Centara Grand Island, Maldives 00000, Maldives
Kostenfreies WLAN
United Kingdom
Revisada: December 6, 2023
Wonderful experience from start to finish
Ventajas: From the moment we were met at the airport to the moment we were dropped back was simply fabulous. The team smoothly guided us through to the seaplane, making the transfer painless. The hotel and the location are stunning, the facilities fantastic, the room both luxourious and comfortable, and the food divine. I loved watching the seaplanes arrive and depart from the back of our overwater villa. My daughter enjoyed her first experience of snorkelling and there were enough activities to keep us all entertained for the week that we stayed. Each member of the hotel greeted us with warmth and smiles, from the greeting at the airport, to their long waves goodbye as our boat departed. The little touches were way above hotels I've stayed at previously - from the welcome message, to the special birthday message made with coconut leaves, to the "see you soon" messages both on our dining table on our last night, and in the sand art in our villa for our last night.
Contras: Hard to find anything really. The afternoon tea was the only area that we encountered that could use a revamp. This was part of the all inclusive package. If we had paid extra for this, then we really would have been disappointed. We tried the à la carte restaurants and found their choice on the all inclusive package to be too limited. We actually enjoyed the Reef restaurant the most due to the variety of very tasty food on offer which made life easier with kids. Do note that not everything on the drinks and food menus are included in the All Inclusive package. Often the team will point this out when ordering.
Revisada: December 3, 2023
Sunny paradise
Ventajas: Centare resort was our beautiful hideaway for 15 nights. Right after we stepped out of the seaplane our honeymoons have started. The whole team made sure that our dreams came really true. Our first contact was with guest service manager Sveltana. She welcomed us with open heart, welcome drink und very professional at same time. She was always reachable per Whatsapp, if there were some questions or we needed some help. We felt very good served during our whole stay. Our room attendant Samsul did his job on such excellent level. He came many times per day for cleaning up, a little small talk and filling up the water bottles. He got sure that we have all we need. Every time when we came back after his cleaning, the villa looked like brand new! Additionally he has surprised us with many sand drawings (outside the villa) or inside with the towels (elephants, angels). He did his job with passion and perfectionism to the last detail! The staff from the “Reef bar” did amazing job too. We really enjoyed the excellent services from Habib and Jasim. They knew us very well and have never forgot, what are our favourite drinks. Plus they filled up our ice cube box automatically. When they had time, we did some small talks and they come automatically to the table and asked if we need something. The food itself was just AMAZING!!! The buffets offered a huge choice of food, vegetable, salads, fresh fruits and deserts. The quality of dishes were comparable with very good europeans restaurants. We were many times wondering how its possible to prepare it with such quality on a small island in the middle of Indian ocean! Our side-dish highlight were the fresh made butter garlic naan from Masut! If you like Indian kitchen you gonna love it! What we either appreciated were two “a la carte” restaurants on the island (italian and thai). Both had very professional staff and delicious dishes.
Contras: Part 2 what we liked: Both places are definitely worth to visit more than once and to try many dishes from their menu card! Also we would like to thank to our guides from “dive center” for the great experience!!!We took trips to snorkel with turtles and mantas. The guides gave their best to find the see animals and that we all can see them live in the ocean. Not to mentioned, that they dive to the animals and take fantastic photos and videos with “gopro” camera. During the way back every guest got those videos in full quality as memory. The equipment and the ships were clean and looked in very good shape. We had some issues with our whole face masks and therefore we borrowed a separate mask and a snorkel from dive center. Everything was free of charge and in very good condition. During our stay we have met many times the main resort manager and he found time for polite conversations and gave us tips where we can find turtles in our bay. And he was right! We have found ca 70cm big turtle just 30-40metes from our villa. It was just an amazing experience to observe this peaceful and elegant creature eating and diving for like 30minutes alone. The resort crew organized for us the seaplane flights and helped us also at the airport itself. On our way back it was very busy morning and we were worried to miss our flight. The resort attendant accompanied us through the priority line even when we had economy tickets. They knew exactly when which airlines close gates and have departures. After such a great time it was very hard to us to say goodbye, We will come back for sure and recommend this resort to anybody looking for a amazing honeymoon destination!!!
Revisada: November 29, 2023
Excellent Excellent
Ventajas: 10月末にハネムーンで利用し、夢のような時間を味わいました。日本語は通じませんが、スタッフの皆さんがスマホで翻訳して、ゆっくり会話してくれるので、安心して宿泊することができました!設備は綺麗です、海外旅行らしく水圧は弱めです。島は1周15分ほどで、中央はスタッフの寮となっています。レストランはビュッフェ・イタリアン・タイ料理があり、どれも美味しいですが、特にイタリアンが美味でした!ビュッフェは朝・昼・晩の隔日位でメニューがかわります。タイ料理もおいしいのですが、陸地にあるため、蚊が飛んでます。スタッフの方々は気さくで、通りすがりに必ず声をかけてくれます。1日1回のミニバー補充と2回のアメニティ補充があります。ビールは2本とコーラ・ファンタなどです。保湿剤などもなくなれば補充されます。。。オールインクルーシブではない料理やドリンクは事前に知らせてくれるので安心して飲食できます。ビールやワインなどは22時まで飲み放題です。海はかなり綺麗です!エメラルドグリーンとはここのことです!シュノーケルとフィンはチェックアウトまで借りれますが、マリンシューズはないので、珊瑚に気を付けてください。私は珊瑚で足を5か所ほどやられました。満潮は12~13時なので、部屋から海に飛び込むなら、それくらいを推奨します。ちなみに飛び込んで背中を切りました。干潮が18時くらいで、珊瑚がむき出しになるくらい水深が浅くなるので、物理的に夜は泳げません。しかし、イタリアンとメインのバーでは海にライトアップすることで、お酒や料理をたのしみながらフィッシュウォッチングができます。ハロウィン時期なのもあって、ビュッフェや道路ではスタッフが仮装や飾りつけ、フェイスペインティングを無料で提供するなど、季節を感じる催しもありました。水上飛行機は髙いですが、一生に一度の体験と思えば、とても素晴らしかったです。プロペラが会話できない位うるさいので、気になる方はノイキャンがあるイヤホン持参してください。日本人宿泊客も2組ほどみかけましたが、日本人らしく、慎ましい距離感です。外国の方は酔ってるとぐいぐい来ますが、だいたいノリでいけます! ダイビングは最初にチェックダイビングがあります。チェックダイビングも沈没船をたのしむことができます。Alvinというスタッフがゆっくり丁寧に説明してくれます。「さかな、さかな、さかな」の歌も日本語で歌ってくれます。 お土産ショップも小さいですがあります。しかし、ほとんどはMale空港でも買えます。ホテル限定品は見ればわかると思います。 書ききれない位、夢のような時間で帰りたくなくなるで注意が必要です。旅行前で不安だったところは記載したつもりです。Happy travel!
Contras: 2グループ共有のsunset villaに泊まりましたが、奥の1グループ用(写真の海の上で丸い部分)が、太陽ともろ被りしており、サンセットではなかった。島から一番手前の部屋で、奥の部屋が空いていたため奥にしてほしいと言えばまだましだったかもしれない。しかし、ハネムーン用にお風呂やベッド、シャンパンが容易されていたので、それを言う勇気はありませんでした。それを差し引いて9.9点くらいです。 ジンベイザメのシュノーケルウォッチは、タイミングによるのでしょうが、全く見れませんでした。他のホテルと連携しているのか、いざ見つかると、他のホテルの船が10隻程集まっている場所に行き、海の上で人がごったがえし。5分程泳いで、船上に戻る始末でした。その後罪滅ぼしか15分程シュノーケルを行いましたが、3時間揺れる船上、20分のシュノーケルと割に合いませんでした。 宿泊villaが島と近いせいか、2回ほどゴキブリがでました。熱湯をかけて倒しましたが、虫が無理な人はスタッフを呼ぶ必要があります。
Revisada: November 27, 2023
Ventajas: All Bangladeshi Staff is Good .
Revisada: November 27, 2023
Ventajas: Person hospitality
Contras: Intercom not working
United States of America
Revisada: November 24, 2023
Ventajas: The location, the services, the room.
Contras: The food wasn't great. The discounts that were available woth or booking weren't given to us.
Revisada: November 19, 2023
Bad Bad
Ventajas: Океан
Contras: Огромный список , начиная с того что ни разу не поменяли постельное белье( да даже не встряхнули простынь) , заканчивая некомпетентными сотрудниками. Вообще не понимаю за что отдала деньги ! Список огромный ! Тут его не написать !!!
Revisada: November 5, 2023
Sehr ruhige Insel, auf der wir herrlich entspannen konnten. Sehr ruhige Insel, auf der wir herrlich entspannen konnten.
Ventajas: Unsere Over Watervilla war sehr geräumig, sauber und mit allem ausgestattet was man brauchte. Wunderbarer Ausblick! Der Strand sehr schön und sauber, aber uns haben Liegen gefehlt. DieAuswahl beim essen war reichhaltig und gut.
Contras: Es gibt leider nur Liegen am Strand, die zu den einzelnen Bungalows gehören. Somit hat man als Watervilla Nutzer keine Möglichkeit auch mal schön am Strand zu liegen.
United States of America
Revisada: July 1, 2023
Ventajas: the beach
United Kingdom
Revisada: October 1, 2023
Amazing from start to finish! No problems at all. Everything you needed was there and the staff are generally friendly
Ventajas: The little touches by the room service guy! Everything immaculate! Amazing views and very spacious
Contras: That I had to leave
Revisada: September 25, 2023
Hotel paradisiaque avec personnel hôtelier de grande qualité Hotel paradisiaque avec personnel hôtelier de grande qualité
Ventajas: Le personnel hôtelier est extraordinaire, grande réactivité à toutes nos demandes et observations. Plage paradisiaque, buffet demi-pension petit-déjeuner diner « reef » excellent, restaurant thai et italien très bien, lounge bar vue mer superbe, spa, salle de jeux pour enfants avec service baby-sitting, divertissements avec karaoké, plongée masque tuba proche de l’hôtel mémorable.
Contras: L’accès à la piscine « the club » n’est accessible que pour certaines catégories clients. Les menus des 2 restaurants nécessite des suppléments. bbq seafood prix trop élevé rajout en plus de 95 $ sur un diner demi-pension. Tarif massage trop élevé 150$ par pers. au minimum. K-way/ parapluie mis à disposition en piètre état.
Revisada: September 14, 2023
Vacation in Aquatic wonderland!
Ventajas: Hospitality by each and very staff in all departments was excellent - Mgmt really got this right. Everyone was friendly, helpful, full of initiative, and take time to engage you & your needs. Special thanks to: Mitchell- who took care of my family at breakfast Jaman- who dropped by after work every other day to play with my 7yo daughter teaching her air hockey & futsul techniques. Huthu- teaching us all sorts of things abt the nurse sharks and stingrays during the daily evening feeding sessions of their house “pets” Shani - at kids club who engaged the kids in the afternoon with craft activities and mocktail making. Chef Justin & Yassim - at the Italian restaurant (which was our favourite and they can prepare off menu dishes) where food was so good and we could watch the fishes/sharks come by after dinner while Yassim shared with us stories of his Maldivian childhood. Guys at the dive centre (Yash, conq) - who brought us to see the spinner dolphins (amazing!) and whale shark (which we unfortunately couldn’t track). House reef was one of the best in terms of accessibility and variety of aquatic life. Corals were still healthy in many parts not like many resorts where coral bleaching is more apparent. Our young kids & us saw reef sharks, plenty variety of fishes, squid, turtles and dolphins! Rooms were extremely clean- cleaned twice a day. Plenty of indoor and outdoor towels.
Contras: The resort is showing signs of wear in certain areas and could do with some updating, particularly in common areas like gym, games room, kids club.
United Kingdom
Revisada: August 31, 2023
Wonderful experience and stay!
