Dreamland Maldives Reseñas verificadas
Dreamland Maldives Baa Atoll, 06080, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
United Kingdom
Revisada: January 14, 2024
What a place!
Ventajas: Genuinely the best place that I've ever stayed at. From the service, to the food to the location and the surroundings. Everything is excellent! Exceeded our expectations which were already very high! The maldives is an awesome place and the hideaway is a perfect island to get away and get out of it. We did half board and usually we get lower quality food as a result. Completely the opposite at the hideaway, all the food is incredible. They do food from all over the world to a very high standard. Very impressed
Contras: Very little, basically the perfect holiday. Getting to the island from Mane was handled really well by hideaway, its just that its still a good 1.5 hours away. Paying for water at restaurants seemed a little odd given it was the same water we got at the hotel rooms. Minor but it also wasn't clear on our first night there
United Kingdom
Revisada: January 10, 2024
Good - We went not expecting top 5* (eg Anantara Kivavah) service and thats what we got.
Ventajas: Snorkelling was EXCELLENT! Saw dolphins and turtles right from the beach, huge manta and an octopus. There were a choice of places to eat which was nice. We went B&B as I hate buffet dinners and food, drinks and a massage worked out to be $2500 for a week, so I think we saved money rather than going FB. Room was large, which was lovely. The pillows were nice. Had a lovely massage at the Spa, we had teppanyaki and it was loads of fun! I liked that there was an app to book stuff and see menus and that there was simple food, like pizza and pasta. It was a nice big island so plenty of cycling and lovely flora to look at. Great birthday treats, like sparklers and a lovely bed display. The main pool is nice, and there is a proper Jacuzzi. The manager at the Sunset Cafe was the best. His team were super on it, and it was a lovely place to hang out - they need more loungers. Price was good for time of year.
Contras: The BED! omg it was hard. They need more loungers at the beach. We went snorkelling before breakfast so managed to grab the best spot, Water is not complimentary - even the resorts own water - which is always a downer, especially if its free in the room...such a pain to drag it to the beach from breakfast.
Revisada: January 9, 2024
Very Good
Contras: The bicycles provided at the resort are in bad shape. We had to ask 3 times to have them somehow fixed or exchanged. Resort needs to do something about them.
United Kingdom
Revisada: January 8, 2024
Ventajas: Overall, the stay was extraordinary. The staff met all expectations and were super accommodating and attentive. Our butler was at our every beck and call and went above and beyond to make our stay special. The sea villa was beautiful and better than the photos can capture. There is plenty to do on the island, including lots of water sports, snorkelling (complimentary), water assault course (complimentary), canoeing/paddle boarding (complimentary), tennis, football etc. 6 days flew by and we still had things to do and see. All in all, a great experience!
Contras: The price of all amenities whilst on the villa were very pricey, including activities like jet skiing, boat rides and excursions. Although a really enjoyable stay, questionable whether it was worth the price we paid for it.
Revisada: January 7, 2024
Qualche pecca di troppo per un 5 stelle
Ventajas: - personale sempre gentile, sorridente e accogliente (Tamara all'accoglienza sempre sorridente e disponibile, lo chef Silva un grandissimo professionista in grado di garantire un'accoglienza e un servizio 5 stelle agli ospiti che hanno necessità di particolari richieste/esigenze alimentari) - il resort nella tua totalità è molto bello, con area comuni comunque sempre tranquille e appartate. l'atollo è circondato da una fauna marina molto varia e visibile a pochi passi dalla banchigia (tra cui anche mante, stingray, squali pinna nera) - la barriera corallina si trova a qualche metro dalla spiaggia e questo rende facile, sicuro e molto bello lo snorkeling. Anche in presenza di vento c'è sempre un lato dell'isola dove il mare è calmo e balneabile - la water villa è molto grande, ben arredata e ben tenuta. la vista ocean è spettacolare. la piscina con idromassaggio rende il tutto perfetto
Contras: - nonostante più volte, sia durante la prenotazione che prima dell'arrivo, è stata richiesta al resort la disponibilità di cibo vegano e sempre ci è stata confermata (per noi era un elemento di scelta), con grande dispiacere dobbiamo far presente che il resort non si è dimostrato vegan friendly. Cena di capodanno pagata 450$ extra a persona per mangiare quello che ha deciso lo chef senza minimante confrontarsi con noi prima, mentre gli altri avevano un intero buffet a disposizione. Le altre sere nessuno ci considerava seriamente: ci è stata proposta una insalata come antipasto e una pasta scotta, spezzata, bollita coi broccoli come main course imbarazzante. Solo lo chef Silva, dal sorriso e dalla gentilezza unica, è riuscito a recuperare un minimo la situazione offrendosi per cucinare qualcosa di nostro gradimento (come dovrebbe essere in un resort 5 stelle se il buffet non è sufficientemente strutturato per qualsiasi richiesta). Ad ogni modo gli altri avevano ogni sera un buffet dal quale scegliere liberamente cosa e quanto mangiare. Noi no. Fino all'ultimo secondo questa nostra esigenza è stata ignorata dato che il giorno della partenza hanno preparato la colazione al sacco per tutti continuando a presentarci cibo non vegano, imbarazzante anche questa mancanza di attenzione inaccettabile per un resort 5 stelle. - Pulizia migliorabile nei dettagli (tende, paralumi ecc) - Alcune aree di servizio e di stoccaggio del resort non erano ben coperte ma visibili agli ospiti, solitamente vengono isolate con dei separè per non stonare con la bellezza della location - Nelle Water Villa lato ocean il rumore del mare e delle maree durante la notte è molto forte e potrebbe disturbare il sonno. Solitamente il mare su questo lato è più mosso rispetto alle Water Villa lato laguna. I letti e i cuscini, a nostro parere, non sono particolarmente confortevoli. - Organizzazione al check out da rivedere, ci hanno portato in reception due ore prima del volo.
United Kingdom
Revisada: January 5, 2024
Ventajas: NICE DESTINATION FOR A HONEYMOON. I’ve spent my honeymoon in this resort and it was just amazing. The water villa is just huge and amazing, we loved the cleaning service that is provided twice a day. Many choices of restaurants.
Contras: A bit expensive restaurant & services wise.
Saudi Arabia
Revisada: January 1, 2024
Ventajas: Perfect vacation fir couples and families
Saudi Arabia
Revisada: December 29, 2023
Perfect vacation would recommend for couples and families with kids
Ventajas: The staff were very friendly and helpful all throughout the vacation Special thanks to our butler essraa , and the employees at the kids soon The facilities were near and always ready for use Excellent for kids and family
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Essen und Personal einfach Perfekt , Freundlichere Angestellte und Gutes Essen besser geht es fast nicht mehr !!! Wohnen im Wasserbungi Super nur Einsieg über Stiege bei Ebbe zu kurz und sehr Rutschig . Liegen am Strand für Wasserbungi ohne Auflagen und Schatten . Liegen werden nicht geordnet am Abend. Ansonsten Tipps : Anreisen mit Wasserflugzeug und Vorsicht bei Beach Bungi einige haben Sandsäcke und keinen Strand mehr , wofür die Insel nichts kann. Alles in allem Super Insel !
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Der Name Dreamland ist Programm. Insel wunderschön, Riff ist schön zum schnorcheln. Korallen wachsen wieder. Viele Fische. Wasserbungalow schön und direkter Zugang zum Riff. Essen ist richtig gut. Personal super. Sehr freundlich und guter Service. Sogar das Wetter war 10 Tage gut
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
The hospitality was good
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Travel group
Revisada: 4 weeks ago
Die Zimmer sind absolut perfekt,Service top. Einziger wehrmutztropfen es ist nicht so abgelegen. Man sieht andere Inseln.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 weeks ago
Wir sind das erste mal auf den Malediven - natürlich sind wir überwältigt von den Eindrücken. Wir sind als paar mit einem Baby verreist, heute nach dem zweiten vollen Tag können wir uns über absolut gar nichts beschweren. Ja, abends fliegen einige Mücken, aber das ist nicht weiter wild. Die Insel ist eher klein, aber für uns perfekt. Wir sind hier um dem kalten und stressigen Alltag in Deutschland zu entfliehen und fühlen uns hier bestens aufgehoben. Die Kellner sind sehr zuvorkommend und äußerst kinderfreundlich! Jeder der uns entgegenkommt geht eher auf unser Baby, als auf uns ein. Der Roomservice ist mehr als gründlich und mit Liebe zum Detail. Die Deko zur Weihnachtszeit spricht für sich, leicht kitschig aber dennoch fangen die Augen zu leuchten an. Wir geben dem Dreamland gerne 5/5 Sterne 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Revisada: 4 weeks ago
Un sogno ad occhi aperti, il posto un paradiso, adatto se cerchi relax, siamo stati al bungalow 151 che secondo noi uno dei migliori, hai privacy il mare vicino e sempre calmo vista la copertura creata e la vicinanza delle water villa, personale gentile e sempre disponibile
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Saubere und schöne Insel! Essen war jedesmal lecker, nettes herzliches Personal. Die Cocktails 🍹 schmecken super. Zu bemängeln ist nur die schlechte Internet/WLAN Verbindung (man sollte aber nicht vergessen das man auf einer Insel ist) und das eine vorhandene Minibar nicht mit Getränken aufgefüllt wird, nur zwei falschen Wasser gibt es jeden Tag.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Wer hier was zu meckern hat ist nicht normal
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Dieser Ort wird seinem Namen gerecht, es ist absolut Traumhaft, von der Unterbringung, über den Service und das Essen bis hin zum Highlight, der Insel an sich! Dieser Ort eignet sich super zum Schnorcheln, klar gibts es schönere Riffe, aber die Artenvielfalt dort ist echt gewaltig und das ganze vor dieser Kulisse einfach Atemberaubend 😊 einzige Mankos, wir haben ein paar Unterkünfte gesehen, die schon mit Sandsäcke vor der Unterspülung gesichert werden mussten, das bleibt auf Malediven wohl nicht aus 😕 die Mücken können nerven, dafür hat man aber einen Dschungel auf der Insel 😎 und auf einem Ausflug den wir getätigt haben blieb das Personal doch recht Wortkarg, schade. Ein anderer Ausflug, das Nachtschnorcheln war das komplette Gegenteil, super Guide, wirklich empfehlenswert 😁 Alles in Allem war die Zeit dort ein purer Genuss, das nächste mal bleiben wir länger 😊 und zum Schluss, man kann alles Barfuß machen 😁
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
We spent 8 nights at Dreamland, and it was indeed a dream! The overwater bungalows are awesome, and the beach bungalows also looked really nice with shaded porches for lounging when that Maldivian sun is at its scorchiest :) The service is incredible. So friendly and accommodating. The food was always varied and delicious. The island itself is small enough to walk around in half an hour or so, depending on how leisurely you stroll. The local lagoon is amazing! Teeming with gorgeous fish, and we even saw an eagle ray and quite a few whale and reef sharks. We took the turtle snorkeling excursion and saw so many cute sea turtles! We recommend this resort so highly. Thanks to everyone at Dreamland for the dreamiest holiday ❤️
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 months ago
Es war unglaublich! Super schöne Insel, sehr sauber, Personal freundlich und zuvorkommend
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 months ago
Einfach nur ein Traum
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 months ago
Csodás 8 napot töltöttünk a szigeten! Mindennel teljes mértékben elégedettek voltunk. A szigetet gyönyörűen ápolják és karban tartják. Személyzet imádnivalóak és kedvesek. Ételek fantasztikusak, életemben nem ettem ennyire finomakat. Változatos és bőséges svédasztal. Néhány beach bungallow előtt valóban van pár homokzsák, ami valóban nem túl szép látvány. Ezeknél már nagyon elmosta a partot a víz. Szinte a teraszról már a vízbe lehet ugrani. A Water Villánk tökéletes volt, csodásan aludtunk minden éjjel. Tisztaság volt mindig. Nagy kedvencünk volt a Biotop rész, a mangrove erdővel a közepén. Gazdag az élővilággal és a kis gyíkok mindenütt 💚
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 months ago
Traumhaftes Hotel mit tollen Service....!!
