Dusit Thani Maldives Verified Reviews
Mudhdhoo Island, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
Reviewed: January 9, 2024
Pros: Великолепный зелёный остров и очень хороший риф с отличной нырялкой. Потрясающий СПА.
Cons: Ни каждый день разнообразие и качество блюд в ресторане ( это касается буфета) соответствовало совсем не маленькой цене.
Reviewed: January 7, 2024
Very Good
Pros: Snorkeling, location and foods
Cons: Staff
Reviewed: December 13, 2023
Très bon séjour, un peu gaché par des soucis de santé, sans gravité.
Pros: Hébergement très agréable. Les pieds dans l'eau. organisation d'un "butler" à votre service. le médecin disponible à toute heure quasiment.
Cons: Les vélos sont obsolètes; voire dangereux. Certaines activités décevantes.
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: August 13, 2023
Amazing experience !
Pros: Friendly peaceful beautiful
Cons: Nothing
Reviewed: April 30, 2023
Pros: It has been a week since we've come back from paradise on Earth. The beauty of the Maldives cannot be described, but the amazing experience of staying at Dusit Thani Maldives, which was simply perfect, can. To be perfectly honest, almost everything exceeded my (very high) expectation. The resort is a beautiful jungle/garden and cycling through it is a pleasure for all the senses (especially in the evenings, when you can smell frangipani). We have stayed in one of the ocean villas. The views were simply stunning. The villa was very spacious and cosy, and even though the furniture is not brand new, it is full of drama. Plus, they have the most comfortable pillows my head had ever touched. The big highight-and what convinced us to stay in the resort-is the Thai restaurant Benjarong with it amazing chef and staff-we were usually attended by Novika (foodie as myself, so she could provide great recommendation) and James, who was also super nice and attentive. After having dinner at Benjarong the first night, we booked all of our meals there (with the exception for the night of Eid celebration, when we dined on the beach with live local music and dancing-thanks Sharif. I especial recommend the soft shell crab with curry - powder, the lamb chops, and my favourite dish in the universe-the Thai green curry. My husband fell in love with the dessert with water chestnuts and ended up eating it twice a day 🙂 (and of course I ended up taking the Thai cooking class). Another highlight for the foodies was breakfast. while the choices of "western" food, pastries is impressive, my very favourite (and I had it every single day) was the noodles station. Also, make sure you try the passion fruit jam which is to die for. You can always ask Mona (yet another, cheerful foodie) for recommendations. Moving from the food... Above the Thai 'restaurant is the Sata bar. My husband took the cocktail making class there and we met a very gifted bar attender Amita.
Cons: If I could give any advice for the resort it would be to make sure that there is a coral reef-friendly sunscreen in the store (we run out of two bottles we brought with us). Maybe it could be a good idea to ask the future guests (in the confirmation email or so) to bring the coral reef friendly sunscreen. It seems a little thing to do, but if it can help protecting this amazing place, I think It will be worth it. Oh, and please provide combs for after the SPA treatment
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: August 6, 2021
Bad timing
Pros: Astonishing villa, mesmerizing sunset views oh wow.. lovely structures. The staff are the best, the butler acts as your account manager where he gets everything done even extending at special rates.
Cons: The ocean villa was a bad choice during this month, it costs a lot thus it would’ve been wonderful if we knew that its gets really noise with storms during rains and storms months. The whole villa would shake at night with every wave. In my opinion, it should come with a warning and also cheaper than other options during storms for those who want that. Also the villa has some maintence needs and the stairs to ocean was very slippery(yes, the hotel has put a sign to warn people about slippery stairs)
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: August 6, 2021
Wonderfull people & experience but very noisy
Pros: We loved the staff, the mesmerizing greenery and botanicals. The provided free to use bikes are wonderful addition. The staff loved working there as they talk highly of how the resort mgt put them first.
Cons: The bar music at night is annoying until 12pm, i couldn’t enjoy the calm nights. it is understandable that the resort just restart activities given lots of insects, i saw many domestic geckos and one snake.
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: August 5, 2021
Natural Forest managed by Dusit Thani
Pros: It's a distant island, managed by Dusit Thani.. Very natural jungle like, Rooms and facilities are superb.. Staff is decent, kitchen and menus need to be Revised.
Cons: For the whole island they had only 4 tricycles.. We could not use the 2 bicycles that dedicated to our villa because my wife can't drive it.. We ordered a Tricycle but we never get it.
Reviewed: August 2, 2021
Pros: Отличный отель для прекрасного отдыха! Океан с его обитателями, вкусные и разнообразные завтраки!
Reviewed: July 21, 2021
Чудесный риф и отзывчивый персонал.
Pros: Чудесный, богатый риф, находящийся в 20 метрах от моей виллы. Зеленый остров, где при любом маршруте легко спряться от солнца. Вышколенный, доброжелательный персонал. Отдельное спасибо русскоязычной девушке Алине, которая, даже не являясь моим батлером, помогала решать большинство моих вопросов.
Cons: Гул возле кровати от фильтрующего насоса для бассейна. Досаждал не сильно, поэтому я не обращался за помощью.
Reviewed: July 15, 2021
لا انصح به
Pros: فقط الاشجار الموجوده في الجزيره
Cons: بعد الجزيره ، الطائره المائيه باهظة الثمن ولم يتم اخبارنا انها بمبلغ وقدره ، لا توجد مرافق مجانيه كل خطوة تخطوها تدفع فلوس ، اكثر الموظفين غير خلوقين في التعامل ، النظافه 4/10 برك السباحه مالحه ماخذين من البحر وغير نظيفه الشخص المسئول عننا هو طيب وخلوق ولكن كثير النسيان راحت علينا انشطه المفروض هو متابع معنا .. اعطي هذا الفندق 4 نجوم وكثير عليه … لا انصح به
Reviewed: November 11, 2021
Pros: Персонал - молодцы! - при ухудшении погодных условий оперативно решили вопрос по изменению нашего трансфера на внутренние авиалинии, с индивидуальной регистрацией и посадкой на борт самолета; - в ресторанах оказывают помощь в выборе блюд ( имеется меню на русском языке ); - пожелания во время проживания на вилле решаются очень быстро; Качество приготовления блюд в ресторанах на высоком уровне, размер одного блюда достаточен для двух персон. Отель держит свою марку, ранее проживали в нём 10 лет на зад. Коралловый риф интересный для сноркелинга, много рыб, черепахи, скаты.
Reviewed: November 10, 2021
le plus beau de notre vie
Pros: tous , le service , les deux restaurants , la plongée . Vous avez été merveilleux du début jusqu’à la fin🤗
Reviewed: November 4, 2021
worth it!!!
Pros: very friendly staff, great bar and pool area, awesome water sports, beach deluxe villa with pool and ocean villa we stayed in both and they were both amazing in their own way. you can do lots of activity in the island - so much fun for fitness or people looking to more than just relax. whole island is covered by natural trees and greenery. the staff really tries their best to cater to your needs. the personal butler service is convenient than having to deal with reception to enhance your experience. we loved the wagyu steak mb9 at sea grill. special thanks to Soukaina (our butler), Saeed, Ishraag and all the staff for their friendly and kind hospitality.
Cons: food and drinks price are high
Czech Republic
Reviewed: December 8, 2022
Nádherný korálový útes
Pros: Hotel má velmi hezký korálový útes s množstvím ryb. Velmi bohaté a opravdu vynikající snídaně a skvělá rybí restaurace. Příjemné bylo i welcome party konané jednou týdně. Příjemný bazén u baru. Možnost pohybovat se po ostrově na kolech. Krásně udržovaná zeleň na celém ostrově. Příjemný personál v restauracích i v baru. Úklid našeho pokoje byl vždy perfektní.
Cons: Měli jsme hezkou chatku s malým bazénem přímo vedle thajské restaurace. Možná právě kvůli restauraci jsme každý den z moře vylovili vyhozenou lahev nebo jiné odpadky jako plastové trubky nebo pytle. Když hotel velmi pečlivě udržuje zeleň, měl by také dbát na čistotu pod hladinou moře. Ve fittness se nedalo cvičit kvůli silnému zápachu nějaké chemikálie.
Reviewed: October 16, 2022
paradiso terrestre
Pros: staff molto preparato ed accogliente e curano ogni minimo particolare per soddisfare al massimo clienti
Cons: si potrebbe migliorare cucina e qualità di alcuni prodotti
Reviewed: September 18, 2022
loved this place and would come again to it
Pros: everything, rooms, bikes, nature, activities, staff
Cons: clean, feels like your on a real island, exotic
United Kingdom
Reviewed: August 15, 2022
Very Good
Pros: Food was good but I think need more variety.
Cons: it was ok.
Reviewed: February 18, 2022
Pros: what’s not to like 😊
Cons: nothing
United Kingdom
Reviewed: February 14, 2022
Pros: snorkeling environment, fish and reef, breakfast, dinner
United Kingdom
Reviewed: February 7, 2022
Perfect stay.
Pros: Amazing island, wonderful views, great facilities and excellent service.
United Kingdom
Reviewed: February 6, 2022
Incredible honeymoon stay!
Pros: We love that the resort feels very exclusive and luxurious. Staff goes all out to serve, very friendly and happy service. The room smelt nice and was made 2x a day with some surprises thrown in.We also like that bicycles are provided as an alternative mode of transportation around the island. Chef at the Market (Pak Danang & Pak Fiqtri) specially made an Indonesian meal for us when I mentioned that I missed Indonesian food!
Cons: My only negative feedback is that they should not charge drinking water at restaurants and offer thai ice tea at the Market restaurant too.
Reviewed: February 5, 2022
Pobyt bardzo udany. Rajska wyspa.
Pros: Piękna roślinność, bardzo pomocna obsługa, piękna plaża, piękna rafa koralowa, bardzo dobre jedzenie.
Cons: Ceny przesadnie wygórowane.
Reviewed: February 5, 2022
Klassische Malediveninsel
Pros: Extrem freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal bis und mit General Manager. Tolle Gästebetreuung.
Cons: Die Gäste Infrastruktur hat dringend Renovationen nötig. All inclusive ist dann doch nicht alles.
Reviewed: December 19, 2021
Отдых на милионны
Pros: Хороший отель, идеальный риф, очень близко, все рыбки, черепахи, мурены, акулы, все рядом. Заботливый батлер. Номер, вила на воде высокий уровень. Маски, ласты выдают бесплатно
Cons: Соотношение цена-качество плохое, питание полноценное 5*, но ничего необычного за такие деньги. Экскурсии( рыбалка) развод, за 500$(на 4) вас покатают 2 часа по морю (ни минуты больше) и посмотрят на ваши упражнения, ничего не поймаете. Отношение пассивное, качают деньги просто. Отель получает агентские с этого, но ни во что не вмешивается. По номеру также, из-за старости где-то канализ. Трубы отвалились, где-то ржавчина на самом виду, устранить легко, но никто не парится. В общем за счет рифа выплываем на плюс, но в целом до той же анантары далековато.
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: December 13, 2021
amazing experience
Pros: the butler service was amazing. Riyaz made our stay super comfortable and convenient
Reviewed: December 1, 2021
Pros: Прекрасный риф,красивый остров,замечательный персонал
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: November 29, 2021
Pros: كانت من أمتع السفرات التي مررت بها
Reviewed: November 29, 2021
Отзывчивый персонал, уютные виллы, вкусная еда
Pros: Шикарный остров, очень ухоженный, понравилось, что у каждой виллы есть велосипед и можно кататься среди экзотических растений и деревьев.
Cons: Не везде можно купаться в море, заход каменистый и мелко в некоторых местах напротив вилл
Reviewed: November 29, 2021
Der Aufenthalt war rundum ein Erlebnis, auch die Unterwasserwelt war sehr beeindruckend
Pros: Frühstück war im Preis inbegriffen und super, das Essen in den anderen beiden Restaurants war ebenfalls sehr, sehr gut. Auch das Personal war überall sehr hilfsbereit und freundlich
Cons: Man könnte mehr gegen die Schnaken tun - der Hauptweg könnte abends besser beleuchtet sein
Reviewed: November 28, 2021
no energy in the staff and the hotel
Cons: untrained staff and under staffed
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: June 18, 2021
Pros: كل شى فيه جميل ومكان رائع ونشكر المرافق الاخ رياض تعامل محترم رائع متعاون
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: June 11, 2021
Cons: The false advertising with the full board package. Charged me for water, house beer and wine, also charged full price for spa package when they advertised 15% off. When I asked them about this they said water and alcohol is not included in full board even though it specifically said it in the print of the terms and conditions. Not worth the sea plane flight to this place.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: June 2, 2021
Exceptional experience and friendly staff!
Pros: Now I have to tell that this is my fourth stay in the Maldives in the past few years. One word: top! Our stay was planned to be during the pandemic which added a lot of worries about the safety and whether we will find the resort’s Restaurants or water activities closed. BUT actually we were very lucky! Our personal butler ms Shintia was amazing and very helpful to recommend the best activities and even to relocate us to 2 different rooms during our stay to make the best out of the resort. The reef is amazing for snorkeling. The restaurants menus and chefs are the highlight of our experience. The ocean villa with pool has high privacy and enjoys the sunset and sunrise views! You can’t go wrong in the resort. Big thank you for the resort manager Thomas and everyone who works here!