Ventajas: Everything! Staff were amazing, rooms outstanding
Contras: Nothing
Revisada: August 14, 2023
Maldives Maldives
Ventajas: L'emplacement, c'est vraiment très magnifique - Le service du personnel notamment M. Rohit, M. Brahim Nasru et M. Fizan
Revisada: August 10, 2023
Ventajas: honestly stay in here was so fun and makes me happy. i will come back to this hotel again. thank u team centara ^_^
United States of America
Revisada: August 10, 2023
Ventajas: We love the staff and the food. also the view was amazing. we will come back to this hotel for sure.
Revisada: August 10, 2023
Ventajas: Dear Centara Grand Team, We spent lovely time in your hotel in Maldives. We liked absolutely everything. We would come back to your hotel for sure!
Revisada: August 10, 2023
Ventajas: Dear Centara Grand Team, We spent lovely time in your hotel in Maldives. We liked absolutely everything. We would like to point your attention to perfect work of your manager Nurlan. He made our stay the most memorable and we are so grateful to him. He did his best to make our stay wonderful. We are impressed with your hospitality, loyalty and kindness. All the staff was very friendly and it was so easy to talk to them. The rooms and the whole island are very cosy and clean. The food was so delicious especially the dinner on the beach. We had lovely dinner in Italian restaurant and liked all the dishes but the dessert (chocolate cake Giandulotto) changed our impression of the dinner as its taste is too simple and doesn’t comply with 5 star hotel food. Maybe it is worth changing this dessert. We would come back to your hotel for sure!
Revisada: March 29, 2022
Very Good
Ventajas: The place was clean and the pictures shown on websites were true to what we experienced. Generally the staff were helpful except a few. The food was also great which is a plus point.
Saudi Arabia
Revisada: March 28, 2022
Exceptional Exceptional
Ventajas: هادي ينفع للعوئل والاطفال
Contras: اصبت بحساسيه البحر ولايوجد دواء في صيدليه المنتجع ولايوجد لديهم حالات طؤارى كل شي يقفل من الساعه 7
Revisada: March 27, 2022
Ventajas: Spotless clean, yummy and quality food & drinks, beautiful lagoon, good massages and very friendly staff who is doing their best to satisfy guests wishes. Water villas are spacious, very comfortable and with good deal of privacy. We prolonged our stay by 2 additional nights as we were not ready to say goodbye to that little paradise with amazing diving. That was actually cherry on the top for us - beautiful and rich underwater life, various sharks incl. whale sharks, mantas, turtles, corals, nearby wreck. And that all with professional instructor who helped us gaining further experience along with maximizing enjoyment from sightings and adventure dives.
Contras: The only thing we would welcome is prompter delivery of drinks during meal time. We experienced commonly ~15 min. waiting time, 2-3 times reminders required otherwise we would stay "thirsty". Salt & pepper on each table would also be nice standard. But those are minor things and did not spoil overall impression.
Revisada: March 27, 2022
Exceptional Exceptional
Ventajas: Es war ein perfekter Urlaub - wir haben jede Minute vor Ort genossen. Das Personal war zu jederzeit aufmerksam und sehr freundlich. Wir können dieses Resort nur weiterempfehlen und kommen gerne wieder!
Contras: Es war alles perfekt!
United Arab Emirates
Revisada: March 11, 2022
everything was amazing unless checkout !!
Ventajas: (ocean sunset villa with private pool stay 7 nights )most lovely ocean view, Maldivian are so kind and friendly ,
Contras: (ocean sunset villa with private pool stay 7 nights )most lovely ocean view, Maldivian are so kind and friendly , receptionist John 👎👎 For first while i ask him late check out cause my flight at midnight he ignored my request and what a hill i check out 12 flight to other 2 islands collecting guests and there was two guests checkout we left them in island after our bad around finally i found them 20.00 o’clock at Male airport !!!!! John receptionist wast 2 points in my review even when you check in he spit his rules in your face ignoring your requests and hide from you all your stay (our stay was 7 days!!!) my +8 review for others in restaurant (Pinto 👍🏻), coral par ( Piyush 👌) and (Kasia 🌷 most cute i met ever) thanks all and i hope you fix your problem in reception
Revisada: March 9, 2022
Ventajas: All Facilities was awesome
Contras: Over water villa
Revisada: June 25, 2023
Ventajas: One of the best holidays we’ve ever had. Amazing resort in every way. The breathtaking ocean view, great food, the staffs were exceptional great especially Khun Belle at front, Mr. Sunny at Azzuri Mare and Mr. Jamshed who made us very fantastic arts when turndown. We were more than happy every moment and hope to come here again.
Contras: nothing
Revisada: June 19, 2023
muy buena muy buena
Ventajas: la ubicacion, los ambientes
Contras: que cuando hubo problemas con la tarjeta el personal nos hizo perder mucho tiempo en solucionarlo mientras que yo queria disfrutar el dia pero para el chek out ahi si hubo puntualidad
Revisada: June 18, 2023
Ventajas: Dear Centara Grand Team, We spent lovely time in your hotel in Maldives. We liked absolutely everything. We would like to point your attention to perfect work of your manager Nurlan. He made our stay the most memorable and we are so grateful to him. He did his best to make our stay wonderful. We are impressed with your hospitality, loyalty and kindness. All the staff was very friendly and it was so easy to talk to them. The rooms and the whole island are very cosy and clean. The food was so delicious especially the dinner on the beach. We had lovely dinner in Italian restaurant and liked all the dishes but the dessert (chocolate cake Giandulotto) changed our impression of the dinner as its taste is too simple and doesn’t comply with 5 star hotel food. Maybe it is worth changing this dessert. We would come back to your hotel for sure!
Revisada: June 14, 2023
Ventajas: Perfect
Contras: Nothing
Revisada: June 10, 2023
Top and Sustainable!
Ventajas: I am happy to share my feedback of the wonderful time I spent at Centara Grand Resort and would wish to come back again. The management and staff members were very friendly with full devotion to their customers and delivered great hospitality. What was important for me to experience the high level of environmental friendly ecosystem which this resort has organized on the small paradise island in the middle of Indian ocean without any compromise to the comfort and services for the guests. If you are even a fan of true sustainability, this place is a must to visit to observe the true operational action of almost self-maintained luxury hotel: Re-Use, Re-Pair and Re-Cycle are the principals of that success. The unique location has a privilege to see the colorful undersea world and rare ocean inhabitant like turtles, reef sharks and even whale sharks just around your villa through guided snorkeling and diving arrangements. Worth to mention that the food was just fantastic - all kind of diets options (healthy smoothies and fresh juices, vegan and gluten free dishes, ect.), beautifully served breakfast and amazing seafood. And guest service was on the sky, it felt you are treated by the best friend or a family member (meant indeed with whom you have a hearted relationship:-)). Entertainment program, activities for the kids, water sports, tennis court and gym keep you entertained as well as peaceful environment of the blue ocean and white sands like almond flour allows you to fully recharge from the busy life. And SPA-aaaaa, my skin is still glowing after a week of the return from the hands of beauty expert from Thailand. It was one of my best experience in the life and I am expressing deepest gratitude to the entire team of the resort and wish them all the best and keep smiling!
Contras: with all honesty I haven't found anything to write here
United Arab Emirates
Revisada: June 3, 2023
Ventajas: Staff , all, the manger , the smile everywhere, all kind and helpful
Contras: Food expensive
Revisada: May 29, 2023
Ventajas: The stay was superb! The overwater villa is the best choice , you can wake up watch the sunrise and swim. The food I guess to be in Maldives is good, quite pricey but that’s everywhere. All the staff was welcoming and warm, always smiling and saying hi. Thank you all to take care of me.
Contras: Just few suggestions, which are only for the improvement of the place itself: - At the breakfast I would have liked to have more options for the people like me who doesn’t eat meat , but are not vegetarian. I guess since mostly of the crowd is Indian or Chinese they have more options for them, but I don’t fancy Indian food or spicy food in general. Even mushrooms I found them spicy with a lot of black pepper. I would have liked to find some smoked salmon (which is very common in hotels for breakfast ) and there was not. Even at the Chinese part, some shrimps xiao mai or gyoza , which also are very common. There was some choice like tuna one day or some seafood noodles , but it’s really not for breakfast. - Don’t allow kids to be by themselves. I found this very weird that there were a bunch of kids without parents at the swimming pool everyday. It’s very dangerous for them and guests who wants to relax find it annoying. The parents just “park” them there to go and relax and other poor guests need to deal with it. I hope you will take this in a constructive way
Revisada: May 28, 2023
It was a relaxing stay. The property was very pristine and the food was awesome.
Ventajas: beach villa
Revisada: May 23, 2023
Home away from home
Ventajas: The resort is very good and clean at all times it was a good experience for me and my wife. The resort is much more than a home away from home.
Contras: Nothing at all the experience was good. The staff were very impressed with our vist .
Revisada: April 27, 2023
Fantastica vacanza relax di una settimana in un posto magnifico Fantastica vacanza relax di una settimana in un posto magnifico
Ventajas: Mare, tranquillità e staff fantastici
Contras: nulla
United Kingdom
Revisada: April 25, 2023
Amzing lifetime expereince. Will certainly be going back
Ventajas: The staff were the most pleasant, friendly and helpful people we have ever met. They were some of the best 7 days of our lives. It was an incredible experience and we will certainly highly recommend Centara Grand.
Contras: Nothing
United Arab Emirates
Revisada: April 23, 2023
train the staff
Ventajas: The beach, the calm, the room, the location
Contras: Everything about the hotel was amazing except one thing, a HUGE thing that kind of ruined our stay and it was the unprofessional behavior of some of the staff that was completely & extremely unacceptable .. They kept staring at parts of our bodies whenever we pass by, say hi, are having our breakfast or tanning in the beach.. This situation occurred more than once to the extend that my friend started wearing a cardigan (in this heat, in an island!!!!) whenever we leave the room to avoid the way they look at us.. Now the question is; if I can’t wear a swimsuit, a cropped top or a short dress comfortably in an island where am I supposed to wear them???? Please train your staff to be more professional at work because even if it’s the best resort in the world a behavior like this can easily make it the worst .. believe me, a customer feeling comfortable in a vacation >>>> any view, food, hygiene etc
Revisada: April 17, 2023
ดีมาก ดีมาก
Ventajas: อาหารดี ห้องพักสวย
Revisada: April 16, 2023
Amazing vacation at a lovely place 😊
Ventajas: Lovely Vacation on a pristine island with amazing staff and service. Have a look on the movie with amazing details. https://youtu.be/K_3VKKrh4ls Food: Reefs Buffet Restaurant Amazing choices of food during Breakfast and Dinner, from freshly made eggs to Maldivian Mas Huni, from Müsli to Thai noodles - all what you get is freshly made on the island and tastes really well. Fresh fruits, fresh juices, croissant’s, dark bread and a wide variety for kids. Special food choices during the stay were: Thai Street Food Festival, Barbecue Buffet, Seafood Buffet. There are 2 restaurants as well - one for Thai Food, one for Italian food. All choices are very good and tasty. Kids Club: Our tiny little lady loved the Kids Club and the friendly staff. A huge ball bed with a slider insider, as well a kids kitchen, books, lego - everything a toddler can have fun with. The outside area is great as well - a huge slider and swings as well. Lot‘s of activities during the stay (every day something new). Housereef snorkeling: Lots if fishes to see - I saw some bigger sharks (black tip, white tip, grey reef shark and nurse sharks) and some stingrays - all are very close but friendly. The corals are great - lots of other creatures as well (Tuna, reef fishes, snapper, Octopus, Calmar …). Turtles are there as well and you can spot them around the island. I saw an eagle ray as well. During the whale shark trip, happily we saw a 11-meter one ☺️ amazing. But there is no guarantee to see them. Gym Well equipped with basic machines and free weights, cross trainer and treadmill. All are in good shape. Some daily activities you can join (stretching, HiiT, Yoga). Cold water and cold towels are there as well. Bungalow Well equipped and comfortable with great room service. Calm see in front of the bungalow and a nice privacy. It is a 2 floor building with a fan, day bed, air conditioning and inside and outside shower. Bars The Coral and Aqua bar are different.
