Milaidhoo Island Maldives Verified Reviews
Milaidhoo Island Maldives,Baa Atoll,Maldives, 20215 Baa Atoll, Maldives
Value for money
Free WiFi
South Africa
Reviewed: February 15, 2024
Pros: Amazing Reef to snorkel
Reviewed: January 5, 2024
Five Nights of Milaidhoo Magic
Pros: This was our second stay at this property with a few years between… and Milaidhoo is even better now than when it first opened. The staff were exceptional. The food was impeccable, wonderfully highlighting Maldivian cuisine amongst a range of international dishes. The wine list holds its own against any Michelin starred restaurant, featuring the best wines of the new and old world. The resort reef is an absolute pleasure to snorkel or dive, and it’s within a few meters of the beach! Unlike many other reefs in SE Asia and the Pacific, there is no pollution here. We had some very heavy downpours during our stay over NYE but the staff accommodated, adapted and moved the events under cover without missing a beat. Simply exceptional.
Cons: Nothing.
Reviewed: December 23, 2023
I would definitely recommend to visit again
Pros: I loved the fact that everyone in milaidhoo gave a very personalized feeling at every given moment. Truly a place for couples to visit. The 24 hour butler - Yenny for our entire stay was exceptional.
Cons: After 6 , the property felt too dark due to less installation of lights everywhere and in the room. There should be more vegetarian option in the breakfast menu.
Reviewed: December 22, 2023
Tudo absolutamente Perfeito!!
Pros: Tudo absolutamente magnífico!!! Todos os pequenos detalhes de infra estrutura e também atendimento do Staff são perfeitos!!!! Recomendo!!
Cons: Ar condicionado do quarto ou gelava, ou ficava quente demais.
Reviewed: December 9, 2023
Ein Traumurlaub
Pros: Hervorragendes Personal, alle sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Das Essen war abwechslungsreich und qualitativ sehr gut. Die Ausflüge waren toll und das ganze Personal war ausgesprochen aufmerksam und hilfsbereit.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: December 5, 2023
Memorable experience
Pros: Awesome experience, butler Anth is very helpful and brilliant,she arranged all things that we needed , spa staff novi and her manager ,all buffet staff ,cleaning staf and manager Ibrahim all are excellent and professional .We enjoyed our vacations with excellent services, highly recommended.
Cons: Prices are high
United Kingdom
Reviewed: November 30, 2023
Two weeks in heaven.
Pros: Staff are friendly. And can’t do enough to make your stay a happy and relaxed one. They are a wonderful team who work well to get her to make everything perfect. This small island is beautiful and the accommodation very comfortable.
Cons: Nothing
Reviewed: July 11, 2022
Pros: Все понравилось
Cons: Нет такого
South Korea
Reviewed: June 7, 2022
Pros: Had excellent experience. Room was clean, food and service were great. Definitely will visit next time.
Reviewed: May 28, 2022
Pros: alles war wirklich klasse Perfect Honeymoon
Reviewed: May 10, 2022
Pros: المكان جميل جدا هادىء الخدمة ممتازة والموظفين ودودين ولايوجد فيه اطفال (دخول الاطفال لعمر معين) مكان مميز للاسترخاء فعلا الغرف نظيفة الطعام لذيذ الاستقبال من المطار سريع وراقي جدا وكذالك الوداع والاجراءات في المطار كانت مميزه جدا
Cons: لايوجد كل شيء كان مثالي
Reviewed: April 13, 2022
Pros: Хорошо организована встреча в аэропорту и дальнейшее сопровождение, никакого дискомфорта и сложностей не увидели, нам помогли с чемоданами, с покупкой sim симкарты, со сдачей багажа в камеру хранения, на микроавтобусе довезли до аэропорта водных самолетов (очень приятный бизнес зал оказался), все было ок и без задержек. Также все прекрасно было организовано и при отлете, организовали перелёты на местных авиалиниях (здесь правда был косяк батлера, которая убеждала, что бизнес класса нет, а он был), в аэропорту встретил сотрудник отеля, сопроводил, помог с багажом, все было отлично, сильно упростил задачу. По проживанию. Вилла оказались достаточно просторной, не меньше чем на фото в Booking. Территория у вилл также вполне приятная и уютная. Территория самого отеля достаточно небольшая, за минут 10 можно обойти, но в целом остров очень зелёный, здесь есть некая эко-повестка, то есть на территории острова дорожек как таковых нет, везде песчаные тропинки - такая концепция. Каблуки не надевала). Что касается питания, то оно вполне себе неплохое, для себя в итоге сделали вывод, что и ресторана который идёт в системе «все включено» вполне достаточно, меню разнообразное, блюда вкусные. В рестораны, в которые нужно бронировать места, можно сходить пару раз, но не больше, в целом каждый решает для себя, просто ничего слишком уж «другого» там нет. Пляж: берите с собой обувь для моря, берег усыпан обломками кораллов, босым ногам будет больно, а специальную обувь в отеле не продают - эко-повестка. Общая оценка невысокая из-за батлеров, читайте ниже и меняйте их после первого косяка.
Cons: Из минусов - система сопровождения батлером. Ко всем приезжающим прикрепляется батлер, который в процессе всего пребывания с вами на связи через WhatsApp, а как такового рецепшена в отеле нет, то есть стойка регистрации есть, но все вопросы решает батлер, это и вопросы заселения и все вопросы, которые необходимо решить во время проживания. То есть у вас только один контакт и нет альтернативы, обратиться к кому-либо еще физически не получится. Если у вас недопонимание с батлером, то у вас проблема и чтобы решить ее нужно сказать батлеру, чтобы он договорился о встрече с его руководством, просто пойти на рецепшен и решить вопрос вам не удастся. И здесь тот самый «человеческий фактор». Наш батлер, который был изначально закреплён за нами нам не подошел, было много путаницы, много недопонимания, мы этого батлера заменили на русскоговорящего батлера-девушку, стало сильно комфортнее, но это всё уже случилось ближе к отъезду, так как русскоговорящий батлер на тот момент был один и часть отдыха у нас, конечно, была не совсем «на релаксе», было много косяков со стороны изначального батлера. Например ОН приглашает нас на ужин, который проходит на берегу ресторана где «все включено», нам подает его как вечеринку от ресторана, и не считает нужным предупредить, что праздничный ужин ПЛАТНЫЙ (около 800 долларов за 3 человек), то есть мы ужинаем в ресторане «все включено», а потом нам приносят счет, и дело не в возможностях оплатить или нет, дело в том, что такого быть не должно. Если кратко: мы считаем, что поужинать на тот день больше негде (другие рестораны закрыты), а по факту выбор был: можно было поужинать как обычно«все включено» или на пляже, но нам об этом батлер ни слова не сказал. И много еще по мелочи и не по мелочи. Перед вылетом нам предоставили водную виллу для ожидания (что ок), батлер должна была заехать за нами в условленное время, НО, она забыла, НЕ ОТВЕЧАЛА на звонки и нам пришлось бегать и ловить проезжающие мимо багги. Рецепшен не существует, звонить некому!
United States of America
Reviewed: March 30, 2022
Pros: Service, Food, the location is amazing.
Cons: Gym facilities
Reviewed: March 12, 2022
Pros: House reef 👌🏻
United States of America
Reviewed: March 12, 2022
Lovely place but island is too small with no pleasant beach for water villas
Pros: Breakfast was excellent and food in general was very good. All services were excellent. Night snorkel was interesting but was much shorter than paid for (45 minutes vs 1 ½ hours)
Cons: More spirit. Lacks a friendly atmosphere. More grand buffet dinners. Lacks social warmth. No staff took the time or made the effort to get to know us. Villas over water have no beach to go to. No beach chairs or beach side service. This is a big negative and should be rectified. We had to find chairs to sit on in front of unused beach villas— awkward.
Reviewed: March 8, 2022
Merveilleux séjour au paradis !
Pros: Merveilleux séjour ! Tout était parfait : le cadre, la villa, le personnel, la cuisine … Merci beaucoup ! ☺️☺️
Reviewed: February 24, 2023
real paradise
Pros: perfect location …incredible staff ..amazing food …perfect organization for transfer and for everything we needed ..a special thanks to Yenny for her amazing kindness and for making our trip so special and so well organized ..she was the best
Cons: nothing ..everything was just perfect
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: January 16, 2023
Pros: هداء جداً شكرا للاخ جميل
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: January 13, 2023
Pros: We had an amazing stay in one of the beach villas. Island is gorgeous and this is a boutique hotel therefore quite personal. Naveen was our fantastic host who really made every effort to ensure we have a great stay and enjoy some of the activities we did. We never saw housekeeping staff yet our villa was cleaned/done up twice a day. The most surprising for me was the quality of the food whether it was room service or one of the restaurants; the food was really very good (not always the case even with 5 star hotels we have stayed in). All in all an amazing experience, would highly recommend.
Czech Republic
Reviewed: December 8, 2022
Pros: Klidný ostrov , kde jsme se cítili jako velmi vítáni. Náš butler byl velmi příjemný a inteligentní člověk, který se snažil, abychom prožili co nejhezčí dovolenou. Naše villa byla úžasná . Bazén s příjemně teplou vodou a nádherný výhled na čistou a prázdnou pláž. Korálový útes je plný barevných ryb a žraloků. Snídaně i večeře byly opravdový zážitek. Škoda, že si takovou dovolenou nemůžeme dovolit každý rok. Určitě bychom se rádi zase vrátili.
Cons: Možná jen vyšší cena, ale tak kvalitní služby nemohou být levné.
Reviewed: December 17, 2021
Pros: The level of privecy and the accomodation size and the staff always were helping and trying to give the best experiance
Cons: It only happened once that other gustes were snorkling in front of my view which to invade my privcy ... apart from that it was outstanding experiance
Reviewed: December 11, 2021
Место, куда хочется вернуться
Pros: Маленький остров нереальной красоты! Отличная водная вилла, отличный персонал, отличная кухня! Уровень сервиса на высочайшем уровне! Одно из немногих мест, куда мы обязательно еще вернемся! Отдельное спасибо нашему батлеру Ahmed!
Reviewed: November 7, 2021
Perfection in every detail.
Pros: Milaidhoo is a very special place to both my husband and I. From the picturesque white beaches and clear blue ocean to the stylishly decorated villas, there is no detail that was not perfected. The villas are comfortable, spacious and filled with luxurious amenities. Beds are large and comfortable. All three restaurants are world class and the breakfast buffet is unbelievable. The chefs truly cater for every taste. The beautiful Compass Bar rounds off a relaxing day with an incredible selection of wines, soothing live music and romantic sunsets. The dive centre is also something not to be missed. Every excursion delivered something special and the dive masters were especially knowledgable and skilled. But even just a snorkel along the beautifully alive and colourful house reef never failed to disappoint. The gym is well-equipped and clean. The staff, of course, deserve a special mention. They are friendly, kind and attentive. Our island host made our stay extremely comfortable and special. The sommelier is one of the best in the world, with a cellar stocked full of carefully selected wines from all over. We thoroughly enjoyed our tastings.
Cons: Going home is always sad, but we’ll definitely be back for a third visit.
Reviewed: November 5, 2021
Pros: все! рай на земле, лучший сервис
Cons: приходится уезжать
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: October 20, 2021
Heavenly escape!
Pros: Everything was perfect!
Cons: The prices are a bit high especially at the resturants
United Kingdom
Reviewed: April 28, 2023
Better than Paradise
Pros: It was the most relaxing place. They catered to every dietary requirement & didn't require me to repeat them at every meal because they were on file. Everyone who worked there was so kind, especially our island host Yenny who went above and beyond to make our time there unforgettable.
Cons: I didn't like that I can't live there full time. It was perfect!
Reviewed: April 7, 2023
Pros: One of the most beautiful places in the world, excellent service, thanks to Anth for taking care of everything we asked for.
Reviewed: April 2, 2023
une parenthèse de détente
Pros: le côté exclusif de l’endroit car nous y avons croisé très peu de monde.. la qualité du service et la gentillesse du personnel..
Cons: le tarif des boissons alcoolisées et le fonctionnement des extras en plus de la demie pension
Reviewed: March 30, 2023
Pros: de plek is paradijselijk
Reviewed: March 23, 2023
Pros: Milaidhoo is a true heaven exists on this earth. If you are looking for a place so relaxing, magical and as beautiful as photos seen in Maldives, you should choose Milaidhoo. The wonderful experience starts from the moment we transferred back from the Hard Rock Hotel. Milaidhoo pre-arranged a transfer with Hard Rock Hotel for us to meet the host at the airport. The host right away brought our luggages and took over with Seaplane check in. We are brought to the lounge with plenty of drinks and snacks. We took the first seaplane out at 10am and were received by a group of amazing people at Milaidhoo. The way they welcomed us, we felt that we were back to an old friends’ place. The smiles, the white dressed people with very nice scented towels, we feel we have landed in a heaven in the Indian Ocean. We were immediately escorted by our wonderful host, Yenny, showing the island and places. Our water villa 106 was definitely part of this amazing experience. The room is clean, well-built, furnished with all the luxury-branded items - drinks, cookie and a very big Bathtub overlooking the Ocean. We are welcomed by a sight of beautifully chilled Champagne with fruits basket. Though this is our first time at Milaidhoo, our host, Yenny was like an old friend we met again. She speaks not like someone just doing her work, but like an old friend who know our concerns, ready to help with anything. Every time we asked something, she was there the next second. She and the team made us a lot of surprises like flower bathtub, special words on postcards, writing on the beds, local sacks daily and the Milaidhoo photo frame with our photo we brought back for memories. The food quality is really comparable with a 5-stars restaurant from a big city like Singapore. The Turtle Watching Experience was a must try. We feel very safe in a good environment with all the people there talking to us, really making us feel like in a family home that we didn’t want to leave.
United States of America
Reviewed: March 21, 2023
Paradise on Earth
Pros: Milaidhoo is truly a paradise on earth! We stayed 9 days and 8 nights. From the moment we cleared security in Male, to the moment we were back in security, the Malaidhoo Family delivered exceptional service in everyway. A special thank you to our Island Host Yenny for addressing our every need throughout our stay. We would also like to mention the exceptional service we received from Shaaz, Alfie, and the entire staff at the Ocean restaurant. Every meal we had was great. We also enjoyed the spa, with great treatments from Plamy, and service from Yuni. I also made 5 dives and would like to thank Koobe and Zaeem for making my dives wonderful. It is also worth mentioning the exceptional time we had at Ba'theli restaurant with great help from Shamweel. Even though the weather forecast was for rain, we had perfect weather every day. One calm day we went snorkeling with like a million fish on the house reef. During our stay we swam with a dozen sharks, turtles, eels, eagle rays. We watched dolphins run with the boat. A truly amazing experience we will certainly return to. James and Galina
Cons: Nothing
Reviewed: March 16, 2023
Понравилось абсолютно все!!! Особые слова благодарности нашему персональному менеджеру Anth! Удивительно заботливая и пр
Pros: Великолепный отель для взрослых и молодых пар. Все на очень высоком уровне! Чистота и порядок. Отличный персонал.