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Travel group
Revisada: 3 months ago
Wir hatten hier einen wunderschönen Urlaub! Wir wurden sehr freundlich empfangen und auch während unseres ganzen Aufenthaltes waren alle immer sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Das Zimmer war wunderschön und sauber und genauso wie auf den Bildern der Homepage (ist ja nicht selbstverständlich). Das Essen war mega lecker und auch die Massage im Spa war toll. Die Insel selber war auch wunderschön. Langweilig ist uns auch nicht geworden, denn es ist ein Paradies für Schnorchler. Schildkröten, Rochen und sogar Delfine konnten direkt von der Insel beobachtet werden. Auch das Gym war in einwandfreiem Zustand. Einzigst ein Mückenspray sollte man dabei haben, hier habe ich aber keinen Vergleich zu anderen Inseln, aber bei anderen Strandurlauben waren bisher immer auf der ganzen Welt Mücken vertreten. Wir können Dreamland uneingeschränkt an jeden empfehlen, der einen tollen Urlaub auf den Malediven verbringen möchte.
Revisada: 3 months ago
Dieses Resort ist ein absolutes Paradies. Wir hatten keinerlei Probleme mit dem Transfer. Als das Wasserflugzeug gelandet ist, wurden wir sofort mit dem Speedboot abgeholt. Schon bei der Ankunft standen mehrere Mitarbeiter am Steg um uns in Empfang zu nehmen. Wir bekamen einen Willkommens Drink und ein Erfrischungshandtuch, anschließend wurde uns die Anlage gezeigt und uns alles wichtige erklärt. Das Personal ist unfassbar freundlich und hilfsbereit, was wir so noch nirgends erlebt haben. Alle Mitarbeiter haben dazu beigetragen das wir wirklich rundum glücklich und zufrieden waren. Wir haben ein kostenloses Upgrade auf einen Wasserbungalow aufgrund unserer Flitterwochen erhalten, ebenso ein Honeymoon Dinner am Strand. Die Massagen sind auch sehr zu empfehlen, ebenso das angebotene BBQ Dinner. Das einzige was wir als wirklich störend empfunden haben, waren die Stechmücken, ohne Mückenspray hielten wir es draußen kaum aus. Alles in allem war es wirklich ein absoluter Traumurlaub.
Revisada: 3 months ago
Wir waren 8 Tage auf der Insel und es war wunderschön! Wir waren sehr zufrieden und können uns sehr gut vorstellen bald wieder auf die Insel zu reisen. Das Essen ist sehr gut. Das einzige was wir nicht ganz gut fanden war, dass es nur einen alkoholfreien Cocktail auf der all inclusive Karte gab und die etwas harten Matratzen (ist ja Geschmacksache). Das Personal war immer sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Wir können dieses Hotel nur weiterempfehlen!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 months ago
Everything but really everyting was great! The staff was really amazing! A 10+
Revisada: 3 months ago
Wunderschönes Resort im Baa Atoll. Wir sind zum zweiten Mal hier und genießen es. Egal ob Schnorcheln oder tauchen oder einfach nur atmen😉. Es ist für jeden was dabei. Wellness, gutes Essen. Entspannung pur.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 months ago
Dziękujemy za 10 cudownych dni w raju. Wracaliśmy do domu ze łzami w oczach, że musieliśmy się pożegnać z tak cudownym miejscem. Hotel rewelacja, pokoje duże , zadbane, łazienka znakomita z dużą wanną. Domek na wodzie robi wrażenie. Otwieraliśmy oczy i od razu ukazywał nam się ocean. Obsługa najlepsza na świecie. Inne kraje powinny się od Was uczyć. Szczególne podziękowania dla Hilara, który dwa razy dziennie sprzątał nam pokój. Dbał o wszystko , bardzo przyjazny i ciepły człowiek. Należą mu się największe pochwały. Jedzenie wyśmienite. Biały piasek z pięknymi plażami, woda krystaliczna, mnóstwo kolorowych rybek. Udało się zobaczyć żółwia i rekina. Spokój i cisza , które tam panowały były fenomenalne. Może w przyszłości uda się do Was wrócić. Jest to miejsce do którego chce się wracać. Pozdrawiamy i tęsknimy
Travel group
Revisada: 3 months ago
Einer der schönsten Orte. Tolles Riff, sehr sauber und immer freundliches Personal.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 months ago
Sehr schönes und gepflegtes Hotel mit einem guten Preis/Leistung-Verhältnis. Das Essen war gut und die Zimmer sauber.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 months ago
Traumurlaub in jeder Beziehung
Revisada: 4 months ago
In diesem Resort gibt jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter alles, um einem unvergessliche Flitterwochen zu ermöglichen. Man fühlt sich ab der ersten Minute wohl und willkommen. Der Service ist überragend und das Essen sehr abwechslungsreich und lecker. Die Zimmer sind schön eingerichtet, sehr geräumig und sehr sauber. Wir haben ein kostenloses Upgrade zu einem Wasserbungalow bekommen. Wir wollten gerne einen am Strand, waren aber von der Aussicht und dem schmalen Strandabschnitt eher enttäuscht. Deshalb empfehlen wir, bei der Buchung einen konkreten Wunsch zur Lage des Strandbungalows anzugeben. Dieses Beispiel zeigt jedoch, wie flexibel und zuvorkommend die Mitarbeiter sind. Die Anlage der Insel ist traumhaft, wenngleich das Riff nahezu tot ist. Dennoch sieht man sehr viele verschiedene Fische und kann super schnorcheln. Wir werden den Aufenthalt im Dreamland - tatsächlich trifft der Name die paradiesischen Zustände dort sehr gut - nie vergessen.
Revisada: 4 months ago
Wir waren jetzt zum zweiten Mal in Folge auf Dreamland, was wohl schon für sich spricht. Und trotzdem möchten wir nochmal erwähnen, daß es wieder ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis war. Dreamland macht seinem Namen alle Ehre und auch nur die kleinste Kritik können wir nicht verstehen. SEE YOU SOON, WE COME BACK AGAIN.....
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 months ago
Wir verbrachten 8 wunderbare Tage auf dieser wunderschönen Insel. Die lange Anreise hat sich mehr als gelohnt! Empfangen und verwöhnt wurden wir von außergewöhnlich freundlichen Mitarbeitern. Der Wasserbungalow zur Lagune hin war bezaubernd, hier fühlten wir uns ab der ersten Minute wohl. Von dort starteten wir jeden Morgen den ersten Schnorchelgang, Treppe herunter und ins Wasser. Neben anderen, bunten Fischen trafen wir dabei auf Adlerrochen und unseren Riffhai. Wir sahen Delphine und Schildkröten und am Tauchanleger Ammenhaie. Es war beeindruckend schön und unvergesslich. Zum Sundowner in der Beachbar, danach ins Beach-Restaurant. Was ist zum Essen zu sagen, es war stets abwechslungsreich, frisch und sehr lecker. Auch dafür 5 🌟. Genossen haben wir auch das Beach Barbecuing. Fazit, es war ein mehr als gelungener Urlaub.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 months ago
Absoluter Traum Urlaub. Es gibt wirklich nichts zu beanstanden. Können wir zu 100% weiterempfehlen.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Wir haben 2 Wochen auf Dreamland verbracht. Die Insel ist wunderschön, je nach Ebbe und Flut kann man die Insel am Strand umrunden. Die Zimmer sind sehr geräumig, sauber und gemütlich. Die Außendusche ist mega. Das Personal ist sehr bemüht die Gäste zufrieden zu stellen, es ist sogar erwünscht eventuelle Mängel bzw Unzulänglichkeiten, seien sie noch so klein, zu melden. Wir waren schon auf einigen Inseln, auch höherpreisige, aber Dreamland ist nahezu perfekt für uns gewesen. Das Essen war sehr lecker und die Auswahl sehr gut. Diverse Ausflüge werden angeboten, haben wir aber nicht genutzt. Die Insel bietet kein "Nachtleben", es gab einmal Live-Musik am Abend. Es gibt einen Spa-Bereich, einen Kicker, Dart, Tennisplatz, Boccia. Im Inselinneren gibt es einen Biotop-Pool. Ist schön anzusehen, der Fischreiher ist da öfter zu sehen und es hat eine Dschungelatmosphäre. Anscheinend gibt es je nach Jahreszeit mal mehr mal weniger Mücken, wir waren im Juli und hatten keinerlei Probleme mit Mücken oder sonstigem Getier. Das Wetter war bis auf einen halben Tag Regen super sonnig. Es waren traumhafte 2 Wochen auf Dreamland 🌞👍🤩
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
TLDR: Overall not worth the price you’re paying. Choose a reputable international chain for better quality control. Food is nice, house reefs are nice (a lot of fish), the villa is average. BUT there were a lot of mosquitoes and bugs because there’s an algae filled lake in the middle of the resort - for what purpose, nobody knows. It’s not an attraction at all it just breeds mosquitoes. It was so bad that they had to fumigate the resort EVERY DAY. Imagine breathing the fumes in every single day. Even then, on one of the days after breakfast, we found a cockroach on our bed. Just sitting on the pillow (see picture). They also have daily excursions and activities and you can even plan for your own private excursion out on some days, which is nice. BUT the staff at the diving centre showed racism and hostility towards Chinese guests, solely judging by skin colour. The instructors also didn’t seem to be very competent because they told us that the currents at Hanifaru Bay were “very strong” and that “sometimes even the instructors have problems keeping themselves from floating away”, and if we couldn’t swim well enough we might “end up in Thailand”. We spoke to the MD of the dive centre about this on another day and he reassured us on the safety of going out to Hanifaru Bay. They offered us a discounted private excursion out, but the initial mistreatment left us feeling very unsafe. The staff working in the restaurants and at the reception also seem overworked and are sometimes snappy with their attitude. The wifi is also terribly terribly slow even in your own villa. And there’s no wifi connection at all at the restaurants. Would NOT come back here again! 👋
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Dieses Hotel ist fabelhaft, sehr liebes Personal und auch sehr hilfsbereit Wir haben alles genossen hier. Der Weg bis zum Hotel ist sehr anstrengend aber das ist einem ja bewusst wenn man sich für die Malediven entscheidet. Wir hatten Vollpension und das hat uns super ausgereicht. Wasser war günstig und etwas anderes Trinken wir eh nicht :) Essen: wirklich unglaublich tolle Gerichte auch mit Curry sehr lecker! Mich hat das Essen außerdem manchmal an die türkische Küche erinnert :) Wenn ihr gerne Obst isst dann empfehle ich die passionsfrucht die war unbeschreiblich gut Strand top (wird jeden Tag 2x täglich geharkt) Wasser bungalow super schön kann ich echt empfehlen man kann sofort mit dem Schnorcheln beginnen (aber Vorsicht unten nicht ausrutschen) Riesiges Hotel Zimmer mit wunderschöner Einrichtung ((was auch ausschlaggebend für uns war dieses Hotel zu buchen)) Bester Urlaub meines Lebens Inshallah können wir nochmal kommen
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Super zum entspannen. Essen, Zimmer und Service Top!!! Wir fliegen dieses Jahr zum Zweiten mal auf Dreamland und freuen uns Total.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Un paradiso sulla terra. Ci siamo trovati benissimo, le camere sono splendide, il servizio è eccellente, l’isola è paradisiaca. Ti sembra di trovarti su un’isola deserta. Il mare ovviamente è da lasciare senza fiato.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
We picked this resort because we wanted to go to the famous Hanifaru bay for Manta Rays and that we heard this resort had plenty of marine life at their house reef. The resort was beautiful we stayed in the water villa which allowed us to jump into the water anytime we wanted to and we really enjoyed it. Just in front of our stairs I found rays, black tip and plenty of fish. I was so happy and never wanted to get out of the water. I liked that it has kind of stone barriers around in the water villa area so the currents were not too strong to swim. The staff were nice. The trip to Hanifaru bay was perfect. We went with all inclusive package and for me the choice of drinks were limited for example ypu only have 1 choice for mocktail, it could be better if you could add more. But overall it was still a great beautiful resort.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Fänomenal.. für uns war diese kleine kuschlige Insel genau das richtige. 15 min und man war mal einmal um die Insel gelaufen. Leider war das Riff größten teils abgestorben - aber die Bunde Fischvielfalt hat das schnorcheln zum Erlebnis gemacht! Für ein wenig Adrenalin haben dann die Haie gesorgt (harmlos aber doch kribbelt es im Bauch, wenn 3 von ihnen um einen rum schwimmen😊👍🏽). Die Bungalows fantastisch! Auch wenn manche durch Sandsäcke geschützt werden müssen, dafür stehen sie echt nur ca. 2 Meter von der Wasserkante weg... Das Essen bombastisch! Eine riesen Auswahl - Früh, Mittag, Abend und für zwischendurch gibt es auch noch ein paar Snacks. Die dort beschäftigen sind mega freundlich, haben immer ein nettes Wort drauf und man fühlt sich von der ersten Minute an willkommen und ein wenig zuhause.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 months ago
Wir haben bereits 46 verschiedene Länder besucht und wir hatten selten so ein tolles Rundum Paket. Dreamland, where dreams Come True. Thank you for making our holiday unforgettable.