Contras: nothing.
Revisada: April 16, 2023
lovely vacation on a pristine island with amazing staff and service
Ventajas: Lovely Vacation on a pristine island with amazing staff and service. Have a look on the movie with amazing details. https://youtu.be/K_3VKKrh4ls Food: Reefs Buffet Restaurant Amazing choices of food during Breakfast and Dinner, from freshly made eggs to Maldivian Mas Huni, from Müsli to Thai noodles - all what you get is freshly made on the island and tastes really well. Fresh fruits, fresh juices, croissant’s, dark bread and a wide variety for kids. Special food choices during the stay were: Thai Street Food Festival, Barbecue Buffet, Seafood Buffet. There are 2 restaurants as well - one for Thai Food, one for Italian food. All choices are very good and tasty. Kids Club: Our tiny little lady loved the Kids Club and the friendly staff. A huge ball bed with a slider insider, as well a kids kitchen, books, lego - everything a toddler can have fun with. The outside area is great as well - a huge slider and swings as well. Lot‘s of activities during the stay (every day something new). Housereef snorkeling: Lots if fishes to see - I saw some bigger sharks (black tip, white tip, grey reef shark and nurse sharks) and some stingrays - all are very close but friendly. The corals are great - lots of other creatures as well (Tuna, reef fishes, snapper, Octopus, Calmar …). Turtles are there as well and you can spot them around the island. I saw an eagle ray as well. During the whale shark trip, happily we saw a 11-meter one ☺️ amazing. But there is no guarantee to see them. Gym Well equipped with basic machines and free weights, cross trainer and treadmill. All are in good shape. Some daily activities you can join (stretching, HiiT, Yoga). Cold water and cold towels are there as well. Bungalow Well equipped and comfortable with great room service. Calm see in front of the bungalow and a nice privacy. It is a 2 floor building with a fan, day bed, air conditioning and inside and outside shower. Bars The Coral and Aqua bar are different.
Contras: nothing!
Revisada: April 16, 2023
最高のリゾート体験 最高のリゾート体験
Ventajas: スタッフの方々はとてもフレンドリーで、特にMitchelさんのきめ細かいサービスのおかげでとてもリラックスして過ごせました。 カスミアジ?のアタックやサメ等も見ることができるハウスリーフは最高!スノーケリングはここだけで十分満足できます。
Contras: ホテル側に全く否はないが、Booking.comで確認して認識していたA.I.内容と実際の内容(センタラのHPに記載されている内容)に少し違いがあった。事前にプランの内容をよく確認しておいたほうがいいと思います。
United Kingdom
Revisada: April 13, 2023
思い出に残る家族旅行 思い出に残る家族旅行
Ventajas: 天井が高く、ロフトに設置された寝室スペースがとても広い。 清掃担当の方がとても親切で、毎日サプライズを用意して下さった。 タイ料理を中心に食事が美味しい。
Contras: 島内で利用できるアプリは使いがってが余り良くなかった。
Revisada: February 6, 2023
Traumurlaub! Traumurlaub!
Ventajas: Von A-Z hat einfach alles gepasst! Das gesamte Personal war mehr als freundlich, das Service war spitze, die Gastronomie sehr gut. Wir hatten einen Strandbungalow auf der Nordseite und haben uns sofort wohl gefühlt. Von unseren Liegen waren es nur ein paar Schritte ins wunderschöne, glasklare Meer mit vielen Fischen. Es werden mehrere Ausflüge angeboten. Sind zwar etwas teuer, aber es lohnt sich sehr.
Contras: Es gibt nichts, was uns nicht gefallen hat :)
Revisada: February 2, 2023
Exceptional Exceptional
Ventajas: 객실이 매우 청결하고, 직원들 모두 친절. 음식도 최고!
Contras: 없음
Hong Kong
Revisada: February 1, 2023
在馬爾代夫中,這浮潛地點不錯,但酒店設施不太理想,服務並不貼心!水上屋的泳池不能游,因為實在太細小,只能當泡水池! 在馬爾代夫中,這浮潛地點不錯,但酒店設施不太理想,服務並不貼心!水上屋的泳池不能游,因為實在太細小,只能當泡水池!
Ventajas: 第三次去馬爾代夫,每一次我會去不同的度假村,Gentara Grand Island 水上屋一跳落水已經很多珊瑚,有一群群魚,在馬爾代夫浮潛Resort當中,這位置珊瑚算很不錯了,魚也很多!浮潛除了見到黑旗鯊魚BB,還見到小海龜,非常棒!
Contras: 設施比較舊,浴缸亦比較小,水上屋的泳池也很小!這酒店沒有私人管家,所有活動也需要自己透過Apps預約,但Wi-Fi網絡接收比較差,如果喜歡奢華酒店, 享服貼心服務,這間並不是好的選擇!
Revisada: January 22, 2023
Ventajas: We went here for our honeymoon. As expected, it was like paradise on earth, with the most beautiful sea and sky. The staff Nol was very helpful from day one and all the other staff greeted us with smiles and a warm attitude. We changed our room for upgrade and when we let them know we were on our honeymoon, they decorated both rooms and even offered us champagne and sweets.It was so cute and lovely. The room is in front of ocean and can be into in it immediately was wonderful in the morning and at night. We chose all-inclusive plan so we could eat without worrying about money, and we also enjoyed the spa and activities. We also can enjoyed snorkeling lots of time because of the proximity to the ocean. It was literally paradise where we didn't have to think about anything else. I felt I could stay for a week to 10 days because of the spa and activities.
Contras: there are only 2 restaurants (3 if you include teppanyaki) and a buffet for meals, so you might get a little bored after 10 days. The buffet in particular is very similar. I also wondered if the sunset cruise was necessary if you don't particularly like boats, since you can see it beautifully enough from land. I felt it was not necessary. I enjoyed the fishing more than the sunset cruise!
Revisada: January 18, 2023
Exceptional Exceptional
Ventajas: Sehr schönes Resort mit tollen Riffen und guten Ausflugsmöglichkeiten.
Contras: Sehr teuer.
Revisada: March 20, 2023
приятный, расслабляющий отдых приятный, расслабляющий отдых
Ventajas: понравилось: 1. виллы двухэтажные на пляже (жили в 100 - очень хорошо расположена, лучший выход на пляж и вид, недалеко от ресторана и детской площадки). Удобная большая кровать, большой диван, удобные подушки. 2. вкусно готовят повара (брали полный пансион, питались в ресторане риф). в обед и ужин есть мороженое. 3. хорошая детская комната и детская площадка, большой выбор книг, игрушек, конструкторов. 4. можно увидеть разных рыбок у берега и с мостиков, в том числе есть кормление больших рыб (акул и скатов) каждый вечер. 5. заход в море хороший, чистые, белые пляжи 6. вечером в ресторане живая музыка, есть бильярд (американка, снукер), есть настольный теннис (работник отеля может с вами поиграть), настольный хоккей и футбол, есть библиотека.
Contras: 1. мало выбора фруктов в ресторане 2. при пакете полный пансион на обед и ужин нет напитков ( только вода). кажется чай и кофе можно было оставить. 3. нет возможности провещать карточку «не беспокоить». До смешного, наш уборщик приходил убираться почти каждый день в сон час ребенка и звонил в звонок и мы его просили прийти позже. Кажется он уже мог выучить наш график, возможно это по тому, что мы не оставляли чаевых. А так уборка 2 раза в день, это и хорошо с учетом песка который несется в дом постоянно и плохо так как нарушает ваш покой. 4. открытый душ на вилле не несет никакой пользы. Чтобы в него попасть нужно пройти весь дом ( это песок и холод мокрого тела от кондиционера). логичнее его делать перед входом или хотя бы отдельный вход. вечером в нем кучу больших муравьев и мух (страшно открывать, ползут в дом). 5. теннисный корт есть, но покрытие ужасное, сделано из пластиковых квадратиков в дырочку. 6. когда целый день идет дождь на острове тоскливо и скучно.
Revisada: March 18, 2023
Ventajas: Location, mentainace, staff behavior, food, room eminities everything were outstanding. 5/6 Bangladeshi staff there it's an extra good feelings to me.
Revisada: March 15, 2023
Ein Traumurlaub wie es ihn nur auf den Malediven geben kann. Ein Traumurlaub wie es ihn nur auf den Malediven geben kann.
Ventajas: Sehr freundliches und aufmerksames Personal. Tolles Essen. Wunderschöne Zimmer mit traumhafter Lage.
Contras: Nichts zu bemängeln
United Arab Emirates
Revisada: March 14, 2023
Ventajas: Staff was super friendly especially Manish who scheduled a yoga class just for me and my family
Contras: Check out time too early No toiletries in the bathroom
Revisada: 15 hours ago
Holiday in paradise! Thank you all for this quality time, especially our housekeeper Afsal for the friendly and perfect service. This resort has a wonderful and very friendly staff! The location is perfect and the food is fantastic. Wonderful reefs, beautiful fishes. Many thanks to the staff for playing beach volleyball every afternoon involving me in the team. A dream came true.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 days ago
Beautiful experience at Maldives ❤️we stayed at centara grand for four nights,five days,the staff are very friendly and helpful, hospitality,ambience is worth it....taking back memories lasting for a lifetime❤️....they all made our honeymoon very special .. special mention to chanpah,Nabeel,yuvraj, Satish,sunny,June,Habib,Mitchel, not met such friendly staff so far...lots of love...
Trip type
Revisada: 3 days ago
Beautiful resort at the South Atoll Maldives. We spent a great honeymoon. The property is well maintained and the staff were top notch ( Munna from room service, Yuvraj at the front office, sunny at the restaurant ). Stayed at the beach resort and the pool villa. Would recommend staying at both to get a wholesome experience with the All inclusive package.
Revisada: 4 days ago
Absolutely paradise. If you could afford the Sunset Water Villa with private pool (but more like a huge bathe tub), definitely go for it. My friend and I had our girls trip in Maldives and stayed 3 nights at the resort during high season. We opt for bed and breakfast with Club access - you get to choose having buffet breakfast at the Reef restaurant or at the Club where items are prepared freshly). Service & Communication: 4.5/5 Coming from a hospitality industry background and traveled quite extensively. I must say the service reaches the standard 5 stars hotel playbook. The hotel app is a great extension for effective communications and made in-room dinning so much easier. Staffs are very polite and acknowledge and greet guests each time they pass by. However, the reason I didn’t give a full 5 score is that the communication on the seaplane prior arrival was very annoying. I had to make initiative to call the hotel TWICE to have a confirmation on seaplane. I would hope that it was the other way around where hotel contacts me once they get the confirmation instead of me chasing it especially after reading so many bad reviews on Google regarding to extensive delay on seaplane happened to other guests before. Activities: 5/5 There a water sport center and diving center on the island where you could join some excursions. Also a house reef behind diving center where you could do a guided or solo snorkelling. We did a few excursions guided by very experienced local guides in Maafushi island before checking in this hotel so wasn’t particularly interested to do more. We however decided to join the turtle snorkeling and saw a few turtles. We got seasick as the wooden boat was quite floaty and the waves were against us. The hotel has different activities daily, free of charge. We did movie night, karaoke, dj live music, fish feeding. Overall was great but don’t expect you will get the world best dj spinning behind the deck. Amenities and Facilities: 5/5 You have everything you need in the room. I spot a difference where you do get more amenities if you are staying in the water villa (compare to deluxe beach duplex villa, such as hair conditioner, a better hair dryer, espresso and coffee machine…). Water villa is renovated and everything was spotless and clean. Food and Drinks: 4 out of 5 We tried all restaurants and bars on the island. Buffet is great and lots of varieties. Tuna pizza at the Italian restaurants was good, thin crust and got the spices kick but not really the best pizza I’ve had. Particularly in awe with the Thai restaurant as our host, a Thai woman from Bangkok (didn’t get her name unfortunately) asked the kitchen to prepare my favourite dish - pad see ew and it turned out to be exceptional. Tom yum soup was perfect but just didn’t have enough seafoods (only a few tiny pieces). Club breakfast was the best, and there was egg Benedict, egg frittata on the menu to choose from. For the fact we were the only ones there, we got the best service and attention from staff so that experience made it even more special. We ordered quite many rounds of cocktails with a la carte prices during our stay. Cocktails are standard stuffs which you can except from a neighbourhood bar.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 days ago
Exceptional service, super friendly staff, lots of activities and events to keep entire family entertained for over a week. Highly recommend.
