal ist absolut perfekt, familiär und professionell. Service of 5 Stars. Um das Hotel schönes Hausreef mit kleinen Haifischen, Schildkröten und Hunderten von Fischen. Nachhaltigkeit spielt hier eine grosse Rolle, perfekt.
Bewertet: a month ago
Unglaublicher Urlaub Service is top Hatte auch das Glück dort Freunde zu gewinnen und hatte schöne Zeit. Das Riff ist schon und das personal was äußerst freundlich.
Trip type
Travel group
Bewertet: a month ago
Unfassbar schöne, kleine Insel. Maximum an Privatsphäre. Die Villen sind etwas in die Jahre gekommen, der private Garten und der Ausblick aufs Meer ist wahnsinnig schön. Einzig störend für das Auge sind die Sandsäcke, mittlerweile leider um die ganze Insel herum. Das fanden wir nicht so schön. Das Personal insbesondere im Restaurant ist so aufmerksam und liebevoll. Alles in allem eine sehr schöne kleine Insel. Verbesserungen könnten meiner Meinung nach bei den Zimmern, insbesondere den Bädern erfolgen. Inventar im Hotelzimmer ist etwas veraltet. Was uns unglaublich gut gefallen hat, ist die üppige Vegetation auf der Insel. Sehr viele Palmen und Blumen, man fühlt sich der Natur sehr verbunden.
Bewertet: a month ago
Ein erholsamer Urlaub. Dennoch kommen wir nicht wieder. Für uns hat es mit Kleinigkeiten und Liebe zum Vergleich zu früheren zu sehr nachgelassen. Es ist eine Gutes 5 Sterne Anlage. Früher war es eine perfekte Anlage mit sehr hohem Anspruch. Und das erwarte ich auch für das Geld. Schade. Service Die Mitarbeiter waren freundlich und haben im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeit einen guten Service geboten. Früher wurden die Liegen,Schaukeln und Strandmuscheln immer vor und Nachbereitet. Das muss man jetzt alles selber machen. Was für uns jungen Leute kein Problem darstellt aber für Ältere Menschen nicht schön ist Essen Essen war gut und für jeden was dabei. Da ich kein Fisch esse, haben sich die Speisen dann aber doch recht schnell wiederholt. Was an sich aber kein Problem war. Aber auch hier ist es mit früher nicht mehr vergleichbar. Es fehlt auch hier die Liebe zu Kleinigkeiten. Zimmer Zimmer sind schön und haben einen tollen Ausblick auf das Meer. Früher waren immer Duftstäbchen und Kerzen angezündet.Auf dieses Dufterlebniss hatte ich mich wie immer gefreut.Das wird jetzt, nach der Übernahme durch einen andere Kette aber nicht mehr gemacht. Die Liebe zu Kleinigkeit fehlt leider. Sport War alles ok, die Tischtennisplatte könnte man mal austauschen. Fitnessstudio war alles neu und super. Familienfreundlichkeit Kann ich nicht beurteilen, da wir keine Kinder haben. Das was wir am Rande mitbekommen haben ist es in unseren Augen aber keine Insel für Kinder. Lage Die Insel ist Wunderschön, nah an Male, mit einem tollen Riff. Früher wurde aber mehr angeboten. Bzw. haben wir diesmal über Ausflüge nur auf dierektes Nachfragen erfahren. Pool Es gibt keinen Pool. Strand Strand ist Super schön. Jeder hat seinen eigenen kleinen Abschnitt unter Palmen. Hotel Früher war die Insel erst ab 16+ Buchbar. Was wir besser fanden. Das ist auch ein zusätzlicher Grund warum wir nicht wiederkommen werden. Die Insel hat auch hier leider sehr nachgelassen. Früher gab es immer Feuer und Kerzen beim Abendessen. Es wurde einfach mehr auf die Kleinigkeiten geachtet.
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Eine kleine wunderschöne Insel mit einem tollen Hausriff. Die Mitarbeiter im Restaurant waren toll, besonders hervorzuheben ist Liu, die unseren Urlaub noch besonderer gemacht hat. Alle Mitarbeiter im Restaurant waren unglaublich bemüht. Außerdem ist uns Hasan sehr ans Herz gewachsen, auch er war immer toll. Wer einen ruhigen und familiären Urlaub möchte, ist hier perfekt aufgehoben.||Verena & Furkan
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Es waren sehr eindrucksvolle und entspannende Ferien! Die Unterwasserwelt war wunderschön. ||Kulinarisch war es auch sehr lecker! |Das Personal (besonders Leo und Rohid) haben immer sehr gut zu uns geschaut.||Unser Aufenthalt auf Dhawa Ihuru war sehr angenehm. Das Zimmer war der Wahnsinn! Wir waren immer sehr dankbar, dass die Minibar täglich aufgefüllt wurde und die Tücher regelmässig gewechselt wurden. ||Vielen Dank für alles! Und bis ein anderes Mal.||Beste Grüsse|Deborah (Zimmer Nr. 7)
Bewertet: 2 months ago
The best coral reef ever! I highly recommend night snorkeling, unfortunately it's not so advertised as it deserves. The close proximitiy of civilization is a bit of a disadvantage due to lights at niht, but only for those, who seek total isolation from the rest of the world. But it could also be an advantage due to short transfer time. |In my opinion, coctails were a sort of a Russiam roulette. I ordered one coctail three times (just to feed my curiosiry) and all three times I gor different coctails))) |Please, dance at the Boduberu show - it's like a final glue to unite you with nature, drum beats are so natural to that island. Btw, drummers are local men, it's not only a job for them, but a part of their soul.|I would like to express my gratitude to all hotel staff, it seemed that we came to our friends. Special thanks to our waiter (and drummer) Afaag, he treated us with all his diligence and professionalism. He was the best) Thanks to Ismail for papaya, he wil understand I suppose.|Самый замечательный риф! Настоятельно рекомендую ночной снорклинг, почему-то его мало рекламируют. Близость цивилизации с одной стороны хорошо (быстрый трансфер), с другой стороны не очень (много огней вокруг. Но это смутит только тех, кому нужно полнейшее уединение, для нас не было проблемой). Коктейли в баре делали от бедра))) заказывали один и тот же коктейль, но получался он каждый раз по-разному))) элемент неожиданности так сказать. Обязательно танцуйте на шоу Boduberu - на барабанах играют все местные ребята, для них это не просто работа, они вкладывают свою душу. Хочется сказать отдельное спасибо всему персоналу отеля, вы делали наше пребывание таким, как будто мы приехали к давним друзьям. Особое спасибо нашему официанту по имени Afaag, с ним мы всегда себя чувствовали сами дорогими гостями.|
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Nous avons passé 10 jours en famille avec nos 2 enfants de 8 et 10 ans. Ce petit ressort à échelle humaine est tout simplement merveilleux. Les bungalows sont confortables et nettoyés 2 x par jour. Remerciements particuliers à Falil Hameed (Homme de chambre) pour sa gentillesse et serviabilité. La nourriture au restaurant est très très bonne avec alternance les soirs de buffet/à la carte. Durant tout notre séjour, nous avons été servi par Ben, d'une grande gentille, toujours bienveillant et qui a assuré un service irréprochable. A noter également, que TOUT le personnel et j'insiste vraiment sur le TOUT, est hyper chaleureux, accueillant, que ce soit les employés de la réception toujours disponibles, au bar (quel plaisir d'y savourer leurs merveilleux cocktails), de la maintenance (toujours prêts à rendre service). Sincèrement, rien à ajouter de plus si ce n'est que nous recommandons ce ressort à 1000 %. En ce qui nous concerne, nous avons quitté l'île avec quelques larmes et réfléchissons déjà à y retourner. Merci Dhawa pour ces belles vacances !
