Embudu Village Verified Reviews
Embudu Village South Male atoll, 20012, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
Sri Lanka
Reviewed: February 12, 2024
Pros: Everything was superb I might travel to the location again.
Reviewed: February 11, 2024
Resort semplice in stile maldiviano, consigliato per chi vuole una vacanza in pieno relax con pochi fronzoli.
Pros: La durata del transfer dall’aeroporto al resort in 20 minuti e ben organizzata. Struttura semplice, un po’ datata, pulita, ma accogliente e tranquilla per chi è alla ricerca di relax. Tutti i giorni in camera venivano portate due bottiglie d’acqua. Ristorante a buffet internazionale vario. Staff gentile e disponibile. Spiagge varie, da quelle più ventose a quelle calme. Barriera corallina vicina.
Cons: Pochi ombrelloni disponibili e teli mare troppo piccoli. Materassini sui lettini da eliminare in quanto vecchi e sporchi. L’orario della colazione andrebbe prolungato fino alle ore 10.
Reviewed: February 9, 2024
Le paradis aux Maldives
Pros: Petite île magnifique avec de la végétation pour l ombre et des petits coins pour s isoler sur des transats ou fauteuils et . Personnel très gentil qui fait tout pour vous satisfaire (merci Rasheed pour l attention pour notre anniversaire !). Superbe récif pour faire du snorkelling (requins de récif au bord, murènes cachées, poissons de toutes sortes et... Même des tortues) pas loin du bord et lagon pour barboter dans l eau chaude. Très bon buffet 3 fois par jour avec coin cuisine locale, vous avez votre table attitrée et votre serveur. Bref, allez-y c est magique et d un très bon rapport qualité- prix. Club de plongée , quelques excursions et 2 animations en soirée par semaine, le top pour se reposer en amoureux. Transferts en bateau 25 mn de l aéroport. Bungalow sur la plage avec clim, service à thé /café et 2 bouteilles d eau désalinisées par jour, Eau 1,5l minérale au resto 3 dollars. Bière 6 dollars. Soda 4 dollars.
Cons: Rien.
Reviewed: February 7, 2024
Amazing holiday
Pros: It was an incredible holiday. The reef was alive and great for snorkeling. The staff were friendly. They also made sweet surprises because it was my birthday. Thanks for everything. By the way, don't forget to bring sea shoes.
Reviewed: February 4, 2024
Nel complesso ottima vacanza, ci siamo trovati bene.
Pros: -ACQUA DEL MARE CALDISSIMA -posizione perfetta -organizzazione dei trasporti da e per aeroporto perfetta -cambio biancheria e teli mare -buona cucina (ogni giorno cambiava menù, non sapevo che le patate potessero essere preparare in così tanti modo diversi ahahah) -camerieri disponibili e gentili -molta disponibilità di sdrai con materassino morbido -isola molto verde ed è molto facile trovare l'ombra!! sappiate che il sole picchia forte visto che si è all'equatore. -ci sono molte spiagge (per soddisfare tutti i gusti ed è bello variare spesso dove mettersi) -isola circondata da barriera corallina e ci sono molti pesci (tra cui abbiamo visto anche dei piccoli squali a riva) -Wifi disponibile in tutta l'isola (anche in spiaggia), non andava in camera. -ogni camera aveva un ventilatore a soffitto e un climatizzatore condizionatore. -letto king size e due cuscini a persona (uno più morbido e uno più duro) -ogni giorno portavano gratuitamente 2 litri d'acqua in camera -frigorifero in camera -le valige venivano portate dal personale dalla barca alla camera e viceversa quando si riparte. -nonostante il villaggio pieno di persone, non c'era assolutamente affollamento, c'era un sacco di silenzio e spazio libero
Cons: -zero animazione, né di giorno né di sera, un paio di sere ci sono stati dei musicisti (che erano abbastanza stonati) -pessime escursioni mal organizzate, costano troppo e non sono un granché. Noi siamo andati a vedere Malé (organizzata dal villaggio) ed era praticamente dalle 13.30 alle 17.00 quindi sotto il caldo infernale, città molto piccola che si può vedere in 1 ora e il resto del tempo la guida non sapeva cosa fare, oltretutto gli edifici si vedono solo da fuori (quindi non ha molto senso) non vale 42$/persona. Un'altra escursione è stata a vedere gli squali (organizzata dal diving center), considerando che sono a 5min dall'isola, mi sembrano tanti 60$/persona e stare 1,5h a nuotare con gli squali, sarebbe stato meglio 45min squali e 45min snorkelling da un'altra parte. -la barriera non è colorata (come non lo è in tutte le maldive) -per arrivare alla barriera bisogna camminare in acqua su resti di barriera morta (portatevi le scarpette) -tutta l'isola è sabbia, non c'è un marciapiede o altro, subito può sembrare bello, ma ci sono momenti in cui si rimpiange un po' questa cosa, ad esempio quando si va a cena la sera, visto che ogni volta che rientri in stanza poi devi lavarti i piedi dalla sabbia (ATTENZIONE fuori da ogni stanza c'è un rubinetto per lavare i piedi, ottima cosa ma abbiamo notato che l'acqua è salata, quindi va bene per sciacquare la sabbia ma poi bisogna lavarsi nella doccia dentro per togliere il sale) -la pensione completa non comprende le bevande di cui acqua 3$ e bibite 4$ sono anche al prezzo giusto, il resto sembrava un po' costoso (ma calcolate che è tutto importato)
Reviewed: February 3, 2024
Pros: L'île est absolument magnifique. Son emplacement est absolument unique grâce à la barrière de corail
Cons: Manque de possibilité de rangement.
Reviewed: January 31, 2024
Es war wunderschön, musste ein paar heimliche Abschiedstränchen vergiessen
Pros: Eine kleine, sehr grüne Insel zum Entspannen. Hervorragendes Essen . Getränkepreise für Malediven ok. Es gibt jeden Tag zwei grosse Flaschen Wasser aufs Zimmer. Hatte Geburtstag und habe mich sehr über die kleine Aufmerksamkeit von Hotel gefreut. Riff zum Schnorcheln super, man kann sich auch etwas weiter von der Insel entfernen und bekommt allerhand zu sehen, Schildkröten, Haie sind Standard, mein Highlight war ein Mantarochen. Strandabschnitte sind sind nicht riesig, aber doch ein paar unterschiedliche ( mehr oder weniger windig) vorhanden. Super freundliches Personal. Hatten eine Partnermassage, die war perfekt. Es ist keine Luxusinsel, das muss man klar sagen, aber alles in allem super Preis- Leistungsverhältnis.
Cons: Hier und da etwas schmuddelig, z.B. der Billiardraum. Unser Bad war auch nicht das neueste und schönste, klar, sauber, aber gewisse Sachen waren zu alt. Das einzige, was wirklich sehr negativ war, war diese leidige Reserviererei der Gäste von den Liegen. Den ganzen Tag mit Handtüchern belegt, aber niemand liegt dort. Ich finde, da sollte das Hotel mehr durchgreifen und den Gästen das verbieten. Ausserdem haben wir eine sehr informative Hotelbroschüre entdeckt über den Korallenschutz. Das sollte man den Gästen zugänglicher machen, es gibt doch einige, die immer noch in den Korallen stehen.
Reviewed: January 31, 2024
За такой старый отель стоимость может быть сильно меньше.
Pros: Питание превзошло наше ожидание. Не смотря на внешний вид, все было очень вкусно. Уборка в бунгало каждый день тоже обрадовала. Вода в номере в достаточном количестве, так же чай и кофе. уборка острова от листьев и веток регулярная и ежедневная, но уже пора бы заняться уборкой сухих деревьев и опасно висящими кокосами над головой
Cons: Все старенькое и побитое. Начиная от входной двери в бунгало, вся мебель побитая и скоро начнет разваливаться. старый гудящий мини-холодильник, кондиционер, плитка на полу, зеркало в ванной. Вообще все внутри бунгало починено максимально убого и быстро. Замазывается силиконом или клеем, закрашивается и так и остается. Так же и в остальной части острова и отеля. Что-то новенькое теряется в море старых вещей и не замечается. Кроме красивых рифов и природы, заниматься совершенно нечем. Пьющим алкоголь можно сидеть в баре. Не пьющим только снорклить, дайверить, загорать на палящем солнце или валяться в теньке. Ну и регулярно наслаждаться пролетающими мимо маленькими самолетами. Атмосфера пансионата для пожилых людей, которых подавляющее большинство в отеле.
Czech Republic
Reviewed: January 30, 2024
Pros: Krasne tiché místo, krasne pláže, korálový útes se skvělým potápěním a snorchlovanim.
Cons: Nekvalitní alkohol při volbě all inclusive
Reviewed: March 18, 2021
Pros: Понравилось абсолютно всё. Бунгало почти на пляже, с утра прямо в море, затем на завтрак . В это время уже сделают уборку номера и территории, Все очень организовано и добросовестно. На пляже всегда чистота, уборка проходит рано утром и все что выбросило море за ночь ты не видишь. Очень понравилось наличие приватных зон в тени под пальмами. это очень спасало от жгучего солнца. От него обязательно нужен крем не менее 50 и защитная одежда. Мы плавали в спецфутболках ( 50 защита) и это нас спасло от ожогов, но вот ноги , будучи только намазаны кремом 50 сгорели под водой. Не догадались взять что-то типа лосин. так же сгорели кисти рук и тоже под водой. Так что учитывайте этот момент.Питание было разнообразное и достаточно обильное.Особенно вкусными нам показались десерты( муссы, желе , мороженое и т.д.) Фрукты на завтрак , обед и ужин . Папайя, арбуз, ананас, апельсин, маракуйя, гуава. Также фрукты в соке. Мы брали завтрак, обед и ужин и это нам показалось лишко, вполне обошлись бы завтраком и ужином. Напитки за отдельную плату, кроме кофе на завтрак. Вода -3 доллара, пиво-5. Коктейли -11. В номере 2 бутылки воды ежедневно и кофе, чай, молоко:, сахар. Раза 3 в неделю барбекю перед рестораном, как правило 3 блюда. Все что заказываешь отдельно записывается на счет и оплачивается при выселении. Прекрасный массаж, я делала баленизийский_74 доллара за 50 мин. Это при скидке (20-30 процентов не помню точно) Нам был нужен тест COVID-19 , накануне заказали и утром следующего дня сдали в медцентре отеля. Цену точно не скажу, т.к. у нас было за счет отеля( если проживаешь там более 9 дней) но не менее 100 долларов точно. Трансфер до отеля и обратно -78 долларов с человека ( Оплачивается в отеле) Наш вылет был поздно вечером , но мы оставались в номере до отплытия катера. за что огромное спасибо администрации отеля. Получился полный день отдыха. На острове встречаются цапли, ягуанки, ящерицы, геконы, летучие лисицы,петух и курочки . Все очень мирные. Еще кот.
Cons: нет такого
Reviewed: March 18, 2021
Paradīze zemes virsū. Saule, jūra , atpūta. Zemūdens pasaule.
Pros: Viesnīca ļoti jauka.Brokastis bagātīgas visām gaumēm. Svaigi augļi vienmēr. Tiek rīkotas tematiskas vakariņas. Apkārtne sakopta, viss zaļš, pludmale fantastiska, ūdens tīrs. Bērniem varētu būt garlaicīgi jo nav izklaižu iepējas. Internets labs visā salā. Serviss ļoti labs. Uz vietas ir iespēja taisīt PCR testu, nekur nav jābrauc. Transfērs nodrošināts, viss laikā. Ja vēlaties atslēgties no trokšņa un cilvēkiem iesaku šo salu atpūtai.
Cons: Trūkums ir tas, ka ļoti labi var dzirdēt kaimiņus kas dzīvo aiz sienas. Nav laba skaņas izolācija.
Reviewed: March 16, 2021
Very Good
Pros: The resort is very nice and the stuff is great. The food was ok. Great snorkeling area.
Cons: I would recommend all inclusive. In resort is a bar where you have few options for food. At the buffet are very few sea food options. If you want to eat grilled prawn you have to pay 60$ /70$ for a full menu which include Grilled prawns accompanied with :aperitf cocktail, seafood cocktail, soup of the day and fruits. In Guhli island the grilled prawns were 12$.
United States of America
Reviewed: March 15, 2021
Pros: The food was good and there was always a good selection. I never left hungry. Everything was always kept clean, this included the beaches and grounds.
Cons: I booked a full board package, so food was included but drinks weren't. I had assumed that alcohol and specialty drinks would not be included but absolutely no drinks were included. A cup of tea and water during your meal is $13. In my opinion this is robbery because there is no place else to get a drink. So you either pay for the very overpriced water or die of thirst. Also the beds are very hard. If you like hard you will love it but not everyone likes hard.
South Korea
Reviewed: March 14, 2021
Pros: The food at Embudu was delicious, very fresh and a great variety every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The whole island was kept clean and it felt like paradise.
Reviewed: March 13, 2021
Прекрасное место для спокойного отдыха и снорклинга
Pros: Отдыхали семьей в разных странах, на Мальдивы приехали впервые. Остались в полном восторге от Эмбуду - чистейшая бирюзовая вода, мелкий светлый песок на пляже, красивый подводный мир, очень вкусная разнообразная еда. Бесплатный интернет на всем острове. Тестировал и днем и утром, когда все спали, скорость загрузки всегда 1 Мбит/сек, значит стоит искусственное ограничение. А вот upload плавает от 1 до 20 mbit. Ping 7 ms. По whatsapp звонил в Россию слышно отлично. Даже видео включал - все ок. В номере есть пляжные полотенца. Шампунь и гель тоже дают. У нас были включены завтраки, обеды и ужины. При этом варианте напитки на завтрак бесплатные (ограниченный выбор - соки, чай, кофе). А вот напитки на обед и ужин оплачиваются отдельно. Цены: Пиво 0,5 л. - 5$, кола 0,3 л - 4$, вода 1,5 л - 3$. В 17:00 почти каждый день со стороны главного пирса приплывают скаты и акулы. Их иногда подкармливают. Розетки - переходник не нужен, подходят наши вилки. С пальм иногда падают большие спелые кокосы, будьте осторожней. Над островом иногда пролетают гидропланы и самолёты, но это совершенно не мешало. Комары - бывают иногда на улице. В самом бунгало нет, фумигатор не пригодился. Снорклинг понравился в районе Coral Garden - можно увидеть тысячи рыб, живые кораллы. Видел мурен, осьминогов, рифовых акул. Если запотевает маска, можно побрызгать бесплатно в дайвинг центре. В некоторых местах острова сильные течения, будьте аккуратней. Здорово, что можно ходить босиком - даже в ресторан многие приходили босиком. Остров небольшой, думал, будет скучно, накачал на iPad кучу фильмов. Не посмотрел ни одного - 8 дней пролетели, как одно мгновение. Снорклили и купались по 4 часа в день, ходили на завтрак, обед, ужин, гуляли по острову, делали красивые фото, общались с отдыхающими из Индии, Германии, России. Россиян на острове довольно много, делятся советами по экскурсиям, по снорклингу, например, в какой части рифа можно увидеть черепах. Жили втроем в одном бунгало, все кровати удобные.
Reviewed: March 13, 2021
A definite recommendation
Pros: Gorgeous location, with beautiful water with amazing marine life(stingrays, sharks, colorful fishes). We were also fortunate enough to see bioluminescence plancton on the beach on one evening. The island is full of trees, giving it an exotic vibe, also providing enough shadow to stay outside during midday, when the sun is very powerful. Everywhere on the island you find swings hanging by the trees and there are deck chairs for everyone on the beach. Friendly staff and great food. People there clean and maintain the island constantly, so it's very nice. We are very happy with our stay and can only recommend it.
Reviewed: March 12, 2021
Мальдивская турция ..тут уединения точно нет..
Pros: Вежливый персонал..быстро реагируют на просьбы..поменяли номер при заезде.. Хороший управляющий отелем и администратор ресторана.
Cons: Рекомендуется почистить кусты и засохшие деревья..соответственно не будет крыс и будет чистый, белый песок.. На острове много крыс.. Завтрак разнообразить..для вегетарианцев..добавить фреши.. Убрать много space острых блюд..Поставить лучше приправы на стол лично каждому индивидуально.. Нужно просить салфетки постоянно..потому,что только прибор замотанный в салфетку и все..Лучше поставьте на стол каждому отдельно салфетки и будет всем радость.. Вместо того что меняете каждый день полотенца..лучше бы в номере лучше убирали..за 21 день ни разу не протерли пыль на тумбочках.. ‼️ Не дезенфицируйте пирс в 17.30 когда все люди на закат солнца смотрят..там же ресторан.. Убирайте мешки с мусором который ежедневно убираете утром ..а не под вечер.. и вообще на самом топовом пляже постоянно были бутылки, стаканы которые стояли по 3 дня Мы покинули отель на неделю раньше..Так за то что у нас прыгали крысы по номеру..и учитывая все эти неудобства.. с нас даже сняли еще суточная оплату за отмену бронирования..😒
Reviewed: March 10, 2021
Pros: A fost totul minunat,ambianta naturala deosebita,camerele curate cu toate facilitatile ,amplasarea pe malul marii ,locurile de relaxare in mijlocul naturii ,restaurantul cu mancarea foarte buna ,pentru toate gusturile ,deserturturile extraordinare. Tarifele pentru bauturi la bar au preturile rezonabile si nu in ultimul rand experienta deosebita la snorkeling.O oaza de liniste , relaxare ,cu siguranta vom reveni.