Reviewed: May 11, 2021
Очень зелёный остров
Pros: Добрый день дорогие путешественники! Мы на Мальдивах в седьмой раз , поэтому есть с чем сравнить, постараюсь объективно оценить этот остров. Плюсы: Очень зелёный остров, много реально вековых деревьев, не надевали даже солнцезащитные очки, на столько было комфортно. Риф прекрасный, живой, много рыб, черепахи, видели мурен, осьминогов, на 5, Завтраки достойные, по питанию всего три ресторана, но готовят очень достойно. Развлечения на водных видах огромное разнообразие, такого никогда не видел на Мальдивах, все что можете сете представить Ещё один плюс острову у каждого номера два велосипеда, остров довольно большой, 50 мин вокруг пешком, поэтому велики очень помогают. Ещё плюс очень мало людей для такого острова, прекрасно Фитнес зал сносный доя Мальдив, плюс есть большой теннис, бадминтон и футбольное поле. Есть персональный помощник, очень удобная опция, всегда на связи , решает любые вопросы СПА центр превосходный и оригинальный, прекрасные программы и массажистки.
Cons: Теперь о плохом. Остров конечно зелёный , при этом очень много москитов, мы ходили все искусанные, Цены конечно ооочень высокие, но это же Мальдивы Номерной фонд конечно требует обновления За велосипедами надо следить, раз вы их предоставляете . Ещё один самый большой недостаток с моего взгляда, очень мало песчаного пляжа, на наших виллах 400, вход в море был очень проблематичный, через камни, с детьми я считаю неприемлемо, единственные виллы где нормальный пляж и песок это 100, а в остальном не очень, нет прекрасных песчаных Мальдивийских пляжей.
Reviewed: April 23, 2021
Неплохой отель со своими минусами
Pros: 1. Отличный риф, кораллы и живые и мертвые есть, очень красивые. Рыб невероятно много, черепах каждый раз встречали, видели акулят, скатов, осьминогов. Течение есть, но если не плавать куда не нужно, то снорклинг очень комфортный. 2. СПА - космос! Лучший! Классное оформление, потрясающая атмосфера, невероятный релакс. Это прямо ВАУ! Без сомнения могу сказать что это лучший спа в моей жизни. Но делайте бронь, обычно 2-3 дня вперед расписаны полностью. 3. Ресторан Бенджаронг - тайская кухня, которая спасает этот отель от полного провала по еде. Супер команда из тайских поваров и официанток из Индонезии. Этот ресторан выигрывал какие-то награды международные и я понимаю за что. Кстати, демократичные по меркам Мальдив цены, за 2 больших лобстера 110 долларов. 4. Нам повезло с трансфером. 40 минут ожидания на пути туда, а на пути обратно мы были последним отелем и сразу полетели в аэропорт. Время прямого полета около 30 минут, на пути туда с остановкой ушло 45 минут. У отеля есть хороший лаунж в Мале. 5. Экскурсия на водных мотоциклах к дельфинам. Дорого, за 2 мотоцикла на час мы отдали порядка 700-800 баксов, но оно того стоило. Это топ!!!! Всем рекомендую. 6. Водные виллы. Очень удобно, плюхнулся в воду и через 10 метров офигенный риф, ну максимум через 20. Не путать с океанскими виллами, там дальше и течение сильнее. 7. Вилла. Наверное с этого надо было начать. Ни одного жука, червяка и прочей мерзости в вилле не было. Даже комаров не было. На этом можно остановиться и поставить вилле 5! Но еще добавлю что сантехника хорошая, не отваливается, все в целом сделано хорошо и грамотно, никаких претензий. Ну подушки и матрасы как всегда так себе, но это не к отелю, это везде так. 8. Батлер сервис. Ровно такой как мы любим. С утра повидался с батлером, обсудил как дела и больше его не видишь. Прекрасно когда батлер не навязчивый, ничего не впаривает и 5 раз на дню не звонит узнать как дела и не надо ли нам вот прямо сейчас что-то. Идеально. 9. Русский персонал
Cons: 1. Еда. Это прямо провал. В in-room dining просто кошмар, рыба дня за 35 баксов выглядит похуже той что в рабочей столовке за 150р. 2 ресторана (Market и Sea grill) + in-room dining - это скудный выбор, упор на бургеры, стейки, пиццу, цезарь-капрезе. Морепродуктов на гриле нет (а зачем еще ехать на Мальдивы?), просишь сделать - тунца с боем делают, креветки в порцию положили 5 штук, а гребешков и осьминогов "сорян, не держим таких". Суши? Вы офигели что, чем вам бургеры не нравятся. Помидоры везде подают такие, как в Ашане в отделе "резиновые и пластиковые помидоры по распродаже". Завтрак в целом нормальный, все что надо есть, но к 10 часам извините, что осталось, то и кушай, прям Египет вспомнился. Если бы не упомянутый выше тайский ресторан - еда была бы на жирную двойку, а так трояк. Ребята из отеля, соберитесь, пересмотрите меню, замените поваров, мы не за этим ездим на Мальдивы. 2. Персонал. Ну не знаю чего так в отзывах все восхищаются. Да, персонал в целом делает свою работу, вопросов нет. Но ходит и общается он с вами с видом "люди, ну че вы сюда приперлись, без вас забот хватает, сидели бы в своей России". Никакой радости от общения с нами или желания прыгнуть выше головы я не увидел. 3. Water Sport. Меню огромное, но "винд серфинг не рекомендуем, у нас тут риф", "SUP, сорри, дырочки в нем, не можем дать". САПы и каяки платные. Короче, странная тема, ну недоступно что-то, ну уберите из каталога. 4. Пляжные виллы. Мне кажется, это ужас. Попробую фото прикрепить, но если не получится напишу - вместо песочка у гостей просто кусок рифа на берегу и полное отсутствие входа в море. Не знаю сколько ног тут уже переломано, с детьми вообще не ясно как в воду зайти. Если в пляжные виллы, то всеми силами стремиться в те что именно на пляже. 5. Пляж. Его нет, точнее есть метров 100, на котором днем находится весь отель. По мальдивским меркам пляж - это длинная полоса, где у тебя есть полная приватность.
Reviewed: April 17, 2021
Pros: В принципе неплохой отель по отношению цена качество, очень хороший риф, много рыбы, такой на Мальдивах редко встретишь
Cons: Достаточно старый отель. Давным-давно требуется ремонт, также что-то необходимо делать с пляжными виллами где очень плохой заход в воду, раньше был намного лучше, сейчас размыло не знаю почему. Мы в этом отеле не первый раз конечно очень сильно упало качество проживания
Reviewed: March 26, 2021
Idylle zum entspannen und verwöhnt werden
Pros: Der Aufenthalt war rundum ein wunderbares Erlebnis. Vor der Buchung haben wir uns sehr genau alle Kommentare durchgelesen und mehrere Resorts/Inseln verglichen. Wir sind super glücklich mit der Entscheidung für Dusit Thani und können kritische Stimmen nicht nachvollziehen: Das Personal ist äußerst engagiert und erfüllt einem jeden Wunsch, wir hatten einen privaten Butler, der für uns alles organisiert hat, die Unterkunft ist sehr großzügig, modern und top ausgestattet und die Insel selbst ist paradiesisch mit viel Natur und wunderschönen Palmenwäldern. Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für dieses erholsamen und unvergesslichen Urlaub!
Cons: Wir haben das Personal als sehr professionell und distanziert empfunden - was genau dem entsprach, was wir uns (vor allem in COVID-19 Zeiten) gewünscht haben. Besucher, die sich einen nahbaren Umgang wünschen könnten es als „unpersönlich“ empfinden.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: March 29, 2022
Pros: the spa beach and water activities nature and trails
Cons: food was good but it could have been better
Reviewed: March 28, 2022
perfect holiday, including diving, lots of good food and gery friendly staff!
Pros: Very welcoming and still professional staff! nice, green island. very nice house reef for snorkeling and even diving! Outstanding thai restaurant Benjarong!
Cons: nothing
Reviewed: March 27, 2022
Зелёный остров с хорошим сервисом
Pros: очень зелёный остров, приватность вилл, велосипеды у каждой виллы, очень комфортные подушки, но одеяла выглядят как будто ими пользуются уже очень давно, по понедельникам приветственный коктейль и наверное только Мальдивы, которые чтят традиции с очень давних пор делают такие мероприятия и они очень приятны! огромное количество рыб в океане, есть черепахи, осьминоги, вечером видели и мант небольших и скатов! Есть батлер, прикреплённый за виллой и он помогает с решением некоторых вопросов, ненавязчив и с хорошей реакцией)
Cons: детский клуб, девушка которая там сидит вообще не заинтересована в том, что бы детки туда возвращались, дети сами говорят что она сидит отдельно и все время в телефоне… чаще всего те активности, которые прописывают не было вовсе… Очень жаль, что отель с большим количеством плюсов, не уделяет внимание своим маленьким гостям. и на мой взгляд не очень приятные дороги по острову, мало песка, а в основном пыль и грязь, босиком ходить не очень приятно .
Reviewed: March 25, 2022
Pros: It is a small Island, so you can reach all facilities easily with the provided bicycles. The food is exceptional, especially at the Seagrill and Benjarong. We stayed in the ocean villa with pool, where it was really quiet and the ocean view was amazing. You can go snorkelling with provided vests right from your villa. We got to see reef sharks and eagle rays. Dusit Thani offers a wide Ränge of activities - we went for a couple of dives and we always were in small dive groups. The staff is incredibly friendly and helpful, we felt very comfortable at all times. The great service started at the airport, where the employees pick you up. Checkin is done at the Dusit Thani airport lounge, so the holiday starts immediately when you reach the island. Overall a great experience. We will definitely come back.
Cons: Leaving the island :)
Reviewed: March 2, 2022
Pros: в этом отеле все на высшем уровне, отличный сервис, очень приветливый персонал, при этом совершенно не навязчивый. потрясающий риф, огромное количество рыб, черепахи, осьминоги, мурены, акула, скат. Прекрасная еда, только хотелось бы побольше разнообразия в меню, 3 ресторана это не очень много, нужно бронировать заранее
Cons: жалко что смыло пляж перед бассейном, немного не хватает лежаков в свободном доступе, для тех кто живет в вилах на воде и не имеет своего пляжа.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: September 27, 2021
Pros: Staff are very friendly and organized
Cons: Restaurants can be improved
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: September 15, 2021
Nearly perfect
Pros: Everything is amazing about the Dusit Thani. The island is incredible green and lush and you can walk around and feel like in a djungle. The beaches are beautiful but not as picturesque as other island and you can't walk around the island on the beach as there are the watervillas in the way or the jetties. The villa is very comfy and you have absolute privacy which is amazing. The guys from the diving center are so nice and accommodating and I was very lucky that there were Mantas on call nearly every day. It is a great experience to swim with them and I have wonderful photos of those days. The trip cost $200 and you can swim with them for 45 min in the bay. In the beginning its amazing but as more boats arrive and more bodies in the water its a bit crowded. So go as early as possible. The prices for the snorkeling tours are very good and worth the money. The reef around the island is okey, you can see black tip reef sharks and turtles but the corals are not very colourful. Go to the Nemo Rock snorkeling tour, that island has a healthy and beautiful reef. I loved the small details in the beginning, you will be welcomed with a fruit basket in your villa and healthy cookies. Also they have those amazing aromatherapy candle diffuser which makes the room smell so good. The service and turn down service is great but as longer I stayed as less I felt cared for.. In Thailand I am used to get every day some small treat or fresh coconut and fruits. Fruits dont cost the world and it would be a nice gestue. The breakfast is very amazing. They have something for every taste, Chinese, Thai, Western, Indian and Arabic. The bread is okey nothing special but the immun booster are great, the fresh juice which is included and exclusive honeys are great. It is also important to mention that they do their best to have the earliert seaplane to the resort booked (I only waited 1 hour in their arrival lounge) and the last seaplane to leave so you can make the most of the day.
Cons: The only fact I have to complain about is the frozen fish. We are in the middle of the ocean, they cought fresh fish which I saw but you get frozen fish. And it is not good, it was really not edible at all. The food in the Maldivian resorts is not really good in general which is well known but I really dont understand why they dont have fresh fish. Besides the fish the food at the Dust Thani is great but incredible pricey. A lunch of vegetarian pasta and a juice for 1 person is nearly $50 which is a bit too much for what you get. They are generous with the portions. People said the Thai restaurant is soooo good but to be honest I tried it and compared to real Thaifood its nothing and its way overpriced as well. I like spending but when you eat in Thailand food much more fresh, much more tasty and cost 10% of what they charge you feel a bit ripped off. The resort is pricey enough, no need to charge so much for simple food.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: September 11, 2021
Cons: وصلت الشنط للغرفه بعد الوصول من طيران المائي مكسره مما ادى الى شراء شنطة اخرى من مطار مالي
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: August 23, 2021
Wonderful experience
Pros: Everything
Cons: The island is very far from male airport, it took us 40 min in the sea plane to get there
Reviewed: August 22, 2021
Pros: Excellent choix aux Maldives : superbe barrière de corail très bien préservée, très belle végétation au milieu de laquelle on se promène à pied ou en vélo, nombreuses activités dont le snorkeling à Hanifaru Bay au milieu de dizaines de raies mantas, très belles chambres, dont de très grandes chambres familiales. Seul point moins bien, la restauration que nous avons trouvée chère et moins bien que sur d’autres îles.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: August 20, 2021
Marvelous Natural island and superb hotel and staff
Pros: Nature preservation and awareness Friendly staff that go out of their way to make your stay enjoyable and comfortable Availability of PADI certification Cleanliness Excellent breakfast
Cons: Bug and mosquito bites are too many Low quality of bikes No Sound proof of rooms and windows Lunch and dinner food is above average and can be improved
Reviewed: July 23, 2022
제발 꼭 가세요. 최고입니다… 헤헤
Pros: 깨끗하고 신식같은 느낌에 정말 그냥 넘 좋았습니다. 음식들도 훌륭하고 직원분들 매너도 너무 좋고 가격 가치를 하는 정말 최고급 리조트 경험이었습니다. thank you Nizam, our butler for great services. 말레를 오고가며 살짝 긴장되기도 했지만 직원분이 마중나오고 안전한 여행 할 수 있었습니다. 정말 좋은 허니문 이었어요. 너무 행복했습니다. 스노큘링도 여러번 계속 하세욤. 저흰 운좋게 스노쿨링하며 거북이도 보고 (워터빌라 숙소에 덱에 앉아있다가) 돌고래 무리도 보았습니다. 환상적이었어요.