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Wir haben auf Ihuru unsere Flitterwochen nachgeholt und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass das die perfekte Wahl für uns war. Wir sind in der Früh angekommen und konnten, nach einem netten Empfang von Siyad (Dhawa Insider) und Mohamed (Front Office Manager), gleich unseren geräumigen und frisch renovierten Bungalow beziehen auf der Nordostseite der Insel beziehen. Wir hatten eine Jetpoolvilla, haben den Whirlpool aber nicht benutzt (einerseits weil wir sowieso das warme Meer hatten und andererseits weil dieser vom Housekeeping eingelassen werden soll. Es sammelt sich immer Wasser im Becken, das muss erst mühsam abgeschöpft werden). Das Bad war aber auch so sehr schön mit einer Freiluftdusche und zwei Waschbecken. Das Schlafzimmer war geräumig und das Bett nicht ganz so weich wie daheim, aber trotzdem gemütlich. Die Minibar wurde immer nachgefüllt, auch das Trinkwasser, das reichlich im Zimmer vorhanden war. Das Wohnzimmer zur Terrasse hin war ebenso hübsch und funktional. Die AC hat funktioniert, aber zum Schlafen war sie auch im Sleepmodus etwas zu laut (wir haben sie dann abgeschaltet). Unser "Strandabschnitt" war super, die Terrasse wunderbar mit Sonneschirm, Tisch, zwei Sesseln, einer Art Strandmuschel, einer breiten Schaukel und zwei Liegen. Wir waren gleich in der Nähe von einem "Schnorcheleingang" zum Hausriff, das einfach nur atemberaubend war. Wir haben jeden Tag mehrmals geschnorchelt, so viel zum Sehen gab es da (Schildkröten, 100.000 bunte Fische, Schwarz-, Weißspitzenriff- und Ammenhaie, Tintenfische, Muscheln...), auch wenn die Korallenbleiche auch hier zum Sehen ist, aber dieses Phänomen trifft leider aufgrund der globalen Klimaerwärmung alle Riffe. Dhawa Ihuru hat ein auch Marine Lab, mit dem auf Riff Cleaning gehen kann, und sie bemühen sich generell nachhaltig, natur- und klimaschonend zu sein. Das gesamte Personal ist sehr umsichtig und freundlich. Besonders unser Kellner Afdaag (ich hoffe, ich habe es richtig geschrieben) war wunderbar und sehr aufmerksam. Wir haben uns oft gut unterhalten, über das Leben auf den Malediven, unsere Kinder und das Essen (er hat uns sogar ein Suppenrezept besorgt :-) ). Vielen lieben Dank! Wir haben sehr sehr happy mit dem Essen, ich essen glutenfrei und habe immer etwas Gutes gefunden, dass ich essen konnte (das lokale glutenfreie Brot war nicht gut, daher habe ich es generell gar nicht gegessen; Spaghetti haben sie auch extra für mich zubereitet). Es gibt alles in Buffetform (zweimal die Woche ist das Dinner a la carte), in der Früh gibt es immer zwei Suppen, Deftiges wie Bacon, Beans etc, aber auch Süßes wie Croissants oder eine Omlette, Eier, Pancake, Waffel-Station, frisch gepresste Säfte, Salat, Käse, Wurst, ...mittags und abends gibt es mindestens 4 verschiedene Gerichte, immer auch Front Cooking (Grillstation), und so gute Currys. Wenn man Currys nicht so gern hat, dann findet man natürlich auch etwas zu essen, aber nicht mehr so viel. Wir lieben Currys und alles Asiatische. Für Kinder gibt es immer die obligatorischen Nuggets und Pommes ;-) Die Desserts sind auch sehr gut. Ebenso der Kaffee. Auch die Auswahl an der Bar im "normalen" AI (Dine Plus) ist vollkommen in Ordnung. Auch hier sind die Barkeeper sehr freundlich und aufmerksam. Alles in Allem waren es traumhafte entspannende Honeymoon Tage auf Ihuru. Wir würden mit unseren Kindern wiederkommen :-)
Bewertet: 2 months ago
È il nostro ultimo pomeriggio in paradiso quindi si possono tirare le somme |La struttura è proprio come la vedete dalle foto, mare e bariera galattici ( noi nn ci accontentiamo facilmente) mai visti così tanti pesci pagliaccio 🐠🐠🐠🐠io sono fifona ma l’accesso al reef è veramente facile e comodo x chiunque|Io sono celiaca sintomatica e ho ricevuto tante coccole… anche troppe sono ingrassata sicuro❤️ |Unica pecca…. Un po’ troppa gente x la grandezza dell’isola… avevamo scelto questa isola x il numero esiguo di bungalow ma abbiamo trovato veramente tanta tanta gente e un numero impressionante di bambini che corrono e urlano ovunque… peccato se fosse un adult only sarebbe veramente perfetto|In ogni caso il mare e la gentilezza del personale ripaga ogni urlo sopportato |Grazie a tutti
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Dhava Ihuru é una piccola, ma splendida isola, circondata tutta intorno da una bella spiaggia, rarità ormai nelle Maldive. È, inoltre, dotata di due splendide romantiche terrazze che versano direttamente sull’oceano ove sono collocati bar e ristorante. Le belle camere si affacciano tutte sull’oceano e sono rifornite ogni giorno con bibite, liquori e snack. Il personale, di ogni settore, é gentilissimo ed attentissimo al cliente. Il servizio di riordino della camera viene effettuato due volte al giorno. Il reef regala squali pinna nera di una certa grandezza e tartarughe oltre che i classici pesci di barriera.|Un ringraziamento particolare va al Manager Simaad per l’attenzione riservataci.
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Ab Flughafen beginnt ein wunderschöner Urlaub. Man wird einfach super herzlich begrüßt und fühlt sich direkt wohl. Die Anreise war super entspannt und dauerte mit dem Schnellboot ca. 25 Minuten. Vor Ort wird man auch direkt von Sayid und dem gesamten Team herzlich empfangen. Die Insel ist wunderschön gepflegt und auch die Bungalows am Strand sind wunderbar. |Auch das Essen ist lecker und unserer Meinung nach abwechslungsreich. Das gesamte Serviceteam ist aufmerksam, zuvorkommend und auch sehr freundlich zu den Gästen. |Wir hatten wirklich einen unglaublich entspannten Urlaub und bedanken uns bei dem gesamten Team von Dhawa Ihuru und freuen uns, wenn wir in Zukunft wieder einmal Urlaub bei Euch machen! Liebe Grüße an das Team von N. Glöckler und Meyer|
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Nous avons passé 3 nuits avec mon fils de 2 et demi et ma fille de 6 mois. Nous avons été très bien accueillis (Adam). Notre villa était magnifique, tout est propre. Les agents de nettoyage sont très sympathiques, ils proposent de nettoyer les chambres au cours de la journée. Le restaurant est excellent même le personnel ( pensée à Naïf et ses collègues) du petit déjeuner au dîner les repas étaient diversifiés.||Nous avons profité de la plage en faisant du snorking pour observer les poissons, requins.. ||Nous gardons de très bons moments sur cette île. ||Nous retournerons dans cette île. ||Nous remercions l’ensemble du personnel ainsi que le manager pour leurs accueil, leurs gentillesses….||Thank you . |Khalid ||
Bewertet: 2 months ago
Понравилась вилла, ее расположение. Риф просто потрясающий, плавал с маской, очень красиво. Приятный и внимательный персонал, который создаёт уютную атмосферу на острове. Удобно добираться от/до аэропорта. Отдельная благодарность менеджеру Юлии.
Bewertet: 3 months ago
Die kleine Barfuss-Insel liegt im Nord Male-Atoll, 25 min mit dem Schnellboot vom Flughafen Male entfernt.||Dhawa Ihuru ist ein elegantes Resort mit ungezwungener Atmosphäre. Die modernen, grosszügigen Bungalows mit Meerblick sind sehr gut ausgestattet. Neben einer Aussendusche, bequemem Kingsize-Bett, Lounge, Esstisch, Klimaanlage und Deckenventilatoren verfügen diese über einen privaten Aussenbereich und direktem Zugang zum feinen Sandstrand mit bequemen Liegen, Sonnenschirm, Hollywood-Schaukel und Gartentisch. Alles sehr gepflegt. Die Zimmer sind teilweise zusätzlich mit Jacuzzi oder Sprühnebel-Dusche ausgestattet. Wasserbungalows gibt es keine.||Die Insel kann zu Fuss am Strand in 10 min umrundet werden. Schwimmen ist rund um die Insel in der Lagune oder am Riffrand möglich. ||Das schöne Hausriff lädt zum Tauchen und Schnorcheln ein. Die Fischvielfalt und ein Wrack auf 15-30 m Tiefe sind ein plus gegenüber anderen Inseln. Auch bemerkenswert ist, dass die Gäste sich beteiligen können, die teilweise abgestorbenen Korallen wieder aufzuforsten. Das Tauchcenter bietet zudem tägliche Ausfahrten zu anderen Riffen sowie Tischtennis, Kanu, Stand-up Paddel und Katamaran segeln an. Die Diveguides und Mitarbeiter waren sehr hilfsbereit und boten einen tollen Service. ||Das Fitnesscenter ist klimatisiert und bietet Laufbänder, Hometrainer, Kraftmaschinen, Hanteln und einen Yogaraum. Das Spa haben wir nicht besucht.||Das Restaurant verfügt über ein vielseitiges Buffet und eigene Grillstation mit frischem Fisch und Fleisch. Lange Hosen oder Schuhe sind keine Pflicht. Alle 2 Tage wird ein Abendessen à la carte angeboten. Der hervorragende Service und die Qualität der Speisen hat uns sehr gefallen. Beim Wein könnte das Angebot etwas breiter und qualitativ höher sein.||An der schönen Bar mit gemütlicher Lounge sind diverse alkoholische und nichtalkoholische Getränke erhältlich. Qualitativ hochstehende Spirituosen und Weine fehlen im Angebot. Jeden 2. Abend gibt es Livemusik.||Allgemein ist der sehr freundliche und stets bemühte Staff zu erwähnen. Einfach Topp!||Noch was besonderes:|Die Nachbarinsel Banyan Tree kann täglich besucht werden. Das Boot verkehrt 5x am Tag zwischen Dhawa Ihuru und Banyan Tree. Die Fahrt dauert ca. 3 min. Wir spazierten am Strand, besuchten die Bar und dinierten im Restaurant. Das Speiseangebot ist noch etwas vielfältiger und das Angebot an Weinen/Spirituosen deutlich breiter und qualitativ höher als auf Dhawa Ihuru. Banyan Tree ist die etwas grössere Insel und verfügt über einen breiteren Strand sowie zusätzliches Freizeitangebot wie Jet ski, Wasserski, Wakeboard, Parasailing, Kite surfing, Segelboot, etc. Neben Miete werden auch Kurse angeboten. Zurzeit finden Bauarbeiten statt: Die Rezeption und Poolanlage werden umgebaut sowie eine neue Bar im Norden der Insel gebaut.||Liebes Dhawa Ihuru Team, herzlichen Dank für unseren tollen Aufenthalt!