Cons: Необходимо на сайте отеля разместить информацию о необходимости заранее подготовить электронную запись для въезда в страну и выезда из страны, иначе на пограничном контроле возникают неудобства.
United Kingdom
Reviewed: June 5, 2023
Pros: The thing that stood out the most was the welcoming attitude of the staff, they were all very friendly and they went above and beyond to make our stay special. Major thanks of course to our host Ibrahim Naveen who was always doing the most to keep us comfortable. The overwater pool villa offered the spacious retreat we needed. Privacy for me and my wife was our top priority and, despite on one occasion when a couple swam past, was perfect. We couldn’t complain if we tried.
Cons: Nothing!! Suggestion: A movie room for the rainy season.
Reviewed: June 2, 2023
Pros: Peace and quiet & amazing villa size and comfort 10/10 Privacy was great too!
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: May 23, 2023
One of the best places we have ever stayed at
Pros: We really enjoyed our stay at Milaidhoo. Everything was superb. Sine the arrival at Male airport, we were warmly welcomed until checking in at the airport for departure. Once we arrived at the airport, we checked in to the resort before even arriving there. Everything was already arranged in terms of seaplane and the jetty that got us to the resort. When we arrived at the resort we met our great host “Anth” who took us on a tour around the resort until we arrived to our villa. Our trip goal was relaxing and it was the perfect getaway. we stayed for 4 days in paradise. We felt the warmth of the milaidhoo family everywhere we went there. We did yoga, went on a dolphin excursions, tried all the restaurants in there and all were great. The food was so delicious and the service was amazing. The breakfast served at “ocean” included a variety of choices that suits all diet restrictions and is also delicious. Every morning “Uchi” welcomed us as if we were part of the family. The villa was very spacious, and just swimming/ snorkeling by the villa was enough to see the reefs and many kinds of fish. The best part about all of our trip was our host “anth” which made all of our dreams come true, she helped us in everything in our stay and went above and beyond what we wished for. I highly recommend that you request her by name if you are ever going to visit Miladaihoo. The island is very cozy and relaxing , we meet many couples that visited Milaidhoo resort for their 5th or 6th time. So if you are planning to go to Maldives for relaxation this is the perfect place, very welcoming staff, delicious food, quiet place (no sea planes or jets keys around), relaxing spa and very clean and spacious villa that have all what you need I would definitely highly recommend Milaidhoo
Reviewed: May 20, 2023
Pros: I want to add to the previous review: all the shortcomings eliminated the next day after my comment. And the rubric of unsolicited advice: I strongly recommend taking a snorkeling lesson, if you are a beginner like me, do not worry, in this hotel you will be in good hands). The reef here is very beautiful! You can see an incredible underwater world within two minutes of the villa. And we also took an excursion with dolphins and another one with mantas. We were very happy with the organization, the guides and got a lot of emotions!
Reviewed: May 15, 2023
Pros: We came to Milaidhoo for two weeks. And we've already spent half of our vacation here. The hotel is on a small island, you can walk around the whole island in 40 minutes. Accordingly, there are not many villas and so the private Maldives becomes even more private. For me, this is a big plus. I do not like intrusiveness. The interior of the villas is nice. Private pool is larger than the standard - this is a big advantage. Normal cosmetics. There is a wine fridge. Good internet connection. The biggest plus of the hotel - professional staff. I am grateful for our butler Anth, she is always in touch, very tactful, and quick to respond to any request. All the waiters know the menu well, know how to present the dish. The cleaning of the villa is quality,the staff pays attention to the needs of the guest. Breakfasts are okay, good coffee, I like the variety of fruits. In the restaurants we noted for ourselves the delicious sashimi and tasty Maldivian tasting menu. When you order meat they bring the right roast you ordered.
Cons: We've been to different tropical islands. But this is the second time we've been to the Maldives. And comparing, I can say that in Milaidhoo there is no habit to keep the beach near the villa clean, fallen leaves, sticks, roots of plants are not removed. Yesterday I saw a guy who fell and got caught on a protruding root of a plant on the beach. And also garbage (bottles, net) we saw as 4 days ago, and today on the beach.
Reviewed: May 11, 2023
Pros: restaurants excellents équipements exceptionnels
Cons: rien
Hong Kong
Reviewed: May 7, 2023
Pros: The Beach Villa Is Amazing!!! And Staff Are Super Friendly!
Cons: Lack Of Facilities.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: July 17, 2021
Great experience
Pros: The service and welcoming staff
Cons: None
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: July 16, 2021
Impeccable staff, incredible food, exceptional service.
Pros: Being at Milaidhoo honestly felt like being at our own paradise home away from home. From the moment we were welcomed on the island, we felt a sense of comfort and tranquility, akin to being in your own house. Wherever we walked, the staff knew us by name and welcomed us with warm smiles and meaningful conversations. We developed a relationship with each and every staff member that we interacted with, from the bartenders to the spa therapists to the restaurant waiters and even the live musicians that played every night. I would name all the people who made our stay special, but I would honestly need the full roster of the people who worked there during our stay. We had the best food that we have had in any Maldivian resort, the best massages in their incredible spa, and every moment that we had there was special and memorable. They truly went above & beyond to make everything absolutely perfect. We honestly felt that we were the only people in the resort, even though there were plenty of other guests.
Cons: Everything was perfect. Although it is slightly on the more expensive side, it is well worth it. Make sure that you have a good budget set aside for food & activities.
United States of America
Reviewed: July 13, 2021
Exceptional service!
Pros: Everything was PERFECT! Thanks to our host Akram and the rest of the great staff. Our host helped us with every single small detail and request. All of the staff are well-informed about our likes and dislikes what our schedule looks like which is unheard of. Villa was great, loved the breakfast, activities and everything about the place! The best service we have received in our entire life! And I really think that what made our stay stress free and super convenient and comfortable.
Cons: Didn’t have a jacuzzi
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: July 10, 2021
Nice Escape
Pros: Everything.
Cons: Nothing.
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: June 27, 2021
I wished if they got more activities and restaurants that will be more enjoyable but anyway everything was amazing.
Pros: The food , furniture , swimming pools,
Reviewed: May 26, 2021
Pros: Мы потратили довольно много времени на поиск отеля. Смотрели отели по критериям 5 звезд, лакшери (не просто 5 звезд типа Рэдиссон так как это все таки ближе к 4 звездам чем к 5), обязательно вилла на воде, бассейн на вилле и живой Риф. Это все такие основные вещи которые должны быть для хорошего отдыха на Мальдивах. Особенно если вы летите первый раз туда, либо до этого отдыхали без вышеупомянутых условий. По всем этим параметрам подходило ряд отелей, из которых на Атоле BAA было только три - FourSeasons, Наутилус и Миладху. Хотели взять Наутилус, но была только доступна двухкомнатная большая вила за 2.5 миллиона руб на 10 дней, поэтому мы взяли Миладху за 1.5 мио вилу на воде с бассейном. Форсизонс мы не стали брать по двум причинам - первая это то, что терраса с бассейном была в два раза меньше по площади чем у Миладху и это было для нас критическим моментом, так как вы должны понимать, что остров отель означает то, что существенную часть времени вы будете проводить на вилле, и веранда\терасса это 50% времени, а поэтому она должна быть большой. В Миладху на веранде есть тапчан подвесной, стол, лежаки, бассейн, душ для смыва соли, спуск в океан на риф, ну и сама вилла тоже в два раза почти больше чем Форсизонс. Вторая новизна - миладху оперирует с 2016 года, самый новый отель это Наутилус, но естественно он и дороже стоит, даже стандартные виллы на воде с бассейном. При всей моей любви к Форсизонс размер виллы и террасы победили)) Большим плюсом оказалось наличие живого рифа, ты просто спускаешься вводу и сразу огромный живой подводный мир. Оч много рифовых акул маленьких, они правда людей бояться больше чем люди их, также два раза видели скатов (не мант). Но они какие-то были агрессивные и начали кружить вокруг нас, немного стремно было, а так плаваешь как в аквариуме среди огромного кол-ва цветастых рыб - дико красиво. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ПОКУПАЙТЕ ДОРОГУЮ МАСКУ НА ВСЕ ЛИЦО И РИФОВЫЕ ТАПКИ В МОСКВЕ ЗАРАНЕЕ! Ласты везти не нужно тут дадут.
Cons: Продолжение тут - мы взяли круиз на 4 часа и посмотрели черепах, увидели три больших стаи дельфинов, они так кружили вокруг яхты было оч круто. Прошли OWD Крус по дайвингу, очень красиво на двух разных слотах подайвить включая домашний риф. Вообщем нам реально тут все понравилось, еда шикарная, и завтраки и ужины. Обеды в бич баре конечно ниочем, но можно пойти в ресторан. Из минусов - довольной плохой вайфай, не везде ловит, на вилле в бассейне уже не ловит. Вообщем с интернетом вроде все норм, вот только зоны покрытия очень плохие. Менеджменту нужно потратить денег и сделать нормальный вайфай роуминг по всем зонам.
Saudi Arabia
Reviewed: May 23, 2021
Love the juice and drink maker Anogsh. This is his name if i am not mistaken. And all the staff are more than nice. Than
Pros: Peacefull and so much privacy
Cons: Honestly, there is nothing i dislike this property. It’s beyond perfect
Reviewed: August 10, 2021
Pros: Понравилось все
Cons: Нет такого
Reviewed: August 6, 2021
Pros: Понравилось все 👍
Cons: Нет такого
Reviewed: August 6, 2021
Лучший отдых
Pros: Все супер Один из лучших отелей на мальдивах Огромная вила, быстрый вай Фай, идеальный вход в море, разнообразная еда, большой бассейн на виле
Cons: Батлер был все время спящий, но это не страшно)
United Arab Emirates
Reviewed: August 3, 2021
Excellent customer care, very quiet island and calm , food is amazing as well .
Pros: The beach villa and really like how the staff care and response immediately.
Cons: The price is little bit high comparing to other resorts in terms of size and number of restaurants.
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
I can’t rate this idyllic island high enough. The staff friendliness and commitment to ensuring your stay is the best is extraordinary. Although I am slightly nervous in sharing what a wonderful place this is just in case it will be fully booked when I next go.
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
A unique experience - not only the food, the villas, and the house-reef are absolutely fantatstic - above all, all members of the staff are, without exception, superfriendly and personal in a gentle and pleasant way - their positive "vibes" make you feel absoluetly happy. We will definitely come back to this amazing place. We have seen numerous luxurious Maldivian islands - they all were beautiful, but Milaidhoo is clearly number one!
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
I've been lucky enough to visit Maldivian Islands regularly for 25 years. Occasionally I’ve gone back to the same island but the only island I have gone to three times is extraordinary Milaidhoo. I’ve spent well over a month there in total: The island is beautiful, the reef is excellent, the spa and other facilities are top of the line & I’ve never had better food. However, what really sets Milaidhoo apart above all of that, is the simply PHENOMENAL SERVICE. The whole team is outstanding in their professionalism but even more wonderful is their warmth and friendliness. And it isn’t fake/forced or too much, you can tell they are a well supported team who are enjoying giving all their guests and colleagues the best time that they possibly can.
Reviewed: 2 weeks ago
We visited the Milaidhoo for the 2nd time (our 6th time in the Maldives). It was again PERFECT! We highly recommend this hotel to everyone who asks us where to go for a luxurious stay in the Maldives. ||||Its special focus on privacy & nature resonates with us strongly. What also sets Milaidhoo apart is its welcoming atmosphere. The staff, treated like family, are genuinely warm and make the resort feel like a home away from home.||||The resort's attention to detail is impressive, with staff remembering our specific preferences like split blankets and dietary allergies. Our butler - Yenny - was again excellent, providing attentive and thoughtful assistance throughout our stay. We already had her in our first stay and couldn’t wish for anything else. She really made a difference to our stay and we are very grateful to have her! ||||The spa experience at Milaidhoo was (again) a highlight, offering relaxation and rejuvenation. The beach remains the best we've seen in our travels, with its pristine and serene setting. It's the ideal spot for a peaceful retreat. Dining at Milaidhoo was consistently delightful, with every meal being a treat in both taste and presentation.||||We hope to come back soon!
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Another excellent visit to Milhaidoo (our third time there). The team are professional and caring without being interfering, the food offering is exceptional and the location is very peaceful and relaxing. Can’t recommend the place highly enough.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Absolutely stunning place with the most incredible service. The staff were fantastic, couldn't do enough for you and so friendly. The food was amazing and beautifully presented. the best breakfast ever. Will definitely be returning. Our butler Roxy was lovely. The Maldivian restaurant was outstanding.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Wir wurden auf Milaidhoo durch Freunde aufmerksam, die 2020 die Insel besucht und voll des Lobes davon berichtet haben. ||Entsprechend hoch waren unsere Erwartungen. ||Als anspruchsvolle 5 Sterne+ Urlauber mit einiger Erfahrung aus vielen ähnlichen Reisen weltweit können wir sagen, dass alle Erwartungen mehr als erfüllt wurden!||Bereits bei der Landung unseres Fliegers in Malé wurden wir durch das zusätzlich gebuchte CIP Anreise Paket (sehr zu empfehlen!!) direkt am Flieger in Empfang genommen. Durch die Mitarbeiter von Milaidhoo am Flughafen beginnt das Paradies bereits unmittelbar nach der Landung. Alle administrativen Abläufe wurden perfekt erledigt während wir uns dem ersten Drink in der Lounge widmen konnten. Um das Gepäck haben wir uns erst in unserer Villa wieder selbst kümmern dürfen.||Von der ersten Minute des Empfangs auf der Insel durften wir uns als Teil der Milaidhoo Familie fühlen. |Wir wurden sehr sehr herzlich empfangen, man bekommt von der ersten Sekunde an ein Gefühl zuhause angekommen zu sein. |Unser persönlicher Butler Ammadey hat uns buchstäblich jeden Wunsch von den Augen abgelesen, egal ob es die richtige Getränkeauswahl in der Minibar war (welche im Übrigen im Vorfeld schon per Mail abgefragt wurde :-)) oder er mit frisch im eigenen Garten geernteten Aloe Vera Blättern ankam um den ersten Sonnenbrand zu kühlen. Ammadey, nochmals vielen Dank dafür, wir haben dich in unser Herz geschlossen!||Um nicht am Ende einen Mitarbeiter der Milaidhoo Familie zu vergessen, wollen wir auf weitere persönliche Namensnennungen verzichten. Wirklich ausnahmslos alle vermitteln ein authentisches Wohlfühl-Gefühl und zeigen, dass sie das was sie tun sehr gerne und mit viel Empathie machen. Großes Kompliment und tiefen Respekt für das gesamte Management Team unter der Führung von David und Cèline, die die Mitarbeiter nicht nur einmal als Ihre Eltern bezeichnet haben. Man hat wirklich das Gefühl, auch die Mitarbeiter scheinen im Paradies angekommen zu sein.||Die Küche ist absolut auf internationalem Sterne Niveau und muss keinen Vergleich mit bekannten Namen scheuen. Die Qualität der Speisen ist erstklassig, wer möchte, kann morgens oder abends sein Seafood selbst angeln und bekommt es nach jeglicher gewünschter Zubereitungsart serviert. Man wird aktiv angesprochen Sonderwünsche zu äußern, die alle wirklich perfekt umgesetzt wurden.||Wir können eigentlich gar nicht wirklich sagen, was genau den Zauber ausmacht: jedes Detail, angefangen von der Qualität der Betten über die komplette Organisation bis zum F&B ist in einer unglaublichen Leichtigkeit perfekt, sodass ein rundum Wohlfühlgefühl entsteht. ||Die perfekte Umgebung tut ein Übriges dazu. ||So stellt man sich das Paradies vor!||Vielen Dank für eine unvergessliche Zeit.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
We traveled as a couple and looked for an overwater villa in a small resort — and we found our paradise in Milaidhoo. We are still overwhelmed by the great time we had and all the memories we made. This place is perfect if you love to spend time with your partner and prefer a mix of relaxing and water activities. |The villa is fully equipped with everything you need and you even have the opportunity to get your meals served there, so there is no reason to leave. |Except — you would miss so much fun. On the relaxing side, there are daily yoga sessions which put your practice on a new level and the option to get awesome massages and beauty treatments (highly recommendable). Focusing on the activities, there is plenty of opportunity to discover the amazing wildlife around the island: snorkelling, looking for dolphins or turtles, kayaking, or catamaran driving. ||Our host Roxy took amazingly good care of us and all the staff is going the extra mile to make your stay really special: there big things like the very cool video the marine biologist Diana made of our snorkelling tour or our tour guide CR and the boat crew going the extra round to see more dolphins or small things like very attentive waiters, thoughtful housekeeping, or remembering us to put sun screen on. We felt totally spoilt and would like to thank Milaidhoo for having us.