Cons: 청소하시는 분들이 살짝 철저하지는 않았어요. 청소한 컵에 제 립틴트가 묻어있었습니다. 그리고 부가적인거긴 하지만 제가 옷을 세면대에서 씻다가 끈이 배수구에 걸려서 배수구 막는거가 딸려올라오게됐는데 좀 검고 긴것이 .. 딸려오긴해서 더러웠습니다.. 대개는 깨끗하고 참 깔끔하고 향기로운 경험이었습니다.
Reviewed: a week ago
If you have read my other review, you can skip this first part, but I thought it might be worth repeating the opening:||So looking at some negative reviews, there are a few things to emphasise (for those travelers who seem to be are not from this planet...), therefore kindly bare in mind the following facts when you go to the Maldives in general - regardless of the resort you are staying at:||In general, I found the Maldivians helpful, friendly and giving, but since being a holiday destination, the country is heavily relying on revenue from tourists, whilst local islands (without tourists) struggle to survive. ||It goes without saying that the number one priority on the Maldives in general is to preserve natural beauty and eco-system, plus there are some limitations too, hence those who do Not feel that "mother nature" is their thing, perhaps it is best if they choose another destination to keep the Maldives safe from them... :)||Before (!) you commence your journey at your local airport to the Maldives, do NOT forget to fill in a quick traveler declaration form on the IMUGA portal (no-one will tell you this), as the Maldivian border security expects to see that before you arrive. When you get to the border control officer, he/she already should have your QR code from the system, if you did your part correctly. (You only need to show the QR code at check-ins before departure by the way.)||Do not forget to do the same before you leave your resort/travel back to your home country if you have not already done so, as the form has to be filled in for both directions, hence you will have two different QR codes.||Bare in mind that the free WiFi at Male airport does not work with the internet, and whilst we are at the topic, it does not really work on long haul flights either - not even on business class, nor if you pay for it - due to signal-issues and various international restrictions when you fly above certain countries.||It is probably worth mentioning a few words about arrival to Male airport:||It is a very, very, very busy and small airport... Therefore, once you got out of your plane, which could be somewhere between 10 and 40 minutes - depending on bus shuttle availability -, you will have to go through a security screening with your hand luggage. (FYI - there could be three (!) security screening upon departure, so make sure you will arrive at Male airport at least 3 hours before your international flight's departure.)||Then you have the passport control... That could be anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour in general. So then you can collect your luggage from the conveying belts...||They do intend to put multiple flights' luggages onto the same conveying belt at the same time, so getting your luggage, might be another 30-40 minutes if not more...||All resorts you are booked in with, would send a representative to the airport.||In my case, the seaplane transfer to the resort (another resort) was booked around 75 minutes after international arrival, however since I was still waiting for my luggage to show up, I had to miss that plane, so I asked permission from the airport security to let me find my representative and update them about the situation, so it would not all go amiss.||Luckily, I was able to get onto another seaplane an hour after getting out of Male airport.||Now my review about Dusit Thani Maldives Resort:||Imagine that you land in paradise and an army of people will give you a very welcoming meet and greet with a very refreshing welcome drink then you get your personal battler to look after you, transport you to your villa, hook you up with all the schedules and everything you need then you immerse into the breathtaking view and luxury-comfort of your 'palace'.||About the island: I believe it has all the facilities that you may require on a holiday: Gift shops (very expensive though); first aid with a doctor; the unbeatable and astonishing Deverana Spa, with those amazing Thai ladies providing various rejuvenating treatments and uplifting your already heavenly experience; a Kids club, an Outdoor cinema, a large infinity pool, a bar, three restaurants (some with limited opening times), a tennis court, a small gym and of course the Ocean Centre for all water sport activities. Of course you have the main reception too. ||There is also a little garden for the chefs to grow their own herbs, which is quite impressive and always guarantees a touch of freshness included to your meal.||Funny enough there is a 'hidden' pathway on the island that signposted with some exercises if you fancy getting into a little jungle, jump around and flex your muscles.||There are of course some programs that you can register to attend to - either the reception or your battler can help you with that. Naturally, every other activities you wish to sign up for, i.e. water sports, island hopping, etc. is a chargeable service.||Some of the most popular activities are the water aerobics, sunset cruise, etc.||The island divides to two main areas: in the very middle of the island, there is a residential area for all the staff (like a little village with everything they need) - tourists are not allowed to enter there. And the outskirt of the island all around is the tourist area with all the villas and other facilities mentioned above.||I was fortunate enough to rent a water villa with a private pool for the duration of my stay, which I very much enjoyed, and although I had the opportunity to upgrade for an Ocean villa, but after having a closer look, I decided it was nowhere near as satisfactory than the Water Villas for a number of reasons, so I have stepped away from it.||The food was lavishing, the occasional wine-dinner that the resort management arrange every now and again is outstanding and competes with a 'Michelin star quality' dining. ||I highly recommend a local island visit, guided by Mama, who is a lovely bloke (No, not misspelt, he is a male) and who would only be very happy to show you around Dhonfanu island and explain everything about local life.||I also very much enjoyed the Inflatable Ride water sport activity. Little warning: this activity is best be undertaken in your wet-suit or your swimming suit. :-) A little tip: do follow the jet-ski driver's lead and hold on tight at all times. ;-)||Few words about the eco-life around Dusit Thani Maldives Resort: the ocean water is lovely and fairly warm 24/7 - I would say around 28-29 Celsius degrees. If you are brave enough to swim in the early hours (around 6am) like I did, you may just end up with some rushes all over your skin from the millions of planktons being washed ashore. :-)||The habitant sharks around here are lemon and blacktip sharks mainly - so as I have been told, but correct me if I am wrong - although there are some baby ones lurking around the villas, but they are supposed to be harmless. Do Not touch them though! You will see some Manta rays too.||Since the island does not have stone-reef all around like some other resorts, the lagune is not so peaceful and you will hear some very loud splashes around your villa that might just wake you up at night, but it also makes you feel you are in paradise. :-)||All villas are provided with their very own (at least two) bicycles, that are numbered like your villa, which helps you getting around the island, should you wish to go for a ride at any given time.||Last, but not least I cannot praise enough the lovely ladies at Deverana Spa, which greatly contributed to the perfect relaxation I had whilst staying at the Maldives. I would highly recommend Nicky (apologies if misspelt her name), who has a wonderful technique for therapeutical massage.||A SPECIAL THANK YOU for Mr. Shammoon Ali Didi, who helped for this holiday to come true and oversaw the logistics from start to finish. I can only hope I did not give him too much of a headache. :-)||Although, this is a long-winded review, however words cannot really describe the perfection, tranquility and inner peace you must feel whilst you are at Dusit Thani Maldives Resort and the attention and care you receive from all the staff members.||My one and only disappointment was the disastrous vegetarian dumplings, that I somehow was unable to make the chefs understood how it is being made, but I sincerely hope Mr. Jean-Louis will see to it going forward. :-)||Thank you for everything and hope many guests will also enjoy and understand what this wonderful resort has got to offer.
Reviewed: a week ago
Schönes Hauriff, Exzellentes Essen, Sehr Freundliches Personal. Leider bekommt man als Wiederholungs-Gast keine Upgrades oder ähnliches. Wir waren zum 5. Mal dort und man hat keine Anstalten gemacht, uns irgendein Goodie zukommen zu lassen. Schade, dann geht man natürlich nicht mehr hin.
Reviewed: a week ago
This was my absolute favourite stay at the Dusit Thani Maldives. Amazing place , the food is delicious, the beach is beautiful. There is a very nice spot for snorkeling and the staff very nice and friendly ! Highly recommend 🥰🥰🥰🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Reviewed: a week ago
Otelin genelinden çok memnun kaldık. Sadece adanın kumsal alanı daha önce ziyaret ettiğimiz adalara göre daha azdı. Su üstü villaları ve Ocean villa lar resif e çok yakın olduğundan Deniz canlılarından korkanlar o bölgede rahat yüzemeyebilirler.|Öğle yemeklerinin ve akşam yemeklerinin alacarte olması oldukça iyi düşünülmüş. Yürümeyi sevmeyenler için de her oda da bisiklet olması ince bir ayrıntı. Tüm personel kibar ve saygılı. Tüm personel çok özverili ve güler yüzü idi ancak Otele girişimizden itibaren bizimle özel olarak ilgilenen Bay Jalaal ve Sand Bar da çalışan Bay Upali ye ayrıca teşekkür etmek isterim.
Reviewed: a week ago
We vacationed on the island with the whole family in December 2023. We liked almost everything - a very beautiful well-maintained island, excellent service, delicious food. I would like to mention the good organization of the diving center and the instructors, especially Mr. Mahmoud. He was very professional and willing to help.
Reviewed: a week ago
신혼여행으로 다녀왔습니다|몰디브 여러 리조트 중 어지간한곳은 수중환경이 다 좋으니 저희는 시설과 음식에 초점을 두고 리조트를 선택하였습니다|두짓타니 시설과 음식은 너무 좋았습니다||거기에 한국인 버틀러(비안카)님이 근무하는 리조트이기에 한국인이 방문하기에는 최적입니다||아무리 영어를 잘하여도 소소한 팁을 얻어 여행하기에는 한국인 버틀러님이 최고입니다!!||다만, 한국인 버틀러님이 매우 바쁘시기에 저희가 먼저 물어보고 필요한거 요청하면 아주 친절히 응대하여주십니다!!||다음에 또 방문하고 싶습니다
Reviewed: a week ago
这次旅行感觉非常好,这里很适合情侣度假,度蜜月或是亲子出游,这里的风景很美,感觉拍照完全无滤镜就能出片,海水很蓝,我们入住了两种房型,沙屋和水屋,各有各的特色,沙屋有住在森林里的感觉,水屋可以直接入海,可以免费租借浮潜设备随时入海看海洋世界,每个房间都自带游泳池。都喜天阙的餐食很不错,有好几个餐厅,有一个泰国餐厅挺有特色的,口味也挺符合中国人,自助餐厅种类也挺多,炒面适合中国人,管家很贴心,我们的管家 Saeed 人很棒,也很帅!|这是一次很愉快的度假游,希望有机会再来。
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
The underwater environment was so good, and it was nice that the landscaping inside the resort was so pretty even if I didn't go into the sea.|And our Butler ajaa also responded quickly, so I was able to stay comfortable while enjoying my honeymoon.
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Absolutely incredible. The most beautiful island, combined with the warm hospitality of the Dusit thani staff. Everything was perfect, and the level of service we received absolutely exceeded our expectations. The villa (beach villa with pool) was spotless and beautiful.||The Market restaurant serves buffet breakfast and dinner which was perfect for us as a family, the themed nights meant that there was a huge variety of dishes from all around the world on offer. In addition the excellent kids menus in Benjarong and Sea Grill meant that our children were able to eat high quality and delicious ingredients too. ||The kids club was great, we felt really confident leaving our children in the safe hands of Kabi and Pabi who looked after them so well. The whole island is so welcoming to families.||Special thanks to Nizam our wonderful butler, Shahid and the rest of the Market staff, and Atta in the Market kitchen- for all being so kind and friendly with the kids, and really going the extra mile. Lastly to Prabi for the incredible pina coladas at the sand bar!! ||We would LOVE to return, we had the most relaxing week here - it was absolutely worth the 11 hour flight!!