Bewertet: 3 months ago
Petite île tranquille, idéale pour passer du temps en famille et se reposer.|Joli snorkeling. On a nagé avec une tortue et vu des dauphins !|Très bon accueil, personnel à l'écoute et très sympathique.|Excellents repas, très variés, que ce soit au petit déjeuner, à midi ou le soir. Petit bémol : les extras (sorties en mer, spa, etc.) sont très chers !|Je recommande vivement Dhawa Ihuru !
Bewertet: 3 months ago
The people are so kind n nice but İ didn’t like the cleaning n the food it is not clean everyday same food also .
Bewertet: 3 months ago
المنتجع جدا جميل وهادي والموظفين خدومين ومدير المنتجع السيد نوفل خدوم جدا . الغرف نظيفه والخدمه سريعه والاكل لذيذ ومتنوع
Bewertet: 3 months ago
Her şey harikaydı.Her şey çok güzeldi.Çok memnun kaldık.Hannah a çok teşekkür ederiz yine geleceğiz. Yemekleri de çok güzeldi.Balayımız için tercih ettik çok çok memnun kaldık.Eğlenceli zaman geçirdik.
Bewertet: 3 months ago
Bewertet: 4 months ago
El mejor sitio para visitar con amigos y familiares hay un trato especial y el recibimiento por parte de manéger naoufel |Y el trato has sido muy bueno |Nos recomendó hacer varias actividades y la verdad que acertó bastante |La camera hanane es muy simpática y el trato es excepcional ❤️❤️❤️
Bewertet: 4 months ago
friendly staff and clean facility, thank you very much for everything especially Mr. Salman, Mr. Sımal and Mr. Naoufel |Güler yüzlü personel ve temiz tesis, başta Salman Bey, Simal Bey ve Naoufel Bey olmak üzere her şey için çok teşekkür ederiz.
Very good
Bewertet: 21.01.2024
Saw big fish I never thought I see, crazy experience and amazing feeling. I overcame one of many fears too. Would definitely do it again. Saw black tip sharks and starfish, go to see plenty of school of fish. Big shout out to Chris, she definitely guided us perfectly and instructed amazingly. I understood the whole lesson before diving in.
Bewertet: 24.08.2022
This was our first time in Maldives and my family choosed to spend 12 days at Angasana Ihuru Resort and Spa. We couldn´t have done a better choice. This island is a dream and corresponds with its round shape to the dream of a Maldives island. The welcome was very friendly and after 20 minutes we were already on the island. We stayed at a beach bungalow that was functionally furnished, but with attention to detail and with direct access to the beach (the sea was just one minute away). Peace and quiet is the name of the game. The resort is very beautiful, has great vegetation and is very well maintained. The best thing was the view of the turquoise sea. Beach is very calm and private, given the small size of the resort and the fact that each villa has its own beach area. The staff is warmth, professional, with a really attentive service. Wifi speed was reliable and fast and you can count with twice a day housekeeping. We found the food to be very tasty. The house reef is excellent and easy to reach, with the most amazing sea life: We saw Rays, sharks, turtles, clown fish amongst many when we snorkeled. This island is a gem when it comes to marine life; some of the best snorkeling I've ever had worldwide. Dining is also great A tiny island which felt like your own private island in Maldivas.
Bewertet: 20.01.2024
Absolute Beautiful !!!!!! Not only the small Island, also the complete stuff very very kind and helpful. Fantastic snorkeling, good food & drinks and a lot of activities. For instance night snorkeling, fishing, diving a good Fitness room and so on .... But you can also have your privacy if you like. Bungalows directly on the beachfront (Nr.37) with a lot of palms and plants. Thank you to all the stuff from Dhawa Ihuru !! Best service best house reef. Silvana and Ingo
Bewertet: 10.01.2024
Eine Insel mit sehr schönem Hausriff welches so viel offen lässt, so dass man der Umwelt zuliebe die Bootstauchgänge reduzieren kann. Auch zum Schnorcheln bestens geeignet. Unsere Kinder fühlten sich sehr wohl. Punkto Service: das Eine oder Andere Problemchen gab es wurde aber gleich behoben. Das Weihnachtsmenü war von der Qualität her Sensationell. Essen war generell gesehen sehr gut und bot eine gute Auswahl/Abwechslung.
Bewertet: 07.01.2024
Has been an incredible staying , everything perfectly organized , the restaurant and the bar where high quality and all the staff has been incredibly kind. Amazing sea and activities with lots of attention paid to the client . As an Italian I have been surprised by the high quality and variety of food. A special mention to the manager Noufel and for the involvement into the atoll life at Rayan and Allath , but everyone has been really kind to me from the staff you don’t usually see around to the day by day . Has been a special experience I can recommend for a perfect time of relax , I’ll come back for sure .
Bewertet: 06.01.2024
We stayed 10 nigths in villa n 4. Bar and restaurant are excellent. The staff is just so nice. Island is beautiful with palm trees, birds... and snorkelling was amazing! Turtles, sharks, Eagle Ray and tropical fishes everywhere... We will come again!
Bewertet: 05.01.2024
we enjoyed our stay at Dhawa Ihuru snorkeling, food, sunset, all were very nice. and also staffs here were all very kind and helpful. especially cleaning staff was very good, always keep very clean, so we spent our time very comfortable
Bewertet: 05.01.2024
One of our BEST HOLIDAYS EVER and thanks to NAOUFEL assistant manager and to Siyad and Samrath front office staff we had a great time during our stay. The entertainment,food activities and accommodation were amazing ! Wi-Fi connected great even by a he beach ! friendly staff willing and keen to assist with our requests 24/7. See you soon and thank so much ❤️
Bewertet: 31.12.2023
Most dedicated personnel with just one intention to be of service. We were into diving and Sharath was just excellent but it is impossible to mention every one! Your inclination has to be towards diving and fishing. Our weather happened to be very bad but they really try to make the best of us!
Bewertet: 30.12.2023
small island with palm trees, sandy beach, beautiful lagoon and ( very important for us) no waterbungalows and no swimming pool. Exeptional friendly and encouraged, warmly associates. Siad, Liu and Salmaan are outstanding customer orientated. House reef okay, diving okay. Great food. Unfortunately close to Male skyline and airport.
Bewertet: 29.12.2023
We had an amazing holiday at Dhawa Ihuru. The welcome and hospitality of the staff was impeccable. The gardener Kanna always kept our garden area clean and tidy, and Majid was our housekeeper who always made sure we had enough towels and room was clean. The food selection was really good during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The cocktail party at Banyan Tree on xmas eve was spectacular. The personalised sarongs for the party was a lovely touch. I loved the fact we had the option to use the facilities at Banyan Tree - it's sister island.