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
This hotel is perfect! We have traveled all over the world and this is our#1 hotel. All the staff is attentive and so friendly. Our butler Akoo gave us amazing service. All 3 of the restaurants served delicious food and service was impressive. Breakfast buffet selections were unlimited as well as Ala carte options. The restaurant manager Nazeer was very friendly and helpful. The managers David and Dimu were always available to meet and talk with guests. All the staff and management made us feel like a member of the Milaidhoo family. Our overwater villa was perfect with its own pool. All room amenities were first class. I would highly recommend this hotel!
Reviewed: 3 weeks ago
Wir waren im Januar 2024 das 3. Mal zu Besuch auf Milaidhoo. Es wurde uns wieder eine wunderbare Zeit mit purer Erholung und Entspannung geschenkt. Jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter hat sein Bestes für uns gegeben. Wir sind rundum auf eine entzückende, professionelle und humorvolle Art verwöhnt worden. Die Unterkunft ist sehr gepflegt, das Essen exzellent, die Bedienung hervorragend. Es wird jeder Wunsch von den Lippen abgelesen und die Betreuung des Gastes steht überall im Vordergrund. Vielen Dank an das Management und ihren Mitarbeitern !!! Wir kommen gerne wieder.
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago
The most wonderful resort with 360 views and amazing snorkelling. Crystal clear water and incredibly pleasant and helpful family (staff) Loved every minute. We ate in the Ocean Restuarant every evening which was beautiful to eat on the shore line. The breakfast was incredible with everything you could think of to eat .. and more!
Reviewed: a month ago
Milaidhoo is a small paradise. Best spot for snorkeling and diving , surrounded by a beautiful coral reach in marine life with beautiful sea turtles and eagle rays .|I have visited wonderful corals across the world and of course many in Maldives but by far this is the best spot. The water at the beaches is deeper than usually on Maldives islands and this makes swimming and water sports nicer. Accommodation and services are best in class, a word of appreciation for the entire staff and for the resort management. Bus Thank you to Anth who was our protective angel during our holiday organizing everything and being close all the time. Also big appreciation to Nasim diving and snorkeling guide who’s care and humor was key to making this holiday so great
Reviewed: a month ago
私達はモルディブ旅行で旅行代理店にリクエストしたことは、モルディブらしさに加えて、清潔で綺麗なことと、料理が美味しいことでした。そして勧められたのがMilaidhoo です。||まずビラは清潔で、しっかりとしたつくりです。とても広く、まるで別荘にいるかのよう。大大大満足です。|料理はチキンもビーフもシーフードも柔らかく満足できました。アラカルトとビュッフェが選べたり、全体的に美味しいです。14回もモルディブ旅行をされている日本人の方も、Milaidhoo は料理が美味しいとおっしゃっていましたので、間違いないと思います。||Milaidhoo の特徴として、年齢制限があるのでファミリーでも小さいお子さんがいないため、静かで落ち着いた雰囲気でした。|また、私達が滞在した期間はアジア人は私達だけで、欧州の方が中心のようです。||バトラーの方(Ms.Anth )との連絡は、LINEグループを使いました。このコミュニケーションはとても便利でした。バトラーに限らず、スタッフの皆さんどなたも親切かつフレンドリーで、気持ちがいい接客態度でした。||見渡す限りの海と空の美しさ、ラグーンを含め景色にも満足しています。一つの島で日の出と日の入りを両方楽しめたのも良い経験でした。|私達はバトラーの方にサンセットヨガをリクエストしました。すると、白い砂浜の上で、正面に海に沈む夕陽を見ながらのプライベートヨガを用意してくれました。幻想的で記憶に残る体験です。|その他、シュノーケリングやカヤック、ヨガ、スパ等の個別の体験や、釣り、ドルフィンツアー、ビーチバレー、カウントダウンパーティーなど旅行者が任意で参加できる無料イベントが日々用意されており、飽きさせない工夫を感じました。|初めてのモルディブ旅行は大満足です。是非皆さんも遊びにいってみてください。
Reviewed: a month ago
2019年12月以来,通算5回目のモルディブ訪問,7泊8日で訪れました。||リゾートチョイスのポイントは、|・プール付き水上ヴィラ|・ハウスリーフが良いこと|・食事が美味しい|・騒がしくない静かなリゾート||水上ヴィラはめちゃくちゃ広い〜ってわけではありませんが,必要かつ充分な広さで,滞在に必要な物は全部揃っていて、不自由なことは全くありませんでした。|シュノーケル好きの我々に適したドロップオフが近い119番の水上ヴィラがアサインされました。スィングベッド部分が常に日陰になる位置だったので,直射日光の下には居られない我々にはぴったりの場所でした。||海が穏やかな日は、ドロップオフまで2分とかからず到着できる場所で、とっても魚影が濃く、色鮮やかなリーフフィッシュたちはもちろんのこと、海亀、タコ、イーグルレイ、リーフシャークにも出会えました。|イルカ🐬も、魚の群れを狙ってやって来るようで、一度だけヴィラのデッキから見ることができました。||ただ、残念なのは、2023年のエルニーニョ現象のせいか、珊瑚がほぼ全滅だったこと。これは、どの環礁もリゾートも同じだとは思いますが、本当に悲しいです。|そんな中、ミライドゥでは、ビーチと水上ヴィラの間に珊瑚を飼育されています。||リゾートのレストランは|・朝食・夕食レストランのインターナショナル料理のOCEAN|・夕食時のみ営業している| ーグリルレストランのShoreGrill| ーモルディブ料理レストランのBa’Theli|・プールバーのCompass||どのレストランの食事も、インヴィラダイニングの食事も美味しいのですが、特筆すべきは、モルディブ料理レストランのBa’Theliです。||モルディブにリゾートの数は星の数ほど多くありますが、ちゃんとしたモルディブ料理を食べることができたのは初めてでした。|やはり、そこは、モルディブ資本のユニバーサルグループ,流石だなと感心しました。||しかも、このレストランの食事は、普通のモルディブ料理をレベル高い繊細なお料理に仕上げてあること!|滞在中に参加したモルディブ料理教室で教わったのは,モルディブの家庭料理レシピでした。その際に作ったガルディア(モルディブのマグロを使ったスープ)一つをとっても,レッスンで作ってランチで試食したスープ(これはこれで,充分に美味しいスープです!)と、夜にレストランでいただいたスープ、同じ名前でも,レベルが全く違う格段に美味しいスープでした。||さらに、シェフがお勧めしてくれた、シーフードアレンジバージョンのモルディブの伝統料理Malaafaiy|まずは、ビジュアルに圧倒されて目で堪能し、その後、美味しいシーフードとカレーに舌鼓を打ちました。||リゾート滞在中のレストラン・SPA・エクスカーションなどすべての予定は、リゾートホスト(バトラー)さんを通して、ほとんどをWhatsappアプリを通して行います。|中学・高校で読み書き中心の英語に慣れた我々には、とても嬉しいシステムです。||我が家の担当だった、モルディブ人のAhmed(Ammedey)さん|ちょっと朴訥としたおとなしそうな第一印象だったのですが、チャットメッセージにはすぐ反応してくれるし、リクエストへの対応もとても迅速でした。たまにポーカーフェイスで冗談を言ったりと、ユーモアもあって、とっても優秀なリゾートホスト(バトラー)さんでした。||他のリゾートスタッフの皆さんも、滞在ゲストに気を配っておられて、「元気?」「大丈夫?」「困っていることないですか?」「快適に過ごしていますか?」と常に気遣ってくださいました。|レストランで少しでも周りを見渡すと、すぐに「何か必要か?」と聞きに来てくださり、他所でありがちな放置パターンということは、ここでは全くありませんでした。||いかんせん、多くのスタッフさんが入れ替わり立ち替わり自己紹介してくださって,お話ししてくださるので,皆さんの名前を記憶できていないのですが,とても印象に残っているのは,|・日々,少しずつイタリア語を覚えて夫に話しかけてくれていた、モルディブ人レストランマネージャーのShiaaz|・スリランカ人レストランマネージャで、カタコトのイタリア語を話すDimu|・いつもワタシの名前を呼んで,暖かく迎えてくれたインドネシア人のPandaちゃん||あいにく名前を失念してしまいましたが,|・モルディブ料理教室で教えてくださった,Ba’Theliのモルディブ人シェフ|・モルディブ人の食文化を説明してくれた,モルディブ舞踊を踊り,太鼓を叩くというShoregrillのモルディブ人ウェイター君|・SPAの受付で,いつも色々と親切に話しかけてくれるインドネシア人のチャーミングな女性||と、他にも,その他のレストランスタッフやエスティシャンの皆さん,ボートスタッフの皆さんなど,枚挙にいとまがないほど皆さんに気にかけてもらえました。|申し訳ないのは,貧しい英語力で・・・もっと,ちゃんと話せたら,もっと楽しく過ごせたのにと思います。||コロナ禍後の初モルディブ旅行で,色々と不安もありましたが,すべてが杞憂に終わり,とても思い出に残る滞在となりました。|他のリゾートも星の数ほどあまたありますが、また機会があれば是非、再訪させていただきたいと思いますので、是非、今の施設・ホスピタリティすべて維持、いや、さらに進化させてください!
Reviewed: a month ago
Tolles Resort mit wunderschönen Villen (Water Villa), herausragende Umgebung, auf schöner kleiner Insel.|Das Team (nennt sich nicht ohne Grund „Milhaidoo-Family) ist unglaublich freundlich, aufmerksam und warmherzig.|Sie erschaffen wirklich 2unforgettable Milhaidoo Moments“|Die Küche ist grandios und unglaublich abwechslungsreich.|Wir sind begeistert, aber traurig daß wir wieder nach Hause mussten…
Reviewed: a month ago
One of the most elite resorts in the Maldives. A unique experience for a total luxury resort. 100% feel of being pampered in your own home. Magnificent food, spa and the personal multi-language buttler is THE perfect concierge. A real hidden diamond in the Indian Ocean. I've stayed in all "big brand" resorts, this is magic.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: a month ago
Wunderschöne Villas. Viel grün, sogar auf den Stegen. Alles ist sehr gepflegt. Hervorragendes Essen. Die Insel ist relativ klein, darum ist alles fußläufig erreichbar. Insbesondere für einen ruhigen, romantischen Urlaub zu zweit sehr zu empfehlen.
Reviewed: a month ago
Hemos ido a Milaidhoo de vacaciones con la familia la semana de Navidad, el hotel es un paraiso, la habitacion era perfectamente comoda, tiene todo lo que necesitas y te sientes como en casa! No hace falta que lleves zapatos pues puedes ir descalzo todo el dia por toda la isla.|El personal del hotel es muy amable y detallista, la comida deliciosa, hay 3 restaurantes con mucha variedad de comida, el Compass ademas tiene piscina y se esta muy comodo. |Si eres amante de los animales este es tu sitio, el snorkel al rededor de la isla es simplemente espectacular, puedes ver facilmente anemonas con peces payaso, tortugas verdes y carei, hemos visto tiburones cada dia (tranquilos, son inofensivos ;), todo tipo de peces de colores y corales preciosos! Tambien puedes ver manta rayas y tiburones ballena pero en otra epoca del año. |El interior de la isla esta muy bien cuidado, el entorno selvatico es precioso, me encanto poder ver tan de cerca murcielgos zorro!😍|Cada dia por la mañana hacen meditacion y yoga, el profesor es.. maravilloso!! no tengo palabras, mi mejor experiencia con el yoga y la meditacion, nunca olvidare la meditacion con los cuencos tibetanos, me encanto! Un abrazo y namaste para él!🙏|Si volviera a Maldivas sin duda iria a Milaidhoo, espero ser una “repetidora”!|Gracias en especial a Roxy que nos proporciono todo lo que necestiavamos y a Diana, la biologa marina de la isla, espero volver a veros pronto!
Reviewed: a month ago
Milaidhoo war einzigartig schön. Wir wollten auf die Malediven und sind im Paradies angekommen. Das Personal war sehr aufmerksam und super nett! Alle Räumlichkeiten waren sehr sauber: einfach fantastisch. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder.