Reviewed: March 5, 2021
Very good place to spent time in Maldives at rather modest price.
Pros: Exceptionally good place for snorkeling! Quite amazing is an almost daily show, which starts at roughly 17 hours, when up to 7 or 8 reef sharks accompanied by 3 or 6 large (!) sting - rays arrive near the jetty and make fun swimming around the people making photos etc. This is truly wonderful as it looks like this beasts are amazing themselves.
Cons: As many visitors already noted most corals at the reef are dead.
Reviewed: March 1, 2021
Pros: Amazing place! Friendly staff.
Cons: None
Reviewed: March 1, 2021
Friendly staff, and the Nature is extraordinary...
Pros: MR.RAVINDRA was outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr,CHANDANA created nice Cocktails. Thanks a lot! Privat Dinner at the beach is unforgettable!!!
Reviewed: March 1, 2021
Very Good
Pros: Saubere Bungalows, kleine Insel mit allem was man für einen Malediven Urlaub braucht. Tolles Spa
Cons: Keine liegen an den Bungalows, man musste sich die liege irgendwo suchen und viele reservierten diese schon am Vorabend
Reviewed: February 28, 2021
Pros: Остров.. цена-качество ! Все чисто ,сам остров красивый , зелёный. Персонал прекрасный) Кухня, для Мальдив прекрасная....Даже на некоторых островах на Мальдивах (5 звездочных ресортах) не всегда было все что было предложено тут .
Cons: Территорию надо бы обрабатывать чаще от насекомых ..
Czech Republic
Reviewed: May 9, 2021
Cons: Only few available excursions, and the prices are very high in comparison to other extras.
Reviewed: May 7, 2021
Loved it
Pros: Liked the location - just a short boat ride from Male. Loved the small island itself with the possibilities for great snorkeling and even diving! Our waiter Thasleem made our day at every meal. All the Covid measures were totally met and but yet we felt like we were away from the crazy world :)
Reviewed: May 6, 2021
Уединенный отдых на маленьком острове
Pros: Быстный трансфер из аэропорта Мале, около 15 мин в пути. Стоит 78$ в обе стороны. Достаточно разнообразное питание, но в меню много острых блюд. Отличное место для снорклинга. Но без коралловых тапок лучше не заходить. Где-то кораллового валежника поменьше, где то побольше и можно порезаться. Лучший пляж, на мой взгляд, напротив бунгало с 1 по 21. Сильно чувствуется прилив и отлив. График можно посмотреть на доске diving school. Много шезлонгов, всегда есть свободные. Но самые удачные занимают пораньше. Уборка в номере каждый день, также приносят 2 бутылки бутилированной воды по 1л.
Cons: Напитки бесплатно только на завтрак. На обед и ужин уже платно. Вода 1.5л -3$. Кола и другие софт лринки -4$, пиво разливное 0.3 - 5$
United States of America
Reviewed: May 6, 2021
My husband and I had a special time here and we plan to return with our family.
Pros: The staff was so welcoming and friendly. Embudu is special because it is just the resort on the island, so it feels very private and relaxing like a true getaway. The natural landscape is extremely well maintained and all facilities were comfortable and meals delicious.
Cons: The only place to purchase anything on the property is the souvenir shop, which is quite overpriced. Be sure to prepare enough sun lotions, cigarettes, essential items, etc before you go.
Reviewed: May 3, 2021
Pros: Жили в 51 бунгало, до моря 10 шагов, постоянный ветерок. Дочь жила в 22, чуть дальше от моря, но ветра не было, поэтому душно по вечерам. Номера простые, все необходимое есть. Каждый день ставят по бутылке воды (0,7) на человека. Брали завтрак и ужин, мясо, рыба, яичница, омлет, зелень, заправки для салатов, овощи, фрукты, рис, бобовые, мюсли, молоко, десерты ежедневно. Соки не вкусные, кофе, чай бесплатно. Всего достаточно, очередей нет. Можно спокойно выносить еду и кушать возле номера с видом на океан. Вино по 40$ за бутылку, пить невозможно. Пиво 5$ за 0.33 - нормальное. Лежаки возле каждого домика, проблем нет. Океан прекрасный, рыб много, видели черепаху. Остров маленький, спокойным шагом обходили минут за 20. Нам с мужем понравилось, дочери (26 лет) было скучновато. Много семей с маленькими детьми, океан спокойный, за 10 дней дождя не было. Трансфер заказывала у отеля, проблем не было. Интернет хороший, в аэропорту купили местную симку - летал. Прекрасное соотношение цена и качество.
Cons: Для вегетарианцев выбор еды достаточный, для веганов - скудновато.
Reviewed: May 3, 2021
Pros: Locația bună potrivită pentru cei ce vor sa se relaxeze. Raport bun calitate preț. Am luat demipensiune și ne-a ajuns fara probleme
Reviewed: May 2, 2021
Pros: Food amazing Location crazy Staff very accommodating Water, surreal
Cons: All inclusive over priced. Activities, very minimal choice and over priced.
Reviewed: May 2, 2021
Pros: Schnelle Anreise im Speedboat, war etwas schwierig herauszufinden, wo es abfährt, weil am Flughafen so ein Gedränge war, aber irgendwie hat dann doch alles geklappt. Wir waren in einem Strandbungalow untergebracht, Bett war sehr bequem; außerdem war im Zimmer ein kleiner Wasserkocher mit Tee/Kaffeepulver etc. Es wurde täglich sauber gemacht, es gab dann auch immer zwei große Flaschen Trinkwasser dazu (ohne Aufpreis). Es stimmt, dass die Bungalows etwas hellhörig sind, wir hatten allerdings echt ruhige Nachbarn. Generell war das Hotel (sicherlich Corona bedingt) nicht voll ausgelastet und daher angenehm ruhig, wir hatten trotz der kleinen Insel fast immer einen Strand für uns zwei und auch am Buffet war kaum Gedränge. Das Buffet war meiner Meinung nach abwechslungsreich, morgens 'typisches Hotelfrühstück' mit Brot, Croissants, Eier (hartgekocht, Spiegelei, Omelette..), Marmelade, Käse, baked beans, french toast - aber auch Dhal, Curries und Reis. Bei allen Mahlzeiten hatte man die wahl zwischen verschiedenen Salaten und frischem Obst (Papaya, Wassermelone, Orangen). Mittags dann mehr warme Gerichte, manches gab es immer (Curry, Reis, Papadams, Chapati), anderes hat täglich gewechselt (Nudeln, verschiedenes Fleisch, verschiedenes Gemüse). Ich bin kein Vegetarier, esse aber wenig Fleisch und bin immer fündig geworden, es gab beim Gemüse auch jeden Tag Auswahl (sowohl Bekanntes wie Karotten, Süßkartoffeln und Tomaten, als auch exotischeres wie Okras und Bittergurke). Das Abendessen hatte immer irgendein Motto, mal war ein großer Grill aufgebaut, einen Abend gab es so eine Art Tacos, am nächsten Abend Steaks usw (natürlich immer plus das große Buffet mit Suppe, Salatbar, Beilagen, Obst etc.). Besonders beeindruckt war ich vom Nachtisch, jeden Tag was neues und immer so schön angerichtet (habe ein Bild beigefügt).
Cons: Ein Missverständnis gab es bei der Buchung - ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass es bei Vollpension wenigstens alkoholfreie Getränke enthalten sind, das ist aber nicht so. Weder auf Booking.com noch auf der Website des Resorts habe ich Preise für all-inclusive gefunden, immer nur Halb- und Vollpension. Für knapp 40$ pro Tag pro Person hätte man dann vor Ort upgraden können, das war uns aber etwas zu viel. Wie schon von anderen Gästen hier beschrieben, ist das Bezahlen am Ende etwas umständlich, man zahlt am Abend vor Abreise, wir waren allerdings am nächsten Tag noch bis 16 Uhr da. Das bedeutet, dass wir am letzten Abend noch 3 mal zum einzeln Zahlen zur Rezeption kommen mussten (weder im Restaurant, noch in der Bar oder Souvenirshop kann mit Karte gezahlt werden) und am Abreisetag dann noch ein paar Mal. Nicht schlimm, aber das könnte man sicher besser lösen.
Reviewed: March 26, 2021
Pros: Das Buffet war extrem gut.
Cons: Das war mein achter Aufenthalt auf den Malediven, leider kommt man sich auf Embudu vor wie auf Mallorca oder in der Türkei, morgens um 5.30 Uhr werden bereits die Liegen mit Handtücher blockiert, die Personen die das gemacht haben waren dann lediglich 2-3 Stunden am Strand. Trotz Beschwerde wurde vom Manager nicht reagiert.
Reviewed: March 24, 2021
Pros: The resort is located on a tiny island, with bungalows and buildings spread between trees. The beach bungalow were we stayed was spacious, beds are harder than what you usually find in other places. The room was cleaned every day, they brought us 2 one liter glass bottles each time when they cleaned it. The resort is not for from Male, it is a 20 minutes boat trip which you can book in advance from and pay at the resort. Although the resort itself is very quiet, you can hear in some days, especially in the morning, jetty's going by or planes hovering the area. The food is tasty and it is buffet served, and we got a choice of regional dishes made with local spices mixed with more international ones. The food seems to be entirely cooked from fresh ingredients. The sweets were awesome. You have to pay for the water at the table if you need it. Beverages, drinks and other activities are priced as per locations visited by Europeans, I would say they are similar with those in Greece. If you like diving, the dive center is well equipped, the house Coral Garden is not that deep (3-12 m) and it has beautiful fish and corals. Also you can snorkel with them to the Stingray City, which I highly recommend. The house reef is mainly gone, the corals are trying to regrow, you can still see various fish in the shallow waters on the bungalows side including manta rays, shark reefs, lion fish, trigger fish, usually they appear around 5 PM, some times earlier. The staff is great, after a while we started making jokes together, although at first they were reserved on that matter. We ordered several bottles of wine in advance which we consumed over few days, they were nice enough to store the unfinished ones at the bar. We tossed our belongings over the island without fear of them disappearing and we left our room door opened during the nigh for cool air, there are all kind of creatures roaming around, it felt like living in a communal tropical village, which kind of is.
Cons: Nothing really, my wife considered that the restaurant interior design should be upgraded. I found a neighboring exterior AC unit a little annoying some times.
Reviewed: March 22, 2021
Отдых в мальдивской деревне Эмбуду
Pros: Отсутствие телевизионных приёмников в номерах и круглосуточная тишина на всём острове позволяют наслаждаться плеском волн, шелестом ветра в листве и звуками, издаваемыми представителями местной фауны.
Cons: Сервировка столов в ресторане желает лучшего. Столовые приборы скорее подходят для общественной столовой среднего уровня. Недостаточное количество бумажных салфеток на столах.
Reviewed: March 21, 2021
Suurepärane saar ja resort!
Pros: Asukoht! Saar oma loodusega, riff ümberringi. Personali taktitundeline viisakas käitumine, vastutulelikkus, ausus. Toidud, joogivalik.Vaikus, rahu... Lihtsuse võlu. Tahame sinna juba tagasi. Oleme külastanud teisigi Maldiivide saare, kallemaidki aga seekordne oli meeldivaim kogemus.
Cons: Mugavam tuba oleks võinud olla, sohva vms. Tv puudus.
Reviewed: March 20, 2021
Заменить матрасы.
Pros: Понравилось расположение, тихий зелёный остров, чудесное море.
Cons: Неуютные номера, жесткий матрас, неудобный шкаф для одежды.
Reviewed: March 19, 2021
Pros: Optimal price-quality ratio. This is a solid hotel with friendly staff and beautiful beaches. Well-groomed clean area - barefoot without any problems. We had breakfast-lunch-dinner meals, in this case juice, tea and coffee are free for breakfast, and tea is free for lunch. Two large bottles of water are also provided daily in the bungalow. Bungalows are equipped with everything you need: wardrobe, safe (with code), small refrigerator, hairdryer, shampoo and shower gel, table, kettle, tea, coffee, milk, sugar. We lived on the windward side (bungalow 75) and it was beautiful: the sea 10 meters away and the sea breeze in the bungalow itself. We didn't even need to turn on the air conditioner at night, as we opened the bungalow door and breathed the fresh sea air all night! There is a lot of place to relax on the beaches themselves and in shady places. During our stay (early March) sun loungers were available at all times. The coral reef is dead, but there are plenty of fish. you just have to be careful, because sometimes there is a pretty strong current. We went fishing twice, morning and night. On a night fishing, besides fish, I myself caught a two-meter nurse shark! With the help of the boat's personnel, she was pulled to the surface of the sea and we photographed her. It was unforgettable! Wi-Fi worked well in the room and in almost the entire area (except for the beach from the side of the coral garden). The speed is good, since I had to work remotely and it almost always worked out. Our bungalow only had one EU-sized outlet, but there is an option to buy an adapter from the hotel store. I would also like to say about the friendliness of the hotel managers. My husband and I did not inform the hotel in advance that this year we are celebrating the anniversary of our marriage. But when we arrived, the hotel manager saw the appropriate inscriptions on our special T-shirts. And the hotel gave us a compliment: delicious cake and fruit. It was very gratifying.
Reviewed: March 19, 2021
Pros: Очень зелено и красиво.
Cons: Во время отлива очень мелко, плавать неудобно.
Reviewed: March 19, 2021
Pros: Остров маленький, очень зеленый, коралловый сад фантастический. Номер немного аскетичный, но мы все время проводили вне его. Еда соответствует 5 звездам. Персонал приветливый и делает все, что бы ваш отдых был отличным.
Cons: Все было очень хорошо.
Reviewed: May 1, 2021
Великолепный отдых
Pros: Великолепный отдых. Шикарный риф. Еда вкусная, ассортимент богатый. Персонал, отдельный разговор, его почти не видно, но вместе с тем дорожки чистые, бунгало убрано, пляж чистый. Обслуживание очень продуманное все ненавязчиво, но там где можно упасть лежит есть гамак или шезлонг. Однозначно хочется вернуться. Рекомендую.
Cons: Как такой отдых может не понравится?
Reviewed: April 24, 2021
Pros: Маленький остров-отель, океан хороший. Номер устаревший, но чистый, жили в бунгало пляж.
Cons: Пакетный пенсионерский отель, еда не очень, кофе на завтрак растворимый. Вода 1,5 литра - 3$.
Czech Republic
Reviewed: April 18, 2021
Pros: We spent 8 beautiful days at Embudu and found ourselves in paradise. One can throw away shoes and all worries and enjoy the beautiful beaches and turquoise sea, amazing underwater life, great food and great cocktails. Many thanks to everyone at Embudu! We will want to return :-)
Reviewed: April 16, 2021
Amazing stay in paradise
Pros: The beaches were very close to all villas on the island - nice white sands, no waves, crystal clear water, the food was every day and every meal different and extremely delicious. The staff was very polite and answered all our questions. We strongly recommend this place.
Reviewed: April 14, 2021
Cons: Dont know why but They dont serve food in room you have to go to the bar order food there and take it to the room by yourself.
Reviewed: April 10, 2021
Szuper resort, nagyon jó ár érték aránnyal. Kiváló ételek , rövid , 20 perces transzfer. Beach villánk pár lépésre az óc
Pros: Tisztaság , kiváló snori hely, ingyen késői ki jelentkezés
Cons: Ilyen nem volt
United States of America
Reviewed: February 17, 2021
Honeymoon delight
Pros: The beaches, food, and drinks were really good. Comforting and relaxing.
Cons: Travel restrictions that were not notified earlier by the hotel or flights.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: January 26, 2024
Overall the stay exceeded my expectations. Management just had to do something with drinking water which is not free.
Pros: I liked that it has a house reef. They have also other facilities like badminton, table tennis... Food was fantastic and very delicious. I was always looking forward to it. Coral garden is a wonder. We have been upgraded to water villa for the rest of our stay and I so love the room -- high ceiling and everything was clean. Airport transfer was smooth and confirmation of the schedule is clear.
Cons: Water is not free of charge. For someone who drinks water a lot, this is a big disappointment.
Reviewed: January 20, 2024
Pros: spiaggia ok mare splendido ristorante buono e molta varietà
Cons: stanza con carenza di manutenzione poca attenzione ai dettagli nell'arredamento delle stanze
Reviewed: January 20, 2024
Pros: Herrlicher Strandbungalow direkt am Wasser, das Essen war sehr gut
Cons: Zum Teil sehr steinig, wenn man ins Wasser geht. Man sollte Badeschuhe mitnehmen.