Bewertet: 26.12.2023
Уютный комфортный номер, очень вкусная еда. Прекрасное голубое море, очень удобный заход. Отзывчивые, дружелюбные работники. Очень интересные и веселые развлекательные программы. Здорово отметили Рождество. Все замечательно 👍🏻
Bewertet: 26.12.2023
This was our12th visit to the maldives and second one to this island from arriving at the airport to the swift boat ride to it and the 2 week stay we could have not asked for more. We arrived on the island at 10.30 and greeted warmly with a cold drink and shown to our bungalow which was beautifully furnished it had its own small garden and direct view of the blue ocean our room boy mouhand kept it immaculate and nothing was to much trouble.The bar we loved all the staff were amazing a big thank you to Hannah and Zasaan .The restaurant we could not fault again staff always smiling and polite we must thank Lui for her kindness we miss her greatly. I must mention the house reef there were some fantastic corals the fish were in abundance and turtles and it was lovely to see a couple of pods of dolphins passing by. From the bottom of our hearts we thank everybody on the island from the gardeners to management who made our stay so enjoyable.
Bewertet: 24.12.2023
All around beautiful! Friendly staff, community culture, amazing water & coral and an incredible place. Kids club was great for the kids! Food was great as well. I thought I overpaid before I got here but realized it's worth it.
Bewertet: 24.12.2023
I had the best honeymoon on a small and beautiful island. Various leaf fish, turtles, sharks, etc. were good in the water, and the kindness and careful consideration of the staff will be remembered for a long time
Bewertet: 23.12.2023
It's a gorgeous paradise.... All is perfect. Diving, eating, personal, clean... You can do many activity I made pilates with Sophia and she is professional and really kind. Liu and Salmaan are really nice.... Be here, be you..... ❤️
Bewertet: 18.12.2023
Dhawa Ihuru is a small, authentically Maldivian island, with an old school vibe. It’s chilled, quiet, friendly and very beautiful with a well established and beautifully tended interior. We’ve been visiting the Maldives for 20 years and come most years, and it’s one of the prettiest we’ve visited. This will be a fairly in depth review, as mine always are, so I will break it down into topics so you can skip forward if you want to. ARRIVAL & CHECK IN Ihuru is just a short 25 min speed boat transfer from Male, so you can expect to be at the resort fairly quickly after clearing immigration. We were lucky enough to be seated in business class so we were first off the plane and when we entered the immigration hall it was empty, so swiftly through, bags collected and outside with the island rep within about 30 mins of exiting the plane. He escorted us to the dockside and asked us to wait, while he collected a further two couples. Ihuru shares much with its sister island Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, and so once we had everyone on board (a short wait of around 15-20 mins) we headed off to the islands. First stop was Ihuru, where we and another couple disembarked before the boat headed to BTV with the final two passengers. I had asked my agent (Simply Maldives) to check with the resort whether we would be able to have access to the room, and whether the all inclusive package would start immediately we arrived. Some island are more rigid than others, insisting on the midday to midday rule. Ihuru confirmed that the all inclusive would be active from arrival (perhaps since we would be leaving immediately after breakfast on our final day), but were non-committal about the room availability. Sure enough, upon arrival (11:30am) we were advised that our room would not be ready until 2pm. I confess, having spent the last 24+ hours awake this was not the news I was hoping for! It would have helped if it had been explained that the reason we couldn’t have access was because they had honoured my request for a room within a particular area (room 9 to 26), and that the allocated room was either still occupied, or uncleaned. Unfortunately the only info that was given was ‘not available until 2pm, but please have a drink and lunch when the restaurant opens’. We were offered a room where we could change, but having already changed into shorts on the plane, and actually really wanting a shower and to unpack, we declined. After lunch reception informed us that the room was ready and escorted us round. ROOM We were allocated room 9, within the range I had requested, and were very happy with its location – thank you Ihuru! My research had suggested that the better snorkelling was to be had on the East side of the island heading to the North side, and that the erosion would likely be less at this time of year. Indeed the reef was very close to the shore, and the beach was fairly wide and very beautiful. Very happy! The room was a bit dated. It’s clear that this is an older resort (23 years), although it has been maintained fairly well and is undergoing a soft refurb. It will be another year or so until it is fully complete. The communal areas are fresh, and approximately 1/3 of the rooms have been completed, we understand that a further 1/3 will be completed during low season in 2024, our room was not one of those that had been updated. The room is fairly large, but pretty dark. The furnishings are dark wood, and some of the colours used are of darker hues. However, for us it’s not about room aesthetics so much as ambience, snorkelling and food (more on that later!). There were a few annoying things about our room, one was that the wardrobe was tiny, just a single one for two people, and the door was both creaky and required a firm shove to persuade it to close fully, which it complained about loudly! If not closed fully it obstructed the front doorway. There were plenty of drawers though. It took us some searching to find the room safe, again I feel reception fell a little short here, there was no orientation of the room like we’ve experienced on other islands. Of course, how much orientation do you need…?! The bathroom leads me to the other two rather annoying décor decisions; the door to the bathroom is frosted glass and it’s opposite the wardrobe / dressing area. When a person is using the sink, or the loo, they are clearly visible to anyone standing in this area, albeit as a slightly fuzzy shape. So there is little privacy if this concerns you. The final annoyance is the shower. Whoever designed this needs their sanity checking! There is a large bamboo pipe angled to deliver a skull rattling stream of water directly to your head. It’s deafening, splashes water ALL over the rest of the bathroom and is pretty useless at actually delivering water that you can clean yourself with. There is a traditional shower head, although it is attached to the side of the shower ‘tower’, thus making it impossible to use in situ, you have to hold it with one hand, whilst single handedly showering – unless you can convince your travel partner to hold it for you. BEACH When we arrived we were thrilled with our location. The garden area outside the villas at Ihuru all benefit from a goodly amount of privacy and a view directly out to the ocean. They all have a traditional Maldivian swing, a round canopied double day bed along with two beach loungers. There is no shade for the beach loungers, so if you prefer to sit in the shade (as we do) you need to utilise the shade from the bushes. At room 9 we only had full sun on the loungers for a very short time during the day, so that suited us perfectly. However, needing to sit close to the vegetation puts you within striking distance of all the biting insects that live there – and they can be ferocious! Within 2 days of arriving I was covered in bites from both mosquitoes and sand flies. Take DEET and use it liberally if you favour the shade, and pack some antihistamines because the biters aren’t always stopped by the DEET. When we arrived we noticed that there were some ongoing works to a couple of villas at the north end of the island, and that some work was being done to the sand-bag groynes; they appeared to be undergoing repair. But, part way through our second week we noticed that two new groynes had appeared along the beach outside some higher numbered rooms (around No15 or so) and then one morning we opened our blinds to find a dozen workmen, a pile of sandbags and various items of tools directly in front of our beach loungers. As you might imagine we were not at all happy about this discovery, and whilst I fully understand their need for them, a simple note under the door to tell us of the work would have taken much of the sting out of it. Thankfully the work was all concluded by lunchtime, and after a complaint from us the hotel did (multiple times) apologise for not communicating with us better. In fact they were very gracious, offering us a choice of complimentary experiences way in excess of the inconvenience caused by a morning’s unannounced construction. We were a little embarrassed to accept any of these ‘gifts’ but ultimately at their insistence we accepted a 60 min couples massage at the spa. Which leads me to… SPA The spa is situated in the centre of the island, and was surprisingly large. We were lead past multiple treatment rooms, to the very end one which was a large glass cube in a secluded garden area. The massage was amongst some of the best we’ve had in the Maldives, very serene, relaxing and the ladies (Vita and Clara) were excellent – I really didn’t want to leave the table and resume ‘normal holiday life’! As this was a complimentary treatment I can’t comment on VFM, but it was most enjoyable. FOOD & BEVERAGES This is one of the areas where Ihuru excels! Without exception the teams in the restaurant and bar are excellent and are a credit to the resort. They seamlessly manage the efficiency of service, coupled with a friendly, chatty demeanour which is both warm and genuine. Food, for this price point, is also really very good. There was always plenty of choice for us on the buffet, highlights for us were the BBQ grilled tuna at lunchtimes, the eggs Benedict / Royale at breakfast, almost all the desserts (especially the baclava) and the Mas Huni at Maldivian BoduBeru night was outstanding! Three times a week there is an a la carte menu, the waiting team will take your order at lunchtime, and it consists of 4 courses, one of which is soup. We found this set up to be the weaker offering, I think perhaps because with everyone seating themselves at approximately the same time, the wait team actually