Reviewed: a month ago
Es war mein 3. Aufenthalt in diesem wunderschönen Resort! Es ist klein, aber fein! Ich wurde bei der Ankunft genauso herzlichst empfangen, wie beim 1. Mal. Ich möchte betonen, dass dieses kleine Paradies auch für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität geeignet ist! Man fühlt sich von der 1. Minute an wohl und gut aufgehoben, wie in einer kleinen Familie! Es ist egal, wo man sich gerade aufhält, jeder Wunsch wird einem von den Augen abgelesen! Meinen besonderen Dank gilt in der Compass Bar, Lucky, der die besten Cocktails zaubert! Ebenso Asanka, der Sunny Boy von der Compass Bar! Danke Euch! Nicht zu vergessen Ocean, mein besonderer Dank geht an Kokko, Du bist einfach spitze! Uchi mein kleiner Sonnenschein, werde unsere Lieder sehr vermissen! Das Frühstücksbüffet ein Traum! Ausgezeichnet! Shorline Grill, kann ich nur wärmstends empfehlen, Essen dort hat Sterne Niveau! Ebenso das Batheli! Essen ausgezeichnet! Es lässt keine Wünsche offen!!! 1* kann ich nur vergeben! Service einmalig! Meinen besonderen Dank geht an Yenny, sie war während meines Aufenthalts meine Host!Sie war immer per WhatsApp erreichbar und hat mir jeden Wunsch erfüllt! Ihr habe ich deutsche Pünktlichkeit beigebracht (Scherz). Werde unsere guten Gespräche sehr vermissen! Du bist ein Schatz! Ich danke Dir! Außerdem bist Du für mich die beste Buggy Fahrerin der Welt!!!! Alle Mitarbeiter sind sehr zuvorkommend und sehr freundlich! Mein Dank geht auch an den General Manager David! Er ist ein warmherziger, freundlicher und humorvoller Mensch, der im Übrigen auch sehr gut Deutsch spricht! Danke Dir David, auch Du hast dazu beigetragen, dass mein Aufenthalt unvergesslich wurde! Ich kann dieses kleine Resort nur wärmstends empfehlen! Es fehlt einem an Nichts! Standard und Essen von höchster Qualität. Mitarbeiter, alle sehr aufmerksam und zuvorkommend, die den Aufenthalt unvergesslich machen und zuhause noch lange zehren kann. Es ist ein Erlebnis dort hin zu reisen, man wird nicht enttäuscht! Ich bedanke mich von ganzem Herzen an das gesamte Team von Milaidhoo!!! Und ich habe mich in die Villa 107 einfach verliebt! Ich freue mich auf meinen nächsten Besuch an Weihnachten! An alle ganz herzliche Grüße!!!
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Wir haben unseren 9-tägigen Aufenthalt auf Milaidhoo wahnsinnig genossen! Wir hatten eine Beach Villa, die äußerst großzügig konzipiert und sehr geschmackvoll eingerichtet ist. Die Beach Villas sind doch um einiges größer als die Water Villas, weshalb wir beim nächsten Aufenthalt definitiv wieder eine Beach Villa buchen werden. ||Die drei Restaurants sind allesamt hervorragend und ich würde empfehlen nicht nur im Ocean, sondern auch in den zwei Spezialitätenrestaurants zu essen. Einmal wöchentlich findet der Seafood Market im Shoreline Grill statt. Da wir eigentlich überhaupt keine Buffet-Fans sind, wollten wir das Angebot anfänglich nicht nutzen, waren aber total froh, es dann doch ausprobiert zu haben. Das hat mit einem klassischen Buffet nichts zu tun, denn die ausgewählten Fische bzw. Seafood werden ganz frisch zubereitet und dann zum Tisch gebracht. Die Sushi vom Vorspeisenbuffet waren unfassbar gut!|Vielen Dank an Shiaz, der uns im Shoreline Grill immer erstklassig umsorgt hat!||Milaidhoo hat uns total überzeugt, weil es seinen lässigen, ungezwungenen und authentischen Malediven-Charme versprüht ohne gekünstelte Gespreiztheit und das alles auf einem erstklassigen Niveau. Das liegt einerseits an der "Barefoot Informality" (wir haben das wirklich den ganzen Aufenthalt konsequent durchgezogen ;)) aber in erster Linie an den (großteils einheimischen) Angestellten. Wirklich ALLE sind so unfassbar nett und herzlich! Besonders hervorheben möchte ich hier unseren erstklassigen Butler Jameel, der wirklich ALLES für uns organisiert hat und mit dem es auch immer nett war zu quatschen, sowie den sympathischen und professionellen Naseem vom Tauchcenter und die liebe Arni vom Spa.||Das Milaidhoo bekommt von uns die höchstmögliche Punktezahl und wir können nur jedem empfehlen hier einzuchecken! Wir kommen definitiv wieder!
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Ein Paradies an einen Märchenstrand – so könnte man Milaidhoo beschreiben. Wir|waren nun schon zweimal auf dieser wunderschönen kleinen Insel und haben|unseren Aufenthalt immer geniessen können. Die Unterbringung in dem von uns|gebuchten Beach Bungalow direkt am Strand war ausgezeichnet. Die|Dienstleistungen und der Service waren hervorragend. Die An- und Abreise war|ausgezeichnet organisiert. Das Frühstück mit dem wundervollen Ambiente am|Meer lässt keinen Wunsch offen. Es ist ein sehr grosszügiges Angebot und darüber|hinaus werden individuelle Wünsche jeder Zeit und gerne erfüllt. Die 3 Restaurants|mit verschiedenen Angeboten an hervorragenden und kulinarischen Speisen sind|absolut empfehlenswert. Die Auswahl an Getränken und die Weinkarte entspricht|dem luxuriösen Stil des Resorts. Das Batheli Restaurant mit seinem herrlichen|Ambiente und einer ausgezeichneten maledivische Küche ist sicherlich einzigartig.|Das Ocean Restaurant hat ein internationales Angebot an Fleisch und|Fischgerichten, die auch dort sehr gut zubereitet werden. Im Shoreline Grill|Restaurant auch wieder in einer ganz anderen aber sehr schönen Atmosphäre|werden die Grillgerichte aufs Feinste zubereitet. Der Service war untadelig und|sehr bemüht, den Gästen alle Wünsche zu erfüllen. Und wer sich etwas Gutes für|Körper und Seele antun möchte, ist in dem Spa sehr gut aufgehoben.
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Wir waren nun das 5. Mal für 15 Tage im Milaidhoo und es ist noch immer unsere Trauminsel. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die aussergewöhnlich freundlichen Mitarbeiter auf dieser kleinen Insel. Sei es beim Empfang am Flughafen, bei der Ankunft auf der Insel oder in sämtlichen Restaurants und Bars. Jeder Wunsch wird einem wortwörtlich von den Lippen abgelesen. Eventuelle Sonderwünsche werden gerne erfüllt. Durch die 4 Restaurants auf der Insel wird es auch nach 15 Tagen kulinarisch nie langweilig. Alle Restaurants bieten eine außerordentliche hohe gleichbleibende Qualität. Dies ist auch für uns ein wichtiger Grund warum wir diese Insel lieben. Hervorzuheben ist auch die Getränkeauswahl, sei es in der Bar (Special Cocktails - Lucky) oder in den Restaurants. Die großzügigen Beach- oder Water-Villen lassen keine Wünsche offen und werden täglich 2x perfekt gereinigt. Auch unser lieber Hussy (Villa Host) ist immer stets bemüht uns glücklich zu machen. Ein Whats App genügt und Hussy managt alles :-). Auch den SPA-Bereich mit seinen hervorragenden Massagen können wir nur wärmstens empfehlen. Die Resortmanagerin Celine und der neue GM David leisten eine hervorragende Arbeit. Diesen Spirit spührt und fühlt man auf der gesamten Insel. Auch sind sie stets präsent und erkundigen sich nach dem Wohlbefinden! FAZIT: Wir kommen im April wieder - Danke an die gesamte Milaidhoo Family
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Don’t recommend booking with them .. they don’t take your honeymoon seriously. Plus they have very bad offers and packages for honeymooner.. don’t recommend contacting them..
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Wir durften 10 Tage unsere Honeymoon im Milaidhoo verbringen. Dieses Erlebnis war unvergesslich schön. Wir verbrachten 5 Nächte in einer Beachvilla und 4 Nächte in einer Watervilla. Die Abwechslung war für uns perfekt, da die Erfahrungen verschieden schön sind. Das Resort bietet viel Privatsphäre und ist mit ihrer maledivischen Art sehr authentisch. Besonders herausheben möchten wir folgende Punkte: |- Butler Jameel. Er sorgte dafür, dass es uns an nichts gefehlt hat. Seine Servicequalität ist top und schnell. Seine ruhige und warmherzige Art haben wir sehr geschätzt. |- Food: Jeden Tag durften wir kulinarisch auf höchsten Niveau verschiedene Gerichte geniessen. Das Morgenbuffet ist vielfältig und die verschiedenen Restaurants und Anlässe (Seafood market, maldivian Night at the beach) sind grossartig.|- Staff: Die Personen vor Ort sind alle sehr herzlich und fürsorglich. Man merkt eine ehrliche Freundlichkeit und man fühlt ihre tägliche Energie.|Wir empfehlen das Milaidhoo stark weiter und unser Ziel ist es, wieder zurück zu kehren.
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Ein wunderschönes Resort, sehr aufmerksames,freundliches Personal.|Sehr gute , abwechslungsreiche Restaurants ||Es blieben keine Wünsche offen 👍||Besonders unserer persönlichen Betreuerin Yenny gilt ein riesen großes Dankeschön.|
Reviewed: 2 months ago
The beautiful island , like paradise !
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Reviewed: 2 months ago
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Мы провели медовый месяц на этом прекрасном маленьком острове и это было нашим лучшим решением! Настолько высокого сервиса мы не встречали еще нигде, все сотрудники относятся к гостям с большим вниманием и трепетом. Нам, как молодоженам, сделали апгрейд по прибытии и заселили в лучшую резидентскую виллу на острове! Также подарили посещение спа с парным массажем, украшали нашу ванну цветами, организовали потрясающе красивый романтический ужин на вилле и назвали звезду в честь нашей семьи. Каждый день пребывания в этом волшебном месте стоил своих денег. Ощущение приватности и отсутствия людей максимальное и это именно то, что мы хотели. Нашим батлером была Anth, расставание с ней было особенно тяжелым)) Она заботилась о нас, как о самых близких людях, угадывала все наши желания и постоянно была на связи. Стоит отметить вкусные завтраки и ужины (у нас был полупансион), очень богатый выбор блюд на любой вкус в каждом ресторане. Риф на острове красочный, я впервые в жизни встретила черепаху и это были невероятные эмоции) На закате и после ужина мы посещали бар с прекрасным видом и живой музыкой. Приятное послевкусие от этого отдыха останется с нами еще надолго. И конечно мы надеемся еще не раз встретиться с семьей Milaidhoo и нашей Anth.
Reviewed: 2 months ago
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Reviewed: 3 months ago
Reviewed: 3 months ago
정말 너무 좋았습니다. 비치빌라 2박 워터빌라2박 했는데 비치빌라는 해가 지는방향에 위치해서 저녁에 노을보면서 개인 풀장에 있기가 좋았고요 워터빌라는 해가 뜨는쪽이라 새벽에 일어나서 해돋이 보는게 너무 좋았습니다. 워터빌라와 비치빌라 둘다 각자의 개성이 너무 강해서 어디를 더 좋아할지는 개인마다 다를 것 같습니다. 이에 저는 2박2박씩 하는것을 추천 드립니다.|엑티비티중에 sunset fishing 이라는것 과 trolling 이라는것이 있는데 이 두개는 전부 낚시를하는것 입니다. 확률상 sunset fishing 이 잡을 확률이 더 높고 저는 6자 그루퍼(다금바리) 도 잡았는데 이를 이용해서 구이,찜,회 등 음식도 인당 4만원정도에 요리해줍니다.|저희는 Butler로 Ammadey 라는분이 와주셨는데 정말정말 친절 하셨습니다. 또한 개인 스케쥴 관리까지 해주셔서 편안한 여행이 되었습니다. 혹시 이분이 버틀러로 되시면 축하드립니다 ㅋㅋㅋ.
Reviewed: 3 months ago
밀라이두의 수중환경은 환상적이였어요! 오션빌라에서 5분만 나가면 이쁜 물 속 세상을 경험할 수 있어요! 담당 버틀러가(Anth) 모든것을 섬세하게 케어해 완벽한 허니문 이였습니다! 버킷리스트 였던 만타투어 하게 해줘서 감동이였어요. 만타투어의 가이드가(Raasy) 안전하게 체험하고 프리다이빙 기회와 잊지못할 영상도 남겨줘서 고마웠어요! 잊지못할 경험입니다!
Reviewed: 3 months ago
정말 정말 최고의 기억입니다 .하우스리프의 수십마리 물고기들과 수영하고 특히 하얀 백사장만있는 샌드뱅크에 피크닉을 설치해주고 우리둘만 섬에서 보낸 3시간은 정말 평생기억할추억이고 만타투어 하면서 만타무리들과 함께수영한건 정말 너무 환상적인경험이였습니다.무엇보다 모든일정을 부드럽게 조율해준 우리버틀러 Anth과 만타무리속에서 함께해준Raasy 최고!!!!
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Beautiful place! I couldn’t recommend it enough. Breathtaking views, amazing food and ‘Family members’ - staff are all amazing. Everyone is so friendly.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 4 months ago
말레공항에서부터 리조트까지 친절히 안내해주셔서 가는길도 불편함이 갈 수 있었고 도착해서도 담당 버틀러가 있기 때문에 궁금한 점이나 요청사항을 바로 해결할 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 객실도 저녁식사를 하고 오면 깨끗하게 정리되어 있어 편하고 쾌적하게 휴식할 수 있었고 직원분들도 마주칠 때마다 웃으며 인사해주셔서 4박5일 내내 기분이 좋았습니다. 무엇보다 많은 도움 준 담당 버틀러 nazym에게 고마운마음 전하고 싶습니다. 마지막에 사진액자와 그림은 정말 감동이었습니다. 다음에 또 몰디브에 오게 된다면 고민없이 밀라이두를 선택할 것 같습니다!
Reviewed: 4 months ago
This honeymoon was amazing. We chose two days of water house accommodation and two days of sand house accommodation, really amazing. We also participated in manta trips, turtle expedition, go fishing and go snorkeling around the island, each activity experience is excellent, for snorkeling enthusiasts simply enjoy! We also ate all kinds of food. The staff were great and welcoming, especially our housekeeper, Anth, who was really attentive and accommodating to our needs at all times, and we really appreciate her. I hope we can come back to Milaidhoo. it's really really great!这次蜜月太棒了。我们选择了两天的水屋住宿和两天的沙屋住宿,真的很神奇。我们还参加了蝠鲼之旅,海龟探险,去钓鱼和去浮潜环岛,每次活动体验都是极好的,对于浮潜爱好者来说简直是享受!我们还吃了各种各样的食物。工作人员很棒,很热情,尤其是我们的管家安思,她真的很细心,在任何时候都能满足我们的需求,我们真的很感谢她。我希望我们能回到米莱迪胡。真的真的很棒!
Reviewed: 4 months ago
A very relaxing resort and in the smallest details, The pool has dimly lit, there are no activities that generate noise such as Jet ski, the seaplanes stop relatively far from the island which also reduced the noise, we enjoyed the surrounding nature and the sounds of waves and birds, the sea around the water villas is very clear and turquoise, absolute heaven for relaxation, all the family of Milaidhoo are extremely wonderful and helpful, Anth was our amazing host she took care of every detail of our stay, she’s also an artist we were amazed of her touch in adorning the villa and the tub with flowers, with Milaidhoo family we also had an amazing opportunity to swim with tens of Manta.