Revisada: 6 months ago
Piękne miejsce. Cisza i spokój. Obsługa na najwyższym poziomie. Polecam z całego serduszka.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Traumhaft trifft es hier am besten Top top top Besser geht es nicht INSEL PERSONAL ESSEN GETRÄNKE ZIMMER SERVICE SAUBERKEIT 100% 5Sterne Note 1 Sehr Sehr Gut 👍
Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Liegt immer im Auge des Betrachters... Aber mehr braucht kein Mensch! Traumhafte Lage der Bungalows, super nettes und immer gut gelauntes Personal, top Essen uvm.! Also wir wollen hier gar nicht wieder weg!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Ein unglaubliches Erlebnis. Das schnorcheln war wirklich einzigartig. Wir hatten einen Bungalow direkt am Strand und waren sehr zufrieden. Allerdings gibt es eine Seite der Insel auf der der Strand sehr abgetragen ist und die Bungalows kaum noch nutzbar aufgrund der Lage. Das Personal war sehr freundlich und ging auf alle Wünsche ein. Ein Traum ist auch der einzigartige Natursee in der Mitte der Insel. Wer braucht da schon einen künstlichen Pool? Wir waren dennoch fast den ganzen Tag im Meer. Kristallklares Wasser und eine bunte Fischwelt. Es war unglaublich:)
Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
TOP Insel mit sehr freundlichen Personal, hatten HP+ und es hat sich gelohnt, sehr gutes und abwechslungsreiches Essen, Wasserschuhe zu empfehlen ansonsten nur barfuß unterwegs gewesen, viele Fische und schöne Korallen,
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Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Einfach 5 von 5, alles Perfekt, ein Traumland
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Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Eine schöne Insel. Leider gibt es immer weniger Riffhaie...schade!
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Travel group
Revisada: 6 months ago
Wir sind einfach von allem begeistert und würden gerne noch kommen
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Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
The very best. There can be no better place to spend a relaxing fortnight than at Dreamland, the service received from the staff here is second to none, they have gone above and beyond at every given opportunity and we cannot recommend visiting here enough. It has been an unforgettable destination for our honeymoon and we will hold many happy memories from our time spent on this wonderful relaxing island.
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Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
We are not people who repeat holidays… this was our second time at Dreamland. If that doesn’t say enough, this is one of our favorite places in the world! Dreamland is a great place for people who want to spend a quiet and peaceful time together. The island is not big, but does not feel crowded at all. They do not have crazy shows and parties which is what we love about this place. If peace, quiet, beauty and quality time with your loved ones is what you are looking for, this is a place for you! The first time we went to Dreamland for 6 nights… which was not enough. This time we came for 9 and still feel it was not enough :D Time flies when you are in paradise. We took all inclusive and believe it was worth it (we were very common guests at the bar, shout out to the amazing staff there, thank you for making our evenings so beautiful). The food is amazing. Lots of vegetarian options as well if that’s what you are looking for. Special thanks to the chef! We stayed in a water Willa and believe it is well worth it if you are into snorkeling (as we are). You can easily swim around the whole island (took us about 2 to 2 and a half hours depending on the current). The room is spacious, comfortable and beautiful. We also used the laundry service and were very pleasantly surprised about the prices and the quality. The spa is great! We had 2 massages both and believe it was worth the money (I do understand and appreciate that all the staff has moved to this island to make our stay as unforgettable as possible, I think the prices are reasonable for the lengths all the staff is going to). We took several excursions and activities from the dive center. All of them were well managed and interesting. I really wanted to give a shout out to all the staff at Dreamland (and the Dive center and spa). All of you are going to incredible lengths to make your guests feel welcome and appreciated. Your personal approach to each guest is truly something to learn from. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts! Stay amazing and we hope to see all of you next year!
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Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
Ein Paradies. Super große und gepflegte Bungalows direkt an Strand. Leider ein paar Bungalows mit Sandsäcken abgesichert, diese sollten nicht vergeben werden. Essen sehr gut. Einzigartiger Biotoppool ohne Chemie. Mitarbeiter wahnsinnig freundlich.
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Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
Sehr geehrtes Dreamland Team, ich durfte vom 17.05 - 26.05.2023 meinen Urlaub in ihrem wunderschönen Resort verbringen. Es hat mir großartig gefallen und ich kann es zu 100% weiterempfehlen! Das ganze Team war von Anfang an und jederzeit darauf bedacht alle Wünsche zu erfüllen! Mr . Sabba kümmert sich persönlich darum das jeder Gast zu jederzeit seine Wünsche äußern kann. Über alle Maßen möchte Mr. Mausoom (Room Keeping) loben und mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal für alles bedanken! Durch sein übermäßiges Engagement sieht der Bungalow immer noch aus wie gerade renoviert! Super!!! Mr. Mausoom hat alle Wünsche der Gäste im Blick und spricht das Timing und die Vorgehensweisen mit den Gästen ab. Seine Liebe zu seinen Aufgaben zeigen sich in vielen kleinen Aufmerksamkeiten mit denen er morgens wie abends ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubert. Er transportiert den Anspruch von „Dreamland“ zu den Gästen. Er verdient jede Wertschätzung und ich wünsche ihm viele nette Gäste die seinen Außergewöhnlichen Einsatz genauso schätzen wie ich. An dieser Stelle herzliche Grüße an Mausoom ! Die Küche hat keine meiner Wünsche offen gelassen. Gesund ,abwechslungsreich ,ausreichend und sehr lecker! Auch hier wurde ich gebeten meine Wünsche und Anregungen zu äußern . Im Service hat mich unter anderem Mr.Feisal betreut der sich auch nach meinen Wünschen erkundigte selber Ideen hatte und sofort umsetzte. Vielen Dank auch dafür! Mr. Ragunath , Mr. Julhas und Mr. Sarip haben immer ein Lächeln und gute Laune die Sie den Gästen schenken. :-) Bei jedem ist die Liebe und der Anspruch an Ihre Speisen anzumerken! Das ganze Team strahlt eine Verbundenheit aus und pflegt einen Freundschaftlichen Umgang wodurch sind auch für die Gäste eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre ergibt. Vielen Dank an Mr. Nazeef,Mr. Saaid,Mr. Shiraz,Mr.NaahidMr.Nahid,Mr.Selvakumar,Mr.Zaain,Mr.Abdulla,Mr.Yaasin,Mr.Hemel! Zum Schluss möchte ich mich auch beim Management bedanken das diesen Spirit entwickelt hat und hervorragend umsetzt. Jedem unzufriedenen Gast sei gesagt: Sprechenden Menschen kann geholfen werden! In „Dreamland „ ist der Gast König !
Revisada: 7 months ago
The perfect serenity and relaxation, unique island and the food - there is everything for everyone. The staff here are amazing and always smiling
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Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
Einfach Traumhaft schön! Wir hatten ein Wasser bungalow auf Meer Seite. Essen war mega, abwechslungsreich. Personal immer da, immer freundlich. Die Unterwasser Welt traumhaft schön, alles gesehen vom Rochen bis Haie.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 7 months ago
Es war im allgemeinen ein sehr schöner Urlaub. Das Personal sehr sehr freundlich. Das Essen war echt super,wir waren schon auf mehreren Inseln,aber das essen auf Dreamland war echt top. Das einzige was uns wirklich extrem gestört hat das waren die Mücken. Ohne Mücken spray konnte man das Haus nicht verlassen. Aber sonst war alles top
Travel group
Resumen de calificación
Very good
Revisada: 16.01.2024
Grundsätzlich eine schöne Insel. Was uns störte, waren die Plastikmöbel (die es fast nirgends mehr gibt) sowie der Fluglärm/Speedbootlärm. Zudem wurde hier auch allgemein auf den Müll bzw. Plastikabfall nicht so geachtet. Das kennen wir auf den Malediven anders, wo es nur Glasflaschen gibt usw. und das Wasser wiederaufbereitet wird. Die Strandbungalows sind sehr schön und gut ausgestattet sowie sehr gross. Dasselbe gilt für die Wasserbungalows. Muss man aber mögen. Leider wird die Insel zur einen Seite schon sehr von der Strömung abgetragen, hier stehen gewisse Bungalows direkt am Wasser. Das Personal ist äusserst bemüht und versucht wirklich, einen immer zufrieden zu stellen. Vor allem die Küchencrew hatte uns immer separat etwas gezaubert, da wir gerne scharfe original Currys essen, zudem auch hie und da mal einen Fisch zubereitet. Die Buffets sind gut, reichhaltig und ist für jeden etwas dabei. Wir möchten uns beim Restaurantpersonal besonders bedanken ! Wir hatten HP plus gebucht somit waren auch alle Getränke im Glas inklusive. Dies sollte man unbedingt machen. Zudem gab es auch Sandwiches, welche inklusive waren. Für uns völlig ausreichend. Betr. der Ausflüge - wir hatten 1 x den Turtle Snorkeling Trip gemacht - alles sehr nüchtern und man muss dem Guide folgen beim Schnorcheln - auch sonst bei Sunset Trip eher lieblos - wir kennen das von anderer Insel schöner. Es gab auch überall nur eine warme kl. Flasche Wasser. Das kennen wir auch von der Karibik usw. anders, da wird für Stimmung gesorgt. Das Beach Barbecue war sehr schön gemacht und das Essen auch gut. Können wir gerne weiter empfehlen. Alles in allem war es ein erholsamer Urlaub - allerdings hätten wir uns gewünscht, vor allem bei Anreise, mehr über alles aufgeklärt zu werden. Wir kennen das eben anders und im anderen Resort (Reethi Beach) wurde anfangs eine Informationstour gemacht, dass man wusste, wo was ist und wo man gut schnorcheln kann usw. Dies fehlt hier sehr. Ohne Nachfragen ist der Informationsfluss sehr zäh. Bedanken möchte ich mich noch für den schön arrangierten Tisch, Essen und Blumenverzierungen zu meinem Geburtstag - wunderschön. Ansonsten sehen wir uns in der Zukunft eher wieder in der Karibik oder in Asien (Thailand usw.).
Revisada: 29.07.2023
We picked this resort because we wanted to go to the famous Hanifaru bay for Manta Rays and that we heard this resort had plenty of marine life at their house reef. The resort was beautiful we stayed in the water villa which allowed us to jump into the water anytime we wanted to and we really enjoyed it. Just in front of our stairs I found rays, black tip and plenty of fish. I was so happy and never wanted to get out of the water. I liked that it has kind of stone barriers around in the water villa area so the currents were not too strong to swim. The staff were nice. The trip to Hanifaru bay was perfect. We went with all inclusive package and for me the choice of drinks were limited for example ypu only have 1 choice for mocktail, it could be better if you could add more. But overall it was still a great beautiful resort.