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Wow! Another fabulous trip to the Maldives- Dusit Thani Resort and Spa.|We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay and are truly sad to be leaving. We first visited DT in March 2023 and really enjoyed the stay so much we knew we were going to come back. This is our 10th year to the Maldives - coming yearly - trying new resorts each time - must say DT is the only one I would do a repeat visit so we did.||The staff are absolutely 100% brilliant and the stars of the resort. This was one of the reasons for our return visit.||A huge shout out to the following:||Market ||Gabey |Atta |Shahid|Raweesha|Ravi|Sofwan|Hassein||Sea grill||Mona|Rabbi||Sand bar||Hanneif|Uupali|||Benjarong||James |Mafroo||Kids club|Mama|Pabbi|Kabbi||Butler Ajaa||Saif the room cleaner 315||Azim from dive centre||But - by no means - every single staff we interacted with have been just so kind and wonderful - it's extremely hard to write everyone's names - if I could I would. ||The beach is beautiful but narrow in parts - there's parts that have a natural rockiness but it didn't spoil it for me. It's hard to predict the sea and erosion. No sandbags or seawalls. As a mum of 2 small ones I preferred a narrow beach as I could easily see the kids from the hammock - and they had the freedom to hop in the villa pool as well as just play on the beach. This is the deluxe villa with pool - there's another type of villa with the pool inside the back of the villa which, personally didn't suit me as you wouldn't get the views. The villa pool is a decent size too - for 2 kids a decent size villa pool was an important factor. Our room was cleaned in the morning then freshened up in the evening- it was always a treat to return to the room at night to see what creation Saif made on the bed with flowers and leaves. My girls were eager to leave messages back to making pictures on the bed for Saif.||The rooms were good - a little tierd in places but perfectly comfortable - a natural Maldivian feel inside. Each guest receives a bicycle to get around the island. Ours were personalized with our names which was very cute. ||Kids club - the ladies there work very well with the children - my girls were desperate to go after lunch every day until 6pm. They made a friend too and swapped numbers. ||The reef from the dive center to the owv past the Thai restaurant was absolutely brilliant - spotted sharks, big parrot fishes and trigger fish, good amount of fish soup and the resident turtles.|My husband went for a dive and said it was extremely good.|My daughter, 8, did her first intro to scuba which she thoroughly enjoyed. The reef goes all the way around the island and it's so so close to Hanifaru Bay where the famous manta cleaning station is but we were not there at the right season. It would be a treat for anyone if they were visiting in May ish June July time.||The food in all the outlets were great - the Thai restaurant is pretty special- the pancake station at breakfast is so cool for the kids - they can create very artistic things like a dolphin or a mermaid. Very cool. ||We are so lucky to come to the Maldives yearly. Every year I am taken by the beauty of these islands. We will be returning back to Dusit Thani without hesitation. It was a heart felt goodbye to our friends at DT. I have enjoyed talking to everyone, listening to their stories and lives. For all the smiles, the care, the love, the warmth - the East family would like to say Thank you sincerely.||X
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
휴양지 여행은 처음이라 혹여나 지루한 순간이 있을까 살짝 걱정했는데 전혀~~~~~ 정말 천국같은 자연 속에 있는 것만으로도 좋았어요^_______^b 신혼여행으로 갔는데 남편과 제가 영어는 조금 하지만 그래도 불편함이 있을거라 감안하고 갔는데... 세상에 한국인 버틀러님이 계셨어요!!! 저희 버틀러님이셨는데, 다양한 유료 무료 프로그램들 예약해주시고 꿀팁도 많이 알려주시고 ㅎㅎ 카톡으로 실시간으로 대화할 수 있어서 너무너무 편했습니다~ 저희가 편하게 좋은 추억만 가져갈 수 있게 여러가지로 배려해주셨어요!! ||매일 자전거 타고, 맛난 음식 먹고, 스노쿨링도 하고, 숙소 수영장도 너무 좋고, 바에서 바텐더들이 술도 다양하게 알아서 척척 만들어주셔서 넘 좋았어요 ㅎㅎ 스노쿨링에서 물고기 정말 많이 봤구요, 숙소 금처에서 거북이도 두마리나 보고 샤크투어에서 샤크도 두 마리 보고, 돌아오는 길에 돌고래도 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 음... 항상 에어비앤비로 배낭여행만 하다가 신혼여행으로 휴양지 왔는데 앞으로 휴양지만 갈 것 같네요 정말 좋은 시간이었습니다~~ 비싸지만 가치가 있어요 ㅎㅎ 두짓타니가 리모델링한지 얼마 안되서 그런지 정말 깨끗하더라고요 ㅠㅠ 아!!! 욕조에 배쓰 솔트 넣고 바다보면서 반신욕 꼭 하세요 ㅎㅎ 정말.. 할말이 많지만 그만 칭찬하겠습니다 ㅋㅋ 유용한 리뷰가 되셨길...||The best butler, Bianca!||Perfect honeymoon in dusit tani :)||Me and my husband promised to visit here again just few years later.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
첫 날 날씨로 인한 비행기 지연으로 말레공항에 도착한 건 낮 12시였으나.. 숙소 도착하니 밤 9시였어요.|이렇게 하루 날렸다고 생각했는데, 운이 좋게도 레이트 체크아웃을 할 수 있었어요.(오후 5시)|그리고 한국인 비앙카님이 계셔서 수시로 카톡으로 연락할 수 있어 편했습니다. |두명이서 터틀투어, 만타투어, 30분 사진촬영하고 천 달러정도 더 들었어요~ 안내해주시는 금액에서 10프로정도 더 붙습니다.|터틀투어는 안해도 될 것 같아요~ 벤자롱 근처에서 스노쿨링할 때 훨씬 더 잘 봤어요!
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
We spent a very memorable honeymoon trip on the island, the scenery was very beautiful, the rooms were well-equipped and very clean, the butler Ajaa and staff were very professional, and I was particularly impressed by AHMED, who met us in the market every day and greeted us very friendly, and he was very interesting and could speak some simple Chinese, so I could communicate with him like a friend. In short, we are very happy with everything and will come again next time
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
몰디브를 제대로 즐기려면 두짓타니||몰디브 최초이자 유일한 유네스코 세계생물권보전지역에 위치한 두짓타니 몰디브라는 문구가 눈에 띄었다. ||테라스를 나서자마자 산호초와 물고기가 뛰어노는 바다가 펼쳐진다. 나는 집 앞에서 상어와 거북이를 만났다. 상어는 작아서 무서웠지만 피하지 않고 노려보니 스스로 물러났고, 거북이는 산호초 사이에서 찾다가 물 위로 올라가는 숨쉬고 다시 물 밑으로 내려오는 진기한 모습을 보았다. ||두짓타니 안엔 3개의 식당이 있어서 여러 음식을 즐길|수 있는데(우리 가족은 5박) 그 중에서도 벤자롱이라는 태국식 식당에서 파는 ‘매콤한 해산물 소스에 절인 몰디브 암초 슬라이스 찜’을 추천한다. 고등어의 담백함과 아구의 쫄깃함을 잘 섞어놓은 맛이니 기대해도 좋다. ||섬을 따라 원형으로 이어진 도로는 맨발로 걷거나 자전거를 타기에 매우 적합하니, 신혼여행 뿐 아니라 가족여행을 계획하시는 분들에게도 추천한다. ||특별히 한국인 버틀러 비앙카 씨가 있어서 궁금한 점을 묻거나 리조트 정보를 카톡으로 주고 받고 한 점은 매우 유익했다. 그는 매우 친절하게 고객들을 대했고 사소한 부분까지도 배려심 있게 서비스를 해주셔서 감사했다. ||나는 테니스를 좋아하는데 두짓타니엔 나달 등 유명선수와 경기 경험을 가진 미식축구선수에서 테니스 선수로 전향한 몸이 좋은 테니스 코치도 있으니 관심이 있으면 테니스도 쳐보시라 권하고 싶다. (1시간에 USD80)
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
对于亚洲人而言,是吃饭+浮潜的好选择,岛上配套设施齐全,泰式西餐自助餐厅选择多,饮料和水果都很在线||整个岛面积大小合适,自行车20-25分钟环岛,周围沙滩和珊瑚都很不错,也能在Ocean中心借各种运动装备||1月份虽然是旺季和旱季,但也下了一些雨,不妨碍太阳出来时候的美景||全部5天都订了Ocean Villa好评,美景最佳+下水浮潜都很方便,也基本没有虫子,推荐该房型||管家Saeed挺帅的,服务响应都很快,也很热情,谢谢
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
Hotel is very beautiful and comfortable. All restaurants are superb and excellent services. My butler, Saeed showed the best services and always hard working ❤️.|Love all good services mind of every officer, they did great 👍🏻 |Will be back again 😊
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
1월 9일~15일까지 6박(비치빌라 2박, 워터빌라 4박)으로 결혼 10주년 기념으로 아이들과 함께 다녀왔어요! |리조트가 조용하고 깨끗했고, 모든 직원들이 친절했어요! 감사하게도 저희는 유일한 한국인 직원 비앙카님이 지정되서, 더 편했던 것 같아요! 매일 리조트 안에 있는 프로그램과 식당 예약에 대해 편하게 물어보고 도움 받을 수 있었습니다. 세심하게 챙겨주시고 엄청 친절하세요! 🤗 10주년 기념 여행인 거 아시고, 마지막 날 밤에 기념 이벤트도 준비 해 주셨어요! 이런거 처음 본 우리 꼬맹이들이 엄청 감동 받았어요 👍👏|리조트 안에서는 주로 자전거나 산책하면서 이동했고, 날씨가 좋으면 좋은대로 흐리면 흐린대로 다 너무 좋았어요! 숲길이 조성되어 있어서 뜨겁지 않고, 맨 발로 다녀도 참 좋아요! |도마뱀, 박쥐도 자주 볼 수 있는데, 의외로 박쥐🦇가|귀여웠어요.|식당도 리조트 내 세곳(더 마켓, 씨그릴, 벤자롱)을 번갈아가며 먹을 수 있어서 다양하게 끼니마다 먹고 싶은 메뉴를 선택해서 먹을 수 있었고(올인클루시브), 음료도 다양하게 마실 수 있고, 아이들 메뉴도 있어서 좋았어요! 마켓에는 키즈존이 있어서 간단한 스낵류와 TV, 놀이공간 있어서 좋았어요! |빌라 안에 있는 수영장, 전용 풀장, 바다에서도 잔잔할 때 아이들과 수영 재밌게 할 수 있고요. |수영장은 천연 돌이서, 낮은 바다에서 물놀이 하실 때는 산호에 피부가 다칠 수 있어서 조심하시거나 긴 팔, 긴바지 래쉬가드 입으시는게 좋을 것 같아요. |저희 아이들도 다쳐서 리조트 내 클리닉에 가서 소독 받고 왔어요! 제가 한국에서도 무리 한 일정으로 지내다 와서 도착하자 마자 입술에 물집이 생겼는데, 감사하게도 연고 받아서 금방 가라 앉았어요!! |그리고 스팀사우나 1시간 무료 이용으로 프라이빗하게 휴식도 가질 수 있어요.|그리고 저희는 메인 풀장 앞, 워터빌라 앞에서 작은 상어 두 번 봤고요. 저흰 수영을 잘 못 해서 잔잔한 더 마켓 앞 바다에서 스노쿨링 하면서 물고기들 볼 수 있었어요! |잘 하시는 분들은 진짜 엄청난 바닷 속을 볼 수 있더라고요 . 상어 떼(?) 5마리 같이 있는 거 보신 가족도 있었어요! |밤 하늘이 맑을 땐 별도 진짜 많이 예쁘게 볼 수 있어요! 바쁜 일상에서 아이들과 함께, 가족과의 시간에 집중 할 수 있는 안전하고 행복한 여행이었습니다. 마지막으로 리조트 안에 와이파이가 잘 되어 있어서, 따로 로밍이나 와이파이 대여 없어도 편했어요!! 😄|장거리 비행으로, 피곤함도 있지만 아이들도 너무 아쉬워했고 정말 좋은 시간이었어요! |아이들과 함께 여행 계획하실 때는 이동시간이 있으니 여유있게 일정을 계획하시면 더 좋을 것 같아요|리조트 사용(미니바, 프로그램 참여 등)에 따른 추가 세금 26% 발생되는 부분이 있으니 확인하시면 좋을 것 같아요!
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
Staying at Dusit Thani was amazing. We had the all inclusive package booked through Luxury Eecapes. We didn’t have to concern ourselves with any logistics of getting to the island or back for our flight home, we could truly sit back and relax. We did a few extra experiences which were fun and there were a lot to choose from. The food and cocktails were amazing. We had an ocean villa with a pool and loved being able to take the stairs down into the water and snorkel right there and see so many fish. The staff were so friendly and welcoming. Communication with our butler was simple and he was very helpful with assisting us with activities and booking our meals. Even though it rained all our last day the weather was otherwise perfect for us, not always sunny but still hot enough to want to get in the water. The only bother we had was the waves crashing at night, it was very loud even with earplugs in but only happened a couple of nights and you can’t help the weather, this could be avoided by staying on a beach villa. This was our first time in Maldives and loved our stay at Dusit Thani, highly recommend
Reviewed: a month ago
Reviewed: a month ago
방은 깨끗했고 요청을 받지도 못했습니다! 도착하는 날 남편을 놀라게 해줄 생각으로 리조트에 기념일이라고 알렸는데 우리를 위한 것도 없고 방에 있는 웰컴 쿠키도 훌륭했어요. 다음날 리필을 해달라고 했는데 돈을 내야 한다고 하더군요! 객실 요금은 매일 새로 지급되지만 웰컴 쿠키만 리필할 수는 없습니다!