Trip type
Travel group
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Мы были в милаидху в конце июля 2022 года . Выбрали этот отель для свадебного путешесвия и не ошиблись ! Вы должны быть готовы к тому ,что этот отель премиум класса и цены тоже премиум :) но не смотря на это ,мы ожидали ,что денег уйдет намного больше ,но ,удивительно ,нам хватило hb с головой ! |Еда прекрасная ,готовьтесь к завтракам с лобстерами )) У каждого номера есть Батлер ,которая старается сделать все ,чтобы ваш отдых был незабываемым ! Наша Amina была феей,нас все время ждали какие -то приятные сюрпризы в честь нашего праздника ! У отеля концепция «все мы семья» и «ходим босиком»!) Нам это очень понравилось ,потому что ты можешь полностью расслабиться , а люди вокруг настолько внимательны к тебе ,что к концу отдыха ты правда считаешь себя частью их «семьи» . Отдельное спасибо хотим сказать ,повторюсь ,Amina ,а так же David ,который на тот момент был ,кажется ,старшим менеджером или один из директоров . Дело в том ,что нам катастрофически не повезло с погодой ,и это особенно ощущалось на водных виллах : был дикий ветер ,было сложно находиться на террасе ,не говоря уже о плавании .. David каждый день подходил отдельно к каждому гостю и спрашивал все ли в порядке ,вот когда он подошел к нам ,мы ему рассказали об этом ,а так же об инциденте с утра (меня разбудил звук молотка ,чинили мостик) ,он тут же нашел решение ,которое в последствии сделало наш отдых еще более незабываемым ,не смотря на погоду :) |За отелем очень следят и ухаживают ! А к морским обитателям относятся с особой любовью : Amina и David рассказывали в какое именно время нам стоит плавать ,чтобы увидеть тех или иных морских жителей,а так же называли черепах по именам ! Место ,где находится ,милаидху ,под защитой ЮНЕСКО ,и не зря ! Риф был просто замечательный ,честно говоря ,в дайвинге мы не увидели особого смысла ,потому что всю красоту можно увидеть и на снорклинге! А |Актинии с «рыбками немо» прямо у берега ! |Спа ,пожалуй ,лучший из тех ,где мы были .. а Тим и Аруна делают невероятный массаж ,мы заснули секунд через 15 ))) ||В общем ,отель стоит своих денег ,с вами будут очень внимательны ,еда будет очень вкусной и разнообразной , а морские жители и риф не оставят вас равнодушными ! Главое,чтобы с погодой повезло !||Очень хотим вернуться к вам снова ,на какую -нибудь годовщину ,спасибо !
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Reviewed: 4 months ago
Fue una semana espectacular, la pasamos muy bien, todo el personal muy agradable y siempre atento a nuestros deseos. We've spent a very nice week, everyone was very pleasant and smiling and always attentive to our desires. Ce fût une semaine parfaite, nous avons passé un excellent moment hors du temps. Tout le personnel était toujours souriant et toujours attentifs au moindre besoin.|
Reviewed: 5 months ago
Reviewed: 5 months ago
몰디브에서 추천을 하라면 당연히 그 어느곳보다도 밀라이두입니다. 몰디브에서 내려서 호텔까지 단 하나 불편한 점이 없었습니다. 최고의 시설과 최고의 뷰, 최고의 음식, 최고의 직원 . 최고의 청결상태, 제 인생에서 받지 못했던 모든 서비스를 이곳에서 받을 수 있었어요. 직원 한명한명이 모두 가족처럼 친절하였습니다. 다시한번 몰디브에 방문하고 싶게 만드는 곳이였습니다. | 마지막으로 떠낼 때 비행기에 타는 순간까지 최선을 다하는 밀라이두 정말 추천드리고 싶습니다. 덕분에 좋은 추억 만들고 갑니다. ||Anth: 그녀는 우리의 담당 매니저 였습니다. 항상 신속하고 친절하게 응대해 주었고, 필요한 것이 있으면 언제든 도움을 주었습니다.| 밤,낮으로 카카오톡 연락을 잘 받아주고, 우리에게 행복한 기억을 남겨준 그녀에게 정말 고맙다는 말을 전하고 싶어요. 행복했던 기억이었습니다. 우리가 있는 동안 음식과 날씨, 사람들 모든것이 완벽했습니다. 무엇보다도 저희에게 가장 큰 도움을 준 것은 그녀였어요. Happy Milaidhoo!!!||Lucky : 그는compase에서 나에게 최고의 서비스를 선사하였다. 그처럼 서비스가 완벽한 직원은 보지 못했어요. 항상 친절했으며, 고객의 니즈를 잘 파악하고 편안한 대화상대였습니다. 어디서 일하던 행복하길 바라겠습니다. ||Mohamed Muruthala : 그는 lucky와 함께 나에게 가장 중요한 사람입니다. Compase에 방문해서 나에게 가장 많은 서비스를 제공한 사람중 하나이며, 떠날 때 조차 마지막 인사를 해준 가장 고마운 사람입니다. 꼭 다시 만나길 바라겠습니다. ||David : 그는 이곳의 총괄 책임자. 항상 웃는 얼굴로 말을 걸어주며, 밀라이두에서의 좋은 경험이 남도록 그의 직원들과 우리에게 최선을 다하는 사람이였습니다. 그는 이 밀라이두를 더욱 발전시킬 수 있는 인재같습니다. 오래도록 남아 다음 방문 때 다시 만나길 바랄께요||||
Reviewed: 5 months ago
A la llegada a la isla a simple vista no se aprecia lo maravilloso que es este resort, no solo por sus instalaciones sinó también por su hospitalidad e inmejorable servicio, estan atentos a cualquier sugerencia y se preocupan por tu bienestar constantmente. ||Magnificas habitaciones, instalaciones y restaurantes, la comida es excelente, variada y de calidad.||Playas de finísima arena blanca rodean toda la isla su vegetación autòctona bien cuidada. ||Las excursiones son muy interesantes. La flota nàutica y su tripulacion excelente, al finalitzar te ofrecen un refrigerio y fruta. ||La temporada nos permitio visualitzar cientos de mantas Raya, decenas de delfineS, infinitos peces de mil colores, incluido el pez payaso.||En fin una maravilla de resort en todos los sentidos, volveremos si Dios quiere algún día.
Reviewed: 6 months ago
Reviewed: 6 months ago
Впервые пишем отзыв ! Часто бываем на Мальдивах ! Но этот отель пока единственный к повторному посещению ! Красивый , ухоженный , приватный и тихий остров. Отдельное спасибо управляющему отелем Давиду за пристальную не навязчивую внимательность . Лучший повар на Мальдивах именно в этом отеле ! Повар который любит свою работу и делает ее на высшем уровне . Персонально готовит любые блюда на ваш вкус ! Остров очень красивый , большие виллы ! Никакого лишнего шума ( самолеты катера и все такое ) Чистый ухоженный пляж ! Очень красивый риф . Акулы , скаты , черепахи и вся красивая живность в вашем распоряжении . |Вы кстати можете посадить свои кораллы ! Ездили плавать с Манатами , словами не предать удовольствие ! Классная Рыбалка . Профессиональный персонал ! Еще раз спасибо ! С Уважением Давид и Елена
Reviewed: 6 months ago
정말 너무너무 좋습니다.
Reviewed: 6 months ago
Rating Summary
Very good
Reviewed: 20.02.2024
If you are looking for a holiday in the Maldives which will provide complete relaxation, luxury and privacy in such an informal way you can stop now. Honestly, you don’t need to look any further. We had the pleasure of staying at Milaidhoo for 12 nights. Everything from the accommodation to the meals are of the highest quality but what sets Milaidhoo apart from anywhere else we have been is the outstanding, understated and personal service you receive from each and every member of the staff. We can’t name all the members of staff who went above and beyond, as all the team have the highest standards. However, we would especially like to say thank you to Saika, Saahath, Shippe, Anka, Koko, Dilshan, the amazing crew of the dolphin trip and the Milaidhoo staff at Male airport who made the transition from the airport to the island and back again such a smooth and effortless process. Most of all though we would like to thank Anthe, our host, and Nazeer, the Ocean restaurant manager, both of whom were simply amazing professionals and who made our stay ultra special. It was a most memorable and incredible holiday and we hope to return again.
Reviewed: 03.07.2022
We visited Milaidhoo over a 10-day period in June 2022 for our 25th year anniversary. Being from the United States, this was quite a daunting booking. Despite our decades of travel both inside and outside the U.S., we did now know, nor had we ever met, anyone from the U.S. that had been to the Maldives, and we were unsure what to expect. Booking a vacation of that distance and at that budget level is a bit unnerving to say the least, thus perhaps explaining the small group of visitors to the Maldives originating from the U.S. If you are stateside, or really anywhere else, and are curious how this destination was selected and what our experience was like, as well as answers received to many, many questions, this review may be helpful. We’ll briefly describe how we picked Milaidhoo based on what our personal wish list consisted of, and then what the experience was ultimately like (spoiler, the actual experience exceeded every expectation we could have imagined, and if you go there, you’ll understand why – however, to describe all of what Milaidhoo is in an online review is quite impossible). HOW WE PICKED MILAIDHOO The Maldives was selected for our 25th anniversary as means to tick off a bucket list item. Simple as that really. That decision being made fairly quickly, we then spent months researching Male and the surrounding islands (e.g. weather, what months to go, culture, language barriers, accommodations, staff and resort reputation, snorkeling experience, food, and on and on and on). We basically read every single review on every website that had them (no joke, pretty much every single review ever written on perhaps 50 properties). We also joined forums and asked lots of questions, created pros/cons lists and investigated and summarized minuscule details of each property before narrowing our destination to about five islands – many or all of those likely the same few islands that you have seen mentioned over and over in your own research to this point. From there, we obviously ended at Milaidhoo, and the primary reasons for that, based on personal preferences (personal preferences obviously can differ markedly, but the information herein hopefully will be helpful in any case). Primarily, we wanted a quiet experience. We did not want crowds of people, jet skis, parasailing, glass bottom boats, loud music and a party atmosphere, but rather the exquisite beauty of the Maldives combined with the ultimate in tranquility and peacefulness. Peace and quiet in the ultimate landscape was the highest priority. We also consciously picked a location where young children were not present (we have children and love them dearly, but wanted more of a couples experience). We wanted 5-star accommodations, food and service, and preferably, though not a deal breaker, a resort that was privately-owned, vs. something held through a large chain. We wanted our own private pool, and private access to the Indian Ocean for snorkeling and swimming. We do not scuba dive, and thus this review is not a great resource for that population as we did not do any research on best dive locations, although just from our research it seems this is a top-10 destination at a minimum. Beyond that, we’ll defer to the diving experts, as we are certainly unqualified there. And lastly, we required that a very, very high percentage of the guests of that resort, that seemed to exhibit similar desires to ours in online reviews, had a 5-star experience and suggested the location as one they would visit again. Ultimately, if you do that work, you’ll most likely come (as we did) to around three or four properties that appear to fit most or all of those criteria. From there, we spent another chunk of time summarizing the smallest details of each resort, and ultimately that led us to Milaidhoo. OUR EXPERIENCE As indicated above, we are seasoned travelers, and we tend to allocate our discretionary funds to plan amazing trips. We like to ‘do them right’, and spend our money on experiences that we’ll remember for a lifetime. And so, as an unfortunate byproduct, we are accustomed to having the highest expectations for our trips. Despite those high expectations, and all the angst we had for months prior to departing for Milaidhoo, from the very moment we stepped onto this island we were provided with the most incredible, unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable experience we have ever had on any vacation in our decades of travel. Naturally, it’s impossible to compare a Maldives vacation to, say, a trip through Tuscany, or a stay in the beauty of Ireland, or an African safari, etc. Those are different vacations in completely unrelated experiences. However, Milaidhoo surpasses by leaps and bounds any trip we’ve made to any beach/ocean destination in the past 25 years. And that being said, we view the 10-days we just spent on that tiny island as perhaps one of the best, if not the best destination vacation we have ever experienced. First, the lesser important items. The rooms are expansive --- we stayed in both an ocean villa and a beach villa (we split the week as many travelers do here). Both villas have private pools, private water access, beautiful and well-maintained rooms, bathrooms, pantries/bars and patios, and likely, views like you’ve never seen in your life. The view is perhaps not unique to Milaidhoo --- the Maldives is a different kind of beautiful. Beach vacations, sunsets and beauty that we thought could never be topped, were all completely blown away by what the Maldives offers. You pay for that beauty with long days of travel to/from the Maldives (more on that in a moment), but for us, with a stay of at least 7 – 10 days minimum, the payback is certainly there many times over. Despite villas being in proximity to each other, particularly with the Ocean Villa’s, we never saw or heard a neighbor. The ocean is a great sound barrier, and further, the villas are thoughtfully designed with privacy and peacefulness in mind. Waves, turtles, and dozens of species of reef life all are steps from our private pool and patio, and make that crystal clear turquoise water extra welcoming. Additionally, we found that the guests at Milaidhoo, almost without exception, had the same desires we had --- to be alone with each other, to enjoy the beauty of the Maldives and the Indian Ocean, and to find that perfectly serene experience. It was alone time with each other to the extreme, and a forced relaxation that is welcomed and unlike anything we’ve experienced. If you are looking for loud gatherings, parties at the bar at night, blasting resort music, etc, then this is most certainly NOT the resort for you. If you are looking to get away to an absolutely magical place and let the cares of the world melt away, Milaidhoo may be the getaway for you. The island itself is equally beautiful and peaceful at all corners, and can be walked in about 15 minutes --- it’s not large, but every inch is thoughtfully dedicated to everything you may need for serenity. There’s a snorkeling and dive shop that is expansive, a small gift shop, a wonderful walking path around the island, and a spa that you definitely won’t want to miss. Given the size of the island, the number of villas/guests is quite small compared to other properties, and that just adds to the feeling of being on an incredible island all by yourself. In mid to late June, when we were there, the resort is between 50 – 70% full, and at any location you may be on that island with that capacity, you are on average either alone, or one of a half dozen people, other than breakfast where we typically saw the most people – up to a dozen some mornings. The weather that time of year is mostly sunny to partly cloudy, typically with rain for an hour or so each day. We had days it was beautiful all day, and days it was overcast most of the day, and both were a welcomed change and had zero impact on the scenery. We did the ‘half board’ plan, which included free breakfast/dinner each day, excluding alcoholic drinks. The food is absolutely 5-star. The breakfast buffet, which others in the reviews do mention, is beyond words. Of all the high class resorts we’ve stayed, we’ve never seen anything like that. There are several lunch/dinner restaurants to choose from --- Ocean, which is the main dining (“main dining” sounds so plain, and that is most certainly not what you get --- Ocean is 5* food with views that will leave you breathless). Daminda Piyal Perera, the chef, is one of the more talented chefs we’ve come across, and his dishes are only equaled by his smile and friendly demeanor as he frequently greets the guests at the restaurant each night. He’s the personality and type of talent you’d expect at a Michelin star restaurant. Then there’s Ba’theli, which is more authentic Maldivian food, 5*, on the famous wooden boats built to be fixed in the lagoon, where AJ and Baby (most staff have nicknames and we’ll use those often in this review) had us laughing each night with their stories. At Ba’theli you’ll often see eagle rays, sting rays and nurse sharks cruising below your dinner table (nurse sharks are a docile shark and not any threat to humans, as is true for the other few species of sharks you may or may not see in the Maldives reefs). Believe me - we have a strong fear of sharks, and it was so safe at Milaidhoo that we actually went out snorkeling looking for them --- unfortunately did not end up catching any on our GoPro. Then there’s the Shoreline Grill, which is hibachi on steroids with chef Aaron --- a true master chef who makes everything he cooks from scratch, including sauces, soups and the like. He’s a real talent, and impressive to watch. We’ve all been to the hibachi restaurants in the United States, and as you might agree, they tend to be quite similar. This is not your standard U.S. hibachi. As with most things at Milaidhoo, we were blown away by the talent of the chef and the service of the restaurant’s smiling staff. For lunch and bar, we preferred Compass, where Asanka frequently came to us with drinks served in ways we’ve never seen before. We had drinks served in ice sculptures that took Asanka a great deal of time to assemble (for many, he started them hours or days before he served them to us), but even the ones that came in glasses were worthy of multiple photos before drinking. And the staff at Compass, Lucky, and Miyuru are truly lovely people