Travel group
Revisada: 5 days ago
The location is absolutely amazing! Our honeymoon trip was a fantastic experience with good, services and the vibes on the island! Munna was a great help with all the room services and is very polite. Shows how well the resort treats everyone that visits here! Highly recommending this place to anyone!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 5 days ago
We will 100% be back! The Centara Grand is an incredible resort with even better staff! The team is professional, friendly, and accommodating! We came Nov. 30-Dec 6, 2023 for our honeymoon and we were not disappointed! The views were magical, the food was delicious, and the experiences- excursions, spa, romantic dinner, were beyond compare! We did 2 excursions- snorkeling with the Manta Rays and snorkeling with the Whale Sharks. We were fortunate enough to see both! Akram and his team made the experience memorable and fun! We loved every second of it! We couldn’t be happier with our stay!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 6 days ago
The entire experience was amazing! Shoutout to Munna for for taking care of us!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 6 days ago
Room service is excellent and Mr amanulla give us very good room services
Revisada: 6 days ago
The resort is lovely with all possible amenities. The staff is super helpful, specially Yuvaraj and Santhosh. Highly recommended!
Revisada: a week ago
Whaleshark trip was very good. The crew,Roshid, akram, nazeer and hussan really knew their business. In four dives(snorkeling) we managed to see whalesharks three times at very close distance.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
สตาฟ​ดีมาก​ สำหรับคนไทยที่อยากไไปมัลดีฟส์​แบบอุ่นใจ​ สตาฟไทยเยอะมาก​ อทคแคร์​ดีมาก​ อาหารอร่อย​ เครื่องดื่มหลากหลาย​ กิจกรรมมากมาย​ ที่พักดี​
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
新婚旅行で使用させていただきました。 景色もサービスも最高!!! スタッフの方がすごく気さくで話しやすく、すごく楽しい時間を過ごすことが出来ました! イタリアンレストランも最高に美味しくて、鉄板焼きもパフォーマンスやお客さんを楽しませようとする全員の姿勢に、とても素敵な時間を過ごせました! 夜の星空も一生忘れません。 また、来たいです!!!!!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
ご飯も美味しくサービスも最高でした。 ウミガメやジンベイザメなども見ることができて最高の思い出になりました!
Revisada: a week ago
Regrettably, my stay at Centara Grand Hotel in the Maldives was marked by several notable concerns. The vegetarian menu, comprising a mere 2-3 options, featured an unconventional pairing of dal with poori. Furthermore, privacy issues arose as there was an unauthorized entry into my room, even with the "Do Not Disturb" sign prominently displayed. Compounding the situation, the early checkout process proved inconvenient. Additionally, the staff's demeanor lacked the expected level of politeness and helpfulness. I trust that these matters will be earnestly addressed by the hotel to enhance the overall guest experience.
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
Beautiful property with great service and hospitality. The villas were stunning and the views were mesmerizing. The property has really nice restaurants and bars along with a beautiful spa which offers a variety of massages and relaxation treatments. Staff was quite co-operative and catered to our needs in a very professional way. Special thanks to Amanulla and Yuva.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
برای ایرانیان عزیز این هتل وجزیره خیلی زیباست همون جایی که تصور میکنین به حدی زیباست که واقعا ذوق میکنین همه جا تمیز و مرتب کارکنان خوش رو و مهربون جای دنج هیچ وقت این سفرو فراموش نمیکنم خیلی خوش گذشت
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
我們入住三晚沙灘別墅及二晚水上villa,全包式的方案。 這島的自然生態很好,在白沙旁就看到manta,還有小鯊魚游到兒子旁跟他游泳。潛水中心後面更是浮潛的好地方,我幾乎四天都要去那玩玩,只是不要往船隻那邊游,第一次下去還擱淺在珊瑚上,只能慢慢漂出來。水上屋直接跳下去也是可以浮潛,也是很多魚,時不時有飯店的船提醒開來提醒不要游太遠,還有下午會退潮,水位比較低,就不好浮潛了。島上沙很細,白色細沙放眼望去,映著天藍海水及天空,美麗極了。 飯店活動及設施很多,我們每天都有很多計劃,還是玩不完,晚上飯店會提供不同的晚會,很適合親子參加,兒子從第一天很害羞到每天都期待,晚會主持人也是非常熱情,會炒熱氣氛,主動邀請,讓我們渡過溫馨的夜晚。 我們參加了飯店鯨鯊行程,非常感謝一位白卷髮的教練,從他一出現在船艙他說會盡力幫我們找鯨鯊,等了好久,到有教練說再繞一圈沒看到就回程了。突然白卷髮教練喊了一聲,全船的人都快速奘備,一到定點,就往下跳,因為我前一天穿蛙鞋不舒服,這次沒穿是大失策,只能在大海慢慢游,加上兒子爬到我身上,我倆像烏龜在大海中,這時白卷髮的教練英勇的出現,伸出有力的手拖著我們直接到鯨鯊上看。若不是教練,我們一定看不到,謝謝白卷髮教練的照顧,真的不虛此行。 非常推薦此飯店很適合親子及情侶,唯一小缺點餐廳蚊子有點多,義大利及泰式餐廳很好吃。
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a week ago
สะดวกสบายกับการเดินทาง แสนสวยงามทั้งสถานที่และผู้คนแสนวิเศษ ห้องักที่จองมาสวยงาม กว้างขวาง สะอาด หลังห้องดำน้ำดูปลา ประการังได้เลย อาหารอิ่มอร่อยหลากหลายห้องอาหาร อยากหยุดเวลาเอาใว้กับความสวยงาม
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 2 weeks ago
This is a wonderful place to be. It has all the amenities and facilities for a wonderful stay. Rooms are very well maintained and the staff is very good. The food choices for both vegetarian and non vegetarian are plenty. Only thing I didn't like was that buggy pickup times are very high upto 15 Mins. They have kids play area too. You won't be disappointed.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Great place for snorkelling, as the house reef is very good. The staffs are very nice and often flexible to your needs as well. Highly recommend for those considering to go with family.
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Memorable out of the world experience at Centara Grand... Thank you so so much for such a great experience.. Everything from greet and meet at Male Airport to check in was smooth. The villas are excellent.. With an AI package almost all drinks were included and we were never said no for anything.. All our requests were accommodated with ease.. Few people I would like to thank personally.. The Staff at Reef and Coral bar.. Mr Sujith and Vasanth at Aqua bar are excellent.. Chef Jithin and Sunny at Azurri Mare are excellent.. Saani at Kids camp is so always smiling and cheerful.. My kid had a wonderful time there.. Mr Huthuthu at the activity centre was excellent.. Reception people are excellent.. Overall a wonderful stay and once in a lifetime experience.. Thank you so much
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
มี่พัก บริการ ดีมากๆ คะ 10 ดาวเลย 🥰
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
This was our first visit to Maldives in early September and our stay at the Centara Grand Island Resort and Spa took the experience a notch higher! The resort is clean, well maintained and has breathtaking views of the turquoise blue waters contrasting with the white sand. We were in awe gazing at the picturesque reef and the vibrant marine life just below our villa. Our entire stay was a bliss! Shout out to Chef Arnab for preparing a scrumptious Indian meal on our last night at the resort and Ashik for ensuring we were well taken care of the entire time. The warmth and hospitality of the entire Centara staff is very comforting. It was amazing from the moment we stepped off the sea plane upon arrival until the moment we left with the staff waving us bye. :) Shruti and Rahul
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Had an amazing experience here Coral bar - just wow place ….. Mr Rishad and Mr Roshan were very polite and helpful. They were very fast at all the services with perfection and with smiling face. Mr. Rohit from customer service helped us a lot. He explained us each and everything in detail and always ready to help at all the times during our stay.
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Amazing Experience very very good time spent at Coral Bar with great Service Mr Rishad , Mr Roshan & Mr Rohit from Customer Service Good Indian food everything is very very fine Superb Excellent
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Our stay overall was amazing, we had a beautiful overwater villa. The view was stunning. The room was lovely and spacious. The deck, hammock and jacuzzi were great to use. Hucen was our housekeeper and he did a great job and came every day twice a day- amazing service We were a little disappointed as a bottle was in our villa for our arrival but we don't drink alcohol, we were told it would be replaced by a non alcoholic option but this never happened. The Reef buffet restaurant was just ok, would've liked a bit more variety in foods. Although the staff were lovely, especially Jasim, he was excellent. We also got great service from Sherry & Shareef We dined mostly at Azzuri Mare which was so good. Huge shout out to Chef Jithin who was so friendly and to his team- Sunny, Yaseen and Mojo. They made our dining experience so enjoyable There was great choice of drinks and snacks from Coral Bar and there was always great entertainment on in the evenings. Santosh and Rishard were brilliant. I booked a foot massage and the therapist made a remark about only booking a 30 minute treatment which I didnt really appreciate Overall great stay and I'd highly recommend the resort to anyone considering booking!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
This hotel is so beautiful. The room is spaciously nice and clean. The staffs are very friendly and helpful. Our house keeper, Habib always checked once or twice a day if there’s anything we need for our room. The only thing I think is that the restaurants should open a little bit earlier than 7pm to accommodate guests who don’t want to eat late evening.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
We had a wonderful stay at centara grand resort. Staffs are very friendly and helpful. My 16months baby enjoyed the most.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
We are so very grateful to have spent wonderful holidays at this place in paradise! The food is excellent. We loved the Thai restaurant so much which was authentic and existed out of a crew around the chief Chan. All people in Centara Grand are loving children and do everything to also offer to them the best memories of their lives.Our special thanks go to Rocky from the facility team who spent extra hours in preparing surprises out of sand or palm leaves in form of teddy bears or any other lovely pictures for children in our beach house. An other thank you to Nazim who spent extra hours after his shift in the main restaurant to create a picture out of coloured rice onto our table before leaving the Maledives. People are putting all their love into their jobs. Last but not least the Chef of the Thai restaurant , who had every night an other surprise for our kid. We will come back again!! Thanks again for this wonderful stay!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 3 weeks ago
Awesome services, rooms, view. There are different activities daily for the guests. Very welcoming. Will go again for sure.