Revisada: 03.01.2024
I evaluate the experience in three different categories: - Overall services (food, bar, ...) - 5* - Rooms - 4* - The reef and the beach - 4* - Diving - 5* Overall the service quality is amazing. We spent 10 days between 21st Dec and 31st Dec and the we never wear shoes. The restaurant (buffet) has incredibly high quality. You can find a mix of international and Asian food. We had all inclusive treatment and even the quality of wine, and spirit was excellent. Rooms are really big. We had a small issue with air conditioning (difficult to set the right temperature) but apart for this they are really in a good shape. Huge bathroom with big shower and tab as well plus one external shower really big. Only negative issue was the pressure of water in the internal shower was not the best. Huge window in each room looking at the beach. Reef and beach. The reef unfortunately is not the best. Lot of fishes (including many sharks) but the coral is completely dead. Nearby you can find many different island with better reef (we did many dives in nearby island and even snorkeling). While snorkeling still you can find many fish Sharks, tourtle, Eagleray, Octopus, ... Despite not perfect is still very nice reef Joy Diving. We went to Maldives to dive and all the dives has been excellent. The instructor and the organisation were very friendly. As all the dives in maldives it is really expensive but we got a real 5 stars treatment.
Revisada: 22.12.2023
Essen war ein Traum !!! Hatten Wasserbungi bekommen dafür zu wenig Liegen und Schatten am Strand Personal Hervorragend !!! Riff eher Tot Bitte unbedingt mit Wasserflugzeug anreisen , Innlandsflug Hat nicht geklappt ( Dertours) Sandsäcke bei einigen Beach bungi Wird aber fleißig daran gearbeitet Im Insel innern ein Traumhafter Süßwassersee und sehr viel Grün Barfuss gehen überall Zum Entspannen Super
Revisada: 15.12.2023
Consigliati dal nostro tour operator di fiducia, abbiamo scelto questa isola paradisiaca per la nostra luna di miele. Atmosfera magica, pulizia e cortesia difficilmente preventivabile su una piccola isola. Chi ci lavora sorride sempre ed é pronto a soddisfare qualsiasi tipo di richiesta. Spiaggia pulitissima, sabbia fine e bianca, ottimo reef dove poter ammirare praticamente qualsiasi animale Marino (tartarughe, squali, aquile di mare, mante e una moltitudine di pesci). Lago al centro dell'isola dove potersi immergere tra la natura, palestra, due bar, due ottimi ristoranti, uno fronte mare. Potessi, ripartirei immediatamente. Grazie di tutto Dreamland
Revisada: 11.11.2023
Eine Trauminsel, auch in der Monsunzeit....abseits von Stress und Hektik, dürfen wir 7 Nächte im Wasser Bungalow genießen. Morgens, direkt vom Bungalow, nach einem ersten Kaffee, oder Tee ins Meer...einfach herrlich. Auch wenn die Sonne mal nicht lacht und der Monsun die Insel in einen warmen Regen hüllt. Alles geht entspannt seinen Weg...Restaurants, Personal und alle Einrichtungen sind sauber, zuvorkommend und zweckmäßig. Der Strand ist ein Traum, im innern des kleinen Eilandes von ca. 500 x 200 m, geht man durch einen kleinen Mangroven Wald und erreicht dann Die Beachbar, von der ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang zu erleben ist. Hervorzuheben ist ein kleiner Süsswassersee, in dem auch geladen werden kann. Tauchshop, mit allem was das Taucherherz begehrt, ist mit freundlichen deutschsprachigen Personal immer zur Stelle. Für uns hat die Unterwasserwelt fürs Schnorchel vollkommen ausgereicht. Kristallklares Wasser, tolle Riffkannten an der Insel und einer atemberaubender Untrrwasserwelt. Drückerfische, kleine Riffhaie, Wasserschildkröten, Rochen uvm. Die Temperaturen sind schon eine Herausforderung, aber wir haben uns nach wenigen Tagen dran gewöhnt. Fazit unserer Reise Dreamland Malediven...ohne Autos, Stress, einfach ein Paar Tage abschalten ....mit Flug über München und Dubai nach Male und weiter mit dem Wasserflugzeug, in 20 min auf die Insel, hat sich für uns gelohnt. Danke an alle von Dreamland, für diese schönen Tage in unserem Leben. Manuela und Frank Sahling
Revisada: 29.10.2023
What can i say, Dreamland is everything you could wish for in a holiday from the moment you arrive, excellent staff from reception to the restaurant and bars nothing is too much trouble and with a big smile too. We enjoyed our stay so much we have already booked again for April 2024.Big thanks to all the staff that made our holiday so good especially Yasin in the ocean view restaurant, look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Revisada: 25.10.2023
Amazing place,very friendly and polite staff. The food was delicious, and I had a lot of variations . Bungalow was clean and tidy and good location ,comfortable bed. There was not a big choice of TV channels and quality, but it wasn't a big issue
Revisada: 10.09.2023
Spettacolare... Resort immerso nella natura, tra verde, sabbia bianca ed un mare cristallino, con pesci colorati e squaletti. Eravamo in un bungalow beach, come suggerito dal 101 al 110, a parer nostro i migliori come posizione. Servizi ed organizzazione impeccabili, in particolare la cortesia, la gentilezza e soprattutto il sorriso di tutti gli addetti, soprattutto dei camerieri di sala. Cibo buono e vario, ovviamente cucina internazionale. Abbiamo effettuato 2 escursioni, una di mare per vedere le Mante e con fortuna abbiamo visto anche lo Squalo Balena e l'altra sull'isola di Dharavandhoo. Come prima esperienza alle Maldive è andata molto bene, da tornarci anche domani...
Revisada: 25.08.2023
Just arrived home after the most amazing stay at this resort. We opted for the sea plane option which we really enjoyed even after a very long trip from England! Great views and a fun experience. From the moment we got to the island we felt like we were in a spa. Everything here is so relaxed. I was initially anxious that I’d get bored in the evenings but I really didn’t. We took card games which we played most nights and there was a live singer 2 out of the 10 nights. We opted for a beach bungalow which we loved. We considered paying for 1 night in a water villa but we loved our room so much we decided to stay put. I preferred having the beach and loungers. The snorkelling is amazing- as are the trips. We saw sharks, mantas, eals, turtles, dolphins and even a whale shark. As we were all inclusive, the hotel also provided us flippers and snorkel masks which was great. Me and my partner are serious foodies and we were so impressed by the variety of food. It alternated every night that we were there which was great. There is something for everyone. What makes this place really stand out for me is the staff. Every single worker stops to say hello/good morning which was really lovely. Their service was excellent. One thing to note is the mosquitos. I packed 3 separate repellant sprays as well as mosquito bands and we used them all up during the stay. Since being back we have recommended this resort to so many friends and family. It was an incredible trip.
Revisada: 18.08.2023
After 2 flights, a sea plane and a speedboat, we were greeted by 10 members of staff all waving. We were given warm flannels and a refreshing drink. Our luggage was taken care off by staff. We were upgraded free of charge to a water bungalow. All staff were amazing, they nicknamed us Mr and Mrs England!! The food is so good you are spoilt for choice. Drinks plentiful, as your glass is nearly empty you are brought another one. At the end of a meal or drinks you have to sign which is no big deal. We did both the island hops and the dolphin trip, the staff help you on and off the boats. I had a massage at the spa which was fantastic. Our housekeeping was super. He came in twice a day, cleaned, replenished coffee and coffee mate, changed bedding and towels, swept and mopped. The shop is a little expensive but you can buy souvenirs, cigarettes, sun cream etc. we were treat like royalty. I would recommend this resort in a heartbeat, it truly is the land that dreams are made off.
Revisada: 13.08.2023
TLDR: Overall not worth the price you’re paying. Choose a reputable international chain for better quality control. Food is nice, house reefs are nice (a lot of fish), the villa is average. BUT there are a lot of mosquitoes and bugs because there’s an algae filled lake in the middle of the resort - for what purpose, nobody knows. It’s not an attraction at all it just breeds mosquitoes. It’s so bad that they have to fumigate the resort EVERY DAY. Imagine breathing the fumes in every single day. Even then, on one of the days after breakfast, we found a cockroach on our bed. Just sitting on the pillow (see picture). They also have daily excursions and activities and you can even plan for your own private excursion out on some days, which is nice. BUT the staff at the diving centre showed racism and hostility towards Chinese guests, solely judging by skin colour. The instructors also didn’t seem to be very competent because they told us that the currents at Hanifaru Bay were “very strong” and that “sometimes even the instructors have problems keeping themselves from floating away”, and if we couldn’t swim well enough we might “end up in Thailand”. We spoke to the MD of the dive centre about this on another day and he reassured us on the safety of going out to Hanifaru Bay. They offered us a discounted private excursion out, but the initial mistreatment left us feeling very unsafe. The staff working in the restaurants and at the reception also seem overworked and are sometimes snappy with their attitude. The wifi is also terribly terribly slow even in your own villa. And there’s no wifi connection at all at the restaurants. Would NOT come back here again! 👋
Revisada: 20.07.2023
Gorgeous, as in a dream. The place is beautiful, clean ocean, rich coral reef, beautiful beaches. Stayed 1 week at the beach villa and 1 week at the water villa. Both were beautiful, but the water villa was defenately more zen & peaceful, def an upgrade. The staff was very kind, also at the reception, don’t know why so many critics about them. Every time we had an issue (health allergy and other, minor problems like wishing for more hand soap etc.), they were kind and helpful and quickly solved any problem or wish. Also with moving to another villa, no problem at all, very kind and helpful. I had a medical issue with an allergy and the doctor was very helpful and kind and the staff at the reception helped me with a very generous solution. I am very grateful for their understanding and help. My allergy got better only because of their generous help. The food was good, many different chefs (all very good) at all you can eat so you can pick whichever you like or all of them. I am into asian food so the chef made delicious sushi and other asian yummy food - every day something different. The dessert/fruit chef made very good desserts. Also delicious pancakes for breakfast. And the eggs chef also. Also the waiters were all very proffessional and quick and helpful. All the staff was very friendly and kind. The place was clean, very nice taken care of and the gardeners were always working so hard, even at the most hot days, I hope they get well paid - they are the invisible ones, noone gives them tips. Overall, it was so beautiful there, like in a dream. I didn’t want to leave. 10/10.
Revisada: 08.07.2023
One of the best holidays ever. Wanted a bungalow on a beach for a relaxed peaceful break and that’s what we got. Great accommodation, great food, great staff. Unfortunately I had a freak accident on the day before we left, hotel dealt with it brilliantly. Meant utilising their main speed boat and four staff for the whole afternoon island hopping to get me the right treatment. Can’t thank them enough.
Revisada: 18.06.2023
My wife & I travelled to Dreamland resort in the Maldives to celebrate her 50th birthday and our 20th wedding anniversary in the same week. We cannot fault any part of the experience. the staff were so friendly & helpful, the accommodation was spotless, the food (selection & quality) was off the scale - there were so many options available at the buffet that I came back 2kg heavier even though I tried to eat well and resist the treats! Of course the scenery is pure perfection and the island resort itself was truly magical. The private dining experience and the beach BBQ created precious memories will will treasure forever. We booked through TUI and the pre-trip communications were excellent through their app. A long way to go but this truly was the holiday of a lifetime and we would have no hesitation in recommending Dreamland resort to anyone looking fora truly wonderful holiday experience.
Revisada: 18.06.2023
Outstanding the name says it all, we had seen mixed reviews but booked anyway for our 20th Wedding Anniversary, my husband had emailed the team in advance and prepared a special evening for us both and special was an understatement, the food was amazing the waiter was attentive but let us be, we had the seafood platter it was amazing, we sat under the stars toasting our anniversary followed by a dance to our wedding song, there was no time scale , our accommodation was a beach bungalow we stayed in 152, outstanding immaculate everything you needed and more , food was fantastic we ate in both the lake and the sea restaurants both really good choice with individual chefs to prepare food. My Husband did some diving with the team of joy dive again phenomenal service there . All scuba kits loaned to you for your entire trip, we did several boat trips very affordable and really enjoyable especially the sunset dolphin cruise. Last but by no means the amazing staff from before we arrived to the day we had to sadly leave were so attentive and friendly honestly the name gives this place away , we had the most amazing time never worse sandals , a haven of beauty and tranquility I can’t describe it any other way other than perfection !