that had us smiling and laughing as we watched the vibrant sunsets over the Indian Ocean. And then there’s your personal butler, and that promise is kept in every regard. Any need, question, and so forth is addressed in minutes by a text or call to your personal butler (they provide the phone, and also use WhatsApp), and you’ll see that individual when you arrive and likely multiple times per day as you go about your day on the island. Abdulla, our butler, has been at Milaidhoo since they opened, and he is one of the kindest, most helpful and most responsive individuals we’ve ever met. Your butler will check in with you to be sure your every need is met, and that your experience is everything you want it to be. You need something or have a question – you get a personalized response, often in person, in minutes. Abdulla won our hearts and is truly one of the gems of the island. The individual that made up our room multiple times per day, Hakeem, is also one of the nicest individuals we’ve ever met, and his care of us and our room was top shelf in every way, including messages written in flowers and leaves on our bed or in the bath many nights, funny animals made with towels that posed on the corner chair, among other smiles we received from Hakeem. And that all brings us to perhaps one of the more surprising and incredible things about Milaidhoo. As mentioned above, we have high expectations. We stay in nice places, and we love great service that creates memories we’ll have forever. We honestly thought we had seen it all, and that there were limitations as to how good service could get. Everyone copies each other, and some do it a little better than others, and that’s all you’ll ever get absent a few surprises you’ll get here and there at a dinner, an event or some venue. That belief we held was completely shattered at Milaidhoo. Honestly, it opened our eyes to a whole new realm of possibilities that resorts have when it comes to providing incredible experiences for their guests. We don’t know who will read this review, if anyone, nor where you may have been and the experiences you may have had. However, as seasoned travelers, we are quite confident that those of you that do go to Milaidhoo and come back to this forum will absolutely agree --- the service you get on that island is extraordinary, to the point you are constantly being astonished even if you are among the hardest to please. I suspect if we go back, Asanka, Lucky, the chefs, greeters, servers and others will have a more difficult time surprising us (and unfortunately we’ve been completely ruined when it comes to what we perceive as great service on any future vacation we may take!), but the attention to detail is beyond impressive. Over the early days of your stay you’ll find most everyone you see at meals and in the more commonly visited areas knows your name, what kind of drinks you like, what kind of food you prefer, what your interests are, your dog’s name, your favorite treat, and so on. Please don’t get the sense this is in any way obtrusive --- it’s completely professional, exquisitely done, and just amazing to witness from the guest point of view. On their website, we recalled on our plane ride home that we had read when booking our trip that Milaidhoo considers their guests “family”. Quite honestly, and perhaps shame on us, we sort of blurred over that as a typical claim that any resort might make, and one quite difficult to fulfill. We’ll tell you, you will most certainly circle back to that website quote during and after your stay, and it could not be more true that we were part of their team, their family and shared laughs and experiences together that we’ll just never forget. There are team members at Milaidhoo that cried when we left (as did we), and many Milaidhoo staff have become friends that we hope to keep in contact with for the rest of our lives. What an incredible and special place the owners and management have created – kudos to you for that. The beauty and quality of this resort are enough to be successful, but the people that work at Milaidhoo, and how they go about their work, make this island a hidden gem that we feel very lucky to have uncovered. THE VERDICT Yes, it’s a long distance from the U.S., and includes likely a connection through Doha or Dubai, followed by a connection to Male, then likely a Seaplane to Milaidhoo. That alone will be enough to turn many people away. The flight was most certainly long. The Seaplane we thoroughly enjoyed and it was quite an amazing (and very safe/professionally run) experience. If you are someone that has trouble sitting for 10+ hours at a time on a plane, or that just despises airline travel, the nearby Caribbean is perhaps for you. But, if you want to try something quite different --- a real experience and, in our opinion, beauty that surpasses anything you’ll find in the Caribbean, do some research on the Maldives, and in particular see what you can learn about Milaidhoo. And when you come back, take the time on the 10+ hour flight as we did and write a review that honestly and plainly lays it out for others in the U.S. We appreciate those that did that for us, as they helped us make a great decision that fit us perfectly. The more of us that do that and share our knowledge and what we found, the easier it will be for someone to take the leap to fly 8,000 miles across the globe to a microscopic island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Thank you to the ownership, management and staff at Milaidhoo. You created memories for us that we’ll have for the rest of our lives, and we could not be more grateful for that. Best wishes to all, and safe travels.
Reviewed: 18.02.2024
Milaidhoo is beautiful island with several snorkelling options around the island depending on the weather. The staff are very welcoming, the accommodation is superb and the food is first rate. All staff are always ready to advise on the best places to snorkel or paddle board. The Seafood market evening on the beach was exceptional. Our butler Yenny was the best we have had in the Maldives and very cheerful and helpful. The best holiday we have had in the Maldives.
Reviewed: 18.02.2024
This was our second time to Malaidhoo. We were a little apprehensive as could the second visit live up to our brilliant first trip. We had nothing to worry about as the island was as good or even better than we remembered. All the staff were brilliant and we felt as if we were back at home. The accommodation is fantastic and the facilities second to none. We are already planning our next trip back to paradise.
Reviewed: 17.02.2024
Perfect place for relaxing/romantic holiday staying. A small, beautiful and cozy island with elegant beach and sea view. The family of Milaidhoo is warm and professional. The guests' privacy is given top priority. Special thanks to our very nice, patient and experienced butler Ahmed Mohamed. A wonderful journey!
Reviewed: 17.02.2024
I went to the Maldives for the first time on my honeymoon. My staff was very friendly, and the tours and advice tailored to our situation were excellent. The other staff members were also fantastic, and I'm happy to choose this place as a honeymoon.Thank you.
Reviewed: 17.02.2024
Beautiful island , Amazing service, Amazing food, Amazing sea, Amazing beach And most of all our Butler had to be the BEST PART OF ALL without him our experience would NOT have been so great. Special Thankyou to Ammadey!!!!!! Ammadey was so hospitable and available 24/7. He made our time so smooth and easy Thankyou once again to Ammadey
Reviewed: 16.02.2024
I have visited Milaidhoo for the 6th time and I am now counting days to go back. It‘s an amazing place, where you get your home away from home. The rooms are perfectly designed for relaxing in and outside, spacious bath and bedroom as well as stunning terrace with different angles to relax and sunbath. Service is amazing: extremely attentive people with highest level of emotional intelligence, who are really extremely engaged to make your stay unforgettable. Spa specialists are also on highest level. The food is delicious. By having 3 different restaurants you have the possibility to enjoy Maldivian cuisine, ocean treasures and traditional healthy kitchen!
Reviewed: 13.02.2024
Everything about the resort was wonderful! Our beach villa was spacious, beautifully designed inside and out, and with a perfect aspect to the sea. The staff were all so friendly - always smiling, helpful and efficient. They even remembered our names… The food was superb in all locations, and the teppanyaki table was pure theatre! Nothing was too much trouble, and our whole experience was the definition of barefoot luxury.
Reviewed: 12.02.2024
So, this was our fifth time at Milaidhoo. We hadn't been for two years and I was worried that a) things would have changed and b) I wouldn't have anything new to say. As it happens, things have only changed for the better (if possible) and I have plenty to say! So, sit tight... Snorkelling: The prime reason we go to the Maldives is to snorkel or, for my husband, to dive. We've gone back to Milaidhoo each time because the snorkelling is amazing - so much so that my husband now snorkels in preference to diving. During this trip we noticed that the currents were much stronger than on previous trips and this did mean we had to be careful on the reef. On the flip side, the currents meant we had amazing sightings, with enormous schools of fish, sharks, turtles and eagle rays. We snorkelled with one eagle ray, close up, for over 30 minutes. It was amazing - I've never seen such volume of fish. We snorkel off the beach villas, going in at 204 and turning left. If you can reach a point where the currents meet (near the spa) it is incredible. Room: Our villa has been refurbished since we last went and looked fabulous. We have stayed in larger rooms in the Maldives but none as well appointed as Milaidhoo. We use every bit of it. There are two outdoor showers, one with Acqua di Parma toiletries that we use all the time. The luxury of a posh outdoor shower! The rooms are kept spotlessly clean (thanks Humaid!) and constantly updated with our personal requirements. Food: One of the other reasons we love Milaidhoo is the food. Dimu was away this time (and sadly missed) but we were in the very capable hands of Murey, the head of F&B. The team have clearly done lots of work on the menus and there is a much wider choice of food, particularly for vegetarians and vegans. Shoreline is particularly improved (from our perspective) as the menu is now much wider. Everything we had was fabulous but two particularly outstanding evenings stood out - dinner at Ba'theli (so, so good) and a last night dinner on the beach, with a menu arranged by Murey. The latter followed our own wine tasting event and was simply amazing. My husband declared it the best dinner he'd ever had and I have to agree. The quality and intricacy of the food is outstandingly good - Michelin quality. Service: Knockout. Really, just the best service we've had anywhere. It is so nice to see so many of the team still there from our first visit. And many of them with new roles. But there was also some great new faces. The service is personal, attentive, fun but, above all, designed to make your stay perfect. Milaidhoo often talks about creating your own story of a small island and that is what the team strive to do. I will undoubtedly miss people off this list and spell names incorrectly - sorry guys - but we had excellent service from Saika, Thiru, Yoonus, Kokko, Nazeer, Shippe, Rajesh, Nashwaan, Hashim, Amko (great coffee), Shamveel, Aiman, Chotey, Prabu and Saahath. Shiaz was a constant and it was great to see him now running Shoreline where we had some of our best food. And Murey, as we mentioned above, was a superstar. We owe him a huge thank you for creating some really special moments for us (and for accommodating all of my strange eating habits...) Airport team: Slightly random but, on this trip, I must mention the airport team. We were quite tight for time for our departure (seaplane was late) so we needed to exit the seaplane promptly. The Milaidhoo team were at the jetty, our luggage was off Manta Air in about a minute, we charged through the airport and we got from seaplane to departures in just over 20 minutes. Fantastic service (from Manta Air too). Island host: Abdulla always gets the last word. And rightly so. Without Abdulla, our trip would have a lot less sparkle. From the paintings, the flowers, the romantic baths, the crisp jar, the sand drawings, the organisation behind the special dinners, it's hard to find the words. Abdulla is the one who allows us to drift from one amazing moment to the next and we can't thank him enough. Superstar. We always have fun with Abdulla on our trips and he surpassed himself this time by hiding in the bushes and somehow managing to film Mark and I both upright on a paddle board. Something that can only have happened for the 26 seconds that Abdulla filmed.... So, is Milaidhoo still as good - yes, if anything, it's even better. Are there new things to positively review - yes, loads, see above. And will we go back? Yes. Next year and every year after that... A huge thank you to David, Celine, Abdulla, Murey, Shiaz and the whole team. See you next year!
Reviewed: 10.02.2024
This was our second visit to Malidhoo and it didn’t disappoint! Love this island and the Malidhoo family who are all so friendly and welcoming. Once again the food was amazing - we mainly ate at Ocean but also visited Bat’heli boat restaurant and the Shore Line Grill. A big thanks to Naseem, Dompei (apologies if I spelt this wrong) and the entire dive team who made our dive trips so memorable. We hired the large motorboat to take us that bit further to snorkel with the manta rays and dive - then enjoyed the fish lunch the crew had caught and cooked whilst we dived. The perfect end to our day! Too many people to thank, and how they remembered our names (such a lovely personal touch) each time the family greeted us is beyond me, but I can’t finish this review without thanking Roxy and Yenny for looking after us. We can’t recommend this place enough and hope to return next year 😊
Reviewed: 10.02.2024
Every stay in Milaidhoo (5 times totally) is a step into paradise and at the same time a return home. The villas, the food, the service, the team…the whole island is simply a dream. The support from the Padi dive base and especially from our personal butler Abdullah is particularly worth mentioning - knows our wishes before we have mention them… We can’t wait being there again!
Reviewed: 07.02.2024
The moment you arrive on the island you are surrounded by a very special flair of friendliness, caring, reading your lips before you ask for something, personalized support from your butler Akoo and all family members! The Villa, the restaurants with the special events and exquisite food and drinks, the beach with the white sand and the turquise water makes sure that the word Paradise stays in your mind! One big problem remains: How to handle the moment of your departure? Thank you so much for making our stay with you unforgettable!
Reviewed: 06.02.2024
This is our second visit to Milaidhoo and we loved it as much this year as last. The island is beautiful and our beach villa was both everything we needed, private, quiet, and with stunning views of sea, beach and sky. As a vegetarian it was a pleasure to have so much choice at all of the restaurants and in addition the team were at pains to point out that they would make something to suit me if there wasn't enough choice or it wasn't to my taste. As a surprise my husband had arranged for a movie to be screened for us on the beach which Abdullah arranged to perfection and it was a lovely way to spend an evening. Throughout our stay every single member of staff we encountered went out of their way to be helpful and beyond that they all combined charm and warmth with professionalism. I point out in particular Abdullah, Murey, Nazeem, Faiz, Shiaz and all of the hosts at Shoreline, Ocean and Ba'thali. With thanks also to David and the whole of the team.
Reviewed: 05.02.2024
a wonderful island, especially for people who like sports (yoga, fitness, swimming, snorkelling) and are looking for peace and quiet! Excellent offer for massages, absolutely top service and with Mr Prabhu a first-class top chef de cuisine! Highly recommended
Reviewed: 04.02.2024
I can’t rate this idyllic island high enough. The staff friendliness and commitment to ensuring your stay is the best is extraordinary. Although I am slightly nervous in sharing what a wonderful place this is just in case it will be fully booked when I next go.
Reviewed: 03.02.2024
A unique experience - not only the food, the villas, and the house-reef are absolutely fantatstic - above all, all members of the staff are, without exception, superfriendly and personal in a gentle and pleasant way - their positive "vibes" make you feel absoluetly happy. We will definitely come back to this amazing place. We have seen numerous luxurious Maldivian islands - they all were beautiful, but Milaidhoo is clearly number one!