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 weeks ago
I stayed at this hotel for 3 nights during a week trip. The hotel, the sea, everything was wonderful, and every day was a moment. In particular, the staff were very polite and helpful! In particular, everyone at the Italian restaurant azzuri was wonderful and we had a great time! Sunny, Yaaseen, Mojo and Chef were sweet, friendly and so wonderful! I made some unforgettable memories. I think I want to go again!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: 4 weeks ago
I’m going to start by saying this was almost the perfect holiday. This resort basicly offered everything we were hoping for when we decided to go to the Maldives again (our 4th time). There were multiple things that we loved, but i’s going to try mention the most important ones: - The REEF!! This is paradise for snorkeling and marine life lovers! The island in surounded 360 degrees by an extraodinary colorful living coral reef. There is an abundance of marine life, beautiful fish, sharks, diffrent kinds of rays and turtles that you get to see on every single snorkeling session. The fact that there are no rip currents or waves in any area makes things even more incredible. You can take small kids snorkeling without having to worry. Also if you get lucky you can even see manta rays or dolphins while snorkeling. Simply amazing! - The service and food and drinks. This guys are truly amazing. We had perfect and attendive service with a smile on every single ocasion, at the bars and restaurants. The food at the a la carte restaurants was excellent, but i have to especialy mention the italian Azuri Mare that was simply fantastic. The atmosphere and setting were perfect and the food was top class, even by italian fine dining standards. A big thank you to Chef Jithin! This guy is a real treasure, a top class chef and also a sweet and warm person. We couldn’t get enough of his delicious dishes and i have to say we are pretty picky. 👏👏👏 The main buffet restaurant Reef was decent, i would rate it at 3 out of 5. There is also the option to eat at the pool bar where they have a decent selection of finger food like burgers, wings and club sandwiches of good quality. Drinks are also of good quality and variery all around the island with very good cocktails and wines available especialy if you are on the GAI plan. - the room. We are a family of 2 adults and 2 kids (9 and 11yo). The duplex beach villa was a perfect choice for us. The layout is ideal for a family, spacious enough, confy king bed upstairs, a sofa bed and an extra bed downstairs, nice and big main bathroom on the ground floor and a toilet upstairs. The A/C worked very well, the wifi was surprinsingly good, the terrace and sunbeds right on the superb beach were wonderful. Also our house keeper Samsul did an amazing job, always smiled and asked if we need anything. He made some amazing towel-sculptures and decorations that we all loved. Hats off for this hard-working and sweet guy. Other things to be mentioned: - go for the GAI (gold/grand all inclusive plan)! It’s a bit more expensive but the inclusions are very very good: a la carte restaurants dining every day, 3 excursions (including whale shark one), premium drinks (including a bottle of good wine in the room every day), 200$/person spa credit (spa is of good quality too), a 15 min banana/inflatable ride that the kids will love. This is a great value package in my opinion. - Go for the duplex beach villa. They are placed in the most beautiful side of the island and i think they offer the best value/money ratio. - There were basicly no mosquitos around the island or in the room. They fumigate every evening around the island and it works very well. - We were on the island during Halloween and they did a fantastic job celebrating this ocasion! They made realy amazing decorations, lights, moving skeletons, face painting for guests and even guys disguised in various creepy characters walking around the island. They realy went above and beyond with this ocasion. - There are a few places that are in need of some updating, like the toilets in the common areas, but these are just small issues that don’t affect the overall excelent quality of the stay. - Please don’t touch the wild life or stand on the corals! This island is a true gem and all guests shoud respect and protect this natural beauty. 😊 I would warmly recommend to anyone looking for the perfect exotic maldivian holiday to choose this resort.
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Maldives is very nice place to come for holidays Centara grand Islands hotel is in good location and all staff very helpful very nice specially Vivec and bartenders at Corol bar all very nice. We have so much fun and best holiday here, i recommended everyone come here get a good time
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Thank you Centara resorts for having us, specially Nabil , we are taken care of by Nabil from madinat Al-Yaman Is charming on a crazy level, we really felt at home, Specipat who would speak Arabic to us, so nice to have employees who speak different languages, thank you very much dear Nabil ♥️ see you soon as well ♥️
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
第一次来马尔代夫,Centara体验非常不错,房间推荐水屋,马尔代夫的特色、设备也比沙屋好一点。 服务很棒,岛上的工作人员都很亲切友好,部分工作人员还会中文,接待我们的Nabeel很热情聊得很开心。 Centara最大优点是附近浮潜点的鱼很多,可惜出海看鲸鲨没看到,留个遗憾下次再来。 餐饮就一般,只有三家餐厅可以选,还好送了一餐泳池边晚餐和一餐铁板烧没那么腻
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
I had an absolutely fantastic experience at the Centara Grand Resort in the Maldives. The entire staff was amazing and incredibly kind throughout my stay. In particular, I must commend Nabeel for his outstanding service. His attentiveness and helpfulness truly set him apart, and he seemed like he should be the manager with his level of dedication. Nabeel was undoubtedly one of the shining stars of the resort. I also had the pleasure of interacting with Chanapha at the reception, who was incredibly open-minded and accommodating. Her warm and friendly demeanor made my check-in process seamless and enjoyable. The Centara Grand Resort is a true paradise, and the exceptional staff, including Nabeel and Chanapha, made my stay even more memorable. I can't wait to return and experience their top-notch hospitality once again.
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Fue todo perfecto. Ha sido como una estancia en el paraíso. El trato por parte del personal del hotel ha sido magnífico e inmejorable, siempre dispuestos y serviciales. Especialmente Nabeel (pendiente de nosotros desde nuestra llegada y facilitándonos y mejorándonos la estancia), Hassan (se encargó de mantener la limpieza y el aspecto increible de la habitación a todas horas) y los miembros del restaurante Azuri Mare, todos encantadores. La overwater villa es una auténtica pasada y hacer snorkel en sus inmediaciones es una experiencia inolvidable, con aguas cristalinas y una intensa vida subacuática. Además, hasta el más mínimo detalles de la isla está cuidado (jardines, palmeras, villas ...). Recomendable al 100%.
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Excellent service from SAMSUL. The environment is pretty good. Easy to see the different kinds of creature in the ocean. All the staffs are friendly and kind. Perfect experience in Centara Grand.
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Amazing experience. Wonderful villas and luxury experience. Highly recommended!!
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
The island is great with clean blue-light water. Difeerent types of beautifil fish Sevice is very good. Many thanks to room-cleaner (Samsul) who perfectly did his jobe!!
Revisada: a month ago
It was Perfect the Island was clean and Beautyful and the Service was really nice all greet you with a smile every day. Just Perfect
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Simply wonderful! We were there with our 2 Little Kids. Staff was so nice, helpful with us and our Kids. Room were very cleaned, the restaurant offered every kind of food of high quality! A special thank to Nazim and Shanuka (We love you). A Place to come back surely!
Revisada: a month ago
Очень красивый отель,расположившийся посреди Индийского океана.Приятный сервис,особенно Светлана :) Удобный и комфортный номер с прекрасным видом.Очень изысканная кухня и отличные бармены!Все очень понравилось 🥰
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Stayed there for 3 nights at the Sunset Overwater Pool Villa and it is the best vacation we ever had. Let me start with the staff, from the host Nabil that welcomed us and gave us suggestions on what we will be able to do around the island and help us with reservations on the restaurants that the resort have, to Mitchel the restaurant host that always took care of our dinning needs, to Hassan who ensure our room is kept clean daily and the Filipina souvenir store attendant who help us pick the best souvenirs, all of them are so friendly and accommodating making our stay more enjoyable. The room that we stayed in is amazing, clean and very comfortable. My favorite part is the pool especially during sunset! We also have direct access to the ocean with corals just at the front of the pool with lots fishes which is so lovely as you can get too swim fishes with the free snorkeling gear that you can barrow at their activity center. The beaches around the island is pristine with clear waters and beautiful white sand. We very much enjoyed the free water activities like rowing on a kayak and paddle boating which is also free. When we booked for our stay we opted for the all inclusive package and it is all worth it. Fairly wide range of options from pastries and omelettes for breakfast, fried rice and soups for lunch or dinner to fruits and cakes and ice creams for dessert. The baristas also are very friendly and makes the best suggestions of delicious drinks. We a great time and we will never forget our stay at Centara Grand. Before coming to Maldives we thought that a Maldives trip is a once in a lifetime trip but after this trip we are definitely coming back to Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa
Trip type
Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
We stayed at Centara Grand for 5nights on a girls trip celebrating my sister's birthday. The location is pristine, we had an over water family villa and did the best snorkelling just under our villa with colourful variety of fish. The food was great at all the restaurants we ate. We had the special 5course lobster dinner at the club house for the birthday and the the staff didn't spare on pleasant surprises such as the "happy birthday" music and custom cake piece. We also really enjoyed the evening activities and the games room. The staff were AMAZING. I want to give a shout out to Visanth who took care of us from the time we arrived, anticipated and delivered on all we needed, a warm character with good communication and very efficient. Shout out to Islam who cleaned our room reliably and does his job so well. Mitchell and her team at the Reef restaurant made our meal times such a pleasure. Thanks to Nazim and Habib who so helpful and friendly at all times. Thanks to the mixologists for introducing us to some fun new cocktails 🍹. Aileen, the singer has a beautiful voice and she takes song requests and will sing your fave covers during dinner time. I got my massage done by Patis who is super skilled and professional. The yoga session on the beach was beautiful. The staff at Azzuri made our last night dinner so special. Many thanks to all the staff at Centara who have such a genuinely positive culture and add much value to the amazing experience.
Revisada: a month ago
Most pleasant vibes here... roshan from srilanka ia very good guy here in coral bar,very good experience here. Must visit places
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Travel group
Revisada: a month ago
Revisada: a month ago
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Travel group
Resumen de calificación
Very good
Revisada: 10.12.2023
Det ABSOLUT bästa hotellet vi har varit på ever! Inte bara att ALLT var fint, rent, lyxigt och perfekt… personalen var HELT magisk. Alla var så vänliga, generösa och genuina. Jag har aldrig varit med om liknande på nån annan plats i världen. Extra Tack till Santhosh, Roshan och de andra i Coral bar! Tack till Sunny i Italienska restaurangen, tack till Nalin som tog sig tid till oss, tack till fotografen Faaiq Mohamed och TACK alla andra (kommer inte ihåg alla namn) som jobbar där för att ni var med och gjorde vår bröllopsresa till nåt alldeles speciellt 🙏 Till dig som funderar på att resa hit - gör det! Du kommer inte bli besviken! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Revisada: 09.12.2023
Nous avons séjourné du 2 au 10 décembre en tout exclusif premium dans cet hôtel. Ce fut une expérience parfaite de A à Z, la propreté de la chambre, l’accueil, les attentions particulières et la réactivité du personnel ont été très agréable à vivre tout le séjour. La nourriture était bonne et équilibrée et pour tous les goûts je trouve. Merci à toute l’équipe , les chefs les serveurs, le personnel du spa, les serveurs des différents restaurants, je recommanderai sans hésiter le Centara à mon entourage ! 😍😍😍
Revisada: 09.12.2023
Es ist alles perfekt. Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter, welche versuchen, diesen Aufenthalt zum unvergesslichen Traum zu machen. Sehr bemüht, es wirkt authentisch und nicht aufgesetzt. Wohlfühlen vorprogrammiert.Das SPA ist herrlich entspannend, die Mitarbeitenden wissen, was sie tun und sind gut ausgebildet. Das Essen ist fantastisch- keinmal musste ich darüber nachdenken, ob es frisch ist bzw Hygiene eingehalten wird - es ist so gut!
Revisada: 07.12.2023
Everything was great! Stayed at the overwater villa, which was very beautiful with an amazing view, big bathroom and comfortable bed. Staff was very friendly and we really enjoyed the food. Especially at the Thai restaurant. Food and drinks are a bit pricey though if you don't book the all-inclusive package. Had a good time overall and would love to come back soon.
Revisada: 07.12.2023
Revisada: 07.12.2023
Exceptional service, super friendly staff, lots of activities and events to keep entire family entertained for over a week. Beautifully set up. Several packages to choose from. Very accommodating. Highly recommend.
Revisada: 07.12.2023
I had wonderful time staying at this resort. Staff are very helpful and very friendly. Accomodations are cleaned and well maintained. House reefs are very beautiful. I enjoyed food and drink in all restaurants and bars.
Revisada: 07.12.2023
The services are amazing and the people are very friendly. Nasir was our housekeeper and has been very helpful and we really enjoyed our time here. This hotel is very organised and has a a great variety of activities and all the facilities are refurbished.