has a lot more to do, both bringing dishes out and clearing plates. With a normal buffet they of course simply clear away and guests help themselves. Whilst it was very nice to have a change and your meals served, we found it quite slow and the food was barely warm at times. Special mention needs to go to Afaag and Liu, thank you for making our mealtimes something to really look forward to, and for all the giggles along the way. The bar team are equally great, and the all inclusive menu was fairly good. It’s a very pleasant change to see sparkling wine included, and at Ihuru you can choose between a Cava and a Brazilian Rose, both very enjoyable. The included wines were also good, far better than at some resorts we’ve visited over the years. I personally found the cocktail list a little limited, that is probably just my personal taste, and I would liked to have seen some kind of digestiv included. Special mention to Hannan, who always greeted us with a warm smile and a cold glass of something! In the centre of this island, between the bar and the restaurant, is something called The Nest. It’s a covered area which is open 24/7 where you can grab a machine coffee, tea, small snack or soft drink, and I believe there is some ice available too. SNORKELLING I fear this is where I need to deliver some disappointing info… We, like many others, had picked Dhawa Ihuru expressly because of its reputation for an outstanding reef, and indeed they do have one. There are some great corals which have avoided some of the worst of the bleaching, and some large patches of new growth. The reef is also pretty ‘fishy’, and around exit 4 in particular there was always a large group of red toothed trigger fish and we regularly saw fairly large reef sharks and a turtle. We were disappointed by the visibility along the north eastern side (better side) of the reef, and initially put this down to seasonal conditions. However, it transpired that a large dredging vessel had started reclaiming sand a month or so earlier, and much of the sediment in the water was caused by that. Indeed on our second day it was clearly visible and looming large on the near horizon. This vessel is working 24/7 for the foreseeable, as there are several lagoons being ‘reclaimed’ into islands in the surrounding area, it was visible to us almost everyday. The visibility was not the only problem with this, the noise of the dredging carries clearly in the water, diving below just a short way it’s incredibly loud! I can’t imagine how this is affecting the larger species, dolphins in particular who rely so much on audible communication. Often we would abandon a snorkel on the eastern side, turn around and snorkel the western side instead. The western side we found less interesting, less fishy, but it was quiet, we could actually hear the fish and the visibility was much better. This will of course change with the tides and the location of the dredger. We did in fact talk about this dredging with both the GM and the marine & sustainability expert, they are both extremely unhappy about this vessel’s presence, had been included in the consultation period before works commenced. Both voiced their objections and suggested an alternative that would minimise the impact for all surrounding reefs and not just their own. Neither was listened to by the Maldives EPA, and so sadly it remains. The resort is doing some very splendid work in marine conservation, they have a whole programme for farming corals which show better tolerance for higher temperatures, nurturing them and then replanting on both Ihuru’s and Vabbinfaru’s reefs. There are regular clean ups of both reefs, and in fact we didn’t spot one single piece of rubbish on it. Of course the odd thing washes up on the beach occasionally (and is swiftly cleaned away), but the reef itself is spotless; very rare so they are clearly working very diligently on this. During our chats with the GM he mentioned that he would like us to have the opportunity to see one of the completed refurbished rooms, and in fact true to his word showed us one a day or so before we left. The changes are small, the biggest is the new wardrobe arrangement which is much better. I will include some photos with the review. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment is very low key at Ihuru. At first we really liked this, but in actuality it meant that most folks left the bar by about 9pm so the ambience was a bit lacking at times. A few nights a week there is music or a disco, and of course BoduBeru night, which we always enjoy and the folks at the resort put on a very enthusiastic display. Disco night was quite good fun, the music was chosen well and the volume was loud enough, without being too intrusive. However we didn’t enjoy the live music duo at all. I can’t fault their talent, but the choice of songs needs to include something a bit more lively please! Apparently there is a talk once a week from the marine biologist and you can also join the reef cleanup team if you want to. However, this was never pointed out to us (another check-in orientation fail) and so we joined neither. As I understand it, the talk is held mid-afternoon, which seems like a daft time to me as everyone is either on the beach or snorkelling. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Ihuru is a charming island, and there is a great deal to love about it. However its location, the current works which almost surround it and their detrimental effect on snorkelling, means we will likely not repeat a visit in the near future. The island is one of those rare gems that has a soul that is hard to find in the Maldives, being an older island, its lush and well established and the guest facing staff really make the experience something special. There is an authentic feel to your experience here, which I put down to their continuity of staff, many of whom are Maldivian and not foreign nationals. They are able to provide that special something that only folks ‘at home’ can do. The GM too is Maldivian and his passion for both Ihuru and Vabbinfaru was plain to see. For those concerned, the wifi is robust around the whole island and reaches well to the beach. A final note about those who may be adverse to sandbags, groynes and all things sea walls. The method chosen by Ihuru to deal with the ever present shifting of sand, is a reusable system of temporary sand seawalls. They’re a bit on the ugly side, but the method is good I think. Trenches are dug and lined with netting, the sand from the trenches is placed in biodegradable sand bags which are stacked inside the netting, which in turn is ‘knitted’ together to hold the structure in place. These groynes are in place on the eastern side of the island during the high season, then they are dug up, the sand replaced in the trench and the empty bags and netting reused on the western side during low season. So the walls are temporary, there is no longer any degraded strands of plastic on the beach or in the sea, and sand is kept more or less in situ. I’ve struggled to give this visit an appropriate score from the 5 available with Trip Advisor. Our holiday was somewhat tarnished by the presence of the dredging vessel, but I feel that it’s unfair to mark the resort down for that; they are as unhappy as we were and they can do little about it. What they do control is done well, with the exception of an oversight in communication (which was well recovered) and a bit of a poor orientation on arrival, the resort is a gem with a great F&B offering from both content and staff. I think my personal rating would be ⅗, but a fairer rating would be ⅘. Since TA won’t allow half numbers, we will go with 4!
Bewertet: 17.12.2023
Amazing resort, all the people was super kindly and we enjoyed every single moment on the island! 100% recommend. Clean, tidy impeccable! The reef is cared by workers and there are so many fishes who made the holiday fabulous. A special mention to all the guys in the restaurant! From cookers to the waiter / waitress!
Bewertet: 17.12.2023
The Dhawa is a great small luxury hide away. What makes the stay at the Dhawa extraordinary is everyone from the staff who are always happy to tend to every whish you may have. Also the restaurant and bar are beautifully done, the food is excellent (also for vegetarians) and the house reef easily accessible. Last but not least, the staff has really outdone itself with the Christmas decoration, never seen anything like this 😉.
Bewertet: 15.12.2023
Un grand merci à toute l’équipe en particulier le manager pour sa bienveillance et sa disponibilité Hanane au bar pour sa gentillesse Le resort reste à dimensions humaines très chaleureux et convivial le restau un vrai délice et tout le personnel adorable merci 🙏🏻 🤩😎🍸🎄🐬🐢🐠🐡
Bewertet: 15.12.2023
We really enjoyed the resort. It is a piece of paradise - clean waters, amazing corals and the room with the beach view and the nature - it was truly wonderful. The service was better than any hotel we have visited so far. Everyone went above and beyond to ensure we had a wonderful time and that we were always happy. A special thanks to Naoufel and Siyad from reception, who were extremely friendly and made sure that our stay was perfect.
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
Arriving at the airport, a wonderful and dreamlike holiday begins. You are just greeted super warmly and feel right at home. The journey is relaxed and takes about 25 minutes by speedboat. That alone is a lot of fun! On site, you will also be warmly welcomed directly by Noufel and the entire team. The island is beautifully maintained and also the bungalows on the beach are wonderful. The food is delicious and very varied. The cocktails and other drinks are super tasty, the entire service team is attentive, courteous and always very friendly to all guests. The management, especially the manager Noufel, are absolutely perfect and always open for a private chat. We really had an incredibly relaxing holiday and would like to thank the whole team of Dhawa Ihuru and are already looking forward to the next holiday there!!
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
Super nice vacation. You really feel in good hands. We were always greeted in a friendly manner and had a lovely time with the locals on the island in the evenings. Everyone here really puts a lot of effort into ensuring that you can enjoy a wonderful holiday. We would definitely come back and we can say that we have made friends here. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2024. P.S. Those who are kind to others help themselves; the ruthless cuts his own flesh.