Reviewed: a month ago
Dusit Thaniはとっても素敵なホテルでした。|部屋からのシュノーケリングでイーグルレイとカメもみれました!|ドロップオフ周辺はたくさんの種類の魚がみれて水族館のようでした。||乾季なのにお天気が不安定な日がありそれが少し残念でした。|バトラーのBIANCAさんは日本語がとっても上手で優しくて娘もなついていました!もちろん他のスタッフの方達もとても親切でした。|ありがとうございました。||またいつか再訪したいです😊
Reviewed: a month ago
初の乾季のモルディブでしたが残念ながら天気には恵まれず。しかし、DUSIT TANI MALDIVESは噂通り食事が美味しくスパもとても気に入りました。魚群が多く珊瑚もだいぶ復活していてシュノーケルも楽しめました。日本語の上手なBiancaさんがバトラーとしてフォローしてくれたので安心して快適に過ごせました。日本語でLINEでのやり取りが出来るのは楽ですね。Biancaさんの対応は早く的確で助かりました。スタッフの方も皆さん感じが良く雰囲気の良いリゾートで是非また訪れたいと思います。楽しい時間をありがとうございました。
Reviewed: a month ago
환경도 너무 좋고 포토제닉해서 사진 찍고 싶은 언니들에게 추천해요!
Reviewed: a month ago
The environment is very good and it is very photogenic. I recommend it to sisters who want to take photos!
Reviewed: a month ago
연말에 남자친구와 3박 4일을 머물렀습니다.|리조트에 한국인 버틀러 비앙카님이 계시는데 처음부터 끝까지 얼마나 세심하게 신경써주셨는지 몰라요.|덕분에 편안한 여행을 즐겼습니다.|리조트 안에 세 개의 레스토랑이 있구요, 번갈아 가면서 다양한 메뉴를 먹는 재미가 있어요. 음식은 다 맛있고 직원분들 모두 친절해요.|아! 그리고 숙소 앞바다에서 거북이도 보고 가오리도 봤어요~!!!
Reviewed: a month ago
Reviewed: a month ago
Had the most amazing experience this December over the Christmas period. The staff are absolutely welcoming and such a kind and amazing bunch coupled with great food!
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: a month ago
水上ビラの下はリーフでシュノーケリングには最高。水族館の上で宿泊しているよう。 料理、スタッフの応対も素晴らしい。
Reviewed: a month ago
10年前に訪れたデュシタニに再訪しました。|10年前も素晴らしい体験をさせてもらいましたが、今回も素晴らしい体験になりました。|約1週間の滞在でしたが、全く飽きる事なく過ごせました。あまりに楽しい時間だったため時間が一瞬で過ぎ去りました。|特にコンシェルジュについてくれたMs. BIANCAが素晴らしかったです。|彼女は日本語を流暢に話すことができ、ほとんどネイティブスピーカーのようでした。|彼女のお陰でデュシタニでの滞在がより充実したものになりました。
Reviewed: a month ago
Reviewed: a month ago
추천합니다. ||몰디브 리조트를 고르고 고르다가 결국 라군 대신 수중환경을 택했는데, 최고의 선택이었습니다. 사실 라군이 많으면 물이 얕고 산호초가 날카로워서 수영하기 너무 불편해요. 엄청 긁힙니다.||그리고 와서보니 두짓타니 라군도 사진찍기에 부족하지 않아요.||또 비앙카라고 한국인 직원분이 계셔서 언어장벽도 많이 해소되었습니다. ||벌써 그립네요 두짓타니😭
Reviewed: a month ago
все отлично. риф великолепен, номера просто супер. отдельное удовольствие кататься по острову на велосипедах. бесплатная аренда масок, трубок и ласт очень актуально. за время посещения цапля на берегу стала как родная)
Reviewed: a month ago
신혼여행지로 제격입니다. 식당수도 3군데나 되어 다양한 음식을 맛 볼 수 있었고 수중환경도 뛰어났습니다. 중간중간 다양한 프로그램을 무료, 또는 유료로 즐길 수 있었고 신혼여행객들을 위해 선셋크루즈, 로맨틱 디너 등을 다양하게 준비해주었습니다. 직원분들은 친절함을 넘어 매 순간 잘 대해주셨고 또한 한국인 버틀러 비앙카님이 계셔서 언어 지원도 가능하여 너무 편했습니다.
Reviewed: a month ago
정말 한국인 비앙카님이 케어해주셨는데 |첫날 늦은날도 친철하게 이곳저곳 알려주시고 저희 문제도 해결 척척!! |감사합니다🙏|음식도 아침 점심 저녁 까지 |부족함없이 맛있게 먹고 마시고 즐기고 행복햐시간보내고 왔어요|식당 분위기도 너무좋고 |식당에 계신분들도 웃으며 친절하게 응대해주니고 센스도 대박입니다|저희는 기대이상 잼나게 놀다가왔으니|가시는분둔도 즐건시간보내세요
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Reviewed: 2 months ago
정말 휴식이란 이런거아닐까~~~매우 만족함
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Thank u Evelina😊 We had the best time It was the best honeymoon👍 하와이랑 몰디브중에 고민하다가 휴양하고 싶어서 몰디브로 변경한거였는데 잘 변경했다고 생각해요. 직원분들 다 친절하시고 영어라 잘 못알아듣을때도 다시 한번 친절하게 설명 잘해주세요. 기회가 된다면 나중에 또 가고싶어요.^^
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Wir haben im November unser Urlaub auf Dusit Thani Maldives verbracht. Es war genussvolle und sorgenlose Zeit. Gleich am Flughafen wurden wir in Obhut von Hotelmitarbeitern genommen und liebevoll Schritt für Schritt bis zum Insel begleitet. Check-in wurde während des Wartens im Lounge des Terminals für Wasserflugzeuge durchgeführt (sehr praktisch!). Zum vierten Mal auf Malediven, aber wir haben uns bis dahin nie so betreut und so sicher gefüllt. ||Auf der Insel angekommen, haben wir unseren Batler Anastasia kennengelernt, die ganze Zeit für uns persönliche Ansprechpartnerin gewesen war. Dank ihr wurden alle Kleinigkeiten sofort geregelt und bei uns sind keine Wünsche offen geblieben!!!!||Unser Bungalow (Deluxe Beachvilla mit Pool Nr. 317) war sehr geräumig und großzügig ausgestattet (sogar Schwimmwesten und ApresSun-Gel waren dabei). Die Lage war auch super: Benjaroon-Restaurant und Sala-Bar waren nur eine Minute zu Fuß von uns entfernt und auch schönste Seite des Hausriffs lag direkt vor unserem Unterkunft. Das Zimmer und die Terasse wurden ganz diskret zwei Mal am Tag aufgeräumt und gereinigt. ||Auf der Insel gibt es zwei A´la Carte-Restaurants und Market-Restaurant, welches zum Frühstück und Abends ein vielfältiges Buffet anbietet. Das Essen ist mehr Indisch-/Asiatisch abgestimmt, sogar zum Frühstuck gab es immer Bratreis und Bratnudeln :), aber auch europäische Küche war ausreichend vertretten . Die Bedienung in Restaurants war sehr offen, zuvorkommen und freundlich. Großes Dank geht an Ravisha mit ihrem alleserhellenden strahlenden Lächeln, an Humaan, der mich von Spicy-Speisen gerettet und nicht aufgegeben hat, mir die maledivische Sprache beizubringen und an Kaka, der geduldig und herzlich trotz unseren miserablen English mit uns sich unterhaltet hat!!! Die Leute haben unser Urlaub unvergesslich gemacht!||Besonders ist zu erwähnen der Sala-Bar. Im oberen Stock des Benjaroon-Restaurants gelegen, bietet er sehr schöne Ausblick auf das Meer, wo man wohl sogar ab und zu die Delfinen vorbei schwimmen sehen kann (wir haben leider das Glück nicht gehabt). Aber was wäre dieser Bar ohne Barkeeper Amila... Der Mann kann wortwörtlich zaubern!!! Was für Coctails-Kreationen aus welchen nur erdenklichen Zutaten wir da ausprobieren dürften... ein Traum... Lieber Amila, vielen Dank für deine Herzlichkeit, dein Talent und die Begeisterung für das, was du machst!!!!!||Ich darf den Diving-Centrum auf dem Insel nicht vergessen. Was uns begeistert hat, dass die Leute keine leere Versprechungen machten. Sogar bei Mantas-Tour, wo keine Garantie möglich ist, haben sie uns erst los geschickt, als die Mantas mehrere Tage im Gebiet beobachtet wurde... und die angesagte Tour-Dauer wurde längst überschritten, um uns die Möglichkeit zu geben, zwei Mal bei diesem Ausflug Stopp zu machen und ausgiebig das Schwimmen mit Mantas zu genießen.||Der Hausriff war schön und zum großen Teil intakt! Sehr viele verschiedene Tiere sind da unterwegs (von Seegurken, Seesternen und Clown-Fischen bis Schildkröten, Oktopussen, Haie, Adlerrochen und Muränen). Highligtfür uns war lumineszierende Plankton eines Abends am Strand!!! Und was besonders erfreulich war, man konnte beim Schnorcheln auch den Korrallengarten sehen, wo man versucht die Korallen unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu züchten und dann auf dem Riff "einzupflanzen".||Zum Schluß: im Großen und Ganzen war es ziemlich teuere Angelegenheit. Aber uns tut kein ausgegebenes Cent leid, weil wir auf Dusit Thani unvergessliche Zeit verbracht haben, wunderbare Menschen kennengelernt haben und den Urlaub bis in die letzte Detail genossen haben!!! (abgesehen vom Flug, aber dafür war anderen Anbieter zuständig).|
Reviewed: 2 months ago
신혼여행지로 몰디브를 결정한 후 몇 달을 고민한 끝에 두짓타니 몰디브를 선택했습니다. 맑고 깨끗한 수중환경과 다양한 해양생물을 만난 것이 기억에 남고 특히 한국인 버틀러인 비앙카님이 저희를 담당해주셔서 일정을 너무너무 편하게 보냈습니다. 둘 다 영어를 잘 못해서 걱정이었는데 덕분에 불편함 없이 마지막까지 일정을 무사히 마칠 수 있었습니다. 밥도 맛있어요!!
Reviewed: 2 months ago
in unserem 3. Urlaub auf Dusit Thani haben wir uns toll erholt! die Insel überzeugt uns mit tollem Hausriff zum Schnorcheln, schönem Bewuchs, toller Küche - wir haben jeden Abend im Thai Restaurant hervorragend gegessen und einem Spitzenservice! |Alle Mitarbeiter "leben" die thailändische Freundlichkeit und erfüllen jeden Wunsch :-)|besonders hervorheben möchten wir Phu, die Managerin des Benjarong, Naan, unseren Butler und Jean-Louis, den neuen sehr präsenten General Manager.|kleiner Wermutstropfen: das Wetter war sehr gemischt und Mantas waren auch nicht mehr im Baa Atoll.
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Perfect holiday, we enjoyed every minute
Reviewed: 2 months ago
10 jours enchantés, tout était parfait, depuis l'atterrissage à Malé jusqu'au départ, aucune fausse note. Le paysage est magnifique, les chambres très confortables, l'accueil et la disponibilité de tout le personnel sont irréprochables et la qualité de la restauration dépasse les attentes.
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Reviewed: 2 months ago
신혼여행으로 몰디브 두짓타니에 다녀왔습니다. 비앙카 버틀러님이 친절하게 맞이해주셔서 너무 좋았구요. 먼 나라 몰디브에서 한국인 직원을 만나니 안심이 되었습니다. 말도 잘 통해서 불편함 없이 머물렀던 거 같습니다! 주로 카카오톡 어플을 이용해서 소통했는데, 궁금한 내용을 질문할 때마다 빠르게 처리해주셔서 정말 감사했습니다. 덕분에 두짓타니에서 좋은 추억을 쌓았습니다:)
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Rating Summary
Very good
Reviewed: 09.02.2024
Reviewed: 07.02.2024
Reviewed: 05.02.2024
Vous cherchez le paradis ? Ne cherchez plus, vous avez trouvé le Dusit Thani ! Cette île est sublime tout simplement, avec sa forêt tropique, sa barrière de corail pleine de vie, ses restaurants délicieux et son service exceptionnel, vous allez vous sentir comme à la maison. L’île n’est pas trop grande et pas trop petite, bien entretenue, et super bien pensé avec des vélos pour la parcourir, un terrain de tennis, un bon Spa et un Dive Center. Tout est pensé pour y passer de superbes vacances, nous n’avons qu’une envie : y retourner dès que nous pourrons.
Reviewed: 05.02.2024
누구나 꿈에 그리던 몰디브 그중에서 밥도 맛있고 !! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (밥 사진 몇장 올렸어요 봐주세요! 밥이 엄청 유명하다구 하더라구요, 1)씨그릴 양식코스 2) 벤자롱 태국 코스 3) 더마켓 항상바뀌는 뷔페!! ㅠㅠ 진짜 맛있어요 저녁 늦게까지하는 샌드바 ! 피나콜라다 논알콜강추ㅠ 몰디브하면 투명한 바다에 아름다운 물고기와 산호들 액티비티 진~~~짜 많아요 영어가 안되서 가기전에 액티비티 신청이나 할수있을까 걱정했는데 비앙카님이 카톡으로 일정 전부 깔끔하고 꼼꼼하게 잘알려주셨어요! 한국인 비앙카님이 상주하시는 두짓타니 너무 행복한 여행이었어요 제가 도중에 네일 날라가서 손가락 다쳤는데 제가 있는곳까지 상태확인하러 걱정되서 와주시기까지.. 🥹 심지어 다른 직원분들 모두 너무 친절하세요!! 지나갈때마다 인사해주시구 ㅠㅠ 몰디브 여행 두짓타니 완전 추천입니다! 꼭 다시 가고싶은곳.. 사진으로 절대 못담아요 !