Reviewed: January 17, 2024
Pros: Barriera corallina raggiungibile facilmente a nuoto dalla spiaggia con possibilità di vedere tartarughe, squali, aquile di mare e tantissimi pesci colorati. Isola a 20 minuti di barca dall'aeroporto.
Cons: .
Reviewed: a week ago
Embudu is a happy village of harmony. Food is extraordinary and served with smile. Everyday we enjoyed different type of mouth watering food. The aroma of the variety of food is special. On the whole I recommend the Embudu village for all kinds of walks. The staff of the Embudu village are very friendly and hospitality. Specially Mr Niranjan.
Reviewed: a week ago
This was the third time of visiting Embudu, and once again, it did not disappoint. |We booked for 11 nights on an All Inclusive basis. Prior to arrival I emailed the island directly, with Rasheed responding immediately. I requested specific rooms for my wife and I, and our friends. Rasheed said he would try to fulfil this, and indeed he did. |Brilliant direct flights from Heathrow to Male, I was surprised to see how the airport and infrastructure had been developed in the 7 years since last visiting Maldives. |Speedboat transfer was again well organised and we were welcomed on to the island by the friendly staff. Despite our early arrival, 11am, the rooms were still ready for us (we love the area around the large sandspit, 33 and 34). We were sat on the beach my midday and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. There was a welcome arrival cake and massive fruit bowl for us. |The food was fantastic, even better than previous stays. The choice was superb (ask my scales) and did not have a single poor meal. Chefs and staff (Mr. Naranjan) were really nice, especially our waiter- Abdullah- who we had great fun with on a daily basis. Loved our cheeky sense of humour, and joined in with our practice jokes. Thank you Abdullah!!|Rooms were basic but still lovely. Cleaned superbly every day.|Island has changed a little, more sand and beaches gives it a larger feeling but still not overcrowded at all. Vegetarian on the island is superb and gives shade for those who need it. The reef has improved, with so much new coral. Loved the snorkeling. |Had a fantastic meal on the beach for my wife's birthday, they made such an effort. A birthday for us to remember, thank you.|The bar and staff were brilliant, so attentive, friendly and efficient. Once again got to mention the Nepalese staff Santosh, Badah, , Bangladesh and Sri lankan staff Kamal and his colleagues. Sorry, memory and spelling of names is not my strong point. All superb , thank you.|Overall, hard to leave this island, and the fact we met so many returning guests who come back year after year, is testimont to the island and the staff. |In my opinion, it pure Maldives. Beautiful.
Reviewed: a week ago
Eine kleine Insel der Malediven, deshalb eine familiäre Atmosphäre. Personal sehr freundlich und immer hilfsbereit, ein Paradies für Taucher und Schnorchler
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Nice and cosy 3 Star Island. Solid lunch and dinner buffet. Good value for money. Wifi is available but due to high utilization of guests (streaming, video telephone....) most of the day superslow.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Resort modesto ma pulito, forse necessita un pò di restauro. Personale molto gentile, sempre sorridente e disponibile a soddisfare le varie esigenze. |Altamente consigliato per chi cerca una vacanza in pieno relax e tranquillità, dove gli unici rumori sono lo sciabordare delle onde ed il vento. Piaggia e mare spettacolari, arricchiti dalla barriera corallina (che circonda tutta l'isola e facilmente accessibile) ricca di pesci di ogni tipo, colore e dimensione. Sembra di nuotare in un acquario tropicale. |Assolutamente da fare le escursioni organizzate dal diving center dove potrete fare anche snorkeling in mare aperto con squali nutrice e razze.|Cibo buono ma speziato e piccante come da tradizione maldiviana.|Un grande ringraziamento al nostro cameriere Samad, che ci coccolato durante tutta la nostra permanenza.|Esperienza da ripetere presto!! ... |Michela, Italia
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Perfect place for full relaxation. Excellent beaches and beautiful blue water, island full of vegetation (palms, trees, bushes…). Ideal for snorkeling, bring your own equipment. Bring your swimming shoes, there are a lot of corals in the water! Island is quite small there is no much activities possible on the island. Few excursions are possible. Any extras will be highly charged since there is only one hotel on the island. Rooms are a bit old. Return ticket with speed boat, 20min from Male is quite pricey, 90$/person, and only option. Overall if you want just to relax and enjoy on the beach in the shadow of the palm this is the perfect place for you.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Soggiorno nella settimana di capodanno. |Resort di dimensioni contenute con giardini sempre curati e puliti, a mezz'ora di barca veloce dall'aeroporto. Struttura non recentissima ma ben curata e pulita.|Nella settimana di capodanno, clientela perlopiù italiana e tedesca educata e tranquilla. |Personale attento e gentile: il nostro cameriere di sala era Karthik, giovane di grande finezza.|Cucina curatissima, con vasta scelta e continuo rifornimento di vivandiere e vassoi. Tutto freschissimo e materie prima di qualità, mai avuto problemi di alcun tipo. Quasi tutti i giorni viene preparata la pasta. I piatti asiatici speziati che alcuni menzionano ci sono e sono davvero buoni, ma sono anche facilmente evitabili con le altre proposte. |Mare e spiaggia molto belli (foto).|Il reef si sta riformando dopo il doppio disastro Nino 1998 e Tsunami 2005 ed è molto ricco di fauna colorata (foto).|Escursioni a prezzi ragionevoli: effettuata quella per gli squali.|Unico suggerimento: anche se all'agenzia dovessero insistere per farla fare, evitare la formula All Inclusive. La formula AI è limitata rispetto a quella complessiva, i prezzi a listino dei soft drinks e dei cocktail sono ragionevoli e a listino l'acqua (ovviamente compresa anche nell'AI) costa meno di 3 Euro per bottiglioni da un litro e mezzo. In sostanza l'AI conviene solo se si è forti bevitori di birra e superalcolici.|In conclusione lo consiglio senz'altro a chi cerca un bel mare, bei pesci, buona cucina (internazionale), un contesto tranquillo, curato e silenzioso.|Grazie, Embudu!
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Питание прекрасное - даже слишком! Чтобы не переедать, пропускала завтрак. Но обед и ужин всё перекрывали - постоянно готовили что-то новое, необычное, что хотелось попробовать. Индивидуальный трансфер - встретили и заселили утром, как только прилетела. А при раннем выезде выдали сух поек, хотя и не просила. Остров безумно красивый - всё в зелени и пляжах, людей не очень много, всегда и везде есть свободнве шезлонги. Можно выйти из номера босиком и по песку дойти куда хочешь. В жару спокойно лежишь у моря в тени растений/пальм... Очень много рыбок вокруг, приятно плавать. Войти в воду можно даже и без тапок - вполне комфортно. Номера очень убитые... Ооочень медленный wi-fi, только ночь возможно пользоваться. Уборщик номера посточнно подходил и заглядывал в окна/открытую дверь (окно только в ванной, потому просыпаясь приоткрывала дверь), где я голая лежала просыпалась - это ужасно испортило впечатление. Неужели в 9 утра нельзя постучать или просто пройти мимо?! Однажды позволила ему не убираться - это было ошибкой, т.к. весь пол за двое суток оказался в песке. После уборщик по 5 раз переспрашивал "Ноу клининг?" и 5 раз приходилось попросить прийти позже. Даже лежа в кровати через открытую щель в двери. Неудобное время завтрака и ужина - первый слишком рано, второй слишком поздно.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
4ème séjour à Embudu et toujours aussi satisfaits de cette petite ile à 30 minutes de bateau rapide de l'aéroport. Les chambres supérieures sont simples mais confortables et propres. le seul petit hic ce sont les serviettes de bain qui devraient être changées par des neuves. Nous avions choisi la formule All In qui a répondu à nos attentes. les buffets matin, midi et soir étaient excellents. Variés, il y en avait pour tous les goûts et toujours de l'excellent poisson . Une partie du buffet est consacrée pour les amateurs , comme nous, à une cuisine épicée.|La soirée du nouvel an était top avec un DJ qui a mis une bonne ambiance pour passer en 2024. il y a eu une animation locale sur la plage qui était sympa même si nous n'avons pas tout compris ( 2 hommes à la culotte ensanglantée tirent un faux requin hors de l'eau).|Les plages sont disséminées tout le tour de l'ile. Pour les amateurs de snorkeling le tombant corallien n'est qu'à quelques mètres du rivage. Un véritable aquarium! nous avons vu à plusieurs reprises une tortue et des requins pointes noires (inoffensif) ainsi q'une dizaine de raies aigle. Le club de plongée est très sympa, est bien organisé. Juste un peu trop cher. |Bref nous avons passé un excellent séjour en famille et c'est sùr nous reviendrons!
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
Bonjour, |un petit coin de paradis !! Vous pouvez y aller sans hésiter !! C'est beau et paisible..Le snorkeling est magique ! Le personnel est agréable ! Mon séjour a été parfait. Je recommande fortement
Reviewed: a month ago
We stayed here 10 years ago to the month with 2 very young boys, so were looking forward to re-visiting now the family had grown up since then. We loved it then and we loved it even more 2nd time around. The island is still as beautiful only they have proper sunbeds now and provide beach towels, a suggestion we recommended they adopt 10 years ago in a previous review. Sure, the rooms are still quite basic and simple and probably in need of a makeover but they still provide what you need on a budget Maldivian island, a decent bed, small balcony, clean sheets, A/C, kettle and fridge, safe and a bathroom with a shower. Its all price relevant anyway and I think the island offers incredible value for money. We stayed over Christmas and New Year and took 2 rooms as before. Have to say, the hospitality and buffets were out of this world. Food choices were really plentiful and well thought out, too much choice if anything! The kitchen team really know what they are doing here and you wont go hungry on any meal as there is simply too much to choose from. Shout out to all the staff who were incredibly helpful and friendly and Karthick our waiter who was a lovely Indian guy from Pondicherry. The house reefs were amazing where we saw Eagle rays, black tip and white tip sharks, and giant trevally daily on tap. Saw a huge spiny lobter and Octopus too. All in all, a great trip, fabulous island and wonderful Christmas and New Year. Will be back again.
Reviewed: a month ago
Une île paradisiaque ! Nous avons nagés dans un aquarium, la beauté de l'île est à couper le souffle. Pour les chambres l'hôtel est un peux vieux et les chambres avec un confort moyen ce n'est pas le luxe mais cela fait l'affaire pour les amoureux de la baignade.
Reviewed: a month ago
Wir waren das erste mal auf Embudu Village. Nach dem Landen wurde man nicht einen Moment alleine gelassen bis man am Zimmer war. Wir wusten zu jedem Moment wie es weiter geht. Die 20 minütige fahrt zur Insel ist nicht ohne. Wer leicht Seekrank wird dem empfehle ich eine Reisetablette😁 Das Essen war ein Traum, leider waren die Einheimischen Speisen so scharf das ich sie nicht essen konnte. Wirklich schade den sie sahen immer mega gut aus. Die Zimmer waren zweckmässig, den man ist eh immer draußen. Leider hatten wir das Pech das es täglich stark geregnet hat. Aber dann sassen wir unterm Dach und haben gelesen oder bei leichtem Regen gingen wir schnorcheln. Das schnorcheln am shark point hat mich so begeistert das wir 2024 zum tiegershark point wollen! Das Wasser die Mittarbeiter das Riff (das leider sehr kaputt ist) weil die Leute einfach draufstehen. Ist klasse. Die Riff Haie die im knietiefem Wasser an dir vorbei schwimmen! Klasse!
Reviewed: a month ago
(IT) Abbiamo passato una settimana intera nel villaggio Embudu e di seguito descrivo tutti gli aspetti del servizio.|-Accoglienza: in reception sono stati sempre gentilissimi a dissipare ogni dubbio e ci hanno fornito una guida in lingua italiana con le principali informazioni|-Assistenza: portano i bagagli direttamente in camera dall’approdo, sostituiscono gli oggetti danneggiati (a me è capitato con l’asciugacapelli) e riforniscono l’acqua nel frigo bar|-Connettività: la rete Wi-Fi è presente in tutta l’isola e all’aperto funziona meglio che dentro le camere|-Camere: ce ne sono appena un centinaio, tutte simili, con stanza patronale sufficientemente ampia, un bagno con grande doccia con asciugacapelli e un terrazzino esterno in cui è presente un comodo stendipanni; all’interno è presente una cassaforte capiente, un frigobar e un paio di ombrelli|-Pulizia: la camera viene pulita ogni giorno, cambiando gli asciugamani e i teli mare su richiesta.|-Paesaggio: il mare delle Maldive! L’isola è grande appena 400x200 metri circa, si gira a piedi tutta in quindici minuti e quasi tutta la costa è spiaggia in cui si può stare. La vegetazione è molto curata, sono presenti varie specie di animali mai visti prima. |-Fondale: la sabbia è formata da corallo disgregato, conviene usare scarpette da scoglio. La barriera corallina è a pochi passi dalla riva, procuratevi una maschera|-Ristorante: tutte le pietanze principali sono a buffet. Il tema cambia di giorno in giorno ma fondamentalmente sono sempre presenti: riso, pollo, carne e pesce alla griglia. Quindi condimenti di vario tipo, salse e spezie a non finire, stile indiano. Attenzione quindi a non esagerare se non siete abituati a questo tipo di “pesantezza”. Tutto discreto, solo i dolci lasciano un po’ a desiderare|-Camerieri: veloci, precisi, servizievoli. Il nostro tavolo è stato gestito da un ragazzo che ci salutava sempre ed era ben lieto di renderci a nostro agio|-Bar: avevamo la formula all inclusive , il che ci ha permesso di avere a disposizione a qualsiasi ora (fino a mezzanotte) qualsiasi bevanda analcolica , i principali superalcolici e qualche cocktail locale (no pestati). Anche qui servizio rapido e cortese|-Escursioni ed extra: abbiamo fatto la ricerca dei delfini all’imbrunire , il diving, il sottomarino, una cena romantica con menu a parte, ma si potevano fare altre escursioni. |-Pagamenti: accettano pagamenti in euro, contanti e carta. Siate generosi con le mance. |-Clima: essendo quasi all’ equatore , non c’è escursione termica e per tutta la giornata i gradi si aggirano sui 28/30 , acqua compresa|-Ambientazione: la spiaggia è piena di sdraio di plastica e amache a vario titolo diffuse dappertutto.
Reviewed: a month ago
The best experience of our lives we enjoyed every bit of the stay and the beach experience will return for sure
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: a month ago
Esse hotel/resort me surpreendeu positivamente. Ele tem um ótimo custo benefício. Por ser um dos melhores valores com pensão completa ele entrega muito. As refeições são muito variadas e deliciosas, tudo feito com muito capricho. Quando você chega para fazer sua refeição sua mesa já está identificada com o número do quarto e um funcionário para lhe servir as bebidas, o que agiliza muito o atendimento. Os funcionários são muito prestativos e atenciosos. Outra vantagem é que ele é bem próximo do aeroporto de Male, apenas 35 min. de lancha. Os quarto são espaçosos e aconchegantes. O único ponto negativo foram as toalhas de banho não são macias e nem com o habitual cheirinho de toalha de hotel. Masde uma forma geral nós gostamos muito da nossa estadia, recomendamos e com certeza voltaremos a nos hospedar no Embudu.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: a month ago
Das Hotel ist bzgl der Zimmer und Liegen etwas in die Jahre gekommen. Es ist aber perfekt durchorganisiert, Transport, Rezeption, Küche, Bedienungen, Sauberkeit waren gut. Als Barfußinsel gut gepflegt. Buffet für uns meist gut. Viele verschiedene Speisen einheimisch und international. Gutes Preisleistungs-Verhältnis. Wir hatten Vollpension, also waren Getränke nicht inkludiert. Da wir meist mit Wasser, Kaffee und Tee zufrieden waren, ging die Zusatzrechnung nicht so in die Höhe. Wenn man als Familie reist oder öfter Alkohol trinken möchte (Glas Bier 6 Dollar, 1,5 Liter Wasser 3 Dollar), sollte sich durchrechnen, ob sich All inclusive lohnt. Mit dem Schnellboot in ca. 30 Minuten von Male erreichbar. Hervorragend organisierte Tauchschule unter Leitung von Jürgen mit sehr neuer Ausrüstung, klarer Preisstruktur. Wir hatten viel Spaß beim Schnorcheln am Hausriff, viele Fische, Schildkröten, gelegentlich Schwarzspitzenhaie und bei einem kurzen Bootsausflug "Stingray City" (15 Min Bootsfahrt, Ammenhaie, Rochen). Durch die Nähe zu Male einiges an Bootsverkehr im Umfeld der Insel, für uns aber nicht störend. Bei der Wahl des Bungalows sollte man sich überlegen, wo man positioniert sein will, also eher ruhig oder eher nah an Versorgungstrakten, Ablegestegen. An der Seite "Korallengarten" , schön zum Schnorcheln, ist das Meer meist ruhig und viel flacher Sandstrand vorhanden, bevor es an das Hausriff geht. An unserer Seite, Südost, war der Wellengang etwas höher. Wir waren für 3 Sterne voll zufrieden.