Reviewed: 01.02.2024
I've been lucky enough to visit Maldivian Islands regularly for 25 years. Occasionally I’ve gone back to the same island but the only island I have gone to three times is extraordinary Milaidhoo. I’ve spent well over a month there in total: The island is beautiful, the reef is excellent, the spa and other facilities are top of the line & I’ve never had better food. However, what really sets Milaidhoo apart above all of that, is the simply PHENOMENAL SERVICE. The whole team is outstanding in their professionalism but even more wonderful is their warmth and friendliness. And it isn’t fake/forced or too much, you can tell they are a well supported team who are enjoying giving all their guests and colleagues the best time that they possibly can.
Reviewed: 31.01.2024
We visited the Milaidhoo for the 2nd time (our 6th time in the Maldives). It was again PERFECT! We highly recommend this hotel to everyone who asks us where to go for a luxurious stay in the Maldives. Its special focus on privacy & nature resonates with us strongly. What also sets Milaidhoo apart is its welcoming atmosphere. The staff, treated like family, are genuinely warm and make the resort feel like a home away from home. The resort's attention to detail is impressive, with staff remembering our specific preferences like split blankets and dietary allergies. Our butler - Yenny - was again excellent, providing attentive and thoughtful assistance throughout our stay. We already had her in our first stay and couldn’t wish for anything else. She really made a difference to our stay and we are very grateful to have her! The spa experience at Milaidhoo was (again) a highlight, offering relaxation and rejuvenation. The beach remains the best we've seen in our travels, with its pristine and serene setting. It's the ideal spot for a peaceful retreat. Dining at Milaidhoo was consistently delightful, with every meal being a treat in both taste and presentation. We hope to come back soon!
Reviewed: 29.01.2024
Another excellent visit to Milhaidoo (our third time there). The team are professional and caring without being interfering, the food offering is exceptional and the location is very peaceful and relaxing. Can’t recommend the place highly enough.
Reviewed: 28.01.2024
Absolutely stunning place with the most incredible service. The staff were fantastic, couldn't do enough for you and so friendly. The food was amazing and beautifully presented. the best breakfast ever. Will definitely be returning. Our butler Roxy was lovely. The Maldivian restaurant was outstanding.
Reviewed: 28.01.2024
Wir wurden auf Milaidhoo durch Freunde aufmerksam, die 2020 die Insel besucht und voll des Lobes davon berichtet haben. Entsprechend hoch waren unsere Erwartungen. Als anspruchsvolle 5 Sterne+ Urlauber mit einiger Erfahrung aus vielen ähnlichen Reisen weltweit können wir sagen, dass alle Erwartungen mehr als erfüllt wurden! Bereits bei der Landung unseres Fliegers in Malé wurden wir durch das zusätzlich gebuchte CIP Anreise Paket (sehr zu empfehlen!!) direkt am Flieger in Empfang genommen. Durch die Mitarbeiter von Milaidhoo am Flughafen beginnt das Paradies bereits unmittelbar nach der Landung. Alle administrativen Abläufe wurden perfekt erledigt während wir uns dem ersten Drink in der Lounge widmen konnten. Um das Gepäck haben wir uns erst in unserer Villa wieder selbst kümmern dürfen. Von der ersten Minute des Empfangs auf der Insel durften wir uns als Teil der Milaidhoo Familie fühlen. Wir wurden sehr sehr herzlich empfangen, man bekommt von der ersten Sekunde an ein Gefühl zuhause angekommen zu sein. Unser persönlicher Butler Ammadey hat uns buchstäblich jeden Wunsch von den Augen abgelesen, egal ob es die richtige Getränkeauswahl in der Minibar war (welche im Übrigen im Vorfeld schon per Mail abgefragt wurde :-)) oder er mit frisch im eigenen Garten geernteten Aloe Vera Blättern ankam um den ersten Sonnenbrand zu kühlen. Ammadey, nochmals vielen Dank dafür, wir haben dich in unser Herz geschlossen! Um nicht am Ende einen Mitarbeiter der Milaidhoo Familie zu vergessen, wollen wir auf weitere persönliche Namensnennungen verzichten. Wirklich ausnahmslos alle vermitteln ein authentisches Wohlfühl-Gefühl und zeigen, dass sie das was sie tun sehr gerne und mit viel Empathie machen. Großes Kompliment und tiefen Respekt für das gesamte Management Team unter der Führung von David und Cèline, die die Mitarbeiter nicht nur einmal als Ihre Eltern bezeichnet haben. Man hat wirklich das Gefühl, auch die Mitarbeiter scheinen im Paradies angekommen zu sein. Die Küche ist absolut auf internationalem Sterne Niveau und muss keinen Vergleich mit bekannten Namen scheuen. Die Qualität der Speisen ist erstklassig, wer möchte, kann morgens oder abends sein Seafood selbst angeln und bekommt es nach jeglicher gewünschter Zubereitungsart serviert. Man wird aktiv angesprochen Sonderwünsche zu äußern, die alle wirklich perfekt umgesetzt wurden. Wir können eigentlich gar nicht wirklich sagen, was genau den Zauber ausmacht: jedes Detail, angefangen von der Qualität der Betten über die komplette Organisation bis zum F&B ist in einer unglaublichen Leichtigkeit perfekt, sodass ein rundum Wohlfühlgefühl entsteht. Die perfekte Umgebung tut ein Übriges dazu. So stellt man sich das Paradies vor! Vielen Dank für eine unvergessliche Zeit.
Reviewed: 28.01.2024
We traveled as a couple and looked for an overwater villa in a small resort — and we found our paradise in Milaidhoo. We are still overwhelmed by the great time we had and all the memories we made. This place is perfect if you love to spend time with your partner and prefer a mix of relaxing and water activities. The villa is fully equipped with everything you need and you even have the opportunity to get your meals served there, so there is no reason to leave. Except — you would miss so much fun. On the relaxing side, there are daily yoga sessions which put your practice on a new level and the option to get awesome massages and beauty treatments (highly recommendable). Focusing on the activities, there is plenty of opportunity to discover the amazing wildlife around the island: snorkelling, looking for dolphins or turtles, kayaking, or catamaran driving. Our host Roxy took amazingly good care of us and all the staff is going the extra mile to make your stay really special: there big things like the very cool video the marine biologist Diana made of our snorkelling tour or our tour guide CR and the boat crew going the extra round to see more dolphins or small things like very attentive waiters, thoughtful housekeeping, or remembering us to put sun screen on. We felt totally spoilt and would like to thank Milaidhoo for having us.
Reviewed: 26.01.2024
This hotel is perfect! We have traveled all over the world and this is our#1 hotel. All the staff is attentive and so friendly. Our butler Akoo gave us amazing service. All 3 of the restaurants served delicious food and service was impressive. Breakfast buffet selections were unlimited as well as Ala carte options. The restaurant manager Nazeer was very friendly and helpful. The managers David and Dimu were always available to meet and talk with guests. All the staff and management made us feel like a member of the Milaidhoo family. Our overwater villa was perfect with its own pool. All room amenities were first class. I would highly recommend this hotel!
Reviewed: 25.01.2024
Wir waren im Januar 2024 das 3. Mal zu Besuch auf Milaidhoo. Es wurde uns wieder eine wunderbare Zeit mit purer Erholung und Entspannung geschenkt. Jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter hat sein Bestes für uns gegeben. Wir sind rundum auf eine entzückende, professionelle und humorvolle Art verwöhnt worden. Die Unterkunft ist sehr gepflegt, das Essen exzellent, die Bedienung hervorragend. Es wird jeder Wunsch von den Lippen abgelesen und die Betreuung des Gastes steht überall im Vordergrund. Vielen Dank an das Management und ihren Mitarbeitern !!! Wir kommen gerne wieder.
Reviewed: 20.01.2024
The most wonderful resort with 360 views and amazing snorkelling. Crystal clear water and incredibly pleasant and helpful family (staff) Loved every minute. We ate in the Ocean Restuarant every evening which was beautiful to eat on the shore line. The breakfast was incredible with everything you could think of to eat .. and more!
Reviewed: 14.01.2024
Milaidhoo is a small paradise. Best spot for snorkeling and diving , surrounded by a beautiful coral reach in marine life with beautiful sea turtles and eagle rays . I have visited wonderful corals across the world and of course many in Maldives but by far this is the best spot. The water at the beaches is deeper than usually on Maldives islands and this makes swimming and water sports nicer. Accommodation and services are best in class, a word of appreciation for the entire staff and for the resort management. Bus Thank you to Anth who was our protective angel during our holiday organizing everything and being close all the time. Also big appreciation to Nasim diving and snorkeling guide who’s care and humor was key to making this holiday so great
Reviewed: 13.01.2024
We have just finished a truly amazing break at Milaidhoo and would definitely recommend it. From the minute we arrived in Male we were looked after to the minute we got back to the airport for our return journey. The island is really quiet and so beautiful. The hotel is outstanding and the family members so kind and thoughtful in making our stay so special. We split our stay between a water villa and a beach villa and they are equally fantastic - amazing views and everything you need and more. The swimming and snorkelling was fantastic- it was easy to access the stunning house reef from both our villas and the beach and we saw turtles, sharks, eagle rays and a huge huge array of stunning fish. The islands birds sing constantly and there is a resident heron. The restaurants and food are spectacular- some very talented chefs! We particularly enjoyed the Shoreline Grill - Shiaz always looked after us so well - (even if he is an Arsenal fan!!! ) and Haatte made us laugh with his goldfish jokes! Thiru’s smiles were always so welcoming at Ocean every morning. Sunset drinks at Ba’theli were very special as was listening to the very talented duo in Compass each evening. The spa treatments and setting are outstanding - overlooking the ocean. Best treatments I have ever had - and we were so well looked after by Arni and Aruna - thanks both. Last but definitely not least - our stay was made so special thanks to our fantastic host Anth - she knew what we needed before we did - and nothing was ever too much trouble. She kindly snorkelled with us to show us the turtles - which we thoroughly enjoyed - so thank you so much for everything. Thank you everyone for the memories - hope to see you again xxx
Reviewed: 10.01.2024
We spent one of the most memorable and beautiful week of our lives on Milaidhoo. The whole island is clean and simply wonderful with its plants and birds, all restaurants and foods, drinks are perfect, spa experience, programs, excursions are unforgettable, house reef is fantastic...Everything is given for the guests have a dreamlike, fabulous and unforgettable vacation. All Milaidhoo family members are kind, helpful, hospitable and very professional. They are all exceptional and fantastic people. Special thanks to our host Naveen, who did everything to make us feel wonderful, managed all of our questions and requests prompt and for the little presents which made our daughter happy every day during our stay. Thank you so much Diana (diving instructor and marine biologist, our daughter said that she is the Little Mermaid of Milaidhoo :) ) who introduced us into the wonderful ocean world, which is her “second home”, she knows everything about the ocean so we could felt perfectly safe with her during our snorkeling trips. The way she loves and respects the life of the ocean and her knowledge about it is amazingly fantastic and exemplary. We and our 10 years old daughter will never forget the moments we spent with her. Thank you all for letting us experience Milaidhoo and we can't wait to see you again!