Reviewed: 04.02.2024
Reviewed: 04.02.2024
If you have read my other review, you can skip this first part, but I thought it might be worth repeating the opening: So looking at some negative reviews, there are a few things to emphasise (for those travelers who seem to be are not from this planet...), therefore kindly bare in mind the following facts when you go to the Maldives in general - regardless of the resort you are staying at: In general, I found the Maldivians helpful, friendly and giving, but since being a holiday destination, the country is heavily relying on revenue from tourists, whilst local islands (without tourists) struggle to survive. It goes without saying that the number one priority on the Maldives in general is to preserve natural beauty and eco-system, plus there are some limitations too, hence those who do Not feel that "mother nature" is their thing, perhaps it is best if they choose another destination to keep the Maldives safe from them... :) Before (!) you commence your journey at your local airport to the Maldives, do NOT forget to fill in a quick traveler declaration form on the IMUGA portal (no-one will tell you this), as the Maldivian border security expects to see that before you arrive. When you get to the border control officer, he/she already should have your QR code from the system, if you did your part correctly. (You only need to show the QR code at check-ins before departure by the way.) Do not forget to do the same before you leave your resort/travel back to your home country if you have not already done so, as the form has to be filled in for both directions, hence you will have two different QR codes. Bare in mind that the free WiFi at Male airport does not work with the internet, and whilst we are at the topic, it does not really work on long haul flights either - not even on business class, nor if you pay for it - due to signal-issues and various international restrictions when you fly above certain countries. It is probably worth mentioning a few words about arrival to Male airport: It is a very, very, very busy and small airport... Therefore, once you got out of your plane, which could be somewhere between 10 and 40 minutes - depending on bus shuttle availability -, you will have to go through a security screening with your hand luggage. (FYI - there could be three (!) security screening upon departure, so make sure you will arrive at Male airport at least 3 hours before your international flight's departure.) Then you have the passport control... That could be anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour in general. So then you can collect your luggage from the conveying belts... They do intend to put multiple flights' luggages onto the same conveying belt at the same time, so getting your luggage, might be another 30-40 minutes if not more... All resorts you are booked in with, would send a representative to the airport. In my case, the seaplane transfer to the resort (another resort) was booked around 75 minutes after international arrival, however since I was still waiting for my luggage to show up, I had to miss that plane, so I asked permission from the airport security to let me find my representative and update them about the situation, so it would not all go amiss. Luckily, I was able to get onto another seaplane an hour after getting out of Male airport. Now my review about Dusit Thani Maldives Resort: Imagine that you land in paradise and an army of people will give you a very welcoming meet and greet with a very refreshing welcome drink then you get your personal battler to look after you, transport you to your villa, hook you up with all the schedules and everything you need then you immerse into the breathtaking view and luxury-comfort of your 'palace'. About the island: I believe it has all the facilities that you may require on a holiday: Gift shops (very expensive though); first aid with a doctor; the unbeatable and astonishing Deverana Spa, with those amazing Thai ladies providing various rejuvenating treatments and uplifting your already heavenly experience; a Kids club, an Outdoor cinema, a large infinity pool, a bar, three restaurants (some with limited opening times), a tennis court, a small gym and of course the Ocean Centre for all water sport activities. Of course you have the main reception too. There is also a little garden for the chefs to grow their own herbs, which is quite impressive and always guarantees a touch of freshness included to your meal. Funny enough there is a 'hidden' pathway on the island that signposted with some exercises if you fancy getting into a little jungle, jump around and flex your muscles. There are of course some programs that you can register to attend to - either the reception or your battler can help you with that. Naturally, every other activities you wish to sign up for, i.e. water sports, island hopping, etc. is a chargeable service. Some of the most popular activities are the water aerobics, sunset cruise, etc. The island divides to two main areas: in the very middle of the island, there is a residential area for all the staff (like a little village with everything they need) - tourists are not allowed to enter there. And the outskirt of the island all around is the tourist area with all the villas and other facilities mentioned above. I was fortunate enough to rent a water villa with a private pool for the duration of my stay, which I very much enjoyed, and although I had the opportunity to upgrade for an Ocean villa, but after having a closer look, I decided it was nowhere near as satisfactory than the Water Villas for a number of reasons, so I have stepped away from it. The food was lavishing, the occasional wine-dinner that the resort management arrange every now and again is outstanding and competes with a 'Michelin star quality' dining. I highly recommend a local island visit, guided by Mama, who is a lovely bloke (No, not misspelt, he is a male) and who would only be very happy to show you around Dhonfanu island and explain everything about local life. I also very much enjoyed the Inflatable Ride water sport activity. Little warning: this activity is best be undertaken in your wet-suit or your swimming suit. :-) A little tip: do follow the jet-ski driver's lead and hold on tight at all times. ;-) Few words about the eco-life around Dusit Thani Maldives Resort: the ocean water is lovely and fairly warm 24/7 - I would say around 28-29 Celsius degrees. If you are brave enough to swim in the early hours (around 6am) like I did, you may just end up with some rushes all over your skin from the millions of planktons being washed ashore. :-) The habitant sharks around here are lemon and blacktip sharks mainly - so as I have been told, but correct me if I am wrong - although there are some baby ones lurking around the villas, but they are supposed to be harmless. Do Not touch them though! You will see some Manta rays too. Since the island does not have stone-reef all around like some other resorts, the lagune is not so peaceful and you will hear some very loud splashes around your villa that might just wake you up at night, but it also makes you feel you are in paradise. :-) All villas are provided with their very own (at least two) bicycles, that are numbered like your villa, which helps you getting around the island, should you wish to go for a ride at any given time. Last, but not least I cannot praise enough the lovely ladies at Deverana Spa, which greatly contributed to the perfect relaxation I had whilst staying at the Maldives. I would highly recommend Nicky (apologies if misspelt her name), who has a wonderful technique for therapeutical massage. A SPECIAL THANK YOU for Mr. Shammoon Ali Didi, who helped for this holiday to come true and oversaw the logistics from start to finish. I can only hope I did not give him too much of a headache. :-) Although, this is a long-winded review, however words cannot really describe the perfection, tranquility and inner peace you must feel whilst you are at Dusit Thani Maldives Resort and the attention and care you receive from all the staff members. My one and only disappointment was the disastrous vegetarian dumplings, that I somehow was unable to make the chefs understood how it is being made, but I sincerely hope Mr. Jean-Louis will see to it going forward. :-) Thank you for everything and hope many guests will also enjoy and understand what this wonderful resort has got to offer.
Reviewed: 04.02.2024
Schönes Hauriff, Exzellentes Essen, Sehr Freundliches Personal. Leider bekommt man als Wiederholungs-Gast keine Upgrades oder ähnliches. Wir waren zum 5. Mal dort und man hat keine Anstalten gemacht, uns irgendein Goodie zukommen zu lassen. Schade, dann geht man natürlich nicht mehr hin.
Reviewed: 02.02.2024
This was my absolute favourite stay at the Dusit Thani Maldives. Amazing place , the food is delicious, the beach is beautiful. There is a very nice spot for snorkeling and the staff very nice and friendly ! Highly recommend 🥰🥰🥰🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Reviewed: 01.02.2024
Otelin genelinden çok memnun kaldık. Sadece adanın kumsal alanı daha önce ziyaret ettiğimiz adalara göre daha azdı. Su üstü villaları ve Ocean villa lar resif e çok yakın olduğundan Deniz canlılarından korkanlar o bölgede rahat yüzemeyebilirler. Öğle yemeklerinin ve akşam yemeklerinin alacarte olması oldukça iyi düşünülmüş. Yürümeyi sevmeyenler için de her oda da bisiklet olması ince bir ayrıntı. Tüm personel kibar ve saygılı. Tüm personel çok özverili ve güler yüzü idi ancak Otele girişimizden itibaren bizimle özel olarak ilgilenen Bay Jalaal ve Sand Bar da çalışan Bay Upali ye ayrıca teşekkür etmek isterim.
Reviewed: 31.01.2024
신혼여행으로 다녀왔습니다 몰디브 여러 리조트 중 어지간한곳은 수중환경이 다 좋으니 저희는 시설과 음식에 초점을 두고 리조트를 선택하였습니다 두짓타니 시설과 음식은 너무 좋았습니다 거기에 한국인 버틀러(비안카)님이 근무하는 리조트이기에 한국인이 방문하기에는 최적입니다 아무리 영어를 잘하여도 소소한 팁을 얻어 여행하기에는 한국인 버틀러님이 최고입니다!! 다만, 한국인 버틀러님이 매우 바쁘시기에 저희가 먼저 물어보고 필요한거 요청하면 아주 친절히 응대하여주십니다!! 다음에 또 방문하고 싶습니다
Reviewed: 31.01.2024
We vacationed on the island with the whole family in December 2023. We liked almost everything - a very beautiful well-maintained island, excellent service, delicious food. I would like to mention the good organization of the diving center and the instructors, especially Mr. Mahmoud. He was very professional and willing to help.
Reviewed: 29.01.2024
这次旅行感觉非常好,这里很适合情侣度假,度蜜月或是亲子出游,这里的风景很美,感觉拍照完全无滤镜就能出片,海水很蓝,我们入住了两种房型,沙屋和水屋,各有各的特色,沙屋有住在森林里的感觉,水屋可以直接入海,可以免费租借浮潜设备随时入海看海洋世界,每个房间都自带游泳池。都喜天阙的餐食很不错,有好几个餐厅,有一个泰国餐厅挺有特色的,口味也挺符合中国人,自助餐厅种类也挺多,炒面适合中国人,管家很贴心,我们的管家 Saeed 人很棒,也很帅! 这是一次很愉快的度假游,希望有机会再来。
Reviewed: 29.01.2024
The underwater environment was so good, and it was nice that the landscaping inside the resort was so pretty even if I didn't go into the sea. And our Butler ajaa also responded quickly, so I was able to stay comfortable while enjoying my honeymoon.
Reviewed: 27.01.2024
Wow! Another fabulous trip to the Maldives- Dusit Thani Resort and Spa. We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay and are truly sad to be leaving. We first visited DT in March 2023 and really enjoyed the stay so much we knew we were going to come back. This is our 10th year to the Maldives - coming yearly - trying new resorts each time - must say DT is the only one I would do a repeat visit so we did. The staff are absolutely 100% brilliant and the stars of the resort. This was one of the reasons for our return visit. A huge shout out to the following: Market Gabey Atta Shahid Raweesha Ravi Sofwan Hassein Sea grill Mona Rabbi Sand bar Hanneif Uupali Benjarong James Mafroo Kids club Mama Pabbi Kabbi Butler Ajaa Saif the room cleaner 315 Azim from dive centre But - by no means - every single staff we interacted with have been just so kind and wonderful - it's extremely hard to write everyone's names - if I could I would. The beach is beautiful but narrow in parts - there's parts that have a natural rockiness but it didn't spoil it for me. It's hard to predict the sea and erosion. No sandbags or seawalls. As a mum of 2 small ones I preferred a narrow beach as I could easily see the kids from the hammock - and they had the freedom to hop in the villa pool as well as just play on the beach. This is the deluxe villa with pool - there's another type of villa with the pool inside the back of the villa which, personally didn't suit me as you wouldn't get the views. The villa pool is a decent size too - for 2 kids a decent size villa pool was an important factor. Our room was cleaned in the morning then freshened up in the evening- it was always a treat to return to the room at night to see what creation Saif made on the bed with flowers and leaves. My girls were eager to leave messages back to making pictures on the bed for Saif. The rooms were good - a little tierd in places but perfectly comfortable - a natural Maldivian feel inside. Each guest receives a bicycle to get around the island. Ours were personalized with our names which was very cute. Kids club - the ladies there work very well with the children - my girls were desperate to go after lunch every day until 6pm. They made a friend too and swapped numbers. The reef from the dive center to the owv past the Thai restaurant was absolutely brilliant - spotted sharks, big parrot fishes and trigger fish, good amount of fish soup and the resident turtles. My husband went for a dive and said it was extremely good. My daughter, 8, did her first intro to scuba which she thoroughly enjoyed. The reef goes all the way around the island and it's so so close to Hanifaru Bay where the famous manta cleaning station is but we were not there at the right season. It would be a treat for anyone if they were visiting in May ish June July time. The food in all the outlets were great - the Thai restaurant is pretty special- the pancake station at breakfast is so cool for the kids - they can create very artistic things like a dolphin or a mermaid. Very cool. We are so lucky to come to the Maldives yearly. Every year I am taken by the beauty of these islands. We will be returning back to Dusit Thani without hesitation. It was a heart felt goodbye to our friends at DT. I have enjoyed talking to everyone, listening to their stories and lives. For all the smiles, the care, the love, the warmth - the East family would like to say Thank you sincerely. X
Reviewed: 26.01.2024
Absolutely incredible. The most beautiful island, combined with the warm hospitality of the Dusit thani staff. Everything was perfect, and the level of service we received absolutely exceeded our expectations. The villa (beach villa with pool) was spotless and beautiful. The Market restaurant serves buffet breakfast and dinner which was perfect for us as a family, the themed nights meant that there was a huge variety of dishes from all around the world on offer. In addition the excellent kids menus in Benjarong and Sea Grill meant that our children were able to eat high quality and delicious ingredients too. The kids club was great, we felt really confident leaving our children in the safe hands of Kabi and Pabi who looked after them so well. The whole island is so welcoming to families. Special thanks to Nizam our wonderful butler, Shahid and the rest of the Market staff, and Atta in the Market kitchen- for all being so kind and friendly with the kids, and really going the extra mile. Lastly to Prabi for the incredible pina coladas at the sand bar!! We would LOVE to return, we had the most relaxing week here - it was absolutely worth the 11 hour flight!!