Bewertet: 13.12.2023
My wife and I have just returned from a magnificent 7 night stay at this beautiful resort in the Maldives. Stepping out of the airport terminal, we were warmly greeted by the hotel’s representatives and almost instantly ushered to a waiting boat for our transfer to Dhawa. Although there were only 2 of us, the boat sped off to the resort and we had the delight of being on this most beautiful tropical island only 25 minutes later. Positive points about Dhawa, Maldives: • A truly beautiful, small tropical island with perfect beaches. • Amazingly friendly and helpful staff. • The rooms were nicely laid out, facing onto the beach. • The bathroom was spacious , well-designed and a pleasure to use • The island is small. Quick and easy to walk anywhere. • The most accessible reef of any island that we have been to in the Maldives. It only took about an hour to snorkel around the whole island. • Lots of small tropical fish life. There are 2 resident turtles, as well as harmless white and black tip sharks. A joy to go snorkeling. • Although we were there at spring tides, access into and out of the sea was easy. Plus, for some reason there were no strong currents. • The wines, spirits and cool drinks were all excellent quality. • The food was adequate in quantity. Breakfast was the highlight of the meals. • Wifi was excellent and was used extensively to show our loved ones what a wonderful time we were having • The Banyan Tree is nearby and – as a sister resort – there were regular boat trips to this island so that Dhawa guests could enjoy being on another island. One could even select to eat supper at The Banyan Tree for a surcharge of $20. Negative points about Dhawa, Maldives: • The food needs to be improved. An a la carte supper is served every couple of days, which was a pity as we were not particularly impressed with these. A buffet normally finds a lot more acceptance and perhaps serves to guide the chef re what the guests are trulu enjoying. • Also re the food, I was also left with the impression that there was a certain amount of tight budgeting taking place. For instance, there was no excuse to run out of pork bacon and to replace it with chicken bacon instead. • Maldives resorts used to have a general policy of supplying only 21 meals for a 7 night stay. This meant that anybody who had a late flight from Male would normally have to pay for an “extra” lunch and/or supper. Over the years, many resorts now offer meals and drinks for as long as you are on the island. Unfortunately, Dhawa Ihuru has yet to adopt this more popular and progressive policy. • There is no freshwater swimming pool. With the sea so accessible, this was not a major negative – but the modern traveler enjoys a swimming pool to relax around and to socialize. • I have seen reviews where there is criticism of the rooms. I disagree. Whenever we had a problem, it was swiftly and efficiently remedied. Overall Summary: Dhawa Ihuru is an excellent resort to visit, with great attention to the guests shown at all times by the resort manager – Abdulla Simaad – and his excellent staff. It was a happy stay and we were sad to leave – which is obviously a common experience as there were many, many repeat guests. A good island experience should be like reading a good book: it must have a good beginning and a good ending. Dhawa was a very good book…..!
Bewertet: 10.12.2023
Nur zu empfehlen sehr gute Personal sehr familiäre Ambient Service sehr gut essen kleine Auswahl aber gutes Qualität Strand sehr gut gute Reiff mit verschiedenen Haien und forsche und Korallen 👍👍👍👍👍
Bewertet: 05.12.2023
공항에서 스피드보트 25분 거리에 위치해 이동이 편리했고, 음식과 서비스, 아름다운 바다, 스노클링 수중환경 등 어느 것 하나 빠짐 없이 훌륭했습니다. 꼭 다시 방문하고 싶어요!
Bewertet: 05.12.2023
This was our fifth stay in the resort (previously Angsana Ihuru) but the first since the change of name. Over the years we have visited other more luxurious and exclusive resorts but in our opinion none have matched Dhawa. The main reason we keep coming back is that it is a small, unpretentious resort with a spectacular reef circling the whole island. On this occasion, we were pleased to notice that most of the coral which had suffered bleaching in 2016 is coming back to life and also that the beach was not as eroded in some places as was the case on our previous visit. Some small changes were not to our liking. The separate reception area no longer exists. Instead it has been merged with the bar and offers no privacy should you have any concerns to be discussed and addressed. What used to be the reception has been turned into “The Nest” where you can get tea/coffee/juices/popcorn/biscuits/crisps at any time which in our view is unnecessary as most of those are available in your room or at the bar. The shop has also disappeared and is now an arts and crafts centre. A bright pink neon sign “Be there. Be you.” adorns one of the buildings close to the restaurant and would be better suited outside a night club. However, all these changes did not spoil our stay. For the first time we were on an all inclusive package and it was well worth it. Overall the food and drinks were good and the choice included plentiful. The whole staff, front and back of house, who work tirelessly to make the place the little paradise it is, deserve to be praised. In this respect our special thanks go to Afaag, Liu and Solmaan in the restaurant who always greeted us with warm smiles, delivered a very efficient service and were prompt to replenish our glasses! We were really touched when on our last day Afaag came to see us off and wish us a safe journey, despite it being quite early in the morning. One point worth mentioning, although we were repeat guests on this occasion we did not get the personal touches we had received in the past (decorations on the bed, fruit platter, bottle of wine, special table on our last night, etc.) which was slightly disappointing. However, we still love the resort and this will not be our last visit.
Bewertet: 30.11.2023
Auf der kleinen Insel hat es uns an nichts gefehlt. Das wunderschöne Hausriff war perfekt zum schnorcheln und das Personal war sehr freundlich. Wir wohnten im Bungalow Nummer 44, wo wir ganztags die Sonne geniessen konnten. Der eigene palmenreiche Strandgarten lädt zum entspannen ein und ist mit einer Schaukel, Relaxinsel und 2 Liegen ausgestattet. Das Essen war hervorragend und abwechslungsreich. Uns hat besonders gut gefallen, dass an 3 Abenden der Woche ein 4 Gang à la carte Menu mit mehreren Optionen serviert wurde. Wir werden das kleine Paradies noch lange in Erinnerung behalten!
Bewertet: 30.11.2023
Everything was perfect for us: The island has an excellent reef for snorkelling and the underwater world is impressive. In addition to many colourful fish, there are turtles and blacktip reef sharks to be seen. Although there are many huts in a confined space, you don't feel cramped or crowded. There are no water-bungalows and no swimming pool, more the pure way. The atmosphere is not too formal, the crowd during our stay in November was a mix of older couples and families with young children, internationally mixed. The cabins are very spacious and very clean. The outdoor bathroom is a great feature, not musty, not cold, very intimate. The service is consistently good, the staff very friendly and attentive. There was a very large selection of food and drinks, good flavour. Only the prices for additional services and diving/snorkling trips are extremely high.
Bewertet: 29.11.2023
Das Hotel und das gesamte Personal ist absolut perfekt, familiär und professionell. Service of 5 Stars. Um das Hotel schönes Hausreef mit kleinen Haifischen, Schildkröten und Hunderten von Fischen. Nachhaltigkeit spielt hier eine grosse Rolle, perfekt.
Bewertet: 26.11.2023
Unfassbar schöne, kleine Insel. Maximum an Privatsphäre. Die Villen sind etwas in die Jahre gekommen, der private Garten und der Ausblick aufs Meer ist wahnsinnig schön. Einzig störend für das Auge sind die Sandsäcke, mittlerweile leider um die ganze Insel herum. Das fanden wir nicht so schön. Das Personal insbesondere im Restaurant ist so aufmerksam und liebevoll. Alles in allem eine sehr schöne kleine Insel. Verbesserungen könnten meiner Meinung nach bei den Zimmern, insbesondere den Bädern erfolgen. Inventar im Hotelzimmer ist etwas veraltet. Was uns unglaublich gut gefallen hat, ist die üppige Vegetation auf der Insel. Sehr viele Palmen und Blumen, man fühlt sich der Natur sehr verbunden.
Bewertet: 18.11.2023
It is our second time here, with my husband. The hotel is good. To keep the natural environment, they did a lot efforts. You can see many fishes over the reefs when snorkeling. Also the stuff here is very kind, especially Mr. Siyad. He is very good, take a very good care of us. If possible, we would like to come back again.
Bewertet: 18.11.2023
It is our second time here, me and my wife. The hotel is good. We saw a lot of fish. Also the stuff here is very nice to us, especially Mr. Siyad. He is very good, take a very good care of us. If possible, we would like to come back again.