Revisada: 06.12.2023
Very beautiful resort, friendly staff, excellent service, good environment, clean beach. Our water villa is very good, amazing sea view. There have beautiful coral reef around the villa, good to snorkeling.
Revisada: 06.12.2023
I enjoyed a lot my stay, the place is like a paradise and the staff takes care of everything since your arrival. Thank you to Rohit and Islam they were great during my stay. The whale shark experience is a must do. I didn’t like that the food options were a little reduce, also I didn’t like that room service was not included even though I had the all inclusive package because I had a villa with private pool and I couldn’t enjoy it fully because I had to be going to the bar for drink constantly.
Revisada: 05.12.2023
قضيت في هذا المنتجع خمسة أيام وهي اجمل ايام العمر واتمنى من تكرار التجربة هذا الايام في نفس المنتجع واشكر كل العاملين في المنتجع على حسن التعامل واخص بالذكر عامل النظافة afsal وعامل النظافة nasir وكافة العمال لحسن التعامل معنا.
Revisada: 05.12.2023
We couldn’t be more thrilled by our experience at the Centara Grand! We travelled here Nov 30-Dec 6, 2023 as part of our honeymoon trip. The staff has been wonderful- so professional, friendly, and attentive! We took two excursions snorkeling with the whale sharks and snorkeling with the manta rays. Akram and his team made both trips such a memorable experience! We saw manta rays and a whale shark! Akram is very knowledgeable about the sea creatures and has a fun, energetic personality! We will certainly be back- we couldn’t rave about this resort and their team more! Top notch!
Revisada: 04.12.2023
Absolutely excellent massage from Jen! I had the Maldivian massage and it was phenomenal.Jen listened to my worries about my back injury and she was gentle and made me feel comfortable. The atmosphere is calming and the products used smelled amazing.
Revisada: 03.12.2023
My retreat at Centara Grand Island in the Maldives surpassed all expectations. The island's charm, with pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs, set the stage for an unforgettable escape. The resort's commitment to excellence was evident in the attentive staff, ensuring every need was met with a genuine smile. The accommodations were a haven of comfort, seamlessly blending luxury with the island's natural charm. The culinary journey was a delight, with each meal offering a symphony of flavors. Freshly prepared seafood became a daily indulgence that heightened the overall experience. Beyond the aesthetics and amenities, it was the thoughtful details that made this stay truly remarkable. In the heart of the Maldives, Centara Grand Island stands as a testament to refined elegance and impeccable hospitality. I wholeheartedly recommend this haven for those seeking a harmonious blend of opulence and the serenity of island life. My gratitude to the entire team for curating an experience that will linger in my memories for years to come.
Revisada: 03.12.2023
Picturesque property , courteous staff, amazing buffet n restaurant food, special mention for the life guard ‘Fittey’ who was very patient for the first time snorkler like me. A definite recommendation!
Revisada: 03.12.2023
Fittey was very helpful he took us snorkelling and we had a great experience The hotel was very nice and staff also was very good. Lots of stuff to do with kids we will definitely come back with family
Revisada: 03.12.2023
Staff members are so friendly and positive, everything is super clean, the green areas are very well maintained and the villas and overwater villas are terrific. It's a pity that the resort can't be reached by speedboat from Male for a lower price than the overpriced waterplanes. Otherwise everything top!
Revisada: 02.12.2023
Rooms are good but in food less veg options. Deluxe rooms are more good than overwatervilla. All Staff was very good, loving and caring I think the resort is quite pretty and must visit place overall it was a nice trip for us
Revisada: 02.12.2023
We are here for the honeymoon. Great location with nice view and good for snorkeling. Services during our stay was the best. Spa was great. All staff is very friendly and approachable to help. The room was clean and comfort. Totally recommend here!
Revisada: 02.12.2023
Revisada: 01.12.2023
Beautiful property with great service and hospitality. The villas were stunning and the views were mesmerizing. The property has really nice restaurants and bars along with a beautiful spa which offers a variety of massages and relaxation treatments. Staff was quite co-operative and catered to our needs in a very professional way. Special thanks to Amanulla and Yuva.
Revisada: 01.12.2023
We all liked Clean and large rooms, delicious restaurants room service and Mr Babu above all praise We went to the Italian restaurant we liked very much but there somehow served for a long time.
Revisada: 30.11.2023
My stay with them was an amazing . They arranged everything very nicely . The staff is helpful. They even organise activities to engage the kids . My Kids never wanted to come back from that place . You guys are doing an amazing job . Please keep it up
Revisada: 29.11.2023
Sorry, not sorry, really long and gushing review! This is my first review on Trip-advisor, although I am an avid user of the site and would not book a holiday without it! For the first time I am compelled to write this review because of how we felt during our stay, and since returning home from Centara Grand. This holiday has made me realises that sometimes what we want is not always what we need. Having travelled to the Maldives earlier this year, staying in a Premium All Inclusive resort, booking a trip anywhere again was going to be difficult. We booked this 12 night trip at Centara Grand very last minute (Friday night, to fly out on the Sunday), the reason being, weeks spent pouring over options, destinations, and reviews. Trying to get all of our wish list in one resort - a very tall order! We were fortunate enough to book a Club Sunset Overwater Pool Villa, and the room did not disappoint, unfortunately we didn’t have too many glorious sunsets during our stay but we did have some spectacular starry nights, where we saw shooting stars a plenty. Special thanks to Jambe who cleaned our room beautifully, and ensured an excellent service with our laundry. The Grand All Inclusive package currently offers a laundry allowance per room. We have arrived home and unpacked cases with mostly freshly laundered and pressed clothes. This is genius! We’ve travelled widely and have never had a laundry allowance in any package before. Originally on arrival we checked into a different villa from the one we ended up in, because we were soon alerted by staff that there was a leak that required us to move. Having travelled a long way and spent time unpacking we really did not look forward to repacking everything to move, we did share this with the member of housekeeping who was really apologetic for the inconvenience. A little later this member of staff and another colleague arrived at the villa to advise us that they would take care of it all. We were blown away, and even more blown away to return to our new villa ( a better one actually in terms of location to the setting sun, unfortunately obscured mostly by clouds during our stay) and found that they had arranged all of our clothes and items exactly as we had unpacked them. They even checked in with my husband a few days later to ensure all was okay. What service! Unfortunately I did not see the two gentleman again, but they deserve recognition and praise for that level of care. I hope the resort can identify them and celebrate them for this. We booked the Club Villa because of the dining offered at the Club (the resort we visited before had an excellent food and beverage offer, one we wanted to replicate, as nice food is an essential part of our holidays), I was so excited after reading the reviews of Chef Senthil’s culinary skills, everyone talking about the delicious food they received. There has been a recent change to the Club offer meaning that our package included access to the Club, Ala carte breakfast, afternoon tea, and daily canapés at the Club. The mention of premium drinks I think is a little misleading, the menu given is exactly the same as that in Coral and Aqua bar, the only difference I could see was that a couple of the cocktails were included that were not in the other bars, and there was at least one different wine option available. The spirits section might be different but I didn’t pay any attention to this section of the menu. Dinner is still available in the Club, but it now seems to be reserved for special dining arrangements. We were dissappointed that we had not had this communicated at booking, and in all honesty if it had been we would not have booked. Our booking and check in information at the resort all suggested breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the Club. After a few days we spoke to the resort manager Mr Nalin Dissanayake , we hesitated about raising this, as we did not want to focus too much on the disappointment at the expense of the holiday as a whole. However Nalin was the consummate professional, who listened to our concerns, explained the changes, and then sort to offer a resolution, which meant that we had a few very special meals at the Club, and the food was fantastic. Senthil thank you so much, we loved eating your food, you know we loved if so much we definitely left heavier than we arrived! The overall experience at the Club (a little oasis in the resort, if you like a bit of quiet solitude, and relaxed breakfasts/snacks with great ambience). We also loved the bit of beach, as being in a overwater villa it was nice to be able to go and lay on the beach, feel the sand between your toes, especially as sun was not on our deck until around noon. The Club however beautifully styled, would be nothing without the staff. Irfan, and Mae alongside Senthil are just THE BEST! Mae provided impeccable service with the brightest smile, and Irfan should be cloned. He started at the resort approximately 8 yrs ago in housekeeping, progressing to where he is today. He is the most genuine, gracious, and kind host at the Club. We looked forward to chatting with him everyday. He is just a lovely human being. Every resort needs an Irfan, his level of care just appears effortless. We hope this is recognised by Centara, you have an absolute gem! This experience of being amongst friends didn’t stop in the Club, the staff at this resort are EXCEPTIONAL. The Coral bar crew, are AWESOME. It was like walking into your local where everyone knows you. Friendly, welcoming, inclusive, and aways willing to make a ’special cocktail’ for you. These guys just look like they enjoy their job and they enjoy the guests. The DJ, come part time bar man. We LOVED the DJ nights, he kept us dancing with banger after banger, not easy to keep a crowd happy with a mix of nationalities and music tastes, but he did it wonderfully. That was what was lovely, whether it be DJ nights or karaoke, attention was always paid to make nights inclusive for all guests. I cannot talk about the entertainment without mentioning Huhthu, what a legend! Your happiness is contagious, as is your dancing. Keep being awesome, what a guy! Always joyous, always bringing the fun! Just a delight to be around! The reef restaurant staff, we thank you for your attentive and friendly service, we did not visit that often, usually at lunch time, but whenever we did we just had the nicest experience. You have to try the garlic Naan served daily, I think we ate our body weight in Naan, as every time the chef saw us, he greeted us, and placed a bread in the oven, delivering it to our table when it was ready. His badge said he was a trainee Chef, and yet again not only was the food he delivered delicious, but his ability to make you feel really valued was second to none. We were really impressed with the food on offer at the buffet. You will be in your element if you like south and south east Asian food, as the daily offering is varied and plentiful, along with western dishes as well. Even if you would not opt for these choices I think you will be converted! I would not choose to eat from South Asian restaurants at home, and that I think this is more to do with the authenticity of what is created for western tastes, rather than what I thought was a dislike of dishes. At the buffet I was often drawn to these dishes the most, trying lots and enjoying them all. Also worth mentioning there appeared to be a really good gluten free bread and pastry section in the buffet, something I have never seen so well catered before. Suan Bua the Thai restaurant, serves delicious food and cocktails for lunch and dinner. Special shout our to Pablo, we only visited twice during our stay and when I booked the second time he remembered our room number. Another waiter there was my husbands favourite as he told my husband that he looked like an ‘older’ David Beckham! It seems flattery will get you everywhere! The chef came around the tables during our fist visit and I got talking to him about a dish that I had had some years ago in Northern Thailand, he told me that he was from Northern Thailand, and was planning on getting that dish on the menu in the future. He said he could not get all ingredients, and then added if we visited the restraurant again to ask, and he would try to make it for us, and guess what. Our second visit the dish was delivered to us as our main. It was delicious and so appreciated. Chef, sincere thanks. Another example of how staff go above and beyond for guests. Moving on to the other restaurant Azzuri Mare, Jithin the chef was informed that we were disappointed regarding not being able to eat all of our evening meals at the Club, and with that he came and introduced himself to us, and spoke to us about the food at Azzuri Mare. His passion, care, and attention to detail shone through. He talked proudly to us about our next meal with them and made recommendations from the menu, advising that he could tweak any dishes to make them more to our liking. When we ate there he came and took our order, talked us through our choices to ensure that we would thoroughly enjoy the dishes. He talked to us about ingredients, preparation and what the catch of the day was. The food that we ate there, was absolute top notch. We know that Jithin has won awards for his fish and seafood cooking, and it shows. He practices his skill and refines it to produce the best food that he can. It is good to hear about the career development he has been selected for, as alongside his culinary talent, he has the same gracious, and effortless approach to guests that you do no often experience even in the ‘hospitality’ industry. Thank you Jithin it was a pleasure to eat your food. We cannot talk about our experience at Azzuri Mare without shouting out Sunny! Sunny by name, and definitely sunny by nature. The best service, and the most entertaining of hosts. Sunny you looked after us and made us smile every time we saw you thank you, you are FABULOUS! Aqua bar we did not use very often as it was a bit too quiet for us, but when we did the level of service continued, always warmly welcomed and always taken care of. The same also goes for reception staff. Any interaction was a pleasure. We used the gym whilst there, and although we never attended any of the organised activity the instructor always went out of his way to chat with us whenever passing. We appreciate you! We went on a couple of excursions (the guide and the crew, you guessed it, excellent!) and my husband went on a couple of dives. As someone who has tried diving before without success Hassan one of the instructors spent time talking me through how he would assist me if I choose to give it another go. I didn’t this time, but if I wanted to in the future, I would feel in very safe hands with Hassan. Thank you, you could see my fear and you did you best to reassure me, and you did. Had our break been longer you may have got me in the deep! I didn’t visit the spa but my husband did, and he said Jen was amazing. Unfortunately we had missed the part about the spa allowance in the package, only discovering the day before departure. My husbands only regret is not being able to fit in more than one massage. Finally Fitty, the turtle whisperer! Fitty works in security but appears to be able find a turtle at any time on the reef, and will willingly take people out to locate them. We were fortunate to find them ourselves, and whenever we saw Fitty we would report back. He would not pass without having a little chat, which just made us smile and added to our holiday. Aside from the staff, the island is out of this world beautiful, exactly what you would expect in the Maldives, it is well maintained and all areas are clean and looked after. The restaurants do get a bit hot, but hey, you are in tropical paradise! Sun in some accommodation could be limited outside the villa’s depending on location, so if this is important to you I would recommend that you check. If you want to flit between your villa and the main pool/Club if you have a Club room then it should not be too much of an issue. The house reef was spectacular, better than where we were before, I felt that my snorkelling experiences were that of what you would only normally experience when diving, such as being within a few feet of turtles, and swimming amongst shoals of fish. The house reef is alive and growing, you can see all of the coral cultivation that is happening, which is vitally important. The only constructive points that I think could enhance this already great resort is: The app did not advise about buffet themes for Reef each day, I like to know to then plan where I want to eat Service via the App was not very reliable - twice I ordered a bottle of wine to the room, the first time we had to chase some hours after the initial request that was acknowledged before it arrived. The second time we ordered this way and the wine was never delivered. Ordering by phone seemed the most reliable way. Suan Bua and Azure Mare have the same menu’s for lunch and dinner, depending on how much you like on the menu this might limit your choices significantly. Where we visited before there was a different lunch menu and dinner. Maybe even just having some daily specials would enhance the variety We definitely left a bit of our heart in Centara! Would we return, YES!!!!!!!!!