Reviewed: 25.01.2024
Reviewed: 25.01.2024
Reviewed: 20.01.2024
휴양지 여행은 처음이라 혹여나 지루한 순간이 있을까 살짝 걱정했는데 전혀~~~~~ 정말 천국같은 자연 속에 있는 것만으로도 좋았어요^_______^b 신혼여행으로 갔는데 남편과 제가 영어는 조금 하지만 그래도 불편함이 있을거라 감안하고 갔는데... 세상에 한국인 버틀러님이 계셨어요!!! 저희 버틀러님이셨는데, 다양한 유료 무료 프로그램들 예약해주시고 꿀팁도 많이 알려주시고 ㅎㅎ 카톡으로 실시간으로 대화할 수 있어서 너무너무 편했습니다~ 저희가 편하게 좋은 추억만 가져갈 수 있게 여러가지로 배려해주셨어요!! 매일 자전거 타고, 맛난 음식 먹고, 스노쿨링도 하고, 숙소 수영장도 너무 좋고, 바에서 바텐더들이 술도 다양하게 알아서 척척 만들어주셔서 넘 좋았어요 ㅎㅎ 스노쿨링에서 물고기 정말 많이 봤구요, 숙소 금처에서 거북이도 두마리나 보고 샤크투어에서 샤크도 두 마리 보고, 돌아오는 길에 돌고래도 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 음... 항상 에어비앤비로 배낭여행만 하다가 신혼여행으로 휴양지 왔는데 앞으로 휴양지만 갈 것 같네요 정말 좋은 시간이었습니다~~ 비싸지만 가치가 있어요 ㅎㅎ 두짓타니가 리모델링한지 얼마 안되서 그런지 정말 깨끗하더라고요 ㅠㅠ 아!!! 욕조에 배쓰 솔트 넣고 바다보면서 반신욕 꼭 하세요 ㅎㅎ 정말.. 할말이 많지만 그만 칭찬하겠습니다 ㅋㅋ 유용한 리뷰가 되셨길... The best butler, Bianca! Perfect honeymoon in dusit tani :) Me and my husband promised to visit here again just few years later.
Reviewed: 19.01.2024
첫 날 날씨로 인한 비행기 지연으로 말레공항에 도착한 건 낮 12시였으나.. 숙소 도착하니 밤 9시였어요. 이렇게 하루 날렸다고 생각했는데, 운이 좋게도 레이트 체크아웃을 할 수 있었어요.(오후 5시) 그리고 한국인 비앙카님이 계셔서 수시로 카톡으로 연락할 수 있어 편했습니다. 두명이서 터틀투어, 만타투어, 30분 사진촬영하고 천 달러정도 더 들었어요~ 안내해주시는 금액에서 10프로정도 더 붙습니다. 터틀투어는 안해도 될 것 같아요~ 벤자롱 근처에서 스노쿨링할 때 훨씬 더 잘 봤어요!
Reviewed: 17.01.2024
We spent a very memorable honeymoon trip on the island, the scenery was very beautiful, the rooms were well-equipped and very clean, the butler Ajaa and staff were very professional, and I was particularly impressed by AHMED, who met us in the market every day and greeted us very friendly, and he was very interesting and could speak some simple Chinese, so I could communicate with him like a friend. In short, we are very happy with everything and will come again next time
Reviewed: 17.01.2024
몰디브를 제대로 즐기려면 두짓타니 몰디브 최초이자 유일한 유네스코 세계생물권보전지역에 위치한 두짓타니 몰디브라는 문구가 눈에 띄었다. 테라스를 나서자마자 산호초와 물고기가 뛰어노는 바다가 펼쳐진다. 나는 집 앞에서 상어와 거북이를 만났다. 상어는 작아서 무서웠지만 피하지 않고 노려보니 스스로 물러났고, 거북이는 산호초 사이에서 찾다가 물 위로 올라가는 숨쉬고 다시 물 밑으로 내려오는 진기한 모습을 보았다. 두짓타니 안엔 3개의 식당이 있어서 여러 음식을 즐길 수 있는데(우리 가족은 5박) 그 중에서도 벤자롱이라는 태국식 식당에서 파는 ‘매콤한 해산물 소스에 절인 몰디브 암초 슬라이스 찜’을 추천한다. 고등어의 담백함과 아구의 쫄깃함을 잘 섞어놓은 맛이니 기대해도 좋다. 섬을 따라 원형으로 이어진 도로는 맨발로 걷거나 자전거를 타기에 매우 적합하니, 신혼여행 뿐 아니라 가족여행을 계획하시는 분들에게도 추천한다. 특별히 한국인 버틀러 비앙카 씨가 있어서 궁금한 점을 묻거나 리조트 정보를 카톡으로 주고 받고 한 점은 매우 유익했다. 그는 매우 친절하게 고객들을 대했고 사소한 부분까지도 배려심 있게 서비스를 해주셔서 감사했다. 나는 테니스를 좋아하는데 두짓타니엔 나달 등 유명선수와 경기 경험을 가진 미식축구선수에서 테니스 선수로 전향한 몸이 좋은 테니스 코치도 있으니 관심이 있으면 테니스도 쳐보시라 권하고 싶다. (1시간에 USD80)
Reviewed: 16.01.2024
Reviewed: 16.01.2024
3歳になる娘と共に家族で利用しました。 モルディブへは何度か訪れていますが、今までのリゾートの中で1番海の透明度が高く、珊瑚も多く、たくさんのお魚に出会えました。 ウミガメ、マンタも見れたので、シュノーケル好きにはおすすめのリゾートです。 どのレストランも美味しく、食へのストレスもありませんでした。 個人的にはMarketのレストランの味、スタッフが大変素晴らしかったです。 リゾート到着日に少しアクシデントもありましたが、バトラー、マネージャーともに真摯に対応してくれました。 また、バトラーのBIANCAさんが日本語ができるので、やり取りもスムーズに行えました。
Reviewed: 16.01.2024
对于亚洲人而言,是吃饭+浮潜的好选择,岛上配套设施齐全,泰式西餐自助餐厅选择多,饮料和水果都很在线 整个岛面积大小合适,自行车20-25分钟环岛,周围沙滩和珊瑚都很不错,也能在Ocean中心借各种运动装备 1月份虽然是旺季和旱季,但也下了一些雨,不妨碍太阳出来时候的美景 全部5天都订了Ocean Villa好评,美景最佳+下水浮潜都很方便,也基本没有虫子,推荐该房型 管家Saeed挺帅的,服务响应都很快,也很热情,谢谢
Reviewed: 15.01.2024
Reviewed: 14.01.2024
Hotel is very beautiful and comfortable. All restaurants are superb and excellent services. My butler, Saeed showed the best services and always hard working ❤️. Love all good services mind of every officer, they did great 👍🏻 Will be back again 😊
Reviewed: 14.01.2024
1월 9일~15일까지 6박(비치빌라 2박, 워터빌라 4박)으로 결혼 10주년 기념으로 아이들과 함께 다녀왔어요! 리조트가 조용하고 깨끗했고, 모든 직원들이 친절했어요! 감사하게도 저희는 유일한 한국인 직원 비앙카님이 지정되서, 더 편했던 것 같아요! 매일 리조트 안에 있는 프로그램과 식당 예약에 대해 편하게 물어보고 도움 받을 수 있었습니다. 세심하게 챙겨주시고 엄청 친절하세요! 🤗 10주년 기념 여행인 거 아시고, 마지막 날 밤에 기념 이벤트도 준비 해 주셨어요! 이런거 처음 본 우리 꼬맹이들이 엄청 감동 받았어요 👍👏 리조트 안에서는 주로 자전거나 산책하면서 이동했고, 날씨가 좋으면 좋은대로 흐리면 흐린대로 다 너무 좋았어요! 숲길이 조성되어 있어서 뜨겁지 않고, 맨 발로 다녀도 참 좋아요! 도마뱀, 박쥐도 자주 볼 수 있는데, 의외로 박쥐🦇가 귀여웠어요. 식당도 리조트 내 세곳(더 마켓, 씨그릴, 벤자롱)을 번갈아가며 먹을 수 있어서 다양하게 끼니마다 먹고 싶은 메뉴를 선택해서 먹을 수 있었고(올인클루시브), 음료도 다양하게 마실 수 있고, 아이들 메뉴도 있어서 좋았어요! 마켓에는 키즈존이 있어서 간단한 스낵류와 TV, 놀이공간 있어서 좋았어요! 빌라 안에 있는 수영장, 전용 풀장, 바다에서도 잔잔할 때 아이들과 수영 재밌게 할 수 있고요. 수영장은 천연 돌이서, 낮은 바다에서 물놀이 하실 때는 산호에 피부가 다칠 수 있어서 조심하시거나 긴 팔, 긴바지 래쉬가드 입으시는게 좋을 것 같아요. 저희 아이들도 다쳐서 리조트 내 클리닉에 가서 소독 받고 왔어요! 제가 한국에서도 무리 한 일정으로 지내다 와서 도착하자 마자 입술에 물집이 생겼는데, 감사하게도 연고 받아서 금방 가라 앉았어요!! 그리고 스팀사우나 1시간 무료 이용으로 프라이빗하게 휴식도 가질 수 있어요. 그리고 저희는 메인 풀장 앞, 워터빌라 앞에서 작은 상어 두 번 봤고요. 저흰 수영을 잘 못 해서 잔잔한 더 마켓 앞 바다에서 스노쿨링 하면서 물고기들 볼 수 있었어요! 잘 하시는 분들은 진짜 엄청난 바닷 속을 볼 수 있더라고요 . 상어 떼(?) 5마리 같이 있는 거 보신 가족도 있었어요! 밤 하늘이 맑을 땐 별도 진짜 많이 예쁘게 볼 수 있어요! 바쁜 일상에서 아이들과 함께, 가족과의 시간에 집중 할 수 있는 안전하고 행복한 여행이었습니다. 마지막으로 리조트 안에 와이파이가 잘 되어 있어서, 따로 로밍이나 와이파이 대여 없어도 편했어요!! 😄 장거리 비행으로, 피곤함도 있지만 아이들도 너무 아쉬워했고 정말 좋은 시간이었어요! 아이들과 함께 여행 계획하실 때는 이동시간이 있으니 여유있게 일정을 계획하시면 더 좋을 것 같아요 리조트 사용(미니바, 프로그램 참여 등)에 따른 추가 세금 26% 발생되는 부분이 있으니 확인하시면 좋을 것 같아요!
Reviewed: 14.01.2024
Staying at Dusit Thani was amazing. We had the all inclusive package booked through Luxury Eecapes. We didn’t have to concern ourselves with any logistics of getting to the island or back for our flight home, we could truly sit back and relax. We did a few extra experiences which were fun and there were a lot to choose from. The food and cocktails were amazing. We had an ocean villa with a pool and loved being able to take the stairs down into the water and snorkel right there and see so many fish. The staff were so friendly and welcoming. Communication with our butler was simple and he was very helpful with assisting us with activities and booking our meals. Even though it rained all our last day the weather was otherwise perfect for us, not always sunny but still hot enough to want to get in the water. The only bother we had was the waves crashing at night, it was very loud even with earplugs in but only happened a couple of nights and you can’t help the weather, this could be avoided by staying on a beach villa. This was our first time in Maldives and loved our stay at Dusit Thani, highly recommend
Reviewed: 14.01.2024
Very calm and pleasant accommodation, excellent gastronomy, a beautiful underwater world, and an absolutely amazing staff. Thank you to the entire team and especially to Bianca, our Butler, and Gerald."
Reviewed: 13.01.2024
It was really a trip to paradise, we spent there 5 days at overwater villa with pool (Villa - 219), all-inclusive package and we experienced an extra care from friendly team from the moment we arrived Male airport till we entered the villa, - The atmosphere of the resort was very healthy, relaxing and cozy. - The food is great with many varieties adding to that almost all the Greens of salad ingredients are planted in-house which is wonderful. - The welcoming the moment we arrived the resort was lovely. - Attractive Nature at the Place. - Internet coverage along the island was excellent. - Hospitality from all the team was outstanding. - The Villa Facilities and Cleanness was perfect. - Free assigned Bicycle to move around the island and to go to resort facilities among the natural trees, nice flowers smell, see and hear birds was unbelievable. A trip to paradise may simply describe our days which we spent there and how much we enjoyed, with planning to go back there at our nearest chance. Thank you Dusit Thani Maldives Team and Managers for having us and Special Thanks to: - Mr. Jean-Louis (General Manager). - Mrs. Thanthita (Resident Manager). - MuheyMin (our Butler). - Prabath (Sand Bar). - Supun (SeaGrill Restaurant). - The Market Restaurant Team.