Bewertet: 18.11.2023
We had a wonderful time celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary at Daiwa Ihuru in early November. It was a more upmarket resort than we would normally select so quite a treat for us! It was a beautiful spot, right on the reef which was ideal for snorkelling. The restaurant and bar/ reception are nicely designed with fun bright colours fitting in well with the surroundings. We loved the fact that you could walk around in bare feet everywhere with thick sand on the restaurant floors. It appears that the resort takes sustainability seriously which is good to see, i.e. minimal evidence of single use plastic use, and a marine centre with 4 people on this island and the sister island (Banyan tree) working on conserving the reef. We enjoyed taking part in the marine centre activities such as spotting unusual fish and the staff were very knowledgeable (Henry and Huud). We selected the all inclusive option. The food was to a high standard and we liked the fact that one evening was buffet and the next brought to us from a set menu (choosing from several options.) The fish and seafood dishes were particularly good. Deserts were always tempting and in small portions making it easier to take more than one! The new Spanish chef, David, has apparently raised standards and the restaurant and bar staff were all lovely and looked after us very well
Bewertet: 11.11.2023
Eine kleine wunderschöne Insel mit einem tollen Hausriff. Die Mitarbeiter im Restaurant waren toll, besonders hervorzuheben ist Liu, die unseren Urlaub noch besonderer gemacht hat. Alle Mitarbeiter im Restaurant waren unglaublich bemüht. Außerdem ist uns Hasan sehr ans Herz gewachsen, auch er war immer toll. Wer einen ruhigen und familiären Urlaub möchte, ist hier perfekt aufgehoben. Verena & Furkan
Bewertet: 09.11.2023
Es waren sehr eindrucksvolle und entspannende Ferien! Die Unterwasserwelt war wunderschön. Kulinarisch war es auch sehr lecker! Das Personal (besonders Leo und Rohid) haben immer sehr gut zu uns geschaut. Unser Aufenthalt auf Dhawa Ihuru war sehr angenehm. Das Zimmer war der Wahnsinn! Wir waren immer sehr dankbar, dass die Minibar täglich aufgefüllt wurde und die Tücher regelmässig gewechselt wurden. Vielen Dank für alles! Und bis ein anderes Mal. Beste Grüsse Deborah (Zimmer Nr. 7)
Bewertet: 08.11.2023
All the employers where realy friendly and always happy. We realy enjoyed our holidays. The reef is beautiful and the Villa are incredible. We realy appreciate the daily refuel at the mini bar and changing the towels. Some days it was raining, but we could relax at the bar and had a great time. Rohit who was working at the bar, welcomed us everytime lovely and made our stay realy comfortable. Thanks to all the team for your work to give us unforgettable holidays. Robin & Deborah
Bewertet: 08.11.2023
Thanks for the very good vacation to all of the personals, especially great thanks to Julia from reception! Corals, fish, kitchen, Marine center, spa - everything was excellent! Best relax in my life!
Bewertet: 08.11.2023
The best coral reef ever! I highly recommend night snorkeling, unfortunately it's not so advertised as it deserves. The close proximitiy of civilization is a bit of a disadvantage due to lights at niht, but only for those, who seek total isolation from the rest of the world. But it could also be an advantage due to short transfer time. In my opinion, coctails were a sort of a Russiam roulette. I ordered one coctail three times (just to feed my curiosiry) and all three times I gor different coctails))) Please, dance at the Boduberu show - it's like a final glue to unite you with nature, drum beats are so natural to that island. Btw, drummers are local men, it's not only a job for them, but a part of their soul. I would like to express my gratitude to all hotel staff, it seemed that we came to our friends. Special thanks to our waiter (and drummer) Afaag, he treated us with all his diligence and professionalism. He was the best) Thanks to Ismail for papaya, he wil understand I suppose. Самый замечательный риф! Настоятельно рекомендую ночной снорклинг, почему-то его мало рекламируют. Близость цивилизации с одной стороны хорошо (быстрый трансфер), с другой стороны не очень (много огней вокруг. Но это смутит только тех, кому нужно полнейшее уединение, для нас не было проблемой). Коктейли в баре делали от бедра))) заказывали один и тот же коктейль, но получался он каждый раз по-разному))) элемент неожиданности так сказать. Обязательно танцуйте на шоу Boduberu - на барабанах играют все местные ребята, для них это не просто работа, они вкладывают свою душу. Хочется сказать отдельное спасибо всему персоналу отеля, вы делали наше пребывание таким, как будто мы приехали к давним друзьям. Особое спасибо нашему официанту по имени Afaag, с ним мы всегда себя чувствовали сами дорогими гостями.
Bewertet: 06.11.2023
We stayed for 4 nights and 5 days. Nestled on the azure waters of the Indian Ocean, Dhawa Ihuru stands as a bastion of tranquility and unmatched hospitality. My recent stay at the resort has left me with an indelible impression of warmth, personalized service, and culinary delights that beckon a swift return. From the moment of arrival, the effervescence of the reception area, with its seamless blend of modern design and tropical charm, sets the tone for a luxurious stay. Julia, the receptionist, epitomizes the resort's ethos of heartfelt hospitality. Her beautiful smile and sweet gestures extend beyond the mere formalities of a welcome. She possesses a rare quality that makes guests feel cherished and at home, effortlessly weaving the magic of Dhawa Ihuru into the start of a holiday narrative that promises to be memorable. The dining experience at the resort is an expedition of taste, led by the remarkably skilled waiter, Shafeer. His keen intuition and vast knowledge of authentic cuisines transform each meal into a tailored journey for the palate. Shafeer's recommendations, always in alignment with our preferences, ensured that every dining experience was both a discovery and a delight. His best-in-class service is not just about the efficient delivery of meals but about creating moments that resonate with personal taste and preference. Adding to the culinary brilliance is Mr. Patra, the international specialist cook, whose interactions have been a highlight of my stay. His daily inquiries into our preferred menu choices and eagerness to cater to our likings speak volumes of the bespoke gastronomic experience at Dhawa Ihuru. Mr. Patra's passion for culinary arts is evident in the flavorsome and aesthetically pleasing dishes that graced our table throughout the vacation. It's a rarity to find such dedicated personalization in resort dining, and Mr. Patra truly exceeds expectations. An ode to perfection is the impeccable state of the villas, credit for which goes to Moosa, the conscientious steward of our temporary abode. His dedication to maintaining pitch-perfect cleanliness and comfort within our living spaces played a crucial part in our serene and undisturbed stay. Returning to a pristine and beautifully arranged villa each day provided a sense of peace and continuity that is the hallmark of a luxury resort. Dhawa Ihuru encapsulates the quintessence of an island escape where every staff member contributes to an overarching experience of indulgence and relaxation. The harmonious collaboration of Julia's welcoming charm, Shafeer's culinary guidance, Mr. Patra's gastronomic artistry, and Moosa's meticulous attention to detail, blend together to create an atmosphere that can only be termed as exquisite. In conclusion, Dhawa Ihuru is more than just a destination; it's a sanctuary curated by its people, promising an unforgettable escape into a world where every wish is not only anticipated but gracefully fulfilled. My stay was an enriching experience, setting a new benchmark for what I now expect from a luxury resort.
Bewertet: 06.11.2023
The stay was amazing. All staff starting from the hotel manager, all waiters, people working at the bar, the reception, the person who took our luggage was extremely polity, helpful and friendly. You felt like you were at home. Food was good, to different tastes, fruit. WiFi worked 24/7. Rooms clean and comfortable. Would like to come back!
Bewertet: 06.11.2023
Nous avons passé 10 jours en famille avec nos 2 enfants de 8 et 10 ans. Ce petit ressort à échelle humaine est tout simplement merveilleux. Les bungalows sont confortables et nettoyés 2 x par jour. Remerciements particuliers à Falil Hameed (Homme de chambre) pour sa gentillesse et serviabilité. La nourriture au restaurant est très très bonne avec alternance les soirs de buffet/à la carte. Durant tout notre séjour, nous avons été servi par Ben, d'une grande gentille, toujours bienveillant et qui a assuré un service irréprochable. A noter également, que TOUT le personnel et j'insiste vraiment sur le TOUT, est hyper chaleureux, accueillant, que ce soit les employés de la réception toujours disponibles, au bar (quel plaisir d'y savourer leurs merveilleux cocktails), de la maintenance (toujours prêts à rendre service). Sincèrement, rien à ajouter de plus si ce n'est que nous recommandons ce ressort à 1000 %. En ce qui nous concerne, nous avons quitté l'île avec quelques larmes et réfléchissons déjà à y retourner. Merci Dhawa pour ces belles vacances !
Bewertet: 06.11.2023
We spent a fantastic week with our two daughters on this marvellous hotel island. Everything was perfect in the water, underwater and on land. The staff are very friendly and always strive to make your holiday perfect. We would especially like to thank the two waiters Bendey and Maaniu and the BBQ chef. Maaniu showed us where to find the turtles while snorkelling. We can only highly recommend Dahwa Ihuru!