Reviewed: a month ago
2nde expérience aux Maldives en couple. Notre objectif étant le snorkelling, nous avions opté pour 9 nuits à Embudu au regard des avis sur la qualité de celui ci. Effectivement cela sera le point positif n°1, récif de bonne qualité avec des coraux renaissants. Concernant les équipements: restaurant de qualité ( en option full, savoir qu il faut rajouter pour toute consommation à table, même les bouteilles d eau mais 2 bouteilles d eau quotidiennes mises à disposition dans le bungalow) a noter que les plats sont bons, variés mais majoritairement épicés. Dommage qu aucune musique d ambiance ne soit diffusée car cela donne finalement une ambiance « cantine » tristounette. Seules 2 animations/ semaine par un groupe au bar mais une ambiance musicale légère manque vraiment dans les lieux communs. |Nous avions un bungalow sur la plage: ils sont bien équipés, bien décorés y compris la salle d eau et la terrasse également bien conçue avec le nécessaire. bungalow propre et ménage fait quotidiennement avec fourniture et changement des draps de plage. Par contre, le gros point noir est l absence totale d isolation phonique entre 2 bungalows. Bungalow 37: nous entendons le voisin qui écoute une longue conférence sur son ordi a un niveau sonore normal et nous sommes bluffés car il semble qu il soit vraiment dans notre chambre! Pensant que cela est dû à une porte communicante fermée, nous demandons à changer de bungalow. Direction bungalow 24: nous nous rendons compte que le probleme est absolument identique. Nous sommes très très loin de la promiscuité normale à l’hôtel, que nous acceptons volontiers. Pour illustrer, nous entendons distinctement le bruit de l’eau quand la voisine se remplit un verre d eau et pouvons comprendre et suivre toutes les conversations. C’est incroyable! Nous comprenons très bien pourquoi les bungalows ne sont pas équipés de TV !! Nous sommes plus proche du camping en tente qu à l’hôtel ! un point vraiment inacceptable pour le niveau de prix de l.hôtel, des travaux s imposent ! Quel dommage.
Reviewed: a month ago
This was our 3rd visit and was for my husbands birthday.||Everything was perfect including the food.||The snorkeling was fabulous.||Our bed was decorated beautifully on my husband’s birthday and were given a birthday cake and fruit platter which was lovely.||The day before we left we were upgraded for the night to a water villa which was a lovely gesture.||Thank you to all the staff xx
Reviewed: a month ago
Ottimo ! Bungalow, cucina , atollo , mare , educazione ….! Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo !tranquillo , rilassante , buona cucina , mare spettacolo …. Che dire altro … andateci ! Il tragitto in barca veloce è di 15 minuti quindi nessun problema !
Reviewed: a month ago
Piękne miejsce ♥️ wspaniała wyspa, nieduża, ale dla nas był to plus :) obejść ją można w 20 min , opłynąć też się da 😁Bardzo szybki dojazd z lotniska ~ 10min. Obsługa przesympatyczna 😊 cisza i spokój, muzyka na żywo chyba 2 razy w tygodniu, lecz w niczym nie przeszkadza. Domek mieliśmy obok i praktycznie już tam ledwo ją było słychać . Polecamy wycieczkę na rekiny, łódź podwodną oraz delfiny przy zachodzie słońca - niezapomniana przygoda . Pokoje bardzo ładne, czyste i duże, codziennie sprzątane . Ostatniego dnia mieliśmy wylot o 20 i do tego czasu otrzymaliśmy do użytku domek na wodzie co też było bardzo miłe :) dziękujemy za przepiękny pobyt ♥️
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
3 nuits dans cette île paradisiaque. Beaucoup de verdure et de plages de rêve. Seul bémol : les cloisons des chambres pas insonorisées. Personnel sympa et buffet très bon.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Amazing place for snorkeling. Only a bit aged bungalows are the biggest minus, which does not in any way ruin the experience. Great service. Welcoming hosts are eager to let you stay beyond your checkout time if your flight is in the evening. Great food. Great beaches. Stay away from the diving centre as they want to strip you of money by charging every single piece of equipment separately. Plus charges for the boat dive, plus charges for the guide, plus plus plus...
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Es wird Zeit, dass ich endlich einmal eine Bewertung schreibe: Ich bin Stammgast auf Embudu und das kommt nicht von ungefähr. Das Personal ist noch dasselbe wie vor 13 Jahren, was für ein perfektes Management spricht. An dieser Stelle einen herzlichen Gruß an den Restaurantmanager, an Rasheed dem Hotelmanager und an alle anderen, - vom Guide angefangen bis hin zu den Köchen 😊. Vielen Dank für alles! Ich war dieses Jahr im Mai auf Embudu und ich hatte wirklich Glück mit dem Wetter. Der Bungalow, das Essen, der Service…….wie immer alles perfekt und super. Vor allem das Essen ist köstlich und sehr vielfältig,- es ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei. Die Hai-Excursion kann ich nur empfehlen. Es war so toll, dass ich am nächsten Tag gleich noch einmal mitfuhr. Wer Angst vor Haien hat, sollte den Ausflug nicht buchen. Die Ammenhaie kommen einem wirklich sehr, sehr nahe. Das Hausriff hat sich natürlich sehr verändert aufgrund der Erwärmung der Meere, die Fischvielfalt, die Babyhaie und Babyrochen haben sich reduziert. Dennoch macht das Schnorcheln immer noch viel Spaß und man trifft viele bunte Fische. Ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Jahr!
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
I completely agree that there are loads of resorts out there. Whatever Embudu has to offer( personal and first Maldives experience) is a smile on each and every faces I met here. Maintenance people, bar and restaurant, reception every single person has a smile and they are kind and so keen to please. Food is fabulous, nothing to fault. Drinks ( and again the bar people) perfect. Snorkeling, beaches all surrounding absolutely fabulous. Rooms are okay, bit old furniture, but does it matter? My advise, if you not fussy and you happy to be happy...thats the place..such lovely people... what a lovely birthday I had.... Did I say once in a life time...? Nop, we ll come again. Absolutely. Thanks for reading 🙂 I hope it helps
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Don’t waste your money, go to the local island The rooms are old, dark and with strange scents You need to pay for all drinks additionally and prices are much higher than on local islands, but here you don’t have a choice just to pay If you want to dive, again it’s better to do this on the local island- on Embudu you need to pay twice the price of the dive … Not recommended…. And also keep in mind that in the evening there is really loud music till at least 12, so it’s almost impossible to sleep
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Reviewed: 2 months ago
Klein aber fein ohne überflüssigen Schnickschnack (kein TV und nur sehr langsames Wifi). Tolles Riff um zu schnorcheln oder tauchen. Viele tolle Lebewesen (3 Schildkröten, schwarzspitzenhaie, Manta)
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Es war vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag ein wunderschöner Urlaub. Eine sehr saubere und von den Mitarbeitern gepflegte Insel. Wir hatten einen Wasserbungalow Es war einfach fantastisch, jeden Abend die Sterne und morgens die Fische aus nächster Nähe zu beobachten. Der Service war absolut spitze. Wir würden auf jedenfall wieder dorthin fahren.
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Reviewed: 2 months ago
Wij zijn hier 4 dagen verbleven en wat hebben we genoten .|Geweldig eiland met mooie huisjes , ruim , airco , ventilator, heerlijk bed , ruime badkamer en alles schoon.|Het zand is hier zo wit en het water zo helder (net een aquarium) je kan er Top snorkelen en genieten van de rust .|In het restaurant kan je echt fantastisch lekker eten ( er is van alles ) een geweldige beach bar en een mooi terras aan zee met een mooi uitzicht. |We hebben deze 4 dagen heerlijk op onze blote voeten gelopen en genoten van al het moois .|Wij vonden de prijzen van de drankjes redelijk .|Je krijgt ook elke dag netjes 2 flessen water op je kamer en er staat een waterkoker dan je koffie en thee maken en dat staat er ook .
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Embudu Resort in the Maldives exceeded all our expectations! Impeccable service, breathtaking views, and pristine beaches. The overwater bungalows are a must try for an unforgettable experience. The staff's hospitality and attention specifically to detail made our stay truly memorable. Highly recommend for a luxurious and relaxing getaway!!
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
We fell in love with this place. Embudu Village is a wonderful, quiet and peaceful place with beautiful beaches where we had unforgettable encounters with marine life.|We are grateful to the staff and management who made our stay unforgettable with good attitude, responsiveness and the kind gesture of attention we received for my wife's birthday. Thank you!
Reviewed: 3 months ago
We stayed five nights in this resort and had an excellent vacation. Upon arrival we got refreshments and after fulfilling check in papers went to our bungalow. We had two extra beds and still enough space. 2 bottles of water is free every day, beside that bottle of 1,5L is 3$. Restaurant had diversity of food, we had full board. Staff is really kind.|Island is small, light walk for 15 minutes and you will see everything.|We werein bungalow 57 and it is in front of the island and have better beach. Rear side is better for pictures, but front had nicer beach and warmer water 😁|We took submarine faculty and it was ok, nothing more than that
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Ich hatte das Glück, zum zweiten Mal 14 Tage im Embudu Village auf den Malediven zu verbringen, und es war eine absolute Traumreise. Von Anfang bis Ende war alles einfach perfekt. Das Essen verdient besondere Erwähnung - es war schlichtweg köstlich! Die Auswahl an Speisen war vielfältig, und ich konnte mich an den frisch zubereiteten Gerichten einfach nicht sattsehen. Die Aromen und die Qualität der Mahlzeiten waren erstklassig. Die Sauberkeit des Resorts war beeindruckend. Sowohl unsere Zimmer als auch die öffentlichen Bereiche wurden täglich gründlich gereinigt und gepflegt. Alles strahlte Sauberkeit und Wohlbefinden aus. Das Personal im Embudu Village war außerordentlich freundlich und zuvorkommend. Sie haben alles getan, um unseren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Ihre Gastfreundschaft und ihr Service waren wirklich bemerkenswert. Die Insel selbst ist ein Paradies. Die atemberaubende natürliche Schönheit, das kristallklare Wasser und die vielfältige Unterwasserwelt machen sie zu einem perfekten Ort für Wassersport und Erholung. Das Schnorcheln und Tauchen in den umliegenden Korallenriffen war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Ich kann Embudu Village uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Es ist der perfekte Ort für einen Traumurlaub. Ich werde mit Sicherheit wiederkommen, um mehr Zeit in diesem wunderbaren Resort zu verbringen. Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für diesen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt!
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Wir hatten einen wunderschönen Strandbungalow. Alles sah sehr neu aus und war super sauber. Die freundlichen Mitarbeiter und der Service sind wirklich außergewöhnlich! Das Essen ist fantastisch und der Patissier zaubert jeden Tag kleine Kunstwerke! Wir haben es sehr genossen!!
Travel group
Reviewed: 3 months ago
En uovertruffen service af et super velfungerende serviceteam med fantastisk smuk beliggenhed ❤️
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Vor dem Urlaub war ich etwas skeptisch, da es sich "nur" um ein 3-Sterne-Hotel handelt. Aber alles dort war top. Auch das Essen war sehr lecker :). Hatten all Inclusive.Würde auf so einer kleinen Insel auch nur all Inclusive empfehlen, da es dort ja auch keinen Supermarkt oder ähnliches gibt, nur einen kleinen Souvenierladen. Einen Stern gibt es Abzug, weil die Klimaanlage direkt aufs Bett gerichtet war und wir sie deshalb nachts ausgeschaltet haben. Ich habe zwar keinen Vergleich zu anderen Malediveninseln, aber Embudu kann ich sehr empfehlen.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Zimmer top. Personal top. Essen top. Preis Leistung top.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Einfach super schöne Insel. Dadurch, dass man sich rund um die Insel gut an den Strand legen kann und es auch überall Liegen und Auflagen gibt, verteilen sich die Gäste und man ist meist fast für sich. Neben dem fabelhaften Service war auch das Essen einfach überragend. Jeden Tag gab es Abwechslung. Auch die angebotenen Ausflüge und die Tauchschule sind top. Alles in allem sehr gute Preis-Leistung und sehr empfehlenswert!
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 4 months ago
I couldn’t fault the staff here if I wanted to. Every single one of them was a credit to the resort. Gardeners would constantly cut open coconuts for my little girl to drink, chefs organised special meals for her on the odd occasions that there wasn’t anything at the buffet she could eat. Waiters were attentive and kind. |The little coves around the island were great for sunbathing and swimming. Lots of sunbeds and swings available to use. |There are a few points I’d personally like to see changed but they wouldn’t stop me returning.|1. If you have a young family the meal timings aren’t great. Late dinners and early closing breakfast (fine with older kids or as couple).|2. Only a single sheet provided on the beds, this drove me crazy I felt cold and exposed at night. The only alternative to this was the blanket in the wardrobe and they just didn’t seem to be cleaned between guests. I asked for a duvet but it wasn’t an option. Staff did try to be helpful and offered a second sheet. |3. The rooms and bathrooms particularly are in need of a revamp.
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Isoletta bellissima, per gli amanti del relax e dello snorkeling, con la barriera corallina intorno, tantissimi pesci colorati e squaletti pinna nera. Coral Garden favoloso. Il villaggio è tenuto molto bene, pulitissimo e di conseguenza è pulito anche il mare. Staff sempre presente e disponibile per ogni evenienza. Buffet sempre vario e di ottima qualità. Torneremo sicuramente.
Reviewed: 4 months ago
We had an amazing time on this beautiful Island. Our beach side bungalow was lovely, the food outstanding and all staff were attentive. Excellent location for snorkeling and relaxation. Highly recommend this resort.
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Si c'est pas le paradis cela y ressemble bien. Petite ile où tout est pratique et sans chichi. Ici on se détend et on se laisse vivre.|Le staff est adorable et essaye de réaliser vos désirs toujours avec le sourire.|Les bungalows sont très bien conçus, frigo, bouilloire avec thé et café, deux bouteilles d'eau, clim et ventilo, coffre, bonne literie et propreté impeccable quand on pense que le sable se trouve sur le pas de porte où la petite terrasse vous accueille en fin de journée pour vous remémorer les belles visions de plongée ou le décor magnifique qui vous enchante à longueur de journée.|Les buffets du petit déjeuner et des repas sont copieux, toujours renouvelés et l'on peut choisir nourriture occidentale ou asiatique. Chaque fois on se régale.| Le bar n'est pas en reste avec ses bons cocktails à déguster sur le petit ponton en bord de mer ou dans le jardin , pas mieux pour terminer une dure journée de farniente.|Le lagon est peu profond pour les non nageurs mais déjà propose quelques récifs de coraux où le snorkeling est déjà agréable. En peu de coup de palmes on peut découvrir les grands fonds. Coraux, pas très colorés, remplis de toutes sortes de poissons multicolores, parfois un petit requin ou une raie semblent perdus pour le plus grand plaisir de nos yeux.|Le dive club propose de jolies sorties en mer par exemple nager avec une vingtaine de requins autour de vous, belle expérience.|Pour résumer si vous cherchez une île agréable et calme pour vous ressourcez n'hésitez pas à venir sur Embudu.
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Just ca 20 min from airport. Fantastic chocolate cake and incredible dive center where You can burn your fat. Why 4 stars because it's far away from Europe ?! And the flight was so long. Perfect place to start the ocean adventures.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Super Insel . Super Riff . Super Essen
Reviewed: 5 months ago
Prima volta alle Maldive per un soggiorno breve di 5 giorni a seguito di un viaggio in Sri Lanka, che non fosse troppo distante da Malè. In 15 minuti di barca veloce siamo arrivati a Embudu. Aspettative pienamente attese. Se cercate un resort di lusso con cibo solo italiano siete nel posto sbagliato. Ma se volete natura, barriera corallina a due passi, camere pulite, prezzi convenienti, mare stupendo allora siete nel posto giusto. Resort a gestione maldiviana, con cucina internazionale nella media. Noi abbiamo soggiornato in una superior Villa. Purtroppo l’isola è stata erosa nel tempo e non c’è più la sandbank. Nonostante questo rimane comunque molto bella. Unica pecca i lettini in spiaggia non pulitissimi, per il resto consigliato.