Revisada: 16.06.2023
We are not people who repeat holidays… this was our second time at Dreamland. If that doesn’t say enough, this is one of our favorite places in the world! Dreamland is a great place for people who want to spend a quiet and peaceful time together. The island is not big, but does not feel crowded at all. They do not have crazy shows and parties which is what we love about this place. If peace, quiet, beauty and quality time with your loved ones is what you are looking for, this is a place for you! The first time we went to Dreamland for 6 nights… which was not enough. This time we came for 9 and still feel it was not enough :D Time flies when you are in paradise. We took all inclusive and believe it was worth it (we were very common guests at the bar, shout out to the amazing staff there, thank you for making our evenings so beautiful). The food is amazing. Lots of vegetarian options as well if that’s what you are looking for. Special thanks to the chef! We stayed in a water Willa and believe it is well worth it if you are into snorkeling (as we are). You can easily swim around the whole island (took us about 2 to 2 and a half hours depending on the current). The room is spacious, comfortable and beautiful. We also used the laundry service and were very pleasantly surprised about the prices and the quality. The spa is great! We had 2 massages both and believe it was worth the money (I do understand and appreciate that all the staff has moved to this island to make our stay as unforgettable as possible, I think the prices are reasonable for the lengths all the staff is going to). We took several excursions and activities from the dive center. All of them were well managed and interesting. I really wanted to give a shout out to all the staff at Dreamland (and the Dive center and spa). All of you are going to incredible lengths to make your guests feel welcome and appreciated. Your personal approach to each guest is truly something to learn from. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts! Stay amazing and we hope to see all of you next year!
Revisada: 14.06.2023
Also, Dreamland, eine schöne sehr gepflegte kleineInsel, mit einem kleinem Teich in der Mitte, den man auch als Schwimmteich nutzen kann. Die Bungalows TOP 👍👍👍, am besten die von 108 - 114. Die Restaurants super. und das Personal total freundlich eine Insel die man wirklich zum relaxen empfehlen kann. Aber, zum schnorcheln leider nicht so toll, da habe ich im Bla Atoll bessere Inseln besucht. Das Riff wirkt teilweise zerstört, man findet auch beim Tauchen Bauschutt und das Aquariumfeeling kommt hier nicht so richtig auf. Es gibt bei der Sunsetbar eine Art kleines Riffdach mit einem "Außenriff" hier findet man wirklich einige Haie, Barrakudas, Adlerrochen usw, aber da schnorchelt nicht jeder hin , wegen der Strömung. Wer also viel Wert auf ein gutes Schnorchelriff legt , sollte evt doch ausweichen, auch vor den Wasserbungalows war nix los...... Die Restaurants werden gut bekocht, aber trotzdem fehlt es manchmal an Abwechslung, und es gibt halt Kleinigkeiten die man vermisst, Abends an der Bar am Teich, war während unserer Zeit so gut wie nie was los, teilweise haben wir dort allein gesessen. Die Sunsetbar ist zu Sunset gut besucht. Verpflegung, wir hatten Vollpension, und mussten zu den Mahlzeiten das Tafelwasser bestellen und bezahlen, das kennen wir so bei Vollpension von anderen Inseln nicht, Wasser ist da zu Essen umsonst. AllInclusive, pro Tag ca 38€ mehr, lohnt sich wohl nur dann wenn man regelmäßig sein Bier oder seinen Wein trinken will....ansonsten eher nicht... Mückennetze um die Betten 👍👍👍👍, ansonsten das übliche Mückenschutzmittel hat nicht wirklich geholfen, aber Kokosöl mit Limetteenöl verdünnt mit Wasser hilft....einfach mal googeln. Fazit schöne Insel, relaxen ist angesagt, keine Animation, nix halligalli , ruhig und entspannt...
Revisada: 13.06.2023
I know 7 island resorts in Maldives. Dreamland Unique Sea and Lake Resort was the very best. The resort is beautiful and the sea is still unexplored. It was the island where we saw different species of fishes, which for us, divers was surprising! We even did not need tto dive, as even snorkling was amazing. Food was excellent, and the water villa also. I hope to repeat this beautiful resort!
Revisada: 08.06.2023
Sehr geehrtes Dreamland Team, ich durfte vom 17.05 - 26.05.2023 meinen Urlaub in ihrem wunderschönen Resort verbringen. Es hat mir großartig gefallen und ich kann es zu 100% weiterempfehlen! Das ganze Team war von Anfang an und jederzeit darauf bedacht alle Wünsche zu erfüllen! Mr . Sabba kümmert sich persönlich darum das jeder Gast zu jederzeit seine Wünsche äußern kann. Über alle Maßen möchte Mr. Mausoom (Room Keeping) loben und mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal für alles bedanken! Durch sein übermäßiges Engagement sieht der Bungalow immer noch aus wie gerade renoviert! Super!!! Mr. Mausoom hat alle Wünsche der Gäste im Blick und spricht das Timing und die Vorgehensweisen mit den Gästen ab. Seine Liebe zu seinen Aufgaben zeigen sich in vielen kleinen Aufmerksamkeiten mit denen er morgens wie abends ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubert. Er transportiert den Anspruch von „Dreamland“ zu den Gästen. Er verdient jede Wertschätzung und ich wünsche ihm viele nette Gäste die seinen Außergewöhnlichen Einsatz genauso schätzen wie ich. An dieser Stelle herzliche Grüße an Mausoom ! Die Küche hat keine meiner Wünsche offen gelassen. Gesund ,abwechslungsreich ,ausreichend und sehr lecker! Auch hier wurde ich gebeten meine Wünsche und Anregungen zu äußern . Im Service hat mich unter anderem Mr.Feisal betreut der sich auch nach meinen Wünschen erkundigte selber Ideen hatte und sofort umsetzte. Vielen Dank auch dafür! Mr. Ragunath , Mr. Julhas und Mr. Sarip haben immer ein Lächeln und gute Laune die Sie den Gästen schenken. :-) Bei jedem ist die Liebe und der Anspruch an Ihre Speisen anzumerken! Das ganze Team strahlt eine Verbundenheit aus und pflegt einen Freundschaftlichen Umgang wodurch sind auch für die Gäste eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre ergibt. Vielen Dank an Mr. Nazeef,Mr. Saaid,Mr. Shiraz,Mr.NaahidMr.Nahid,Mr.Selvakumar,Mr.Zaain,Mr.Abdulla,Mr.Yaasin,Mr.Hemel! Zum Schluss möchte ich mich auch beim Management bedanken das diesen Spirit entwickelt hat und hervorragend umsetzt. Jedem unzufriedenen Gast sei gesagt: Sprechenden Menschen kann geholfen werden! In „Dreamland „ ist der Gast König ! Top!
Revisada: 07.05.2023
Das Hotel erreicht man über einen 40 minütigen Transfer mit dem Wasserflugzeug und 10 Minuten mit dem Speedboot. Wir wurden sehr herzlich empfangen und haben sogar ein kostenloses Upgrade auf eine Wasservilla bekommen. Das Personal war stets sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Die Zimmer werden zweimal täglich gereinigt und sind sehr sauber. Außerdem sind die Zimmer sehr geräumig und verfügen über eine Außen- und Innendusche. Das Essen war super vielfältig und immer frisch - hier sollte wirklich jeder etwas finden. Alles in allem ein sehr gelunger Urlaub und eine klare Weiterempfelung für dieses Hotel.
Revisada: 04.05.2023
This Hotel has just everything you need for a relaxed vacation. It is a resort on its own island, with its own white sand beaches and its own lagoon and reef. It is perfect for snorkeling, you will see thousands of fishes right in front of your bungalow. And with a little patience you will even see sea turtles, sting rays, octopuses and even sharks. We booked an All Inclusive package (which makes the whole experience much more relaxed) and the food was just amazing. Every time a lot of variety, a lot of different salads, fried and cooked fish, curry's, beef and chicken and cakes, ice cream and other sweets. One day even a whole tuna for sushi .. wow! They also offer a variety of nice cocktails, wine and beer. The staff is always very friendly, speaks fluent English, makes a joke or two and is always open for some small talk, very enjoyable. Just keep in mind that this is not a hotel for kids or teens, there is no animation program, no evening dance party or anything. If you come here to relax and enjoy the beach and the sea you are in the right place. There is also WiFi everywhere on the island, with around 10MBit/s just fast enough to watch a stream sometimes. The Gym room could use a better Ergo-meter, it is a very simple one with only Chinese symbols on the buttons. But that's the only criticism I can think of, I think that says a lot. We can't wait to come back here again at some point. Thanks for having us, until next time!
Revisada: 01.05.2023
Vacanza fatta a metà Marzo 2023, viaggiato in coppia. Il Dreamland resort, come dice il nome, è un posto da sogno. Dall’ idrovolante che ci ha portato, sembra un diamante a goccia incastonato in un mare blu cobalto. All’ arrivo sulla banchina, in una giornata un po’ ventosa, ma splendida, la mia compagna, al primo viaggio alle Maldive, guardandosi intorno ha mormorato “ Ora capisco perché sei fissato per questi posti! “ Sin dall’ arrivo il personale è stato presente, sempre cortese e sempre sorridente. L’ isola si gira in una quindicina di minuti a piedi ed al suo interno c’è un giardino botanico ed un laghetto dove è anche possibile fare un bagno, cosa rara se non unica. Non manca la palestra, un campo da tennis, una piccola sala ricreativa con biliardino, ping pong e freccette e una spa. Il resort dispone di due ristoranti, uno vista mare e uno vista lago e due bar, in uno dei quali c’è la possibilità di godersi dei tramonti indimenticabili. La clientela italiana è scarsa e visto che siamo piuttosto fissati con il cibo, forse anche per questo, i pasti a buffet non raggiungono l’ eccellenza. Intendiamoci, non manca niente, c’è parecchia varietà e qualche piatto interessante si trova sempre, inoltre noi non siamo venuti qui per la qualità del cibo, ma principalmente perché sapevo che il reef dell’ isola era ricco di pesce da gustare si, ma con gli occhi!! Infatti, WOW fantastico..Avevo richiesto appositamente gli owerwater bungalow che si affacciano direttamente sulla barriera e infatti mi hanno accontentato dandomi la camera 227. Apro una parentesi per ringraziare il bravo ragazzo che si occupa delle camere e con cui abbiamo condiviso un abbraccio commosso il giorno della partenza. Faccio notare, per gli amanti dell’ abbronzatura esasperata, che queste camere sono dotate di una terrazza coperta, quindi non è possibile starsene a prendere il sole. Noi, invece, abbiamo scelto queste camere anche per questo motivo, perché ci permettevano di stare a riposarci e a goderci il panorama, tra un bagno ed un altro su dei comodi lettini senza sentire l’ eccessivo calore e la forza che sprigiona il sole a queste latitudini. Ps obbligatorie le creme solari con alto fattore di protezione, da spalmarsi anche sulla cute del cuoio capelluto. La temperatura del mare è sui 29 gradi, ma è consigliabile comunque sempre proteggerci anche con magliette o mute leggere per evitare ustioni che possano rovinare la vacanza, specialmente se come noi lo snorkelin giornaliero era tra le 4 e le 5 ore. Non abbiamo effettuato escursioni, ma abbiamo scelto di sfruttare tutto il tempo per vivere e scoprire ogni tratto della barriera corallina del resort. Anche perché, nonostante ormai la poca presenza di corallo, rispetto ad una ventina di anni fa, a causa dell’ innalzamento delle temperature dell’ acqua che ha portato, purtroppo, allo sbiancamento delle barriere coralline, maldiviane e non, facendo snorkeling in orari diversi, si facevano incontri e si provavano emozioni sempre differenti.. A tal proposito ho aperto un canale youtube e se qualcuno è interessato a vedere filmati del reef, della laguna e scorci del resort, può trovarli cercando Andrex64@andrex64 sempre su youtube.