Revisada: 28.11.2023
Absolutely amazing! The accomodation is spacious, comfortable and very clean, the house reef is amazing with lots of sea life and the staff are very friendly and helpful. Would definitely recommend!!!
Revisada: 28.11.2023
This resort is one of the nicest I’ve ever been to. Excellent place for relaxing, swimming , snorkelling and more. Staff are very friendly and helpful which made our experience wonderful. Would definitely recommend to anyone looking to go for a holiday to the Maldives.
Revisada: 28.11.2023
We had a wonderful fun-filled memorable time at the resort. Grand all inclusive option allowed us to have a great dining experience, spa and other activities choices. I wish we could stay here longer.
Revisada: 28.11.2023
Happiness means holding a ticket to Maldives! Finally my dream came true. My sister and brother in law took me and my husband to Maldives as a gift to celbrate my surviving from Breast Cancer this year. We stayed both in Sunset Water villa and pool villa. Just sitting outside our room looking at the vast green sea made my day. The comfort, the serene beauty, everything about the resort is excellent. We even met a celebrity from Dubai! And one of our fellow countryman who is an employee there, was so helpful which made us feel at home. I loved doing yoga by the beach, watching the sunset from the net- bed, the swing on the water and walking by the sea. Just sitting at the terrace, having coffee and listening to my favourite music was my best time of the day. I took unlimited pictures and still feel like so much was left to capture. The food at Azzuri Mare, the Italian spread, was the best. Every item, savoury or sweet, deserves to have a Michelin star itself. The people serving were so friendly and nice. Loved sitting at the Aqua bar and watch the rain from there. I believe in life and I believe everything that happens in life, either makes you wiser or stronger. I count my blessings everyday, and i count my family twice. To me, luxury means good health and spending time with my family. And when I could visit this amazing place in good health and with my loved ones, made me eternally grateful to God. Made my faith in him even deeper. Nothing is impossible when you Believe. This trip made me believe even harder that good days will always come after the worst of the days. Gratitude in heart. Sincerely Nuzhat Nuzhat.tarannum@gmail.com
Revisada: 28.11.2023
ประทับใจมากมาครั้งที่สองในรอบ10ปี ได้รับการดูแลอย่างยอดเยี่ม ห้องพักดีเลิศ วิวงดงาม น้ำใสมากๆๆๆ อาหารดีเลิศ ไม่ผิดหวัง ชอบมากกับการดำน้ำดูปลา ประการัง วนไปๆรอบๆเกาะแสนวิเศษใด้เจอเต่ามะเฟือง ปลาฉลาม ปลาสวยงามหลากหลาย ประการัง ประทับใจมาก
Revisada: 27.11.2023
Wow. What a experience. Our first trip to The Maldives. From the 25 min seaplane transfer from Male to Centara Grand , we knew this area is special. Beautiful views of other aqua coloured atols.we were met by friendly welcoming party of staff. We found out our all inclusive package had been upgraded to the Grand all inclusive package ( a deal with our travel agent that we didnt know about) we were taken to The Aqua Bar by our wonderful concierge Rohit ( sorry I'm not good with names) where drinks were quickly ordered and a snack ordered for us ( snack being a toasted chicken, bacon, egg ,tomatoe club sandwich and fries. Delicious. After setting up the app for centara on our phone and explains the island we were taken to our room. Stunning and amazing aircon as its very hot and humid in the Maldives. Great linen, beach towels, toiletries incl toothbrushes, shampoo,etc. The resort is super clean. The staff every where are always quick to say hi. The Reef restaurant ( which is buffet( has lots amazing choices breakfast, lunch ,dinner. The Thai restaurant was our favourite. Amazing food and every staff member were exceptional. Fun, proffessional, attentive and always genuine. The Italian restaurant was good too esp the octopus on mash. The staff also terrific.both the Aqua bar and Coral bars were delightful. Coffee, cocktails, micktails etc from 11 to 11. Coffee from 10am. The staff in both these bars also were attentive, fun and professional. Again I'm not good with names but over the week we spent there we seemed to have the same staff when we went there. They remembered us very early on and even made cocktails that they thought we may like. My husband spent some time at the dive centre gaining a qualification. His instructor was Alvin. He was proffesional and very safe and very engaging. My husband hadn't done his PADI couse before coming so had to spend a fair bit of time doing that , over a few days, as well as the practical instruction. His suggestion is if you want to do a dive course do the PADI at home prior coming and show the evidence of that when here. I had a number of massages by Jaeb at the Spa. She is amazing. Terrific massages and a lovely person and the whole experience was very relaxing. You felt very spoilt. We had the same house keeper for our 7 days. Wow he was brilliant. Moona( sorry for not getting this right ) He was gentle, fun and very proffesional . A lovely young man. He would come in during the day cleaning, relacing towels,cups, tea/coffee, water, making your bed. Nothing was a problem. He would then pop back in the early evening and pull your bed down , close curtains, replace towels, cups etc. Amazing service. A big thankyou to the guy who replenished our mini bar supplies daily too. Back to the app. If you wanted to book a restaurant, have laundry collected, book a spa ,want new towel, book excursions etc you just sent a message and in no time you would have a return message with confirmations or question. It worked really well. We never had to go to reception at all. There is also a doctor on this island. I could keep going on and on. I'm sorry if I missed anything . But loved this resort and all it had to offer. The staff were genuinely caring. Having experienced the grand all inclusive package we would say it would definitely be worth pushing your self to take that package as it did offer more options. Thank you Centara Grand island resort
Revisada: 27.11.2023
Spa Was amazing and helpful special thanks for pin and patis they are really professional and made our day spa very clean and very friendly staff defiantly will come back thanks so much 😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Revisada: 27.11.2023
Our honeymoon on this island was the best in respects The staff are very well behaved And thank you very much to Nabeed I hope famous Iranian or Turkish dishes will be served We were completely satisfied with everything Reza from ardabil iran
Revisada: 26.11.2023
What can I say other than paradise combined with a wonderful team who are always happy to help and make your experience special and relaxing. The picture is one of the beautiful works of art in our room by Hacin. Thank you to all the teams. A special shout to, Coral Bar - Rishard, Roshan, Santosh and Kumar Azzuri Mare - Desmond, Sunny , Chef (sorry didn’t get your name) and team Aqua Bar - Santish Suan Bua - Meaw and Jonathan The Reef - too many to mention shout out to the Egg Chef and Naan breads! Water sports and Dive shop, Akram, Hussan, Tino, Alvin and boat teams. You always greeted us with a smile and our safety a priority. Even if we didn’t get to see a whale shark! Hacin who looked after our room, we thank you for all you have done. Spa - Patis and Jen you have some special hands. We feel much better The food and beverage manager - again sorry for not catching your name, thank you for making our last evening in the Azzuri Mare even more special. It was greatly appreciated and throughly enjoyable! We end our stay on a huge high! To all the teams behind the scenes thank you. Centra you should be extremely proud of your team they are truly an amazing asset! They stay calm and smile even when there are rude customers, that says a lot. Going home to save to return to see you again!
Revisada: 25.11.2023
TLDR : If you want best resort with good vegetarian option and kid friendly area, this is the place to be. Go with All inclusive package. Transfer & check in This resort is located 25 min away via sea plane from Male. Like other resorts they have meet and greet person at airport, but the person was very polite and spot on with instructions. He completed all check in for hotel from Airpot, so that we didn't have to wait at reception for it. Hotel It is very well located with prefect depth for snorkeling and water activities. The beach villas are very well maintained with all required amenities like vanity kit, toiletries, indoor and outdoor (private) showers, WC on ground floor and 1st floor, bathrobes, life jackets etc. Watervilla is even more splendid with direct access to ocean below from each villa. In sunset pool villa you would get a plunge pool and full size bathtub. Although it is far from main restaurant, it is walkable of you are not with kids/infant or elderly with waking issues . Restaurant In Reef Restaurant you will find vegetarian dishes which are really made as per indian style. There are vegetarian options in all sections, soup, starters, main course and sweets. Items are clearly marked with code stating their ingredients. Bar There is wide varieties of drinks available most of them free with all inclusive package. Some are only free with Grand all inclusive. In room fridge has soft drinks and 2 beer refilled once daily with 1 pringles (free with all inclusive) Staff and services The greatest pleasure is having good staff at resort, which this property can boast of. People are truly working hard for best service to guests. Housekeeping guys comes twice for maintaining rooms clean and requests for extra towels is addressed quickly. Servers at Restaurant are very polite and attentive to the needs. Servers at bar are also very inviting and friendly. Children play area workers are very nice to kids. People at reception do their best to manage flow of guests effectively. Special shout out to Rohit (Reception), narty (reef Restaurant) and other servers, Jun the dosa making guy. vivek , rishard at the bar for truly amazing experience. Cons The wait times for buggy are high, some times upto 15 min as they have limited buggy. For water sport you need to carry life jacket from rooms They won't let you use kettle for anything else apart from boiling water. (Who wants to cook if they are on all inclusive plan?) They are very strict on it with 200 usd penalty/fine.