Reviewed: 5 months ago
Prima volta alle Maldive e prima volta in un resort..|Ho scelto Embudu dopo aver letto numerose recensioni e averlo confrontato con altre strutture, rispetto alle quali mi è sembrato eccellere per il rapporto qualità/prezzo.|Ed ho fatto bene.|Camere a due passi dall’acqua, pulite, ampie e confortevoli, dotate di ventilatore, condizionatore, acqua (1l a testa al giorno), bollitore con bustine di caffè e di the.|Gli asciugamani vengono cambiati quotidianamente, al pari dei teli da mare mentre la biancheria ogni tre giorni.|Il buffet è ricco e vario, con proposte differenti ogni giorno (serate a tema), con ampia scelta tra verdure, carne, pesce, riso, pasta e dolci di ogni varietà.|Il mostro pacchetto era pensione completa (non all inclusive) per cui le bevande erano escluse (ad esempio 1.5l di acqua 3$).|Il personale è la ciliegina sulla torta di questo magico posto: sorridente, educato e sempre disponibile.|Nel resort il personale parla inglese e tedesco.|Le valute accettate sono, oltre alle rufie ovviamente, i dollari e gli euro (anche se il cambio non è proprio preciso) e le carte accettate sono visa e Mastercard (noi abbiamo usato la Postepay evolution per saldare il conto la sera prima della partenza).|La barriera corallina circonda l’isola, a tratti più estesa ad altri meno, ma non c’è punto in cui non vediate coralli o pesci, anche se la varietà maggiore l’abbiamo ammirata nei pressi delle Waterville (tra cui squali e una tartaruga), dove non c’è nemmeno la corrente a dare fastidio.|Consiglio le scarpette e/o le pinne per accedere in acqua e ovviamente la maschera da snorkeling (o boccaglio), oltre - giova specificarlo - alla crema solare (protezione 30/50 perché ad ustionarsi è un attimo e comprarla nel negozio di souvenir costa tra 3840$ 😨).|Infine, noi abbiamo soggiornato 7 notti ad Embudu, ma se dovessi consigliare la permanenza ideale, a mio giudizio, sarebbe 8/9 notti.|Per il resto, se avete il desiderio di partire non perdete altro tempo perché ne vale la pena, sotto ogni punto di vista
Reviewed: 5 months ago
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 5 months ago
Seconda volta ad embudu.|Premetto che è la prima volta che ritorno nello stesso resort e che si tratta della nostra 5 volta alle Maldive.|Differenze tra 2019 e 2023: |- La lingua di sabbia che vedete in tante foto non esiste più, hanno ricreato altre due spiagge ma non sono stupende; le spiaggia mi hanno deluso abbastanza questa volta |- cibo peggiorato, meno varietà e meno qualità |- disponibilità e pulizia sempre eccellenti|- all inclusive perfetto|- intrattenimento molto piacevole |- snorkeling imbattibile: nonostante il resort sia vicinissimo a malè, la varietà e la quantità di pesci è incredibile, migliore rispetto ad atollo più lontani già visti!!! Bisogna solo stare moooolto attenti alle correnti fuori barriera, per il resto sembra di essere in un acquario!!!|Consiglio di andarci anche solo x il livello di bellezza sott’acqua.
Reviewed: 5 months ago
This was my umpteenth trip to Embudu Village in the Maldives. It is one of my favourite places on earth. Embudu village It is a beautiful island, with wonderful, warm friendly staff, great food, and absolutely no pretence. ||A place to rest and unwind, recharge, reflect. I have watched many sunsets just marvelling at the colours changing in the sky and sea. And many nights admiring the starts and moon. Embudu Village is the place like no other! 😍
Reviewed: 5 months ago
È stato davvero tutto sopra le aspettative. Nonostante non fosse la prima volta alle maldive devo dire che questo Resort ha tutto quello che serve. |Semplicità, un Mare strepitoso con una meravigliosa barriera in cui fare snorkeling, una natura incontaminata, area spiaggia riservata per ogni camera con ì propri sdraio (siamo ad Agosto ma sembra non ci fosse nessuno…), non da ultimo cibo variegato e di qualità.||Unica raccomandazione: abbiamo raccolto intorno all’atollo della plastica…abbiate tutti cura del mare e raccogliete se vedete in acqua….in una settimana non abbiamo visto nessun ospite adoperarsi in tal senso. La vicina Malé sicuramente non aiuta. ||Per il resto grazie a tutto lo staff…|Siete fantastici ❤️, isola 🏝️ meravigliosa che merita senza dubbio!
Rating Summary
Very good
Reviewed: 05.02.2024
Embudu village island seems ok at first, but it turned out to be a noisy little island ,with music 2-3 times a week ,one night it was like being in a club in Ibiza with a drum machine ringing out around the island.Because the island is quite close to Mali there are speed boats and seaplanes flying by most of the day.The room we were given was below average with a cess pit at the back of it which stunk our bathroom out.( room number 91 ) .The island was quite nice to look at,the staff were really nice and the food was really nice and a good variety too. We won't be going back.
Reviewed: 29.03.2023
Embudu is a wonderful place. We stayed in a superior beach bungalow on full board and it was simply perfect. From the moment we boarded the speedboat transfer at Male we found the staff to be attentive, welcoming and helpful. Within less than an hour we were being welcomed onto Embudu and checking in. Rooms are basic but were all we needed. A fridge, saferty deposit box, kettle, two free bottles of water per day. No TV unless you are in a water bungalow, but who cares? This is paradise, so no TV is required. The surroundings beat any TV screen. Rooms are attended every day by the staff to clean if required and deliver the days free water. The man who looked after us in room 82 was brilliant. A big thank you to him. My partner and I had a massage at Serena Spa. That was beautifully relaxing. My masseur immediately identified a shoulder problem I've had for a while but didn't mention. She really worked on it and it eased up a lot afterwards. Thank you ladies. We would definitely recommend booking a session at Serena Spa. I think it was the first time I'd relaxed properly since 2017. The food on offer at Embudu is lovely. Plenty of variety to suit pretty much all tastes. My partner is vegetarian and still found the variety on offer to be very good. Do say hello to the wonderful Mr. Narinjana in the food hall and bar areas if you stay on Embudu. He is one seriously welcoming man and a credit to the resort. Always smiling, always helpful, always kind, despite the fact I think he works 25 hours a day. All the staff we encountered at Embudu were amazing. The lads in the main bar are a joy to be around. It's almost unfair to name just one, because they were all fantastic. I'd suggest taking a torch with you to Embudu. Some areas can be a little dark at night when you are walking to and from the restaurant and bar areas. A torch is also good for shark spotting from the jetty at night. I took a basic hammock, the type made from parachute material and can be bought online for about £20. I put this up in the coconut trees and had an absolutely wonderful time relaxing there. Oh, also take a quality mosquito spray. Most people seemed unaffected, but I was bitten many times. Also don't get complacent with the suncream. I used factor 50 and I still got burnt when snorkelling. The sun there takes no prisoners. Talking about the sun; make sure you check out the sunset at least once while you are there. In the right conditions it's stunning. The natural habitat on Embudu is beautiful. A nice variety of trees and plants. You'll see geckos and small iguanas on land, flying foxes (fruit bats) flying over at dusk and an absolute wonderland under the ocean if you take your snorkelling or diving equipment. There are all kinds of tropical fish, reef sharks, turtles, Moray eels, rays and a whole lot more. Although we didn't use the Dive Centre we spoke to others who did. There are some nice diving/snorkelling trips on offer and the Dive Centre has a good reputation. It's worth saying that Embudu is not a pretentious Maldives resort. If you want butlers fawning all over you then Embudu is not for you. But if you want to stay on a beautiful island in paradise, with genuinely good, welcoming and professional staff. If you just want to relax with other laid back holiday makers then Embudu is simply perfect and could be right up your street. We've been to some amazing places over the years, but our time at Embudu has been the best of them all. Thank you to everyone at Embudu Village who helped make our time there so special. We'll never forget you or your beautiful corner of paradise.
Reviewed: 02.02.2024
Embudu is a happy village of harmony. Food is extraordinary and served with smile. Everyday we enjoyed different type of mouth watering food. The aroma of the variety of food is special. On the whole I recommend the Embudu village for all kinds of walks. The staff of the Embudu village are very friendly and hospitality. Specially Mr Niranjan.
Reviewed: 31.01.2024
This was the third time of visiting Embudu, and once again, it did not disappoint. We booked for 11 nights on an All Inclusive basis. Prior to arrival I emailed the island directly, with Rasheed responding immediately. I requested specific rooms for my wife and I, and our friends. Rasheed said he would try to fulfil this, and indeed he did. Brilliant direct flights from Heathrow to Male, I was surprised to see how the airport and infrastructure had been developed in the 7 years since last visiting Maldives. Speedboat transfer was again well organised and we were welcomed on to the island by the friendly staff. Despite our early arrival, 11am, the rooms were still ready for us (we love the area around the large sandspit, 33 and 34). We were sat on the beach my midday and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. There was a welcome arrival cake and massive fruit bowl for us. The food was fantastic, even better than previous stays. The choice was superb (ask my scales) and did not have a single poor meal. Chefs and staff (Mr. Naranjan) were really nice, especially our waiter- Abdullah- who we had great fun with on a daily basis. Loved our cheeky sense of humour, and joined in with our practice jokes. Thank you Abdullah!! Rooms were basic but still lovely. Cleaned superbly every day. Island has changed a little, more sand and beaches gives it a larger feeling but still not overcrowded at all. Vegetarian on the island is superb and gives shade for those who need it. The reef has improved, with so much new coral. Loved the snorkeling. Had a fantastic meal on the beach for my wife's birthday, they made such an effort. A birthday for us to remember, thank you. The bar and staff were brilliant, so attentive, friendly and efficient. Once again got to mention the Nepalese staff Santosh, Badah, , Bangladesh and Sri lankan staff Kamal and his colleagues. Sorry, memory and spelling of names is not my strong point. All superb , thank you. Overall, hard to leave this island, and the fact we met so many returning guests who come back year after year, is testimont to the island and the staff. In my opinion, it pure Maldives. Beautiful.
Reviewed: 26.01.2024
Resort modesto ma pulito, forse necessita un pò di restauro. Personale molto gentile, sempre sorridente e disponibile a soddisfare le varie esigenze. Altamente consigliato per chi cerca una vacanza in pieno relax e tranquillità, dove gli unici rumori sono lo sciabordare delle onde ed il vento. Piaggia e mare spettacolari, arricchiti dalla barriera corallina (che circonda tutta l'isola e facilmente accessibile) ricca di pesci di ogni tipo, colore e dimensione. Sembra di nuotare in un acquario tropicale. Assolutamente da fare le escursioni organizzate dal diving center dove potrete fare anche snorkeling in mare aperto con squali nutrice e razze. Cibo buono ma speziato e piccante come da tradizione maldiviana. Un grande ringraziamento al nostro cameriere Samad, che ci coccolato durante tutta la nostra permanenza. Esperienza da ripetere presto!! ... Michela, Italia
Reviewed: 22.01.2024
Soggiorno nella settimana di capodanno. Resort di dimensioni contenute con giardini sempre curati e puliti, a mezz'ora di barca veloce dall'aeroporto. Struttura non recentissima ma ben curata e pulita. Nella settimana di capodanno, clientela perlopiù italiana e tedesca educata e tranquilla. Personale attento e gentile: il nostro cameriere di sala era Karthik, giovane di grande finezza. Cucina curatissima, con vasta scelta e continuo rifornimento di vivandiere e vassoi. Tutto freschissimo e materie prima di qualità, mai avuto problemi di alcun tipo. Quasi tutti i giorni viene preparata la pasta. I piatti asiatici speziati che alcuni menzionano ci sono e sono davvero buoni, ma sono anche facilmente evitabili con le altre proposte. Mare e spiaggia molto belli (foto). Il reef si sta riformando dopo il doppio disastro Nino 1998 e Tsunami 2005 ed è molto ricco di fauna colorata (foto). Escursioni a prezzi ragionevoli: effettuata quella per gli squali. Unico suggerimento: anche se all'agenzia dovessero insistere per farla fare, evitare la formula All Inclusive. La formula AI è limitata rispetto a quella complessiva, i prezzi a listino dei soft drinks e dei cocktail sono ragionevoli e a listino l'acqua (ovviamente compresa anche nell'AI) costa meno di 3 Euro per bottiglioni da un litro e mezzo. In sostanza l'AI conviene solo se si è forti bevitori di birra e superalcolici. In conclusione lo consiglio senz'altro a chi cerca un bel mare, bei pesci, buona cucina (internazionale), un contesto tranquillo, curato e silenzioso. Grazie, Embudu!
Reviewed: 17.01.2024
4ème séjour à Embudu et toujours aussi satisfaits de cette petite ile à 30 minutes de bateau rapide de l'aéroport. Les chambres supérieures sont simples mais confortables et propres. le seul petit hic ce sont les serviettes de bain qui devraient être changées par des neuves. Nous avions choisi la formule All In qui a répondu à nos attentes. les buffets matin, midi et soir étaient excellents. Variés, il y en avait pour tous les goûts et toujours de l'excellent poisson . Une partie du buffet est consacrée pour les amateurs , comme nous, à une cuisine épicée. La soirée du nouvel an était top avec un DJ qui a mis une bonne ambiance pour passer en 2024. il y a eu une animation locale sur la plage qui était sympa même si nous n'avons pas tout compris ( 2 hommes à la culotte ensanglantée tirent un faux requin hors de l'eau). Les plages sont disséminées tout le tour de l'ile. Pour les amateurs de snorkeling le tombant corallien n'est qu'à quelques mètres du rivage. Un véritable aquarium! nous avons vu à plusieurs reprises une tortue et des requins pointes noires (inoffensif) ainsi q'une dizaine de raies aigle. Le club de plongée est très sympa, est bien organisé. Juste un peu trop cher. Bref nous avons passé un excellent séjour en famille et c'est sùr nous reviendrons!
Reviewed: 15.01.2024
Bonjour, un petit coin de paradis !! Vous pouvez y aller sans hésiter !! C'est beau et paisible..Le snorkeling est magique ! Le personnel est agréable ! Mon séjour a été parfait. Je recommande fortement
Reviewed: 06.01.2024
We stayed here 10 years ago to the month with 2 very young boys, so were looking forward to re-visiting now the family had grown up since then. We loved it then and we loved it even more 2nd time around. The island is still as beautiful only they have proper sunbeds now and provide beach towels, a suggestion we recommended they adopt 10 years ago in a previous review. Sure, the rooms are still quite basic and simple and probably in need of a makeover but they still provide what you need on a budget Maldivian island, a decent bed, small balcony, clean sheets, A/C, kettle and fridge, safe and a bathroom with a shower. Its all price relevant anyway and I think the island offers incredible value for money. We stayed over Christmas and New Year and took 2 rooms as before. Have to say, the hospitality and buffets were out of this world. Food choices were really plentiful and well thought out, too much choice if anything! The kitchen team really know what they are doing here and you wont go hungry on any meal as there is simply too much to choose from. Shout out to all the staff who were incredibly helpful and friendly and Karthick our waiter who was a lovely Indian guy from Pondicherry. The house reefs were amazing where we saw Eagle rays, black tip and white tip sharks, and giant trevally daily on tap. Saw a huge spiny lobter and Octopus too. All in all, a great trip, fabulous island and wonderful Christmas and New Year. Will be back again.
Reviewed: 01.01.2024
Une île paradisiaque ! Nous avons nagés dans un aquarium, la beauté de l'île est à couper le souffle. Pour les chambres l'hôtel est un peux vieux et les chambres avec un confort moyen ce n'est pas le luxe mais cela fait l'affaire pour les amoureux de la baignade.
Reviewed: 29.12.2023
(IT) Abbiamo passato una settimana intera nel villaggio Embudu e di seguito descrivo tutti gli aspetti del servizio. -Accoglienza: in reception sono stati sempre gentilissimi a dissipare ogni dubbio e ci hanno fornito una guida in lingua italiana con le principali informazioni -Assistenza: portano i bagagli direttamente in camera dall’approdo, sostituiscono gli oggetti danneggiati (a me è capitato con l’asciugacapelli) e riforniscono l’acqua nel frigo bar -Connettività: la rete Wi-Fi è presente in tutta l’isola e all’aperto funziona meglio che dentro le camere -Camere: ce ne sono appena un centinaio, tutte simili, con stanza patronale sufficientemente ampia, un bagno con grande doccia con asciugacapelli e un terrazzino esterno in cui è presente un comodo stendipanni; all’interno è presente una cassaforte capiente, un frigobar e un paio di ombrelli -Pulizia: la camera viene pulita ogni giorno, cambiando gli asciugamani e i teli mare su richiesta. -Paesaggio: il mare delle Maldive! L’isola è grande appena 400x200 metri circa, si gira a piedi tutta in quindici minuti e quasi tutta la costa è spiaggia in cui si può stare. La vegetazione è molto curata, sono presenti varie specie di animali mai visti prima. -Fondale: la sabbia è formata da corallo disgregato, conviene usare scarpette da scoglio. La barriera corallina è a pochi passi dalla riva, procuratevi una maschera -Ristorante: tutte le pietanze principali sono a buffet. Il tema cambia di giorno in giorno ma fondamentalmente sono sempre presenti: riso, pollo, carne e pesce alla griglia. Quindi condimenti di vario tipo, salse e spezie a non finire, stile indiano. Attenzione quindi a non esagerare se non siete abituati a questo tipo di “pesantezza”. Tutto discreto, solo i dolci lasciano un po’ a desiderare -Camerieri: veloci, precisi, servizievoli. Il nostro tavolo è stato gestito da un ragazzo che ci salutava sempre ed era ben lieto di renderci a nostro agio -Bar: avevamo la formula all inclusive , il che ci ha permesso di avere a disposizione a qualsiasi ora (fino a mezzanotte) qualsiasi bevanda analcolica , i principali superalcolici e qualche cocktail locale (no pestati). Anche qui servizio rapido e cortese -Escursioni ed extra: abbiamo fatto la ricerca dei delfini all’imbrunire , il diving, il sottomarino, una cena romantica con menu a parte, ma si potevano fare altre escursioni. -Pagamenti: accettano pagamenti in euro, contanti e carta. Siate generosi con le mance. -Clima: essendo quasi all’ equatore , non c’è escursione termica e per tutta la giornata i gradi si aggirano sui 28/30 , acqua compresa -Ambientazione: la spiaggia è piena di sdraio di plastica e amache a vario titolo diffuse dappertutto.