Bewertet: 05.11.2023
Wir haben auf Ihuru unsere Flitterwochen nachgeholt und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass das die perfekte Wahl für uns war. Wir sind in der Früh angekommen und konnten, nach einem netten Empfang von Siyad (Dhawa Insider) und Mohamed (Front Office Manager), gleich unseren geräumigen und frisch renovierten Bungalow beziehen auf der Nordostseite der Insel beziehen. Wir hatten eine Jetpoolvilla, haben den Whirlpool aber nicht benutzt (einerseits weil wir sowieso das warme Meer hatten und andererseits weil dieser vom Housekeeping eingelassen werden soll. Es sammelt sich immer Wasser im Becken, das muss erst mühsam abgeschöpft werden). Das Bad war aber auch so sehr schön mit einer Freiluftdusche und zwei Waschbecken. Das Schlafzimmer war geräumig und das Bett nicht ganz so weich wie daheim, aber trotzdem gemütlich. Die Minibar wurde immer nachgefüllt, auch das Trinkwasser, das reichlich im Zimmer vorhanden war. Das Wohnzimmer zur Terrasse hin war ebenso hübsch und funktional. Die AC hat funktioniert, aber zum Schlafen war sie auch im Sleepmodus etwas zu laut (wir haben sie dann abgeschaltet). Unser "Strandabschnitt" war super, die Terrasse wunderbar mit Sonneschirm, Tisch, zwei Sesseln, einer Art Strandmuschel, einer breiten Schaukel und zwei Liegen. Wir waren gleich in der Nähe von einem "Schnorcheleingang" zum Hausriff, das einfach nur atemberaubend war. Wir haben jeden Tag mehrmals geschnorchelt, so viel zum Sehen gab es da (Schildkröten, 100.000 bunte Fische, Schwarz-, Weißspitzenriff- und Ammenhaie, Tintenfische, Muscheln...), auch wenn die Korallenbleiche auch hier zum Sehen ist, aber dieses Phänomen trifft leider aufgrund der globalen Klimaerwärmung alle Riffe. Dhawa Ihuru hat ein auch Marine Lab, mit dem auf Riff Cleaning gehen kann, und sie bemühen sich generell nachhaltig, natur- und klimaschonend zu sein. Das gesamte Personal ist sehr umsichtig und freundlich. Besonders unser Kellner Afdaag (ich hoffe, ich habe es richtig geschrieben) war wunderbar und sehr aufmerksam. Wir haben uns oft gut unterhalten, über das Leben auf den Malediven, unsere Kinder und das Essen (er hat uns sogar ein Suppenrezept besorgt :-) ). Vielen lieben Dank! Wir haben sehr sehr happy mit dem Essen, ich essen glutenfrei und habe immer etwas Gutes gefunden, dass ich essen konnte (das lokale glutenfreie Brot war nicht gut, daher habe ich es generell gar nicht gegessen; Spaghetti haben sie auch extra für mich zubereitet). Es gibt alles in Buffetform (zweimal die Woche ist das Dinner a la carte), in der Früh gibt es immer zwei Suppen, Deftiges wie Bacon, Beans etc, aber auch Süßes wie Croissants oder eine Omlette, Eier, Pancake, Waffel-Station, frisch gepresste Säfte, Salat, Käse, Wurst, ...mittags und abends gibt es mindestens 4 verschiedene Gerichte, immer auch Front Cooking (Grillstation), und so gute Currys. Wenn man Currys nicht so gern hat, dann findet man natürlich auch etwas zu essen, aber nicht mehr so viel. Wir lieben Currys und alles Asiatische. Für Kinder gibt es immer die obligatorischen Nuggets und Pommes ;-) Die Desserts sind auch sehr gut. Ebenso der Kaffee. Auch die Auswahl an der Bar im "normalen" AI (Dine Plus) ist vollkommen in Ordnung. Auch hier sind die Barkeeper sehr freundlich und aufmerksam. Alles in Allem waren es traumhafte entspannende Honeymoon Tage auf Ihuru. Wir würden mit unseren Kindern wiederkommen :-)
Bewertet: 04.11.2023
È il nostro ultimo pomeriggio in paradiso quindi si possono tirare le somme La struttura è proprio come la vedete dalle foto, mare e bariera galattici ( noi nn ci accontentiamo facilmente) mai visti così tanti pesci pagliaccio 🐠🐠🐠🐠io sono fifona ma l’accesso al reef è veramente facile e comodo x chiunque Io sono celiaca sintomatica e ho ricevuto tante coccole… anche troppe sono ingrassata sicuro❤️ Unica pecca…. Un po’ troppa gente x la grandezza dell’isola… avevamo scelto questa isola x il numero esiguo di bungalow ma abbiamo trovato veramente tanta tanta gente e un numero impressionante di bambini che corrono e urlano ovunque… peccato se fosse un adult only sarebbe veramente perfetto In ogni caso il mare e la gentilezza del personale ripaga ogni urlo sopportato Grazie a tutti
Bewertet: 03.11.2023
Everything was wonderful. The island, the accommodation, the restaurant and an exceptional staff. Congratulations for doing such a good job I will definitely come back to this wonderful place. Thank you for everything.
Bewertet: 03.11.2023
Dhava Ihuru é una piccola, ma splendida isola, circondata tutta intorno da una bella spiaggia, rarità ormai nelle Maldive. È, inoltre, dotata di due splendide romantiche terrazze che versano direttamente sull’oceano ove sono collocati bar e ristorante. Le belle camere si affacciano tutte sull’oceano e sono rifornite ogni giorno con bibite, liquori e snack. Il personale, di ogni settore, é gentilissimo ed attentissimo al cliente. Il servizio di riordino della camera viene effettuato due volte al giorno. Il reef regala squali pinna nera di una certa grandezza e tartarughe oltre che i classici pesci di barriera. Un ringraziamento particolare va al Manager Simaad per l’attenzione riservataci.
Bewertet: 29.10.2023
We stayed here in the October half term, myself my husband and two children and we all honestly think it’s the best holiday we have ever been on. We stayed in villa 29 which was easily the best villa on the island because the sunsets directly in front of it. The villa itself was clean and neat with all amenities that we needed. The beach was stunning. The sand was soft and clean (not like English beaches at all) with lots of tiny hermit crabs which the children loved watching. The sea was like something from a film: turquoise and clear and just full of fancy fish. We swam alongside turtles and black tipped sharks and spent a lot of time snorkelling over the coral and spotting the different types of fish. The resort has a bar that’s open from 11am and plenty of choice to be had in terms of refreshments. Breakfast is from 7:30 til 10:30. Lunch is 12:30 til 2:30 and dinner is 6:30 til 10. The food is amazing and served buffet style. It’s fresh, cooked really well and tastes wonderful. There are many different dishes available each day with every third night being a set menu that you order at lunch ready for that evening. The dining staff are just awesome. The man who does breakfast juice is also the dessert creator and there is a man in charge of the grill section that is also in charge of eggs at breakfast. He very kindly gave my littlest one a rose he made from a napkin on our last day. She carried it so carefully all the way back to England! Nothing seems too much trouble for any of the staff with one even offering to cook something completely different when he realised that our youngest didn’t like anything on the menu. Everyone is so friendly and kind and Yulia (Julia?) from reception was just the sweetest. Everyone is attentive but without being too ‘in your face’ which for us was just right. As well as the beach there is also a 24hour gym, table tennis and a book swap section in the craft area for if you need some reading material which I thought was a nice touch. This is definitely a superb vacation destination and we will definitely be back in the future.
Bewertet: 28.10.2023
Indian families can have a great time. Specially the chef and resort staff will take good care of us. Thanks to resort manager for all his hospitality. We came here with family of 4 and we enjoyed at most.
Bewertet: 28.10.2023
It was a little frustrating to select a hotel for a stay in Maldives...because you 1000 of options and everything looks great, expensive, with a lot of positive comments and a couple of -ve comments...Since you are traveling for the first time, you will try to get the best value for money...Finally we decided to go with Dhawa based on my research and other aspects including cost. Trust me, Dhawa Ihuru met my expectations beyond imagination....One of the best holidays and out of the world experience. Starting from greeting by Mr.Simhad at the airport and welcome by the lovely ever smiling Uliya....Uliya made our day by saying we have been upgraded to a superior room. It was fantabulous. Every staff is too courtesy and they make you feel at home...It is indeed like your own house in the middle of a beautiful island. Never heard a no from any staff. Shariff at the kitchen was special and he ensured we get the best of vegetarian food, my wife was overwhelmed. Hanna was another name i remember always at service. My all time fav Dude Rohit from India made every moment at the bar just awesome. Sorry i don't remember all names....Finally the place itself is a cozy beautiful island...its indeed a paradise. Looking forward to visit again.

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