Revisada: 13.04.2023
Stunning Island. Stayed in a over water Bungalow. Swam with Sharks, turtles, rays daily. Biggest advantage is its close proximity to Hanifaru Bay to see the Manta Rays. We had the pleasure of snorkelling with over 50 Mantas and even a Whale shark. An experience we will never forget
Revisada: 12.04.2023
Wir sind mit Qatar geflogen, womit wir immer zufrieden sind. Zwischenlandung Doha. (Tip für Raucher, dort Ziggis kaufen, extrem günstig!) Anreise zur Insel haben wir den Transport per Wasserflugzeug nachgebucht. Eine mega Erfahrung, wirklich interessant. Wartezeit bis Abflug ca 1 Stunde. Landung mitten im Meer, Weitertransport per Speedboot zur Insel. Erster Eindruck...WOW! Mega toller Bungalow (Beachbungalow) Zu unserer Zeit war gerade wenig Strand vor unserem Bungalow, was uns aber nicht gestört hat. Das Essen war immer sehr lecker und abwechslungsreich, sowie auch die Cocktails. Die Mitarbeiter sind alle super nett und fleißig. Unser Roomboy überraschte uns alle 3 Tage mit einem Sandbild auf der Terrasse. Für die fleißigen Helfer hatten wir wieder viel Schoki dabei, was Sie immer sehr freut. Achtung Sandflöhe! Wir hatten kaum welche in unserem Strandabschnitt (wegen kaum Strand vorhanden) andere wurden regelrecht aufgefressen. Am Abreisetag konnten wir kostenfrei bis zur Abholung in unserem Bungalow verbleiben, einfach mal nett fragen ;-)
Revisada: 07.04.2023
Die Insel ist sehr schön, dicht bewachsen. Wir hatten einen Wasserbungalow, ideal zum Schnorcheln: Einstieg direkt über die Terrassentreppe, Fischreichtum sehr groß. Essen (A. I. ) in Buffetform, sehr gut. Personal ausgesprochen freundlich. Aufpassen - Strandbungalows 115 - 121: da gibt es keinen Strand mehr, das Meer hat ihn geschluckt. Dafür liegen da Sandsäcke. Alles andere war top! Die Anreise mit dem Wasserflugzeug war ein Erlebnis!
Revisada: 06.04.2023
Omg this island is beautiful it's paradise. We got there and we were upgraded to the sea bungalow which was fantastic better then on the beach as you can look into the sea we saw reef shark turtle and rays! It was fab! The bungalow had everything we could ask for we had bottled water everyday plenty coffee tea in the room. The beach is beautiful the food is fantastic they do everything ( their cakes are to die for) The staff are so lovely and will do anything to make your stay comfortable, the beach chairs are quite tatty on the actual beach so make sure you ask for chair covers they do have them but they don't actually have them for the beach chairs unless you ask? We went on a trip boat to see the dolphins 🐬 and that was amazing lots of dolphins so money worth spent. The swimming pool is great we went in everyday so swim with the little fish lol. Most people walk around with bare foot because it's sand everywhere it's lovely Also some of the bungalows have the sand in the morning then later the sea rises and there's no beach so be aware of this if you want beach 24/7 thats why we were upgraded because we wouldn't have beach outside all the time and thoes bungalows have sand bags all out side which isn't a nice sight. But nothing else to fault this paradise island we loved it
Revisada: 02.04.2023
We stayed 10 nights at Dreamland. The first four were a free upgrade to an overwater bungalow, the rest in a beach bungalow. Both were almost identical - comfy bed, decent bathroom, lovely view. The overwater bungalow had a deck with loungers and steps down into the water. The beach bungalow had a similar deck looking out through trees to the beach and sea. Staff were all very helpful and pleasant. Food was a buffet for every meal, with great variety and choice. We thought the quality was good and there was plenty to go round. Wildlife lovers will enjoy Dreamland - there are oodles of fish around the reef, including sharks, rays and squid. Hermit crabs roam the beach at night, and there are hens and bats around the lake. It's a quiet resort - no entertainments or kids facilities. This was exactly what we wanted for a peaceful, relaxing stay. We'd be happy to come again.
Revisada: 02.04.2023
Eigentlich wollte ich nicht auf so eine kleine, einsame Insel, weil ich Angst hatte, mich zu langweilen. Aber nach 10 Tagen Rundreise auf Sri Lanka waren die Abgeschiedenheit und Ruhe dieser Anlage optimal. Die Wasserbungalows sind traumhaft. Wir hatten sogar einen Wohnzimmertisch, durch den man direkt ins Wasser unter uns sehen konnte. Auch der Strand ist weiß und feinsandig und das Wasser ist klar und voller Fische. Die Korallen sind leider nicht sehr spektakulär, aber das wird durch die vielen bunten Fische absolut wett gemacht. Man muss auch keinen Bootsausflug mitmachen, um Haie oder Schildkröten im Wasser zu sehen - wir hatten sie z.T. direkt vor unserem Bungalow! Wir hatten All Inclusive gebucht, und würden das auch allen Malediven-Urlaubern empfehlen, da sonst die Nebenkosten ganz schön ins Geld gehen können (klar, die Sachen müssen ja auch aus dem Ausland eingeführt und auf die Inseln gebracht werden). Wir waren sehr froh, dass es auf der Insel keine Animation oder andere Unterhaltungsversuche gab, und haben die Ruhe und den Frieden der Insel und des Meeres sehr genossen. Den Badebereich von dem auf der Insel befindlichen See haben wir (und auch sonst niemand) benutzt. Dort gabe es auch die ein oder andere Steckmücke, während der Strand und die Bungalow-Umgebung völlig stechmückenfrei war. Das Hotel ist sauber, das Personal nett und das Essen lecker - wir waren sehr zufrieden und würden jederzeit wieder das Dreamland buchen!
Revisada: 17.03.2023
Unser 10. Aufenthalt auf den Malediven, bisher in unterschiedlichen 4 Sterne Ressorts. Dreamland war mit Abstand das Schlechteste. Wir fanden die Insel ungepflegt. Ein Blick neben die Wege, durch das Gebüsch sah man alte OP Masken bis über Plastikflaschenverschlüssen und sonstigen Unrat. Deshalb gibt es wohl auch Ratten auf der Insel, wie wir beim Abendessen im Restaurant feststellen durften. Die Bungalows sind mehr als spärlich möbliert, für einen Aufenthalt länger als 1 Woche viel zu kleiner Kleiderschrank, zu wenig Staufläche. Auf der Terrasse lediglich 2 Liegen, kein Stuhl, kein Beistelltisch. Die Aussenduschen lieblos, ohne Charme und Flair. Das erste mal dass wir Kakerlaken im Bungalow hatten. Aber ansonsten wurde von Ismail gut gereinigt. Ismail war überhaupt ein Lichtblick, der sich gut gekümmert hat, bei Anliegen. Das Personal an der Rezeption misepetrig, verschlossen und mit sehr mangelhaften Englischkenntnissen, man fühlte sich nicht willkommen. Wasserbungalows sind dringend angeraten. Ein Großteil der Beachbungalows sehr schlechte Lage. Kaum Strand vorne dran und Plastiksäcke bis an die Terrasse. Reine Glücksache einen Beachbungalow mit guter Lage zu ergattern. Keine Regenschirme für die Gäste vorhanden, weder in den Bungalows noch in den öffentlichen Bereichen. Dies ist eigentlich Standard in Maledivenressorts, da es zu jeder Jahreszeit gelegentlich Regengüsse geben kann. Insgesamt fanden wir alles sehr lieblos, was die Einrichtung als auch den Service anbelangt. Man kann es kaum glauben, dass das Ressort einem Österreicher gehören soll! Die haben normalerweise Hotellerie in den Genen. Dass Cappuccino oder Espresso nicht im AL enthalten ist, ist das Eine, dass aber für den Espresso dann 4,50 Dollar verlangt werden, schon ziemlich happig. Auch die Preise für das Tauchen sind ungewöhnlich hoch. Die Nachfrage dementsprechend gering. Allerdings sind die Tauchgänge was den Fischbestand anbelangt, ausgesprochen gut. Positiv ist, dass das Hausriff einen hohen Fischbestand hat, den wir so in den letzten Jahren auf anderen Inseln, nicht mehr gesehen haben. Auch das Essen war sehr gut. Wir waren 2,5 Wochen dort und hatten nicht das Gefühl, dass das Essensangebot langweilig wurde. Das Personal an den Essenstationen und im Service, war ausgesprochen freundlich. Da können sich die Herren von der Rezeption mehrere Scheiben abschneiden. Das SPA mit den kleinen Bungalows, verteilt in dem kleinen Mangrovenwäldchen, war nett, aber auch hier, fehlte es etwas an Professionalität bei den Anwendungen. Bei den Preisen, die hier zu zahlen sind, kann man durchaus mehr erwarten. Alles in allem sind wir absolute Maledivenfans, aber hierhin würden wir kein zweites mal kommen.
Revisada: 13.03.2023
Wir haben unsere Zeit auf Dreamland in einen Wasserbungalow, sowie in einem Strandbungalow verbracht. Persönlich hat uns der Strandbungalow besser gefallen. Sehr empfehlenswert sind die Strandbungalows an der Südwestseite der Insel. Andere Bungalows haben zum Teil leider keinen Strand mehr. Das Riff ist an einigen Stellen intakter, als an anderen. Trotzdem können Unterwasser viele schöne Meeresbewohner entdeckt werden - Schildkröten, Adlerrochen, Oktopus, Tintenfisch, Langusten …… Die Insel wird sehr gut gepflegt, alles ist ordentlich und wird stets instand gehalten. Die Bungalows sind modern und hochwertig eingerichtet.
Revisada: 06.03.2023
Absolut toller Service durch die Mitarbeiter vor Ort. Das Dreamland macht seinem Namen wirklich alle Ehre! Sportliche Aktivitäten, Essen, Service und Unterhaltung sind perfekt organisiert. Das hauseigene Riff war auf unserer Seite der Insel nicht mal 10 Meter vom Bungalow entfernt und war ideal zum schnorcheln geeignet. Eine wasserdichte Kamera empfiehlt sich unbedingt mitzunehmen!
Revisada: 05.03.2023
Wir waren im Januar auf dieser schönen Insel mit tollem Riff und einer wunderschönen Vegetation zum träumen und erholen. Die Insel ist sehr klein aber es gibt jede Menge zu entdecken. Wir waren jeden Tag schnorcheln und haben eine bunte Fischvielfalt gesehen. Angefangen von Haien über Rochen, Schildkröten, Kalmare und tolle Fischschwärme. Wir hatten einen Wasserbungalow. Die Einrichtung war sehr schön und zusätzlich gibt es auch in jedem Bungalow eine Außendusche. Die Bungalows sind sehr sauber und wurden jeden Tag 2x gereinigt. Badehandtücher gibt es auch täglich neu. Es gibt 2 Restaurants, Lake Side und Sea Side, auf der Insel. Das Essen war hervorragend und bot jeden Tag eine vielfältige Auswahl. Speisen waren immer ausreichend vorhanden und wurden immer nachgefüllt. Das Frühstück mit Blick aufs Meer ist ein echtes Highlight, wir konnten sogar Delfine beobachten. Alle Angestellten waren superfreundlich, zuvorkommend und sehr aufmerksam. Wir haben uns in dieser Zeit sehr gut erholt und können dieses Resort nur weiter empfehlen.
Revisada: 23.02.2023
found this gem of an island through TUI. stayed 10 nights half board. i really can't see the appeal of all inclusive, how much food and drink can you consume? there are 3 types of accommodation, beach hut water villa and executive villa. we stayed in beach hut 144 which i think is one of the better ones location wise. we were offered an upgrade to a water villa for a couple of nights but declined. whilst they would be nice the extra loungers for them are on the beach with no shade. too hot for me. food is buffet style with 2 restaurants serving the same food. really good, lots of choice and all fresh and well cooked. for lunch we ate at the lounge bar over looking the freshwater pool. they have a good choice here and we especially liked the Thai and Sri Lankan curries which we asked to be made with a bit of a kick to them. drinks are similar to UK prices but are branded when not all inclusive. the only trip we did was the dolphin trip. 50% chance of dolphins we were told but asking tourists on returning trips every trip saw them including ours, well worth the money. a couple of things to mention, the executive villas and villas up to approx 120 have very little beachfront. even though they are constantly replacing the sand but it gets washed away (its an island, what can you do?) although there is not so much natural reef there is an abundance of sea life living on the protective walls. in the lagoon we saw sharks,rays ,turtles octopus etc. very safe and shallow. if you want a chilled lazy holiday then i would recommend this island.