Reviewed: 25.12.2023
Das Hotel ist bzgl der Zimmer und Liegen etwas in die Jahre gekommen. Es ist aber perfekt durchorganisiert, Transport, Rezeption, Küche, Bedienungen, Sauberkeit waren gut. Als Barfußinsel gut gepflegt. Buffet für uns meist gut. Viele verschiedene Speisen einheimisch und international. Gutes Preisleistungs-Verhältnis. Wir hatten Vollpension, also waren Getränke nicht inkludiert. Da wir meist mit Wasser, Kaffee und Tee zufrieden waren, ging die Zusatzrechnung nicht so in die Höhe. Wenn man als Familie reist oder öfter Alkohol trinken möchte (Glas Bier 6 Dollar, 1,5 Liter Wasser 3 Dollar), sollte sich durchrechnen, ob sich All inclusive lohnt. Mit dem Schnellboot in ca. 30 Minuten von Male erreichbar. Hervorragend organisierte Tauchschule unter Leitung von Jürgen mit sehr neuer Ausrüstung, klarer Preisstruktur. Wir hatten viel Spaß beim Schnorcheln am Hausriff, viele Fische, Schildkröten, gelegentlich Schwarzspitzenhaie und bei einem kurzen Bootsausflug "Stingray City" (15 Min Bootsfahrt, Ammenhaie, Rochen). Durch die Nähe zu Male einiges an Bootsverkehr im Umfeld der Insel, für uns aber nicht störend. Bei der Wahl des Bungalows sollte man sich überlegen, wo man positioniert sein will, also eher ruhig oder eher nah an Versorgungstrakten, Ablegestegen. An der Seite "Korallengarten" , schön zum Schnorcheln, ist das Meer meist ruhig und viel flacher Sandstrand vorhanden, bevor es an das Hausriff geht. An unserer Seite, Südost, war der Wellengang etwas höher. Wir waren für 3 Sterne voll zufrieden.
Reviewed: 23.12.2023
2nde expérience aux Maldives en couple. Notre objectif étant le snorkelling, nous avions opté pour 9 nuits à Embudu au regard des avis sur la qualité de celui ci. Effectivement cela sera le point positif n°1, récif de bonne qualité avec des coraux renaissants. Concernant les équipements: restaurant de qualité ( en option full, savoir qu il faut rajouter pour toute consommation à table, même les bouteilles d eau mais 2 bouteilles d eau quotidiennes mises à disposition dans le bungalow) a noter que les plats sont bons, variés mais majoritairement épicés. Dommage qu aucune musique d ambiance ne soit diffusée car cela donne finalement une ambiance « cantine » tristounette. Seules 2 animations/ semaine par un groupe au bar mais une ambiance musicale légère manque vraiment dans les lieux communs. Nous avions un bungalow sur la plage: ils sont bien équipés, bien décorés y compris la salle d eau et la terrasse également bien conçue avec le nécessaire. bungalow propre et ménage fait quotidiennement avec fourniture et changement des draps de plage. Par contre, le gros point noir est l absence totale d isolation phonique entre 2 bungalows. Bungalow 37: nous entendons le voisin qui écoute une longue conférence sur son ordi a un niveau sonore normal et nous sommes bluffés car il semble qu il soit vraiment dans notre chambre! Pensant que cela est dû à une porte communicante fermée, nous demandons à changer de bungalow. Direction bungalow 24: nous nous rendons compte que le probleme est absolument identique. Nous sommes très très loin de la promiscuité normale à l’hôtel, que nous acceptons volontiers. Pour illustrer, nous entendons distinctement le bruit de l’eau quand la voisine se remplit un verre d eau et pouvons comprendre et suivre toutes les conversations. C’est incroyable! Nous comprenons très bien pourquoi les bungalows ne sont pas équipés de TV !! Nous sommes plus proche du camping en tente qu à l’hôtel ! un point vraiment inacceptable pour le niveau de prix de l.hôtel, des travaux s imposent ! Quel dommage.
Reviewed: 20.12.2023
This was our 3rd visit and was for my husbands birthday. Everything was perfect including the food. The snorkeling was fabulous. Our bed was decorated beautifully on my husband’s birthday and were given a birthday cake and fruit platter which was lovely. The day before we left we were upgraded for the night to a water villa which was a lovely gesture. Thank you to all the staff xx
Reviewed: 19.12.2023
Ottimo ! Bungalow, cucina , atollo , mare , educazione ….! Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo !tranquillo , rilassante , buona cucina , mare spettacolo …. Che dire altro … andateci ! Il tragitto in barca veloce è di 15 minuti quindi nessun problema !
Reviewed: 26.11.2023
Wij zijn hier 4 dagen verbleven en wat hebben we genoten . Geweldig eiland met mooie huisjes , ruim , airco , ventilator, heerlijk bed , ruime badkamer en alles schoon. Het zand is hier zo wit en het water zo helder (net een aquarium) je kan er Top snorkelen en genieten van de rust . In het restaurant kan je echt fantastisch lekker eten ( er is van alles ) een geweldige beach bar en een mooi terras aan zee met een mooi uitzicht. We hebben deze 4 dagen heerlijk op onze blote voeten gelopen en genoten van al het moois . Wij vonden de prijzen van de drankjes redelijk . Je krijgt ook elke dag netjes 2 flessen water op je kamer en er staat een waterkoker dan je koffie en thee maken en dat staat er ook .
Reviewed: 19.11.2023
We fell in love with this place. Embudu Village is a wonderful, quiet and peaceful place with beautiful beaches where we had unforgettable encounters with marine life. We are grateful to the staff and management who made our stay unforgettable with good attitude, responsiveness and the kind gesture of attention we received for my wife's birthday. Thank you!
Reviewed: 06.11.2023
We stayed five nights in this resort and had an excellent vacation. Upon arrival we got refreshments and after fulfilling check in papers went to our bungalow. We had two extra beds and still enough space. 2 bottles of water is free every day, beside that bottle of 1,5L is 3$. Restaurant had diversity of food, we had full board. Staff is really kind. Island is small, light walk for 15 minutes and you will see everything. We werein bungalow 57 and it is in front of the island and have better beach. Rear side is better for pictures, but front had nicer beach and warmer water 😁 We took submarine faculty and it was ok, nothing more than that
Reviewed: 30.09.2023
I couldn’t fault the staff here if I wanted to. Every single one of them was a credit to the resort. Gardeners would constantly cut open coconuts for my little girl to drink, chefs organised special meals for her on the odd occasions that there wasn’t anything at the buffet she could eat. Waiters were attentive and kind. The little coves around the island were great for sunbathing and swimming. Lots of sunbeds and swings available to use. There are a few points I’d personally like to see changed but they wouldn’t stop me returning. 1. If you have a young family the meal timings aren’t great. Late dinners and early closing breakfast (fine with older kids or as couple). 2. Only a single sheet provided on the beds, this drove me crazy I felt cold and exposed at night. The only alternative to this was the blanket in the wardrobe and they just didn’t seem to be cleaned between guests. I asked for a duvet but it wasn’t an option. Staff did try to be helpful and offered a second sheet. 3. The rooms and bathrooms particularly are in need of a revamp.
Reviewed: 30.09.2023
Isoletta bellissima, per gli amanti del relax e dello snorkeling, con la barriera corallina intorno, tantissimi pesci colorati e squaletti pinna nera. Coral Garden favoloso. Il villaggio è tenuto molto bene, pulitissimo e di conseguenza è pulito anche il mare. Staff sempre presente e disponibile per ogni evenienza. Buffet sempre vario e di ottima qualità. Torneremo sicuramente.
Reviewed: 25.09.2023
We had an amazing time on this beautiful Island. Our beach side bungalow was lovely, the food outstanding and all staff were attentive. Excellent location for snorkeling and relaxation. Highly recommend this resort.
Reviewed: 24.09.2023
Si c'est pas le paradis cela y ressemble bien. Petite ile où tout est pratique et sans chichi. Ici on se détend et on se laisse vivre. Le staff est adorable et essaye de réaliser vos désirs toujours avec le sourire. Les bungalows sont très bien conçus, frigo, bouilloire avec thé et café, deux bouteilles d'eau, clim et ventilo, coffre, bonne literie et propreté impeccable quand on pense que le sable se trouve sur le pas de porte où la petite terrasse vous accueille en fin de journée pour vous remémorer les belles visions de plongée ou le décor magnifique qui vous enchante à longueur de journée. Les buffets du petit déjeuner et des repas sont copieux, toujours renouvelés et l'on peut choisir nourriture occidentale ou asiatique. Chaque fois on se régale. Le bar n'est pas en reste avec ses bons cocktails à déguster sur le petit ponton en bord de mer ou dans le jardin , pas mieux pour terminer une dure journée de farniente. Le lagon est peu profond pour les non nageurs mais déjà propose quelques récifs de coraux où le snorkeling est déjà agréable. En peu de coup de palmes on peut découvrir les grands fonds. Coraux, pas très colorés, remplis de toutes sortes de poissons multicolores, parfois un petit requin ou une raie semblent perdus pour le plus grand plaisir de nos yeux. Le dive club propose de jolies sorties en mer par exemple nager avec une vingtaine de requins autour de vous, belle expérience. Pour résumer si vous cherchez une île agréable et calme pour vous ressourcez n'hésitez pas à venir sur Embudu.
Reviewed: 08.09.2023
Prima volta alle Maldive per un soggiorno breve di 5 giorni a seguito di un viaggio in Sri Lanka, che non fosse troppo distante da Malè. In 15 minuti di barca veloce siamo arrivati a Embudu. Aspettative pienamente attese. Se cercate un resort di lusso con cibo solo italiano siete nel posto sbagliato. Ma se volete natura, barriera corallina a due passi, camere pulite, prezzi convenienti, mare stupendo allora siete nel posto giusto. Resort a gestione maldiviana, con cucina internazionale nella media. Noi abbiamo soggiornato in una superior Villa. Purtroppo l’isola è stata erosa nel tempo e non c’è più la sandbank. Nonostante questo rimane comunque molto bella. Unica pecca i lettini in spiaggia non pulitissimi, per il resto consigliato.
Reviewed: 03.09.2023
Prima volta alle Maldive e prima volta in un resort.. Ho scelto Embudu dopo aver letto numerose recensioni e averlo confrontato con altre strutture, rispetto alle quali mi è sembrato eccellere per il rapporto qualità/prezzo. Ed ho fatto bene. Camere a due passi dall’acqua, pulite, ampie e confortevoli, dotate di ventilatore, condizionatore, acqua (1l a testa al giorno), bollitore con bustine di caffè e di the. Gli asciugamani vengono cambiati quotidianamente, al pari dei teli da mare mentre la biancheria ogni tre giorni. Il buffet è ricco e vario, con proposte differenti ogni giorno (serate a tema), con ampia scelta tra verdure, carne, pesce, riso, pasta e dolci di ogni varietà. Il mostro pacchetto era pensione completa (non all inclusive) per cui le bevande erano escluse (ad esempio 1.5l di acqua 3$). Il personale è la ciliegina sulla torta di questo magico posto: sorridente, educato e sempre disponibile. Nel resort il personale parla inglese e tedesco. Le valute accettate sono, oltre alle rufie ovviamente, i dollari e gli euro (anche se il cambio non è proprio preciso) e le carte accettate sono visa e Mastercard (noi abbiamo usato la Postepay evolution per saldare il conto la sera prima della partenza). La barriera corallina circonda l’isola, a tratti più estesa ad altri meno, ma non c’è punto in cui non vediate coralli o pesci, anche se la varietà maggiore l’abbiamo ammirata nei pressi delle Waterville (tra cui squali e una tartaruga), dove non c’è nemmeno la corrente a dare fastidio. Consiglio le scarpette e/o le pinne per accedere in acqua e ovviamente la maschera da snorkeling (o boccaglio), oltre - giova specificarlo - alla crema solare (protezione 30/50 perché ad ustionarsi è un attimo e comprarla nel negozio di souvenir costa tra 3840$ 😨). Infine, noi abbiamo soggiornato 7 notti ad Embudu, ma se dovessi consigliare la permanenza ideale, a mio giudizio, sarebbe 8/9 notti. Per il resto, se avete il desiderio di partire non perdete altro tempo perché ne vale la pena, sotto ogni punto di vista
Reviewed: 29.08.2023
Seconda volta ad embudu. Premetto che è la prima volta che ritorno nello stesso resort e che si tratta della nostra 5 volta alle Maldive. Differenze tra 2019 e 2023: - La lingua di sabbia che vedete in tante foto non esiste più, hanno ricreato altre due spiagge ma non sono stupende; le spiaggia mi hanno deluso abbastanza questa volta - cibo peggiorato, meno varietà e meno qualità - disponibilità e pulizia sempre eccellenti - all inclusive perfetto - intrattenimento molto piacevole - snorkeling imbattibile: nonostante il resort sia vicinissimo a malè, la varietà e la quantità di pesci è incredibile, migliore rispetto ad atollo più lontani già visti!!! Bisogna solo stare moooolto attenti alle correnti fuori barriera, per il resto sembra di essere in un acquario!!! Consiglio di andarci anche solo x il livello di bellezza sott’acqua.
Reviewed: 26.08.2023
This was my umpteenth trip to Embudu Village in the Maldives. It is one of my favourite places on earth. Embudu village It is a beautiful island, with wonderful, warm friendly staff, great food, and absolutely no pretence. A place to rest and unwind, recharge, reflect. I have watched many sunsets just marvelling at the colours changing in the sky and sea. And many nights admiring the starts and moon. Embudu Village is the place like no other! 😍
Reviewed: 26.08.2023
È stato davvero tutto sopra le aspettative. Nonostante non fosse la prima volta alle maldive devo dire che questo Resort ha tutto quello che serve. Semplicità, un Mare strepitoso con una meravigliosa barriera in cui fare snorkeling, una natura incontaminata, area spiaggia riservata per ogni camera con ì propri sdraio (siamo ad Agosto ma sembra non ci fosse nessuno…), non da ultimo cibo variegato e di qualità. Unica raccomandazione: abbiamo raccolto intorno all’atollo della plastica…abbiate tutti cura del mare e raccogliete se vedete in acqua….in una settimana non abbiamo visto nessun ospite adoperarsi in tal senso. La vicina Malé sicuramente non aiuta. Per il resto grazie a tutto lo staff… Siete fantastici ❤️, isola 🏝️ meravigliosa che merita senza dubbio!
Reviewed: 21.08.2023
Prima di tutto vorrei dire che la lingua di sabbia che è riportata in tutte le foto che si vedono in giro non esiste più, perché erosa dal mare, ma detto ciò quest'isola la consiglio vivamente a tutti perchè ha tante caratteristiche positive: 1) è a 15 minuti dall'aeroporto, ciò vuol dire che come scendi dall'aereo sei già arrivato 2) l'isola non è ne piccola ne grande e tutto è a portata di mano entro 10 minuti da dove ti trovi 3) i sono tante spiagge dove poter stare e altrettanti anfratti, ma noi siamo stati nella spiaggio di fronte al bungalow n.17 e l'abbiamo soprannominata paradise beach per la bellezza del mare 4) se vuoi fare snorkeling devi andare davanti alla camera 84 perchè il reef è più vicino ed è frequentato da squali e tartarughe (meraviglioso) 5) il mangiare è ottimo e difficilmente non trovi pesce alla griglia sia a proanzo che a cena. La colazione è ottima e abbondante 6) chi dice che in agosto il tempo non è bello, allora non conosce le Maldive, perchè il periodo dei monsoni è in corso, ma essendo le Maldive disposte verticalmente in senso parallelo all'India, basta stare negli atolli centro/nord per trovare bel tempo sempre 7) mi hanno assegnato la camera 49 ed è in un'ottima posizione, perchè, come detto prima, ero a 1 minuto dalla nostra spiaggia e di fronte avevamo un'altrettanta bellissima spiaggia dove tirava un certo venticello rinfrescante 8) il personale è molto disponibile e lo diventa di più se quando arrivi lascia la mancia a tutti quelli che hai a che fare tipo: camera, cameriere, bar Cosa dire d'altro se non che 12 giorni/10 notti sono il periodo ideale per trascorrere una magnifica vacanza alle Maldive.