Reviewed: 12.01.2024
Experience was very, very nice. The people working in the facilities are very kind. They are taking care of you from the time you arrive to the international airport to the time you arrive to your villa also in the way back they was with us until check in in the Airport Which made our stay very comfortable We were likely with one of the kind butler who was supporting and very friendly ( Riyaz) The hotel have three different type of restaurants and the mane one have every day special food them Also there is water activities with different fee It was overall very nice stay
Reviewed: 06.01.2024
Great fitness coach eranga fin Dusit Thani Maldives gym, within a week saw great results for fat loss and body recomposition. Likewise, the rest of the aminities and the island is great and clean. The food is tasty and plenty of activities. Hopefully will return soon.
Reviewed: 06.01.2024
It was incredible! All the instruction about how to use the scuba equipment and everything was super professional and maximised our time in the water. Saw a whole load of marine life as well! Soo good thanks a lot for a professional instructor Mahmoud 🤝 I wish to dive with you again 😊
Reviewed: 05.01.2024
It is a pleasure to have my first diving (Dsd) in Maldives, saw lots of interesting marine life down there and the best thing is having a professional & good instructor like Mahmoud from the dive centre. Hopefully will meet you again for the course😊
Reviewed: 04.01.2024
Dusit Thaniはとっても素敵なホテルでした。 部屋からのシュノーケリングでイーグルレイとカメもみれました! ドロップオフ周辺はたくさんの種類の魚がみれて水族館のようでした。 乾季なのにお天気が不安定な日がありそれが少し残念でした。 バトラーのBIANCAさんは日本語がとっても上手で優しくて娘もなついていました!もちろん他のスタッフの方達もとても親切でした。 ありがとうございました。 またいつか再訪したいです😊
Reviewed: 03.01.2024
初の乾季のモルディブでしたが残念ながら天気には恵まれず。しかし、DUSIT TANI MALDIVESは噂通り食事が美味しくスパもとても気に入りました。魚群が多く珊瑚もだいぶ復活していてシュノーケルも楽しめました。日本語の上手なBiancaさんがバトラーとしてフォローしてくれたので安心して快適に過ごせました。日本語でLINEでのやり取りが出来るのは楽ですね。Biancaさんの対応は早く的確で助かりました。スタッフの方も皆さん感じが良く雰囲気の良いリゾートで是非また訪れたいと思います。楽しい時間をありがとうございました。
Reviewed: 30.12.2023
연말에 남자친구와 3박 4일을 머물렀습니다. 리조트에 한국인 버틀러 비앙카님이 계시는데 처음부터 끝까지 얼마나 세심하게 신경써주셨는지 몰라요. 덕분에 편안한 여행을 즐겼습니다. 리조트 안에 세 개의 레스토랑이 있구요, 번갈아 가면서 다양한 메뉴를 먹는 재미가 있어요. 음식은 다 맛있고 직원분들 모두 친절해요. 아! 그리고 숙소 앞바다에서 거북이도 보고 가오리도 봤어요~!!!
Reviewed: 29.12.2023
If you are involved in the most demanding professional responsibilities all year round, this is the place where you can step away from your obligations and surrender to the kind and attentive care of a perfectly organized and dedicated team in a wonderful calm environment. A personal butler ensures that your needs and wishes are met to the best possible extent. The environment is breathtaking, on the island itself and under the water surface, the atmosphere is relaxed, time literally stops. The hardest part is leaving.
Reviewed: 29.12.2023
Although we had a great stay at Dusit Thani last week, sharing a few pros and cons. Staff was very polite and hospitable. The reef is filled with a variety of marine life and coral. All the water activities were well planned. We stayed in the water villa which had a great view, it was spacious with access to the reef for snorkelling. Food at sand bar and sea grill cafe is good Dolphin Cruise was a let down because we were misled to believe that dolphin sighting was a given. However we went on a day when the waters were very very choppy and we did not sight any dolphins. The cruise should have been postponed but the ocean dive center was not prompt enough. We were given cycles to access the island however they were rusty with a strange or rather non existent break system. Departure wasn’t handled well. Return sea plane flight was booked so much in advance we had to wait for almost 5 hours at the airport
Reviewed: 28.12.2023
Reviewed: 25.12.2023
Had a great experience in dusit thani. The environment is very good and a very nice place for snorkling activity. Naan was a great and informative butler which provides very good advice and also gives fast response.
Reviewed: 24.12.2023
素晴らしい景色のなかで快適な時間を過ごすことができました。 到着直後から部屋ごとにバトラーさんが付いてくれるのですが、日本語の会話もLINEも堪能なBiancaさんという方に担当していただけたことが、ストレスのない滞在を楽しめた大きな要因だったと思います。 水上コテージから直接潜れる海は透明度も高く素晴らしかったです。 スタッフの皆さんはどこで会ってもフレンドリーで親切でした。 レストランやバーはどこもオープンスペースで眺めも良く美味しかったです。 個人的な感想ですが、朝食会場となるレストランのトイレもオープン(外!)なのに綺麗で一見の価値アリです。 ひとつだけ、私たちの確認不足だったのが、 個人で手配した旅行でしたが、マレ国際空港と島との往復の水上飛行機の代金は宿泊費とは別だったことでした。 3泊4日で充分だと思っていましたが、水上コテージのテラスの眺めと海が素敵だったので、何のアクティビティも入れずコテージにお籠りする日があっても良かったかもしれないと思ってしまいました。
Reviewed: 24.12.2023
10年前に訪れたデュシタニに再訪しました。 10年前も素晴らしい体験をさせてもらいましたが、今回も素晴らしい体験になりました。 約1週間の滞在でしたが、全く飽きる事なく過ごせました。あまりに楽しい時間だったため時間が一瞬で過ぎ去りました。 特にコンシェルジュについてくれたMs. BIANCAが素晴らしかったです。 彼女は日本語を流暢に話すことができ、ほとんどネイティブスピーカーのようでした。 彼女のお陰でデュシタニでの滞在がより充実したものになりました。
Reviewed: 23.12.2023
추천합니다. 몰디브 리조트를 고르고 고르다가 결국 라군 대신 수중환경을 택했는데, 최고의 선택이었습니다. 사실 라군이 많으면 물이 얕고 산호초가 날카로워서 수영하기 너무 불편해요. 엄청 긁힙니다. 그리고 와서보니 두짓타니 라군도 사진찍기에 부족하지 않아요. 또 비앙카라고 한국인 직원분이 계셔서 언어장벽도 많이 해소되었습니다. 벌써 그립네요 두짓타니😭
Reviewed: 22.12.2023
We visited dusit thani as honeymoon. Everyday we have stayed was full of activities such as yoga class, spa, Christmas party. Every staff was very kind and helpful for us. Above all, our butler, Mr.Muheymin was smart and willing to do everything for us. We are leaving with happy memory. Thanks again.
Reviewed: 18.12.2023
все отлично. риф великолепен, номера просто супер. отдельное удовольствие кататься по острову на велосипедах. бесплатная аренда масок, трубок и ласт очень актуально. за время посещения цапля на берегу стала как родная)
Reviewed: 17.12.2023
신혼여행지로 제격입니다. 식당수도 3군데나 되어 다양한 음식을 맛 볼 수 있었고 수중환경도 뛰어났습니다. 중간중간 다양한 프로그램을 무료, 또는 유료로 즐길 수 있었고 신혼여행객들을 위해 선셋크루즈, 로맨틱 디너 등을 다양하게 준비해주었습니다. 직원분들은 친절함을 넘어 매 순간 잘 대해주셨고 또한 한국인 버틀러 비앙카님이 계셔서 언어 지원도 가능하여 너무 편했습니다.
Reviewed: 16.12.2023
정말 한국인 비앙카님이 케어해주셨는데 첫날 늦은날도 친철하게 이곳저곳 알려주시고 저희 문제도 해결 척척!! 감사합니다🙏 음식도 아침 점심 저녁 까지 부족함없이 맛있게 먹고 마시고 즐기고 행복햐시간보내고 왔어요 식당 분위기도 너무좋고 식당에 계신분들도 웃으며 친절하게 응대해주니고 센스도 대박입니다 저희는 기대이상 잼나게 놀다가왔으니 가시는분둔도 즐건시간보내세요
Reviewed: 09.12.2023
Wir haben im November unser Urlaub auf Dusit Thani Maldives verbracht. Es war genussvolle und sorgenlose Zeit. Gleich am Flughafen wurden wir in Obhut von Hotelmitarbeitern genommen und liebevoll Schritt für Schritt bis zum Insel begleitet. Check-in wurde während des Wartens im Lounge des Terminals für Wasserflugzeuge durchgeführt (sehr praktisch!). Zum vierten Mal auf Malediven, aber wir haben uns bis dahin nie so betreut und so sicher gefüllt. Auf der Insel angekommen, haben wir unseren Batler Anastasia kennengelernt, die ganze Zeit für uns persönliche Ansprechpartnerin gewesen war. Dank ihr wurden alle Kleinigkeiten sofort geregelt und bei uns sind keine Wünsche offen geblieben!!!! Unser Bungalow (Deluxe Beachvilla mit Pool Nr. 317) war sehr geräumig und großzügig ausgestattet (sogar Schwimmwesten und ApresSun-Gel waren dabei). Die Lage war auch super: Benjaroon-Restaurant und Sala-Bar waren nur eine Minute zu Fuß von uns entfernt und auch schönste Seite des Hausriffs lag direkt vor unserem Unterkunft. Das Zimmer und die Terasse wurden ganz diskret zwei Mal am Tag aufgeräumt und gereinigt. Auf der Insel gibt es zwei A´la Carte-Restaurants und Market-Restaurant, welches zum Frühstück und Abends ein vielfältiges Buffet anbietet. Das Essen ist mehr Indisch-/Asiatisch abgestimmt, sogar zum Frühstuck gab es immer Bratreis und Bratnudeln :), aber auch europäische Küche war ausreichend vertretten . Die Bedienung in Restaurants war sehr offen, zuvorkommen und freundlich. Großes Dank geht an Ravisha mit ihrem alleserhellenden strahlenden Lächeln, an Humaan, der mich von Spicy-Speisen gerettet und nicht aufgegeben hat, mir die maledivische Sprache beizubringen und an Kaka, der geduldig und herzlich trotz unseren miserablen English mit uns sich unterhaltet hat!!! Die Leute haben unser Urlaub unvergesslich gemacht! Besonders ist zu erwähnen der Sala-Bar. Im oberen Stock des Benjaroon-Restaurants gelegen, bietet er sehr schöne Ausblick auf das Meer, wo man wohl sogar ab und zu die Delfinen vorbei schwimmen sehen kann (wir haben leider das Glück nicht gehabt). Aber was wäre dieser Bar ohne Barkeeper Amila... Der Mann kann wortwörtlich zaubern!!! Was für Coctails-Kreationen aus welchen nur erdenklichen Zutaten wir da ausprobieren dürften... ein Traum... Lieber Amila, vielen Dank für deine Herzlichkeit, dein Talent und die Begeisterung für das, was du machst!!!!! Ich darf den Diving-Centrum auf dem Insel nicht vergessen. Was uns begeistert hat, dass die Leute keine leere Versprechungen machten. Sogar bei Mantas-Tour, wo keine Garantie möglich ist, haben sie uns erst los geschickt, als die Mantas mehrere Tage im Gebiet beobachtet wurde... und die angesagte Tour-Dauer wurde längst überschritten, um uns die Möglichkeit zu geben, zwei Mal bei diesem Ausflug Stopp zu machen und ausgiebig das Schwimmen mit Mantas zu genießen. Der Hausriff war schön und zum großen Teil intakt! Sehr viele verschiedene Tiere sind da unterwegs (von Seegurken, Seesternen und Clown-Fischen bis Schildkröten, Oktopussen, Haie, Adlerrochen und Muränen). Highligtfür uns war lumineszierende Plankton eines Abends am Strand!!! Und was besonders erfreulich war, man konnte beim Schnorcheln auch den Korrallengarten sehen, wo man versucht die Korallen unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu züchten und dann auf dem Riff "einzupflanzen". Zum Schluß: im Großen und Ganzen war es ziemlich teuere Angelegenheit. Aber uns tut kein ausgegebenes Cent leid, weil wir auf Dusit Thani unvergessliche Zeit verbracht haben, wunderbare Menschen kennengelernt haben und den Urlaub bis in die letzte Detail genossen haben!!! (abgesehen vom Flug, aber dafür war anderen Anbieter zuständig).
Reviewed: 09.12.2023
신혼여행지로 몰디브를 결정한 후 몇 달을 고민한 끝에 두짓타니 몰디브를 선택했습니다. 맑고 깨끗한 수중환경과 다양한 해양생물을 만난 것이 기억에 남고 특히 한국인 버틀러인 비앙카님이 저희를 담당해주셔서 일정을 너무너무 편하게 보냈습니다. 둘 다 영어를 잘 못해서 걱정이었는데 덕분에 불편함 없이 마지막까지 일정을 무사히 마칠 수 있었습니다. 밥도 맛있어요!!

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