Revisada: 21.02.2023
My family spent 10 perfect days at Dreamland resort. Our 3rd time in Maldives, but 1st time in this resort. When I was choosing the resort, this time I wanted a smaller island with barefoot concept, quiet and relaxing athmosphere, good food, spacious rooms and a nice house reef for easy snorkelling. I can now definitely say that Dreamland ticked all the boxes. The island itself is beautiful, with lush greens, sandy shore round and round and a specialty in Maldives- a lake in the middle of the island that gives the whole place even more a zen-like feeling. We always take a beach bungalow because I like the natural shade from trees and bushes and also, living on the beach makes the barefoot concept really possible, since the walkways to overwater villas get extremely hot during daytime. Food was excellent, plenty of choice and not even as repetitive as one would expect. A bit narrow timeframe for lunch and dinner (90min) and quite late start for dinner (19.30) but we got used to it. Rooms really are spacious and well kept for, the bathroom is amazing, also the outside shower. And the terrace with those comfy sunbeds is just heaven. Mosquitos can be a problem, some days worse than others, depending on when they disinsect the island. Sunscreen and repelents do help though. The bed was a bit firm, but I asked for something to soften the sleep and they put some overlay on and it was much better. Service was good, all the waiters and the rest of the kitchen staff were really nice. I celebrated my birthday during our stay and they surprised me with a small cake and a specially decorated table for dinner, it was cute. Didn't need much the reception, so I can't really rate them, but the process of check-in and check-out ran smoothly. I also asked for the room on the south side through e-mail before arriving and we got it. So no complaints here either. Regarding stretches of sand in front of the rooms around the island and the beach bar, I guess it depends much on the time of year you're visiting. In the dry season, there's more sand on the south side of the island than in the wet season, I guess, because the wind and the waves are mainly in opposite direction in one or the other. Last but not least snorkelling on the house reef is pure joy. Rich in wildlife and very comfortable, with no very strong currents so you can actually circle the entire island if the wind is not too strong and see turtles, octopusses, sharks, all kinds of fish and other sea creatures. We took 2 snorkelling trips, but found the house reef actually nicer. We also rented a GoPro camera for half-a-day in the dive center and it was really worth it. The only" bad part" of the entire holiday was putting socks and shoes on after 10 fabulous days and leaving this paradise. If you dream about a truely relaxing holiday in one of the most beautiful places in the world, Dreamland is really a small piece of land where your dream will come true.
Revisada: 15.02.2023
We stayed here for 11 days. Had a magnificent time, everything was perfect, the staff was extremely nice and welcoming, a bit slow but it’s not like you have to rush anywhere, right? The rooms are great, spacious and with all the comforts. You have a veranda with two lounge chairs and two sun loungers on the beach. Beach towels are replaced daily. Food is awesome, great choice and always well catered. If you get to have dinner on the restaurant by the lake, service will take a bit longer. Mosquitos are invisible. I usually don’t mind a bug or two, and I don’t get bit often. Here I had my legs and arms bitten like there was no tomorrow. I had bug spray with me, but only used it a few times after I realized there were invisible mosquitos (you really can’t see them) so be prepared. Also, there is no lifeguard so you are on your own. Dive center is great. Reef is magnificent, got to see so many fishes and animals. Was amazed just snorkeling every day. Was the best vacation in ages.
Revisada: 31.01.2023
Had an amazing week at Dreamland, it was our first time in the Maldives and we loved every minute. The island itself is absolutely gorgeous, well maintained and very clean. We stayed in a water bungalow 211 and it was very spacious, clean and the balcony got a gentle breeze which was perfect for us. The snorkelling was far better than I imagined, we saw a huge array of fish, sharks, dolphins, turtles and rays. Snorkels can be hired free of charge at reception. The food was generally good, I’m vegetarian and hadn’t got high expectations but I never went hungry. Drinks were also good and the beach bar is just lovely to sit in at night. Ibrahim did a fantastic job of cleaning our room and was always super helpful. Points to note- meal times are quite restrictive with much from 12.30-2 and dinner 7.30-9. I feel they should be much longer as the snacks served between 3-5 are not great at all. The spa seemed very over priced so we didn’t try it. The trips are a nice thing to do especially as one was included in the price but the staff that take you on them are disinterested and borderline rude. Reception staff are useless and much more info about departures and sea plane timings should be provided. That said the vast majority of the staff were amazingly helpful and we really did enjoy our stay.
Revisada: 30.01.2023
Beautiful place to stay and very, very relaxing We stayed for 10 days and thought that was just about the right length of holiday for us on this beautiful Island It’s a typical desert island retreat, lush green interior and exclusive to this island, a freshwater lake with a bio top pool that you can swim in. Of course the island is encircled with the purest white sand leading into crystal clear seas and then onto to the coral gardens which home so many tropical fish. We stayed in a beach bungalow as it was our preference to be right on the beach rather than over the water. Both types of bungalow are beautiful and are the same size and have the same facilities whereas the beach bungalows have their own sun beds on the beach to move around with the sun and the water bungalows are restricted to their location as to when they receive the sun on their terrace. The bungalows are very spacious and kept meticulously clean. They also contain a tv with some good English channels, a refrigerator and a safe and aircon and also a kettle with tea and coffee provided There are plenty of electrical plugs of the English type so no adapter required and also usb charging points The bathroom containing the obligatory toilet also contains dual sinks, a freestanding bath with shower attachment and a walk-in shower. There is also a private outdoor shower. Almost forgot, there is a hairdryer provided. The room is provided with two small bottles of water daily and the fridge is empty and not stocked,however extra water, cans of soft drinks and the excellent beer is available from the restaurants and bars to take back to the room, just ask, you have to sign for it as with all drinks at meal times, but there is no charge just check the bill that will total nil at the bottom. There are two restaurants, sea view which was open for breakfast,lunch and dinner and lake view that was open only in the evening. The restaurants have restricted opening times and sandwiches/toasties and cakes are available between 3 & 5 in the afternoon at the lake bar when the main restaurant is closed There are two bars, the lake bar as mentioned and also sunset bar The food we found was excellent, a good varied choice catering for all tastes at breakfast, lunch and dinner times and some specialities too. Never boring and everything cooked to perfection, we never had a bad meal. The wine available is decent too. We tried the red and white, both very nice. Lovely cocktails and long drinks are available in the bars, premium drinks are available at an extra charge but we never found the need as the house spirits are excellent. Service in the bars is good but a small tip ensures your glass never runs dry. There is a spa and gym available that we didn’t use so cannot comment as well as a diving centre. There is also an on-site clinic Boules are available as well as a games room with darts and table tennis. Now the best bit about the island without doubt is the snorkelling. It’s an absolute dream and a beauty to behold. I am a novice and had never been snorkelling before even at the ripe old age of 60 but I couldn’t resist this, a few trial runs in the shallows surrounded by fish and that was it, I was hooked and off. It’s so easy so if you have any doubts don’t, you can stay in the shallows and she a fantastic array of fish if you don’t want to go any further. There are fish of every shape and colour everywhere but we found the large and shallow lagoon in front of the water bungalows the best place to go and amongst the many, many fish varieties here we saw the manta rays and small sharks, fantastic! Just a little word of caution, we didn’t use flippers just beach shoes as there can be a lot of pebbles in places and also the coral can be very sharp so also be careful if swimming/snorkelling at low tide and in shallow waters. We were absolutely fine but there were a number of people with coral cuts around the legs etc. There is also a small gift shop on the island and as in the rest of the Maldives the prices are very expensive. If you stay on an all inclusive basis, you are entitled to 1 free excursion however we found the one that we went to quite poor. It was nice to go on the boat trip though and enjoyable to get out on the sea. So all in all this is a great place to stay for rest and relaxation with excellent food and accommodation and of course the beauty of the Maldives and all it has to offer.
Revisada: 29.01.2023
10 days stay at this wonderful place. From the min we arrived in the Maldives the whole place was fantastic From the most organised chaos airport to the fantastic sea plane to the speed boat to the Island we loved it all. The staff where brilliant and couldn't do enough for you. We was upgraded to a water bungalow which was fantastic and if you go make sure you get one. Food was fresh and loads of choice Drinks where plentiful however could do with another Rose wine. We just wanted to sit on the beach and relax however we could if wanted done so much more. The Island does need a little upgrading however that didn't spoil the stay. I walked around the Island every morning and loved the whole place The sunset bar was just to die for
Revisada: 26.01.2023
Myself and my partner booked Dreamland because it was slightly cheaper to stay in an over water bungalow compared to at other similar resorts. For the money that we paid, everything about our holiday was 5 star. Our room was 209 and overlooked the reef (the preferable side since the other bungalows overlook the open sea). Here are a few points that might be useful: - WEATHER: My weather app predicted thunderstorms all week but we only had rain in the evenings for the first 2 nights (and even that was warm), the rest of the week was sun. Don't worry about the predicted weather too much!! Search 'Baa Atoll' to get the most accurate weather reading. - ACTIVITIES: We loved snorkelling and spemt a few hours every day watching the fish in the sea, it's very serene. I forgot the snorkel I'd bought at home but you can hire a snorkel for free at reception - definitely do this if you don't have a snorkel as you will want to experience this! We saw a manta ray, several octopus, and so many colourful fish. We also loved the table tennis and there are tennis courts, a football court and a gym if you feel more active. - ROOM: Our room was lovely and where we really felt the value in what we'd paid. The bathroom is huge and we loved the special features like the outdoor shower and the glass coffee table with a view of the sea below. We also loved being able to hear the sea at night and access the reef from our balcony. - FOOD: There was a great selection of foods at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We're both vegetarian and felt well catered to, my plate was always full of at least 5+ different items which is rare in an all inclusive resort. It would have been nice to see a few meat alternatives such as vegetarian sausages for breakfast but this certainly isn't essential. There were only two small letdowns for us: - The bed - it's huge and looks grand but is very uncomfortable, especially for side sleepers. - The water bungalows from the outside - the stilts and bottom sections of the water villas need some love, they're rusty and discoloured which does reduce the luxury feel somewhat. Note: I saw a review complaining about the lack of boat trips and being 'stuck on a tiny island' - the Maldives is not for you if you're obsessed with being busy and can't stand the idea of filling your days with more serene activities like snorkeling, playing table tennis and enjoying a drink at the bar. We usually love a busy holiday but we appreciated the chance to properly relax, unwind, and enjoy the sunny weather in January (which is my least favourite time of the year in the UK). As it was, all boat trips ran for us and we enjoyed our one free trip to visit another island, we didn't feel the need to do anymore.