Reviewed: 17.08.2023
Tornata ad Embudu dopo la prima visita nel febbraio 2018. Ricordavo un'isola deliziosa e questa volta ha superato i ricordi, nonostante la lingua di sabbia non ci sia più, il mare l'ha completamente erosa. Natura padrona indiscussa: bellezza del mare, della vita sott'acqua, delle spiagge e della vegetazione da lasciare senza fiato, una bellezza che ti riempie occhi e anima ogni giorno. I beach bungalow sono semplici, funzionali, puliti, acqua in vetro in camera ogni giorno (1 lt a persona), cassaforte free, aria condizionata e ventilatore a pale perfettamente funzionanti, bagno ampio con bella doccia, cambio asciugamani quotidiano, cambio teli mare ogni due giorni, letti comodi con cambio biancheria ogni 3 giorni, te e caffè sempre a disposizione, mini frigo, patio attrezzato. I water bungalow sono davvero carini ed accoglienti anche se si ha un pupo, arredati con gusto, terrazza attrezzata sul mare, pavimento di vetro, vasca jacuzzi interna vista cielo e palme. Peccato averci soggiornato solo le ultime due notti, anche se la comodità di uscire dalla propria camera senza infradito ed essere subito sulla sabbia candida per noi non ha prezzo. Wi-Fi presente ovunque sull'isola con ottimo segnale, lettini, amache, dondoli, pouf in abbondanza per tutti e disposti su tutta l'isola, il che ti permette facilmente di cambiare anche più volte al giorno la tua posizione. Personalmente non ci ha disturbato né il passaggio di idrovolanti e aerei, data la vicinanza a Malè, né la vista sulla capitale in lontananza, ma sono fattori assolutamente soggettivi. Il trattamento full board è da preferirsi, a meno che non si bevano molti alcolici/bibite, i prezzi del beverage sono rimasti mediamente onesti. Il programma di escursioni definito dal resort non è elettrizzante: merita la giornata in barca del sabato per la sosta con snorkeling al sand bank, esperienza sempre molto piacevole; la mattina prevede visita alle isole locali Maafushi (pessima, unica scusante i souvenir a prezzi decisamente convenienti rispetto resort/aeroporto) e Gulhi (bruttina anch'essa, ahimè). Interessanti le uscite in barca del diving aperte anche ai non sub. Prezzi delle escursioni nella media. Tutto il personale è molto cordiale ed attento, disponibile ad ogni richiesta; mance sempre gradite. La ristorazione è internazionale con serate a tema, il buffet è curato e vario, le grill station sono molto soddisfacenti, frutta e verdura abbondano, eventuali richieste per i bambini vengono accontentate senza difficoltà. Su 12 giorni di permanenza, ad eccezione di un giorno e mezzo dove qualche rovescio di pioggia si è alternato a nuvole scure e cielo coperto (siamo quasi sempre rimasti in spiaggia e fatto il bagno sotto la pioggia), tempo bellissimo, leggermente ventilato e temperature fisse tra i 28 e i 29 gradi, giorno e notte. L'ultimo giorno late check out offerto e partenza dall'isola alle 16.45, decollo previsto alle 20. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo per un'isola meravigliosa dove stacchi davvero da tutto e tutti e il relax è l'unico impegno che hai. Già pronti a prenotare per la prossima estate, grazie ancora Embudu.
Reviewed: 16.08.2023
Wir waren 8 Tage auf Embudu und hatten ( trotz Regen Tagen ) eine sehr schöne Heit , sehr Freundliches Personal , sehr schöne Zimmer ( auch wenn wir direkt vor einem Busch unser Häuschen hatten ) , eine Tauchbasis direkt auf dem Inselchen und ein ebenso wirklich sehr schönes Hausriff . Das essen war sehr gut aber teilsweise etwas schärfer als erwartet aber ansonsten war alles sehr gut organisiert , komme aufjedenfall wieder
Reviewed: 15.08.2023
Tout était parfait: - transfert assuré par l'hôtel, ponctualité et rapidité (aller et retour), il faut environ 20 min entre l'aéroport et Embudu. - check in rapide avec jus de fruits d'accueil. - bungalow sur la plage, confort simple mais bien équipé (mini frigo, sèche cheveux, produits de douche, ventilateur et climatisation), grande chambre et terrasse donnant sur la plage très agréable - l'île est superbe et très bien entretenue. Les constructions sont simples et bien intégrées dans la nature. - le personnel est aimable et souriant. - pas d'animation (sauf une soirée musicale au bar une fois par semaine) mais c'est un point positif pour moi. Il y a des livres à disposition, possibilité de jouer au ping pong, badminton, fléchettes, de faire du kayak. Il y a un spa sur l'île que je n'ai pas testé. -restauration: même serveur à la même table pendant tout le séjour. C'est pratique. Notre serveur était très pro et souriant. Restauration sous forme de buffet à chaque repas, beaucoup de choix, tout était délicieux. A noter pour les européens, la cuisine locale est très épicée. Nous étions en pension complète donc les boissons étaient en supplément (environ 3 € une bouteille d'eau et 12 € un cocktail). -activité principale le snorkeling, c'est un véritable aquarium, nous avons pu voir une multitude de poissons multicolores mais également des requins, dauphins, des raies, murènes, tortues. -club de plongée , nous ne pratiquons pas la plongée en bouteille, mais possibilité de louer masque, tuba et palmes. Ils proposent également des sorties snorkeling (la sortie requins est à faire) -excursions proposées par l'hôtel (Malé, pêche etc) Ce séjour de 10 jours a été paradisiaque, une île hôtel simple au bout du monde. Aucun point négatif, même la météo parfois capricieuse n'a pas gâché nos vacances.
Reviewed: 07.08.2023
Ich war das 2. Mal auf den Malediven aber das 1. Mal auf Embudu. Ich war alleine dort und total begeistert. Mein Bungalow war geräumig und sehr sauber. Da gibt es absolut nichts zu meckern, allerdings ist dieser Bungalow wohl bereits renoviert worden. Andere Bungalows sind noch nicht renoviert wie ich bei Gesprächen mit anderen Urlaubern herausgehört habe. Ich war sehr zufrieden. Das Personal war überdurchschnittlich freundlich und zuvorkommend, egal ob mein Kellner Muaz, die Barkeeper insbesondere Chandana oder Housekeeping. Bei mir sind keine Wünsche offen geblieben. Die Insel ist äußerst sauber und ordentlich, mir hat das Hausriff super gefallen. Dort bekommt man alles was das Herz begehrt zu sehen, Haie, Rochen, Schildkröten, Muränen und viele bunte Fische. Das Essen war excellent und die Cocktails von der All Inclusive Liste waren top. Allerdings würde ich mich sehr freuen wenn vielleicht 2 oder 3 Cocktails mehr auf der All Inclusiv Liste stehen würden wenn ich nächstes Jahr wieder komme, z.B. Pina Colada. Sehr Schade finde ich allerdings, dass All Inclusiv sowohl essen als auch trinken am Abreisetag nur bis 13:30 Uhr gilt. Das ist ziemlich ärgerlich wenn man erst 16:45 Uhr abgeholt wird. Dafür durfte ich mein Zimmer bis 1 Stunde vor Abholung behalten. Alles in allem sehr zu empfehlen und ich werde ziemlich sicher wieder kommen.
Reviewed: 06.08.2023
We returned home on 30th July after staying at Embudu for 2 weeks. We just wanted to thank you all at this beautiful island for an amazing holiday, it was our 4th Visit and will not be our last, we are already planning another visit next year. We stayed in a Bungalow no 89 and our room boy was excellent, to be honest we could not fault any of the staff, they really did make our stay so special. Our waiter Vishnu was excellent as was all the bar staff, a special mention to Santosh, Ravinda & Kamal . Please send our thanks as nothing was too much trouble. Although we went in the monsoon season, we only really had one day of rain and it was quite welcoming. The house reef is amazing, be prepared to see some amazing sharks, rays and marine life. Great choice of food, we went all inclusive which we would recommend. Embudu is simply paradise.
Reviewed: 05.08.2023
Accueil - aéroport : À notre arrivé, quelqu’un nous a guidé au poste prévu. Après 5 min, le bateau est arrivé, les employés nous ont bien accueillis (serviables). Accueil - hôtel : On nous a offert des jus de fruits en attendant nos valises. Ensuite, le réceptionniste nous a expliqué le fonctionnement de l’hôtel, des consignes de sécurité ainsi que des activités proposées. Employés : serviables, souriants et accueillants. Durant nos vacances, on a toujours été bien reçu par tous. Didi, notre responsable de table, est souriant, mémorise nos habitudes et bonne conversation (au sujet de nos activités). Les jardiniers nettoient l’île et parfois ils proposent timidement de nous ouvrir une noix de coco si on le souhaite (personnellement je vous le conseil c’est délicieux). Ambiance : AGRÉABLE!!! L’île est magnifique, les employés sont serviables, des grands arbres procurent de l’ombre (certaines sont en fleurs), des lézards a observé, le mobilier est adapté (il y a des hamacs près des bungalows) ainsi que la décoration. Activités : La majorité du temps on a fait du snorkeling. Tous les jours dans l’eau a observé les poissons, nous avons vu : divers poissons (surtout des balistes de toutes les couleurs, des poissons ballons, les poissons perroquets, un poissons scorpion, des murènes, des concombres de mer et des poissons clowns et des requins). On a été pêché, cela c’est très bien passé même si je n’ai rien attrapé 😅 le but c’était de participer 🤣 !!! Les employés étaient timides, parlaient peu ou il se peut qu’il ne parlait pas anglais (je ne sais pas). Nous avons fait l’activité sous-marin mais c’était moyen moyen. Attention les activités sont annulés en cas de mauvais temps du coup on n’a pas visité d’autres îles. Sur Embudu, il y a une équipe de plongée DIVERLAND indépendante donc le frais des activités doivent être payé directement après. Conseils : dès que vous arrivez regarder le panneau des activités et inscrivez-vous. Prenez avec vous votre matériel de snorkeling. Si vous souhaitez faire les activités proposées par DIVERLAND regardez dans sur le tableau noir autrement dans vos chambres il y a un mini panneau avec le QR dessus qui vous enverra sur leur page internet. Ensuite, il faudra vous inscrire (système à noter sur la feuille =>mettre prénom, numéro de chambre et nombre de personnes en signant.) En soirée, nous avons vu des requins se balader près du quai ainsi que d’autres poissons qui nagent près des lumières. Chambre : Notre chambre était simple et pratique. La salle de bain : endroit très humide malgré la fenêtre ouverte c’est pourquoi on ouvrait tout et on mettait le ventilateur. On avait le bungalow 24, chaque matin on allait se baigner dans l’eau. Conseil : si vous souhaitez voir les poissons, il y a plus de coraux en face du bungalow 51. Le bruit => alors il est vrai que le bruit des enfants ne me dérange pas mais quand il y a des disputes on entend tout car ce n’est pas isolé donc pour ceux qui on le sommeil léger prévoir des bouchons d’oreille pour dormir. Météo : On a fait une semaine en saison humide, je préfère cette période. Du fait qu’il fait chaud et lorsqu’il pluie un peu c’est agréable. Il a pluie quelques fois cela ne nous a pas empêché d’aller nager. Cependant, il est vrai qu’il y a quelques vagues mais elles ne sont pas fortes. Bar : Il y a eu un dj, des musiciens qui sont venus chanter. Les serveurs du bar, m’ont semblé être timide ou réservé. La terrasse près de la mer est un endroit frais, parfais durant la soirée à boire des cocktails. Buffet : J’ADORE!!! Il est varié, un endroit où il y a que divers légumes, sauces, pains, une table pour les féculents, une table pour les légumes cuits, une table pour les viandes (des spécialités des Maldives et occidentaux) et plats végétariens. Dehors, il y a des grillades (viandes, légumes) cela change tous les jours. Ensuite, il y a plusieurs fruits (ananas, pastèque, papaye) sur la table des desserts des spécialités de chez eux (très colorés 😅 parfois bonne et surprenante). Le petit déjeuner le buffet est également varié il y a pour tous les goûts (j’avoue que j’aimais bien mangé du salé un peu de riz et poulet curry). Conseil : lisez bien les panneaux des plats car une grande partie sont aux piments. Bibliothèque : Dans l’espace commun, des livres dans toutes les langues. Conseils : anticipées vos inscriptions aux activités, prenez votre matériel de snorkeling et prenez du cash avec vous (si vous allez visiter les autres îles).
Reviewed: 01.08.2023
Great little island, my wife and I went for our 10 year wedding anniversary and couldn’t of loved it more, went out of season but the weather was beautiful and hot, the sea is a picture of crystal clear waters with fish of varied varieties swimming peacefully. We’ve never done snorkelling before so this island was an ideal time to try, and it didn’t disappoint, visibility was unbelievable with fish, sharks and coral abundant, the one thing I would add is we took sea shoes, this is a must as the dead coral can be quite painful to stand on, and unfortunately dead coral is is all along the shoreline. We made sure to see the sunrise every morning then took a walk around the island, this can be done in 15 - 20 minutes. We went mainly for the peace and quiet (and some sun) and that’s exactly what we got, there is not much to do on the island itself, some entertainment was put on over the weekend we were there, both bands we loved and the music was nice and chilled. There is a list of other things to do off the island in the main reception area, like an island hopping tour, sunset dolphin tour and other stuff, we did the dolphin tour and would recommend it to anyone. The accommodation was quaint and tidy, we opted for the superior beach bungalow, number 97, with a very short walk to the beach and the bar. The restaurant has themed food days, from western to cultural, the food was amazing with loads to choose from for either breakfast, lunch or dinner.. The biggest reason for us to want to go back in a heartbeat is not only the island itself, but the staff, the staff make the island the beautiful place it is, from the cleaners to the bar staff to the chefs, the managers, nothing is to much trouble, and I can now see why guests return year after year, hopefully us included. Massive thank you to Chandana, Bickash, Vishnu, Amith, Kamal, Santosh, Bahadur, Haneef, Ravinda, Thasleem, and many more, without these guys we wouldn’t of had the dream holiday we did
Reviewed: 04.07.2023
"REALITY OF RELAX YOU CAN FIND HERE 😌" What lovely place to RELAX. Everything was perfect from start to end. Thank you to Mr.Ramsay for the help with reservation and Mr. Rashed during the stay. And thanks all employees for trying to make our stay unforgettable. We were really satisfied with everything. we are going on holiday to rest and relax- and for this purpose is... Embudu Village is the NUMBER ONE. Delicious food, kind and always smiled staff under greater supervision of Mr. Neranjan. There are smiling staf in Bar and Restaurant too.Thanks our own waiter in buffet and great barmen who will do everything for us . I think ,very experienced resort managers are guarantee of our satisfacion. Thanks everything that you had done for us. Remember......... "YOU CAN CHECK OUT ANY TIME BUT YOU CAN NEVR LEAVE 😃" we would like to come back. S M A . AWANTHI GUNATHILAKA & FAMILY 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦❤
Reviewed: 03.07.2023
Embudu war unser 8. Maledivenaufenthalt. Uns wurde die Insel als sehr schön und zum Schnorcheln bestens geeignet empfohlen und das war auch so. An Fischen haben wir fast alles entdeckt, was man sich als Schnorchler wünscht, die Schildkröten haben wir jeden Tag besucht und uns gefreut, dass wieder einige Korallen zu wachsen beginnen. Man ist sehr schnell mit dem Boot von Male aus auf der Insel, bei uns hat es nur ca. 10 Minuten gedauert. Wir hatten einen Superior Bungalow und waren mit der Lage und der Einrichtung sehr zufrieden. Es wäre schön, wenn jeder Bungalow seine zwei nummerierten Liegen hätte, dass die Liegen schon sehr zeitig reserviert wurden war schon lästig. Dass die Wasserflugzeuge immer mal über die Insel geflogen sind hat uns überhaupt nicht gestört. Im Gegenteil es gab immer was zu sehen, und man erinnert sich daran, wie schön so ein Flug war. Alle Mitarbeiter waren sehr freundlich, das Zimmer war immer sauber, Strand und Wege wurden gepflegt. Die Bedienung im Restaurant war sehr gut und das Bar-Team besonders nett. Manchmal gab es Livemusik. Wir haben uns überall sehr wohl gefühlt und das Essen war toll, es gab eine riesige Auswahl. Wir haben uns sehr über den großzügigen late check-out gefreut. Es ist schon toll, wenn man den letzten Tag noch genießen kann und Essen und trinken erhält. Wir verbrachten einen wunderschönen Urlaub auf Embudu und kommen nächstes Jahr am 1.6.2024 wieder. Vielen Dank für die schöne Zeit
Reviewed: 02.07.2023
I stayed at this hotel for 11 days with my family on a full board basis to enjoy a vacation and relaxation period. To make my review easier, I'll divide it into several topics. Location - The location is good as it is close to Male, which allows for quick and efficient transportation to the hotel. At the same time, it is also close to various interesting places for those who like to leave the hotel and go on excursions. Dining - The food is relatively good with plenty of variety. However, a significant problem is that a majority of the dishes are very spicy. Although I am a lover of spicy food, I think it is a bit excessive. Another issue is overcrowding. The hotel was full, and many times we had to wait in line to reach the food. Some of the staff serving (in the grilled fish section) were not very friendly, and on many occasions, it felt like they were rationing the food by serving very little. In reality, this seemed to be a problem because if we came a little later for any meal, some items were not replenished. Another situation that seemed different from the norm is that guests often had to share tables with strangers. For us, it was not a problem as we were a group of 4 and could occupy a table by ourselves. However, it seemed a bit uncomfortable to suddenly have to share a table with strangers, as it takes away from the privacy or romantic atmosphere for couples. It would be nice if the hotel provided water during meals. It doesn't make much of a difference to charge $3 for a bottle of water considering the cost of the hotel, but it would be much friendlier and more elegant to serve water to guests without charging extra. Rooms/Cleanliness - The cleanliness is a bit subpar. We always felt that our room was not clean as it should be. The rooms have a retro decoration, are small, with poor finishes, and apparently lack maintenance. Nothing extravagant, but they served the purpose of our trip. I always say in my reviews that I wouldn't mind sleeping in a tent if necessary to be in a good location. It's a matter of the quality-to-price ratio. There is no television, which is excellent for us, but it may be a problem for some people. Beach - In my opinion, the beach is excellent. However, we often felt that it was a bit overcrowded. There are few available chairs, and since there is a lot of vegetation surrounding the beach throughout the island, people tend to crowd more where there is sand. Snorkeling and Marine Life - Excellent in my opinion. For those who enjoy snorkeling and observing marine life, this hotel is great. There is a spectacular reef around the entire island, easily accessible, and with excellent diversity of marine life. For those who like diving, the hotel has a well-equipped dive center with highly professional staff and excellent diving sites nearby. The only concern is regarding the prices, as they didn't seem to be 100% transparent, and you may end up paying more than you expected (bring all the equipment you have because everything is charged extra). Entertainment - There is table tennis, snooker, foosball, a badminton court, darts, volleyball, and a place to play football (dirt field without markings). There is also a small library with some books and a shop. The bar also provides some board games and the staff is very friendly. In summary, the hotel is well-located with beautiful beaches and is an excellent choice for snorkeling and diving. However, the quality of the service provided could be better in some aspects considering the price charged. Nevertheless, overall, we had a good vacation and were satisfied with our stay.