Revisada: 25.11.2023
The Centara Grand is an absolute gem. The staff are extremely friendly, responsive and accommodating. This island is one of the few with its own reef encircling it. This provides for continual safe snorkelling with an abundance of marine life. I completed my Scuba Diver training with Maldives Best Dive while on the island. I had no scuba experience and yet found them outstanding to deal with. Alvin was the perfect instructor and very very safe. He speaks a large number of languages so most people could benefit from his training. I would suggest doing the short online PADI training before arrival to maximise your time. The food at the resort was extremely good. We particulary liked the Thai restaurant. Perhaps a faster boat for the whale shark snorkelling trip would be good. A total of 3 hours on a boat to not find any whale sharks (it happens and not Centara's fault) is a bit of a drag. Our Villa over the water was excellent and well serviced. We would suggest taking the Grand All Inclusive Package. While it costs extra, it makes your access to food, drink and activities a bit better. It is worth it if you want to be a bit more active on the island. Overall, we loved it. Don't forget to get a dive in.
Revisada: 23.11.2023
Although the weather wasn’t always the best this resort is the real deal. Our water Villa was amazing and the beaches and pool are were incredible. So much to do for a small resort but also plenty of chilled out places to relax to. We loved the vibe and would definitely recommend this resort
Revisada: 23.11.2023
Revisada: 22.11.2023
It was great experience and nice place it a wonderful beach with good restaurants all the stuff they are nice and know how to respect and care will come again and I wanna thank Samsul he is a nice person thank you
Revisada: 22.11.2023
ممتازه كل شي جميل نظيف مبتسمين ودودين الخدمه سريعه الاكل لذيذ المكان هادي الطاقم محترم مبتسم ساكرر الزياره مع العائله والاصدقاء ان شالله كل شي كان جميل للغايه الموضفين دائما متواجدون ياتي الموظف مرتين ل النظافه بالاضافه الى السؤال احيانا بدون ان نطلب هل تحتاجون شي
Revisada: 22.11.2023
We spent an amazing week here. We booked a beach villa but we’re upgraded to a beach pool villa which was a lovely surprise. The Villa was stunning! We really enjoyed being able to go to dinner in the Italian and Thai restaurants, and these as well as the buffet were very accommodating to my dietary requirements - on request they cooked me gluten free pancakes at breakfast and managed to try and succeed at cooking fried calamari gluten free. Unfortunately we didn’t see any whale sharks even though we went on two trips… but obviously it is never guaranteed…. Would have been good to be offered the second trip half price or something though as it’s quite expensive and disappointing if you don’t see anything. Overall a beautiful friendly island and a great holiday. Thank you
Revisada: 21.11.2023
The place is ‘great’, the room is ‘gorgeous’, and the view is ‘breath taking’. The food is a bit let down for the buffet at reef restaurant. Somedays it’s so good that you shoot out a beam from your mouth, somedays it’s just ‘meh’. Still, there are 2 more restaurant option with alacarte and small course meal which are both great (Italian and Thai). If you love to do activities, best plan your day to visit as most activities are lock to specific day of the week. Some activities require minimum participation, it’s best to check with the hotel when you plan to visit here. However there are still tons of free activity you can do all around and equipments to borrow for free. If you have kids, there are kid zone that would be great for them to fun while you can get chilled at the bar near by or if you might want to go do some activities. If you have elderly, it’s possible to come and enjoy. However, I need to point out that you have to visit via sea plane which will then drop you off at the middle of the sea raft(drop point) which you will then need to ride a 2 min boat to the resort. I would be quite concerning if your elders are too old since the raft could be shaky depend on the weather especially in the rain. Here is the bad experience: There’s a lot of communication problem. Told the staff not to do ‘turn down’, he still went in to do it. There are still more issue such as tip issues, voucher issues, recommend to use the app to communicate but none responsive, notifying food allergies but no action, etc. All of the staff is friendly, however, all of the Thai staff I met is very attentive and understanding. They all try to understand the issue and resolving it unlike other that seem like they just doesn’t care much in comparison.
Revisada: 20.11.2023
- Simply outstanding from touchdown to our journey home. Jerry met us at the airport and guided us through to the Sea Plane transfer efficiently, with a smile and with no fuss, exactly the start we hoped for. On arriving at the resort, we couldn't believe what we had booked, the resort is outstanding. I've been to the Maldives before and had a high benchmark; this place did not disappoint. Rohit did a great job getting us checked in, talking us through things and getting us to our room where we met our bags again. The room was amazing, we had a family room, even though there were just two of us so we had lots of room for all our things. A couple of things stood out, the bathtub (and the view from it), the reef which had so many tropical fish swimming around us, the privacy and the towel art we got every night. Needless to say, we were very happy with the room! - Without going into loads of detail and covering things that have already been mentioned, I would just like to call out that the staff really added to our experience in a way that money can't buy. Everyone, literally everyone, would say hi or say good morning etc. which made you feel welcomed throughout the stay. There were a few stand-outs for us that I'd also like to call out who are a real credit to the resort. Those members are Hamdhaanu and Shahil from the Thai restaurant, Suan Bua, who are a real special double team. Those guys have amazing chemistry and it just makes eating there and getting to know them a great experience. They sorted out a birthday dinner for us that we will never forget. The food, especially the Thai omelette is exceptional. The other mention is to Shamil from the Water Sports Centre. We booked the fishing trip as part of the GAI (Grand All-Inclusive), neither of us had fished before but we thought, why not?! Shamil was great, he helped us get to grips with it and made sure we were OK. Every time we met him, he was really pleasant, accommodating and like Hamdhaan and Shahil, a really good laugh. I cannot praise these guys enough. - There are a couple of things people should be aware of/feedback for the hotel to make it even better. Those things would be, more air-conditioned areas and a parasol on the decking (some days it was too hot to sit outside for more than 10mins!), slightly different evening entertainment (something more classical and chilled than loud DJ music/party) and a dress code for dinner (some nights it was nice to go casual but I just feel a dress code would improve the experience, even if this was only enforced at the restaurants rather than the buffet). These things are minor in the grand scheme of things as this was an exceptional trip. I kind of feel like this holiday has ruined all future holidays as it will be very hard to beat and I will be recommending it to all my friends. I also saw the review below about the litter and can honestly say, we didn't spot 1 bit in the 8 nights we were there. This place is spotless.
Revisada: 18.11.2023
A lovely island with one of the best staff i have ever encountered in the maldives! Level of service was 6/5! If this review was written by abybody else it would probably be 5/5. I do recognise im nitpicking here a bit but.. Lets start with the few reasons that made this review be 4/5 instead of 5/5: -Arrival service (or lack thereof). This was my 7th time in the maldives and having been to 4* islands with an arrival service I was a bit shocked there was no one to greet us at the arrival hall. We went to the service desk. After a while someone came to direct us to the TAM desk and then to the busses. At the seaplane terminal there was NO LOUNGE WITH COMPLIMENTARY REFRESHMENTS 😱 Just a common lounge with items for purchase. At this point I was feeling a bit annoyed since after traveling almost 20h I was sitting in a public lounge and was buying bottled water after having reserved a 5* island.. It felt cheap.. -Departure service (and once again lack thereof). We were carted of the island around 6am to get to the 9:40 am flight. Check out was at 5am so we could get breakfast. Breakfast was coffee from the machine, toast with no butter or anything else to put on top, fruit (👍👍👍) and bao. Once we got off the seaplane the seaplane staff directed us to the place where busses depart from the seaplane terminal. There were some hotels who escorted their guests to the busses (i.e. lux) and some airlines had sent someone to round up the late arrivals so they would make it in time for their flight. For us, no one came to say that we were allowed to go on the busses. We waited LOOOONG! Finally having been to maldives before i suggested to the rest of the departing group that i think we should just get on bus. I went to some random guy and asked if we could just come aboard and off we went.. At the airport there was a representative to show where the departure gate was.. thats it.. -Trash on the beach. After heavy rain and rough seas its understandable that there will be trash from the ocean on the beach. Unfortunately on at least two days the trash stayed there the whole day, at leadt until 7-8pm 😬 For example a dirty cutting board was found in front of our villa.. -Food at the buffet. NO watermelon juice at breakfast. This was a huge shock to me.. First island without watermelon juice.. Even the 4* ones have it! The food from buffet was ok. Nothing special. I would skip the teppanyaki. -I feel like the AI should include some wine in room. NOW THE POSITIVES: -A shout out to the best staff ever! Jonathan, Pablo and maew from suan bua. Vasanth from Aqua with his amazing coctails! Mojo, Yaahees, Sunny and Jithin from Azzuri Mare who made our vacation feel magical and who truly went above and beyond in service of clients! Will miss my Azzuri Mare boys! 🥰 Akram and Shalim, thank you for the whale shark spotting!! -Amazing food at Suan bua and Azzuri Mare! Both atmosphere and food were drool worthy! -Solid AI drink and food selection on bars and restaurants. They recently changed it so you can order 3 courses for dinner even at the italian ❤️ -Excellent bars (aqua and coral) with the best margarita ive ever had in the maldives! -Approachable management. -Excursions were great! This island boasts Akram the whale shark whisperer. Managed to jump in front of one because of him! All in all a solid choice for a trip to the maldives!
Revisada: 18.11.2023
Very good experience from snorking . Thank you Mr. Fittey Deduct 1 star from 1) staff at front of Reef restaurant no service mind but recovery by smily Thais lady staff. 2) Made luggage broken but not inform i told K. Pat . All keep quiet, By the way, small broken
Revisada: 17.11.2023
I must say that this was an excellent choice for our vacation.. Thanks to travel healers Noida for suggesting such a wonderful resort.. Every thing was arranged to perfection.. The greet and meet at Male Airport was excellent, ours was the last flight to come to Male and so we had to be quick, but immigration took long but just on arrival we were greeted by the hotel representative and thereafter everything was breeze from the sea plane transfer to the check in at hotel.. Glad we took All inclusive plan at the resort.. Everything was included and they had variety of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages.. i never felt lacking for any drink at the resort.. We even had single malt in our package.. The staff at Coral Bar and Aqua bar are excellent.. Particular mention to Mr Sujith and Mr Vasanth from the aqua bar, they made delicious mocktails and cocktail for us.. i never felt the need for single malt.. The two specially restaurants are excellent, San Bua, Thai restaurant and Azurri Mare, Italian restaurant.. we never had any buffet lunch and dinner at Reef restaurant, we had all our lunches at Thai and Italian restaurant.. A pool side dinner has also been arranged for us in the AI package.. Special thanks to Sunny and Chef Jithin at Azurri Mare.. Special thanks to Mr Huthutu at coral Bar for arranging excellent activities.. Both our villa attendants Rocky and Ranjit are excellent.. There is nothing called as no in this resort.. All our requests were entertained with ease.. Thank you so so so much Centara Grand
Revisada: 17.11.2023
Very bad service not recommended for anyone, we are talking in reception they are running away . We have flight to catch they said to check out and come to reception at 11:15 we are sitting in reception untill 13:15 no one came to said sorry for delay .
Revisada: 17.11.2023
Fabulous treat! A must ! When you come for a vacation break at Centara Grand Maldives treat yourself to a massage and foot massage! Jen is very attentive to all your needs and requests! The Spa Cenvaree is very beautiful and ZEN.....Enjoy!
Revisada: 16.11.2023
We spent 8 nights at the Centara Grand and it was one of the most magical holidays we've ever had. We have two boys, 7 and 4, and after seeing it recommended in The Times top 10 winter destinations for families (and then seeing the reviews on Tripadvisor) we booked it straight away. We can't even begin to describe how much of an amazing time we had. The island is insanely well looked after and everyone there makes you feel special. The whole team really does make this place what it is and we'd like say a huge thank you to Nazim who looked after us so well during meal times. We dream of going back again. Thank you everyone
Revisada: 16.11.2023
Revisada: 15.11.2023
Total relaxation great food options and everything included on ultimate all inclusive package . We upgraded to island club for total privacy and table service breakfast rather than buffet We stayed on the island in a beach villa as prefer this to overwater villas

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