Revisada: 19.01.2023
Based 35 minutes by Seaplane from Male International Airport or just over three hours by speed boat. The first impression is a lovely island, which takes about 15 to 20 minutes to walk around. You have a choice of either beach bungalows or over water villas. If you have to choose the beach bungalows, insist on the ones that overlook the lagoon and water villas. The beach bungalows based on the dive centre side unfortunately have beach erosion, and the fronts of several bungalows have sandbags on the fronts, which is a pity. Some people will fuss over this too much and decide it is not for them others will not mind. The bungalows on the opposite side don't suffer from erosion or have sandbags. The over water villas are lovely, large bedrooms, large bathrooms shower cubicle and large bath included with aircon, also there is an outdoor shower area you can enter the bungalaows through either the front or back, the back leads straight into the shower area which is good to shower off after swimming in the sea and not walking sand through the bathroom. the lagoon facing bungalows would be my first choice as they are more sheltered from the open sea, numbers 201 to 212 the others face out to sea and if there is a wind it can be quite rough, all the water villas have steps into the sea. The rooms are cleaned once a day with a further turndown of the rooms in the evening. Beach towels are provided and can be changed every day. There is a fresh water lake which you can swim in surrounded by a restaurant and bar. Beware there are mosquitoes so bring repellant ! I did get bitten numerous times so avoided the lakeside bar during the evenings, day time was ok. The resort has a Seaview facing restaurant used for morning breakfast which offered a varied choice each day, plenty to choose from including cooked breakfasts, pancakes, omlettes bread, fruit, yogurts etc. Evening meals are provided in the lakeside restaurant, it is not 3 star Michelin standards but does provide a varied selection of food for most tastes, meats, salads, desserts etc. Only complaint was that there was very little choice for lactose , gluten intolerant people.The resort has a dive centre and dive school, try dives and excursions. Their excursions to nearby Islands and snorkelling trip prices vary. Average is $25 to $35. Staff are polite and helpful. There is a small gym with basic equipment, table tennis,tennis court, and Boules pitch. You can hire snorkels masks fins from the dive centre or get some from reception. Thoroughly enjoyed the stay here
Revisada: 17.01.2023
We just recently visited dreamland in the maldives, we visited the unique island and spa for Christmas and new year and can believe how beautiful it is . It was our second maldives holiday last year and I’m already booking next Christmas and new year. The staff are amazing and could not do enough for you , even the staff you don’t see helped so much, the food was totally amazing as well and the chefs can’t do enough for you either , every was amazing. TUI mixed up our flights to the maldives and we arrived two days late and dreamland even got us a flight to a nearby island and sent us a speedboat to take us there late at night. Big shout out to the barmen and waiters , the gardener and the maintenance man. Can’t wait to go again this Christmas an new year Thanks so much dreamland
Revisada: 11.01.2023
Zum zweiten Mal Dreamland und es war wieder wunderschön. Die Zimmer großzügig, sauber ( 2x tägliche Reinigung), toll die Aussendusche und die überdachte Terrasse ( bei Regenwetter perfekt!) Der Strand vor dem Bungi weit und weiß. Bei manche Bungalows leider ziemlich erodiert. Auch vor der Beachbar wurde viel abgeschwemmt. Aber trotzdem sitzt man dort gut, mit tollem Blick in den Sonnenuntergang. Die Belegschaft ist in allen Bereichen nett und zuvorkommend. Besonders Julhas und SK Sarib am Buffet, Faisal im Service und Nazir in der Bar sei ,stellvertretend für all die anderen lieben Menschen ,großer Dank. Das Riff lebt, Korallen sprießen und der Fischreichtum beim Schnorcheln ist gigantisch. Wir waren über die riesigen Schwärme an der Riffkante beeindruckt. Haie reichlich, Adlerrochen und die üblichen verdächtigen Rifffische , sogar ein Manta war kurz zu Besuch. Wir fahren zufrieden und glücklich nach Hause und freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Besuch auf dieser schönen Insel!
Revisada: 02.01.2023
Die Insel ist wirklich sehr schön und wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt, jedoch waren wir schon in sehr viel luxuriöseren Resorts in dieser Preisklasse auf den Malediven. Zudem empfanden wir die Anreise als sehr kräftezehrend. Die Zimmer sind sehr gepflegt und das Housekeeping-Personal ist sehr freundlich und aufmerksam. Als wir zum Beispiel dem Housekeeper erzählten, dass wir das Bett leider sehr hart finden, hat er sofort einen Topper gebracht, sodass die nächsten Nächte direkt angenehmer waren. Das Essen war fantastisch und auch als Veganer/Vegetarier kommt man gut zurecht (auch wenn in anderen Resorts z.B. aufgelistet war, welche Inhaltsstoffe bei welchem Essen verwendet wurden). Leider waren die Cocktails und der Wein aus dem All Inclusive Menü nicht sehr gut. Die Cocktails kamen jedes Mal in einem anderen Glas und haben auch immer etwas anders geschmeckt. Das Personal in den Bars war unterschiedlich freundlich - einige Kollegen machen ihren Job halt einfach lieber als andere. Die Anlage ist hübsch angelegt, jedoch schon recht verbraucht. Vor allem das Fitnessstudio müsste neu ausgestattet werden. Ein großes Lob geht an den Insel-Arzt, der mich aufgrund unzähliger Sandfliegenbisse morgens vor Abflug noch schnell entsprechend behandelt hat.
Revisada: 23.12.2022
We had the most incredible week at Dreamlands, I don’t see how anyone could have a bad time there. Staff are all amazing and friendly, the island all feels very calm and I love that there’s no chlorinated pool and you feel very at one with nature walking around the resort. We understand the hype of the Maldives now. They very kindly upgraded us to a water villa which made the week so special, we had the best snorkelling area down the stairs from our room, we saw reef sharks, the most brightly coloured and interesting looking fish, it was truly special. We were happy to see turtles on the snorkelling tour too, it’s nice they include one excursion for free during your trip. Amazing service from everyone, especially Zaain, Asim, Abdulla, Yahu Moosa, Manikandan the barman and many others, everyone said hello every day and every staff member was very friendly and made us feel so so welcome. We had a private dinner on the beach which was a very special evening, we were served by Shahil and he was great, very nice guy and we had lovely conversations with him. Ibrahim (Brian) in housekeeping was the best we’ve ever experienced in any hotel, every evening after dinner we came back to fresh beach towels etc. and every morning after breakfast the room would be done to perfection. He was so subtle we never saw him coming or going but every time we came back to the room it would look great, he was magic! *PLEASE NOTE* The one truly negative thing to note that people should be aware of, we hired a canoe from the dive centre for an hour as they wouldn’t allow us to use jet skis after days of asking, because of the weather (even when the sea was nearly still) so we paid around $30 I can’t remember the exact price but it was what we expected, to canoe in the sea for an hour. As we were restricted on the distance we could travel round the island (to stay in view of dive centre for safety) we paddled back and forth a few times and decided to come back early as 30 minutes of doing the same thing on the open sea got a bit boring and too hot in the direct sun. When we were coming back to the dock of the diving centre a small speed boat had been put in the way of the only narrow entrance back through the sea wall so we had no choice but to use our ore to avoid hitting the boat, this caused the very end tip of the ore to snap off (without much pressure at all). We disclosed this immediately to the person in the dive centre and he said to come back to speak to the manager later. When we saw her later she said it would be around $180 for the damage. As you can imagine this was beyond shocking as an average canoe ore costs around $30 dollars and with the amount of import deliveries they get to the island each day I struggle to believe they would have to pay that amount of money to get an Ore (or the paddle of an ore if it’s a replaceable part) to the resort. We went back the next day to challenge this as it was just unacceptable and unfortunately the best resolution we got was a waived fee for canoe hire and a ‘magically’ lowered fee to $123 for the damage, that wasn’t of our own wrong doing in the first place. Please know this was the only negative experience we had of this entire resort. A little bit more sea safety advice on arrival would be helpful as we both got some painful coral wounds on our legs while snorkelling which prevented us from going in water for a day or two so just a bit of education on what to avoid and be careful of would’ve been helpful. In addition to this the resort clinic was very helpful and the doctor saw us straight away and gave us an iodine gel to take and use to prevent infection, much more efficient than the UK National Health Service!! The effort that goes into keeping the island looking nice every day is admirable, amazing work ethic from everyone. We had an incredible couples Thai massage in the spa, the girls there were all so lovely and very talented! Lastly the food was amazing, 100% the best all inclusive food we’ve ever had. For the 7 days we were there there was different variations every day for every meal so we never ate the exact same thing twice, and the flavours were great, the chefs are talented! As a vegan it was a little tricky to avoid dairy as a lot of the veg and some of the pasta is cooked in butter/milk but this was to be expected in the middle of the Indian Ocean, I didn’t expect the variety of vegan food that London has! I’m unsure of how they hotel is if you have strict dietary requirements as we didn’t ask as didn’t want to end up eating the same thing every day or cause faff for ourselves, so I can’t comment on that. But there were plenty of salads, potatoes and veg pastas etc to suit veggie diets and possibly vegan if you ask for allergen info.
Revisada: 11.12.2022
Just finished a fantastic week at Dreamland. The resort is absolutely stunning, whatever your perception of the Maldives is, this is it. The resort is spotless, the staff and service are impeccable. It never felt busy, and always felt private. The food was by far the best we have had at an All Inclusive resort. We were upgraded to a Water Villa on arrival and received one on the Ocean/South facing side. It was perfect, thank you so much for the upgrade. The sea plane and speedboat on arrival/departure is the icing on the cake, what an experience. I have no idea where the bad reviews come from, and I would urge that they are ignored, this is an amazing resort.
Revisada: 06.12.2022
Overall excellent island with a superb house reef. No shoes no news vibe and excellent service. We stayed in room 218, we originally booked a beach bungalow on a 2 week all inclusive basis and were upgraded free of charge! A great way to start the experience for sure. Check in was friendly fast and efficient, no sign of the alleged “grumpy” staff in other reviews. Food was great, good quality and great variety If you are a drinker then you maybe a bit disappointed with the mini bar (water only) and lack of pool bar. But honestly if you come here and complain about the quality of the cocktails you are in the wrong place. We have been lucky enough to travel to several islands in the Maldives and can honestly say this is the 1st one we would consider returning to. It’s not without its flaws, but overall it’s location to Hanifaru Bay, superb house reef and great service wash them all away. Thank you to the whole team for making it such a memorable experience. =================== Not related to the resort or rating, but had to be mentioned When you reach Male airport for your return trip expect chaos! You will need to queue for security before check in, then head to passport control and then to another security scan before you can head into the terminal. Make sure to let staff know if your flight is within 90 minutes of your arrival. We just made our flight by the skin of our teeth.
Revisada: 24.11.2022
Es war unser erster Urlaub auf Dreamland aber nicht unser erster Maledivenurlaub. Im Vergleich gibt es sicher Luft nach „Oben“. Sehr gut ist die Lage, das Service und die Küche. Weniger gut ist die allgemeine Optik der Insel, das Naturpool (subjektiv) und die Ausstattung im Fitnessbereich.
Revisada: 13.11.2022
Die lange Reise zum Dreamland war es einfach nur wert. Bei unserer Ankunft bekamen wir ein Upgrade in einen Wasserbungalow, so perfekt war unser Start. Das Personal war unglaublich freundlich und zuvorkommend. Die kleine Insel war sauber und wunderschön. Die Zimmer waren großräumig mit einem tollen Bad und einer großen Außendusche. Das Essen war sehr abwechslungsreich und einfach nur perfekt. Von der Vorspeise bis zur Nachspeise. Das Frühstück lies keinen Wunsch offen. Es gab immer ausreichend Auswahl und stets frisches Obst. Sogar der Kaffee war lecker!! Die Cocktails waren super. Es war der perfekte Traumurlaub und es gibt überhaupt nichts zu beanstanden. Ich würde sofort wieder hin.
Revisada: 05.11.2022
It's taken a few a few weeks to write this review because it was tough to grade. Sometimes it's good to reflect then review rather than write negative words. However that said it wasn't perfect and hence the 4 Star review. What let it down was poor performance from the Reception team who lacked attention to detail. And sometimes poor cleanliness of the room which is not great. Wasn't particularly impressed to see a rat scuttling about in the bushes near the Sunset bar either. The signing of the Bill on Lunch and Dinner even on all inclusive was also borderline annoying and really adds stress to the Already busy Restaurant Team. Also really feel the Hotel should re-think its policy of at least allowing your last meal to be lunch when your flight doesn't depart Male till 9pm. Your probably thinking why did I rate it 4Star, well the Food was probably the best I've eaten at an All-inclusive and was Fresh, Hot and varied. Drinks were good too and you were always welcome to get beer and soft drinks for the room. Our Beach Villa was in excellent location and the snorkeling was amazing despite some days being rough. The resort was small enough not to feel crowded which was a huge plus point. Free trips that are offered are also great and although we saw nothing on Manta Ray trip offered by Dive School it was experience having never been in such Deep Water. I think the Hotel just lacks leadership and needs some rough edges smoothed over, and some attention to detail, then it would be perfect.

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