Reviewed: 23.06.2023
Es ist eine wunderbare ursprüngliche Malediveninsel. Das Essen war ausgezeichnet, die Kellner sehr herzlich und zuvorkommend. Die Köche haben einem die Wünsche, nach Möglichkeit, sofort erfüllt. Die Bungalows sauber und zweckmäßig. Ideal zum Tauchen und Schnorcheln. Am Strand und in den Buchten haben wir die Seele baumeln lassen. Wir haben uns von der ersten Minute an sehr wohl gefühlt. Wir werden wiederkommen. Danke an die ganze Staff. Danke für alles Susanne und Michael
Reviewed: 20.06.2023
Villaggio paradisiaco ed estremamente rilassante. Il mare è cristallino e puoi vedere i coralli già i riva. Personale accogliente e puntuale negli spostamenti e negli orari. Puliscono tutti i giorni il villaggio. Molto simpatico Niranjiana che accoglie tutti sempre con il sorriso. Il cibo è ottimo ed internazionale, ogni giorno c'è una gran varietà di pietanze che variano sempre. Noi avevamo il volo presto e ci hanno fatto fare colazione nonostante il ristorante fosse ancora chiuso. Lo consigliamo vivamente!
Reviewed: 20.06.2023
Wir waren nun das dritte Mal auf Embudu. Das letzte Mal vor elf Jahren. Wir haben die Insel gewählt, weil wir die Tauchschule in guter Erinnerung behalten haben und wurden nicht enttäuscht! Wir sind mit hohen Erwartungen angekommen und sie wurden dennoch übertroffen: die Insel überzeugt durch viel Natur, tolles Essen und eine tolle Mannschaft, sehr kinderfreundlich. Die Tauchschule begeistert durch ihre Professionalität, die Crew und atemberaubende Tauchplätze! Wir durften mit Tigerhaien, Bullenhaien, Gitarrenrochen, Hammerhaien und den üblichen Bekannten tolle Momente erleben. Auf den Bootsfahrten wurden wir begleitet von großen Delfin-Schulen und springenden Mobulas. Was will man mehr?! Auf unsere Fragen und Wünsche wurde jederzeit eingegangen. Ob du mit aufs Boot gehst, kannst du 30 Minuten vorher entscheiden. Mega flexibel. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, dass unser Sohn dort in den nächsten Jahren auch seinen Tauchschein machen wird! Wir kommen zurück :-)
Reviewed: 17.06.2023
Отдыхали семьей с 2мя маленькими детьми с 11 по 20 мая. Все бы ничего, отель на 3 звезды, но поведение официантов хуже некуда. Носятся вокруг европейцев, облизывают и целуют во все места. Все хотят от тебя бабла и желательно чтоб вёдрами отсыпали. Такого хамского поведения от официантов я нигде не видел, ни в эконом отелях, ни на лакшери резортах. В ресторане если раз не дашь денег, то все, тебя не существует, официаеты так себя ведут, как будто ты вообще приехал сюда бесплатно. Короче это дно полное. Очень жалею, что первые дни давал чаевые, чтобы получить чаевые, их нужно заработать трудом. Нужно ездить туда, куда вы уже ездили, а я решил попробовать что-то новое, ну и получил ведро с помоями за немалые деньги. Единственное могу только отметить уборку, убирался парень хорошо. Однозначно не рекомендую. А руководству отеля хочу сказать, если вы хотите чтоб вам отстегивали чаевые железнодорожными составами, то вы что-то явно перепутали, в 3 звезды ездит соответствующий контингент с пропорциональной платежеспособностью люди.
Reviewed: 12.06.2023
Everything seems to be perfect right from the reservations to food and hospitality at Embudu Village. We booked directly with the resort and Mr. Rasheed (reservations) was always there to help me out. My schedule changed after the booking and he helped to manage the changes immediately. As a matter of fact, he upgraded my stay too. I booked water villa and beach villa both but I was given a full stay in water villa on arrival. That was the pleasant beginning of a memorable trip to Maldives. Coming to the room, it was one of a kind just in the ocean and you can hear the waves all the time and feel the ocean right below you. The transparent floor makes it all the more wonderful when you witness a baby shark going down under and countless colorful fishes which you see every now and then. Such a rich marine fauna that you can see octopus, sting rays, rod fishes and many more with naked eyes. No need of snorkeling, they all are visible as such from your room. You can see the baby shark everyday if you get up early. We saw it regularly for three days. Wow, that's amazing. Room amenities were perfect and well maintained with room service everyday. Electrical operations manager (Mr. Dennis) need a special mention as he helped with the iron and weighing balance and one of his team members even repaired my rice cooker. I looked for him later to give him a tip but I could not meet him during my stay. Next time if I meet him, will sure complement his help. Coming to the most important part of our stay- vegetarian food. We had doubts whether we will get proper Indian vegetarian food or not. But the chef team headed by Mr. Niranjan need a special mention. They took very good care of our food during our stay. Everyday we were served chapatis made specially for us. Even though the menu had lot of vegetarian options, we were personally attended by the chef himself to make sure we have a nice meal. Everyday there was rice (few varieties everyday), daal, papadam, two or three vegetarian curries (okra, brinjal, yam, potato, gobi etc to name a few). We ate and ate a lot there. The puddings and desserts were just wonderful. Loved the food and a big reason why I will go back again to Embudu. My wife birthday happened to be on the day we reached there. When they came to know, they provided a nice eggless cake in the evening and decorated the room for us. Such a nice gesture. I will always remember it. Made it unforgettable with a table alongside the beach where we celebrated her special day. My kid (<2 yr old) got running nose after he played in the waves and we were in a spot of bother then. Medical center on the island with a doctor 24 hrs came to our rescue and we got the medicine instantly. That's something which needs to be thankful of. Thank u Embudu. We had a dolphin and sunset cruise and that was worth every penny as you can see hundreds of dolphins when they take u in high seas. Once in a lifetime experience when the dolphins swim alongside your boat. Amazing... The bar area was nicely situated near the beach with light music and Indian television channels (IPL going on during our stay). Some live performances also take place few times a week. Very nice arrangements... Good thing is you don't need to pay anything and carry money with you on the island. Whatever you use or buy will be charged to your room which you can pay while checking out. Yes, souvenirs... they are expensive here since it is on a resort and if you get chance to buy on airport or Male city.. it might save you some dollars. We got it from the resort itself since there is no other option. But it's justified. Perfectly alright considering the location. Check out time is no issue. Resort helps to drop you right to the airport and will provide an extended stay till you depart. Finally I am looking forward to visit the place again in future and would extend my thanks to team Embudu for all the hospitality and hardwork they put to make my stay comfortable and memorable.
Reviewed: 06.06.2023
It was our 25th anniversary me and my husband wanted a very peaceful hideaway and we got everything we desired from Embudu village, the staff were extremely friendly and helpful, food was excellent and the room we stayed was a water villa which gave us a brand new experience with a spectacular view!, the beach was breathtaking and very clean! overall our stay at Embudu village was a perfect one! I need to make special note of the GM and the staff for the excellent service rendered towards both us. Wish them the very best in their future endeavors. Prabath & Roshika Fernando
Reviewed: 03.06.2023
From beginning to end I had an amazing holiday at Embudu Village! All of the staff were very friendly. The food was good and most importantly the snorkeling was great! I saw a turtle, sharks, Nemo and lots and lots of other fish! The corals are also growing back! I would also recommend the Dolphin tour they offer! Rooms are basic but have everything you need. I was only in there to shower or sleep! What I also liked was the little library. I finished the books I took with faster than I thought I would. I exchanged them there for some new ones to read :) I will definitely come back for another visit!!
Reviewed: 31.05.2023
Posto bellissimo...tanta tranquillità...mare e snorkeling fantastici...personale gentile ed accogliente ...cucina abbastanza speziata ma cmq c'è ampia scelta.Non è il villaggio da copertina di depliant ma ne vale assolutamente la pena
Reviewed: 30.05.2023
This year we chose Embudu resort for our May vacation. We were here 2nd time after a longer break.The resort did not disappoint us again and we had a very nice time here. Thank you to Mr.Rasheed for the help with reservation and All the hotel employees for trying to make our stay unforgettable. We were really satisfied with everything. I dont comment on the small flaws of beauty - we are going on holiday to rest and relax- and for this purpose is Embudu Village the number one. There are smiling staf in Bar and Restaurant too.Thanks our ovn waiter in buffet and great barmen who will do everything for us . I think ,very experienced resort managers are guarantee of our satisfacion. Thanks , we would like to come back. Katarina &Zdenko
Reviewed: 28.05.2023
Auch ich kann die Tauchbasis nach Abwägen aller FÜR und WIEDER nicht mit ruhigen Gewissen empfehlen. Insbesondere nicht für all jenigen die noch tauchunerfahren sind. Meine Urlaube ohne Buddy waren bisher nie ein Problem, da ich diesen über die Basis buchen konnte. Nicht aber hier! Am besten also einen Buddy mitbringen. Ich war schon ziemlich erschrocken über eine Aussage eines jungen Pärchens das aus meiner Sicht nicht hätte unguided tauchen dürfen. "Unsere Flaschen waren noch so leer das wir noch mal eben auf 30 m abgetaucht sind." Hier fehlte die Höherbrevetierung eines Tauchers! Überlicherweise ist der erste Tauchgang hier ein Orientation Dive. Man lernt die Basis kennen und geht anschließend zusammen tauchen. Allerdings hat sich der Tauchlehrer bei uns gar nicht vorgestellt. Auch das Briefing für den Tauchgang fehlte, es wurden keine Buddyteams eingeteilt und auch demzufolge kein Buddycheck durchgeführt. Alles ganz befremdlich für mich. Der Tauchgang selbst war ganz ok. Zurück ging es dann nach dem Tacuhgang zu Fuß zur Basis. Ich vermisste das Unterstützen auf der Basis durch das Personal was ich durch meine bisherige Basiserfahrungen immer ohne Aufforderung erhalten habe. Wer also Unterstützung beim Tragen der Flasche benötigt, ist hier fehl am Platz. Das Personal selbst ist mit dem Handy beschäftigt. Auch gibt es vor Ort Officezeiten. Es ist also nicht immer jemand für Fragen erreichbar. Daran muss man sich erst einmal gewöhnen, weil ich es so bisher nicht kannte. Was mir aber noch fehlte, war das Zusammensitzen mit anderen Tauchern, der Austausch ... nach den Tauchgängen. Es hat auch niemand mal von der Basis gefragt, wie der Tauchgang war und was man gesehen hat. Ausserdem fehlte mir das Arbeiten auf Augenhöhe zwischen den deutschen Tauchlehrern und dem restlichen Personal. Fazit: Es gab leider keine Alternative vor Ort. Darüberhinaus kann die Unterwasserwelt mit Ägypten oder auch Indonesien leider nicht mithalten. Daher auch nur 3 Tauchgänge. Es hat sich einfach nicht gelohnt weitere Tauchgänge zu machen!
Reviewed: 26.05.2023
We were lucky enough to spend our vacation on the beautiful Maldives island of Embudu Village and were completely blown away. Our beach bungalow, number 58, was absolutely fantastic and gave us an unforgettable stay. There are numerous reasons why we give this paradise a well deserved 5 star rating. The beach bungalow was a dream. The location was simply unbeatable: Right on the white sand beach and surrounded by crystal clear turquoise water. The view was breathtaking, especially during sunset. The accommodation itself was spacious, comfortable and equipped with everything we needed. The natural ambiance of the bungalow perfectly suited the island and gave us the ultimate island experience. A particular highlight of our stay was the outstanding service person, Hossein, who looked after us in the restaurant. We were impressed by his professionalism and attentiveness. Hossein took perfect care of us. His knowledge of the local cuisine was impressive and he always gave us the best recommendations. We felt like VIP guests thanks to his friendly nature and warm smile. The island itself is a true paradise. The beaches are pristine, the sea is clear and full of exotic marine life. We went on snorkeling trips and explored the breathtaking underwater world. There are also a variety of other activities such as kayaking, scuba diving and romantic beach walks. In summary, our stay at Embudu Village was simply fantastic. From the idyllic location and perfect beach bungalow to the outstanding service from Hossein and the entire team - everything was simply first class. We can wholeheartedly recommend Embudu Village and will definitely come back to enjoy this paradise island again. Many thanks to the whole Embudu Village team for an unforgettable time!
Reviewed: 21.05.2023
Eine nette kleine Insel in der nähe von Male schön zum Schnorcheln. Die kleinen Bungalows sind spartanisch eingerichtet was für Uns soweit OK gewesen ist, eine kleine Terrasse auf der man auch mal sitzen konnte und seinen Tee oder Cafe trinken konnte. Das Essen war durchweg gut und unser sehr freundliche Kellner XXX immer aufmerksam. Auch die Bar war OK einzig die Cocktails für All In Gäste waren oft etwas schwer zu genießen da hier wohl nach dem Prinzip gemixt worden war All IN und so haben diese dann auch geschmeckt. Wenn man direkt an der Bar seine Cocktails bestellt hat und dem Chef an der Bar gesagt hat das man nicht nur Alkohol haben möchte waren die Cocktail sehr gut. Wir fühlten uns die 10 Tage sehr wohl und haben den Urlaub genossen. Dennoch haben wir 2 Kritikpunkte die für uns schon gravierend waren. Zum einen die Situation mit den Liegen, eigentlich sollten für jeden Bungalow 2 Liegen vorhanden sein, wenn man sich diese aber jeden Tag neu suchen muss, ist dies schon nervend, zumal es dann auch das Mallorca Spiel mit den Handtüchern gibt. Auf anderen Inseln ist die besser gelöst und geregelt ohne das man Handtücher auflegen muss. Das andere war und das haben wir in keiner Bewertung gefunden ist der Fluglärm der Wasserflugzeuge über der Insel, was schon sehr störend war. OK die Insel ist nur 20min mit dem Boot vom Flughafen weg aber hätten wir es vorher gewusst wäre die Insel für uns nicht in frage gekommen. Was man allerdings SEHR positiv Erwähnen muss ist das Abreiseverhalten des Resort. Unser Flug nach Dubai ging um 18.25 ab MLE und wir bekamen am Vortag einen Infozettel auf dem alles zum Check out stand. Das Resort bietet von sich aus ein Late Check out um 14.45 anstelle 12.00 an. Hier ein ganz klarer Pluspunkt der das ganze zum Schluss verschönert. DANKE

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