Reviewed: 09.01.2024
We live in Australia and we go to Fiji quite a bit and stay in some very nice places. The Maldives had been on our do-list for quite some time, but its a lot more awkward to get to for us than Fiji. But finally we decided it was time, and after much research settled on Milaidhoo. What I really want to tell you about is the diving. But first, everything else you read here is spot-on. The staff are great, the rooms are superb, and the food is amazing. The breakfast buffet is overwhelming. New Years Eve was doubly so. Coming from Australia, I gotta say it was all pretty pricey -- the exchange rate, the GST the service tax, combined with us being there during the "high" season - all conspired together. But speaking to other guests, and doing our own research, Milaidhoo is not crazy expensive by Maldivian standards. Is it worth it? What's the alternative - not coming to the Maldives?? Inconceivable !! Yeah, it's worth it. Now the diving. I find it very hard to get calibrated diving info on TripAdvisor because people will wax lyrical about having seem a coloured fish if they've never seen one before. So, to present our credentials - we dive rather a lot in some very nice places. The dive operation at Milaidhoo is very slick. The dive boat is probably the best we've ever been on. It has an upholstered upstairs lounge area, and a huge amount of room downstairs. You can take a bag of dry things with you and it will stay dry. The boat is very stable. They typically do a double in the morning at 8:30 and a single at 2:00pm. Boat rides are typically 30 min. They have nitrox which is good for cutting your surface intervals. Giant stride entry and exit via a remarkably stable ladder. Towels, water and fruit provided. Deckhands to help you make your way across the deck. Freshwater handheld shower on deck. People talk about the currents in the Maldives, and yeah that's definitely a thing. We have no problem diving with currents, but the currents around the Maldives seem quite a bit more unpredictable than elsewhere we have dived -- swim 2 meters and everything changes! The dive guide jumps in the water before the dive to assess the current, but even then things can get surprising. What that means is your air consumption can suddenly spike if you find yourself having to swim upcurrent for a few minutes, by a lot!. But that's diving in the Maldives. The guides do a good job of trying to manage and predict as best they can. The Maldives government is a bit like the Australian government in that they have instituted rules to keep things safe. One of which is 24hrs before flying, even if the PADI rule is 12 or 18. They also sign you back into the boat. Good things. Most dives we were bumping up against our no-deco limits. Fish. Yes they have fish! Some slightly different species for us (Indian vs Pacific oceans). We were not there during Manta or Whale Shark season, so can't comment on those, but in terms of reef fish I would say substantially more than we are accustomed to seeing around the Pacific. The coral is almost completely undamaged. In a week of diving, I saw one patch of storm damage, and no bleaching whatsoever. Exceptional. A local told me Maldives doesn't get cyclones, so perhaps that explains it. And of course no rivers no run-off. Gear quality was great. Dive guide was great. We usually had this massive dive boat just for the four of us, sometimes with an added random. Snorkelling from the OTW villas was very nice. We were fortunate that our rooms were close to the drop-off. A great luxury to snorkel from your room and then rinse in your pool. Not all OTW places have reef nearby, but Milaidhoo does. Milaidhoo is not a "dive resort", so it's not presumed everyone will dive. In fact divers seemed in the minority. But they have a full PADI dive operation, and well equipped. I would suggest making contact in the weeks before you arrive and making sure you have some dive slots booked, just in case a large group of divers happen to be there at the same time... just to differentiate between "we'd like to do a dive while we're there" versus "we'd like to do 2/3 dives every day". Would we go back? Would we fly for 14 hrs to Milaidhoo when we could be on the Great Barrier Reef in 5, or Fiji in 4? Yes we would. And yes we shall.... in Manta season :)
Reviewed: 05.01.2024
2019年12月以来,通算5回目のモルディブ訪問,7泊8日で訪れました。 リゾートチョイスのポイントは、 ・プール付き水上ヴィラ ・ハウスリーフが良いこと ・食事が美味しい ・騒がしくない静かなリゾート 水上ヴィラはめちゃくちゃ広い〜ってわけではありませんが,必要かつ充分な広さで,滞在に必要な物は全部揃っていて、不自由なことは全くありませんでした。 シュノーケル好きの我々に適したドロップオフが近い119番の水上ヴィラがアサインされました。スィングベッド部分が常に日陰になる位置だったので,直射日光の下には居られない我々にはぴったりの場所でした。 海が穏やかな日は、ドロップオフまで2分とかからず到着できる場所で、とっても魚影が濃く、色鮮やかなリーフフィッシュたちはもちろんのこと、海亀、タコ、イーグルレイ、リーフシャークにも出会えました。 イルカ🐬も、魚の群れを狙ってやって来るようで、一度だけヴィラのデッキから見ることができました。 ただ、残念なのは、2023年のエルニーニョ現象のせいか、珊瑚がほぼ全滅だったこと。これは、どの環礁もリゾートも同じだとは思いますが、本当に悲しいです。 そんな中、ミライドゥでは、ビーチと水上ヴィラの間に珊瑚を飼育されています。 リゾートのレストランは ・朝食・夕食レストランのインターナショナル料理のOCEAN ・夕食時のみ営業している  ーグリルレストランのShoreGrill  ーモルディブ料理レストランのBa’Theli ・プールバーのCompass どのレストランの食事も、インヴィラダイニングの食事も美味しいのですが、特筆すべきは、モルディブ料理レストランのBa’Theliです。 モルディブにリゾートの数は星の数ほど多くありますが、ちゃんとしたモルディブ料理を食べることができたのは初めてでした。 やはり、そこは、モルディブ資本のユニバーサルグループ,流石だなと感心しました。 しかも、このレストランの食事は、普通のモルディブ料理をレベル高い繊細なお料理に仕上げてあること! 滞在中に参加したモルディブ料理教室で教わったのは,モルディブの家庭料理レシピでした。その際に作ったガルディア(モルディブのマグロを使ったスープ)一つをとっても,レッスンで作ってランチで試食したスープ(これはこれで,充分に美味しいスープです!)と、夜にレストランでいただいたスープ、同じ名前でも,レベルが全く違う格段に美味しいスープでした。 さらに、シェフがお勧めしてくれた、シーフードアレンジバージョンのモルディブの伝統料理Malaafaiy まずは、ビジュアルに圧倒されて目で堪能し、その後、美味しいシーフードとカレーに舌鼓を打ちました。 リゾート滞在中のレストラン・SPA・エクスカーションなどすべての予定は、リゾートホスト(バトラー)さんを通して、ほとんどをWhatsappアプリを通して行います。 中学・高校で読み書き中心の英語に慣れた我々には、とても嬉しいシステムです。 我が家の担当だった、モルディブ人のAhmed(Ammedey)さん ちょっと朴訥としたおとなしそうな第一印象だったのですが、チャットメッセージにはすぐ反応してくれるし、リクエストへの対応もとても迅速でした。たまにポーカーフェイスで冗談を言ったりと、ユーモアもあって、とっても優秀なリゾートホスト(バトラー)さんでした。 他のリゾートスタッフの皆さんも、滞在ゲストに気を配っておられて、「元気?」「大丈夫?」「困っていることないですか?」「快適に過ごしていますか?」と常に気遣ってくださいました。 レストランで少しでも周りを見渡すと、すぐに「何か必要か?」と聞きに来てくださり、他所でありがちな放置パターンということは、ここでは全くありませんでした。 いかんせん、多くのスタッフさんが入れ替わり立ち替わり自己紹介してくださって,お話ししてくださるので,皆さんの名前を記憶できていないのですが,とても印象に残っているのは, ・日々,少しずつイタリア語を覚えて夫に話しかけてくれていた、モルディブ人レストランマネージャーのShiaaz ・スリランカ人レストランマネージャで、カタコトのイタリア語を話すDimu ・いつもワタシの名前を呼んで,暖かく迎えてくれたインドネシア人のPandaちゃん あいにく名前を失念してしまいましたが, ・モルディブ料理教室で教えてくださった,Ba’Theliのモルディブ人シェフ ・モルディブ人の食文化を説明してくれた,モルディブ舞踊を踊り,太鼓を叩くというShoregrillのモルディブ人ウェイター君 ・SPAの受付で,いつも色々と親切に話しかけてくれるインドネシア人のチャーミングな女性 と、他にも,その他のレストランスタッフやエスティシャンの皆さん,ボートスタッフの皆さんなど,枚挙にいとまがないほど皆さんに気にかけてもらえました。 申し訳ないのは,貧しい英語力で・・・もっと,ちゃんと話せたら,もっと楽しく過ごせたのにと思います。 コロナ禍後の初モルディブ旅行で,色々と不安もありましたが,すべてが杞憂に終わり,とても思い出に残る滞在となりました。 他のリゾートも星の数ほどあまたありますが、また機会があれば是非、再訪させていただきたいと思いますので、是非、今の施設・ホスピタリティすべて維持、いや、さらに進化させてください!
Reviewed: 05.01.2024
We love this beautiful island. The wonderful experience starts in Male when you are met by some of the Milaidhoo team who transfer you seamlessly and comfortably for your short seaplane journey to this special island. A very warm and genuine welcome awaits you on arrival and you are in your amazing room before you know it, ready to relax and recharge. We prefer the beach villas which are spacious with really comfy beds, relaxing terraces and your own pool, looking out onto a lovely white sand beach. You would not be disappointed with any type of villa though on the island, they are all so private and special. We joined for the festive season for the first time this year, Christmas and New Year, it was amazing. Special events arranged everyday if you would like to join and some lovely special dinners including the Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve Galas. Lovely treats in the room each evening too 😊. Amazing fireworks at New Year. The team provides such a personal and high level of service, anticipating your every need. Lots of little touches that make your stay so special, you feel so at home and valued. Jameel looked after us and as always did a great job and remembers the things we like to do. The food standard and choice is excellent and the chefs are always happy to make something off the menu for you. We really enjoy going out on the boat for champagne and canapés at sunset and also to see the dolphins. The management team discreetly check in with you during each day, not intrusive at all, they just make it very natural to be sure everything is okay with your stay and to ensure you have the most perfect time. The whole team all work so well together so nothing is missed, they are super connected and everyone always has a smile for you. A special place that we love going back to so we cannot wait to go again soon. Thank you David and the Milaidhoo Family for another wonderful holiday.
Reviewed: 05.01.2024
私達はモルディブ旅行で旅行代理店にリクエストしたことは、モルディブらしさに加えて、清潔で綺麗なことと、料理が美味しいことでした。そして勧められたのがMilaidhoo です。 まずビラは清潔で、しっかりとしたつくりです。とても広く、まるで別荘にいるかのよう。大大大満足です。 料理はチキンもビーフもシーフードも柔らかく満足できました。アラカルトとビュッフェが選べたり、全体的に美味しいです。14回もモルディブ旅行をされている日本人の方も、Milaidhoo は料理が美味しいとおっしゃっていましたので、間違いないと思います。 Milaidhoo の特徴として、年齢制限があるのでファミリーでも小さいお子さんがいないため、静かで落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 また、私達が滞在した期間はアジア人は私達だけで、欧州の方が中心のようです。 バトラーの方(Ms.Anth )との連絡は、LINEグループを使いました。このコミュニケーションはとても便利でした。バトラーに限らず、スタッフの皆さんどなたも親切かつフレンドリーで、気持ちがいい接客態度でした。 見渡す限りの海と空の美しさ、ラグーンを含め景色にも満足しています。一つの島で日の出と日の入りを両方楽しめたのも良い経験でした。 私達はバトラーの方にサンセットヨガをリクエストしました。すると、白い砂浜の上で、正面に海に沈む夕陽を見ながらのプライベートヨガを用意してくれました。幻想的で記憶に残る体験です。 その他、シュノーケリングやカヤック、ヨガ、スパ等の個別の体験や、釣り、ドルフィンツアー、ビーチバレー、カウントダウンパーティーなど旅行者が任意で参加できる無料イベントが日々用意されており、飽きさせない工夫を感じました。 初めてのモルディブ旅行は大満足です。是非皆さんも遊びにいってみてください。
Reviewed: 02.01.2024
Tolles Resort mit wunderschönen Villen (Water Villa), herausragende Umgebung, auf schöner kleiner Insel. Das Team (nennt sich nicht ohne Grund „Milhaidoo-Family) ist unglaublich freundlich, aufmerksam und warmherzig. Sie erschaffen wirklich 2unforgettable Milhaidoo Moments“ Die Küche ist grandios und unglaublich abwechslungsreich. Wir sind begeistert, aber traurig daß wir wieder nach Hause mussten…
Reviewed: 01.01.2024
My house keep is very helpful and nice. I really appreciate all the help and little surprises she gave us. The reef of the island is gorgeous, I really enjoyed snorkeling. The hotel and the island is very pretty, the vibe is calm and relaxing.
Reviewed: 01.01.2024
We stayed in a Water Pool Villa for a week (9th to 16th Dec). Our overall feeling from our stay was that this is a quality, quiet and peaceful resort where most guests stick to the areas attached to their villas during the day. The main pool (at the Compass Bar) was usually deserted during the day. The peaceful and quiet feeling continued for the evening meals, with 3 restaurants to cater for the 50 villas. With the breakfast time being spread out, even that didn't feel busy. The level of service was very attentive and professional. Staff knew your name and took an interest in how you were enjoying the holiday and what your preferences were. Some specific thoughts were: - Room and sun deck were spacious; - The sun deck had four separate seating positions, giving variety for being in and out of the sun; - Had a set of binoculars which was a nice thought (albeit not much to see other than the Four Seasons resort in the distance); - The private pool was of a good size; - Direct access to the reef via steps from the sun deck; - Food in all three restaurants was very good (not Michelin Star standard but still very good) and there was sufficient variety to avoid it being repetitive over the week; - Fruit and water in the room were replenished daily; - Butler was very responsive to any requests (mostly done through WhatsApp and responded to immediately). Other things that might assist: - Our villa was 112 and it got the sun from about 10am until sunset (Dec); - Access to snorkel at the reef got a bit tricky, if not impossible, at low tide (if going then would be best to access off the beach); - When snorkeling, only saw a couple of reef sharks and didn't see any manta's or turtles (might have been a time of year thing). Did see some passing dolphins; - Our weather was not the best, whilst nice and warm and limited rain showers (odd ones very heavy) it was mostly overcast; - Sailing catamaran was in very good condition and well looked after and I was the only person to use it when we were here; - The reef surrounds the island, so for sailing you were outside of it in more exposed waters; - If you like socialising at the bar and motorised water sports then I don't think this will be the resort for you. We would consider coming back here as it delivered on what its website says.
Reviewed: 30.12.2023
Wunderschöne Villas. Viel grün, sogar auf den Stegen. Alles ist sehr gepflegt. Hervorragendes Essen. Die Insel ist relativ klein, darum ist alles fußläufig erreichbar. Insbesondere für einen ruhigen, romantischen Urlaub zu zweit sehr zu empfehlen.
Reviewed: 30.12.2023
Hemos ido a Milaidhoo de vacaciones con la familia la semana de Navidad, el hotel es un paraiso, la habitacion era perfectamente comoda, tiene todo lo que necesitas y te sientes como en casa! No hace falta que lleves zapatos pues puedes ir descalzo todo el dia por toda la isla. El personal del hotel es muy amable y detallista, la comida deliciosa, hay 3 restaurantes con mucha variedad de comida, el Compass ademas tiene piscina y se esta muy comodo. Si eres amante de los animales este es tu sitio, el snorkel al rededor de la isla es simplemente espectacular, puedes ver facilmente anemonas con peces payaso, tortugas verdes y carei, hemos visto tiburones cada dia (tranquilos, son inofensivos ;), todo tipo de peces de colores y corales preciosos! Tambien puedes ver manta rayas y tiburones ballena pero en otra epoca del año. El interior de la isla esta muy bien cuidado, el entorno selvatico es precioso, me encanto poder ver tan de cerca murcielgos zorro!😍 Cada dia por la mañana hacen meditacion y yoga, el profesor es.. maravilloso!! no tengo palabras, mi mejor experiencia con el yoga y la meditacion, nunca olvidare la meditacion con los cuencos tibetanos, me encanto! Un abrazo y namaste para él!🙏 Si volviera a Maldivas sin duda iria a Milaidhoo, espero ser una “repetidora”! Gracias en especial a Roxy que nos proporciono todo lo que necestiavamos y a Diana, la biologa marina de la isla, espero volver a veros pronto!
Reviewed: 27.12.2023
Milaidhoo war einzigartig schön. Wir wollten auf die Malediven und sind im Paradies angekommen. Das Personal war sehr aufmerksam und super nett! Alle Räumlichkeiten waren sehr sauber: einfach fantastisch. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder.
Reviewed: 27.12.2023
First time in the Maldives and we truly struck gold with Milaidhoo. The attention to detail, genuine charm and professionalism of the entire team is second to none. They have mastered the perfect blend of Maldivian authenticity, utter luxury and personal touch in everything they do for their guests. Their approach will make your stay in this stunning island a memory to be cherished from start to finish. Their culinary and hospitality expertise is something everyone in Milaidhoo is clearly very proud of. They have every right to be!
Reviewed: 27.12.2023
Went here for our honeymoon. Warm welcome on arrival. Slept in an amazing overwater villa. The breakfast is really good with a la carte choices and a really nice buffet. The food in the Restaurants was good. The staff was amazing, kind and with a great eye for details. 100% recommend this hotel
Reviewed: 27.12.2023
For my birthday we decided to go to the Maldives for 14 days. Why Milaidhoo? We were looking for a quiet island with a great underwater world. I did some research and finally picked Milaidhoo Island. We should have the most memorable holiday of our lives. After arriving by seaplane we were welcomed by our butler Ammadey. From the first moment we were overwhelmed by the warmth and friendliness of the employees. After a short tour we were able to get a first impression of the island. We reached the restaurants, the bar, the marine center and the spa via well-maintained paths. We stayed in a beach villa, which we didn't regret as we could go snorkeling every day just walking a few steps to the beach, no matter whether the tide was high or low. We were on the gourmet plan, which is quite pricy, but we wanted to enjoy our meals and drinks without thinking about the costs. The furnishings and cleanliness of the villa left nothing to be desired. If there was a problem, it was fixed immediately. The coordination of our entire vacation was carried out perfectly by our butler Ammadey. He organized an exceptional surprise birthday breakfast, as well as all of our excursions (dolphin watching, turtle excursion, ...), our restaurant reservations and other activities (e.g. yoga and spa visits) right up to the meticulously planned return trip by boat and seaplane. In his very friendly, courteous and humorous manner, we also learned a lot of interesting things about the Maldives and their residents. In general, all the employees were extremely courteous, everyone was very committed to our well-being and with their warm-hearted manner and numerous small talk conversations, we felt like we were part of a big family. The quality of food and drinks was exceptional. We were extremely impressed by the variety and freshness of the cuisine offered in all restaurants. A leisurely stroll around the island on the beach after sunrise, yoga in the spa, breakfast, followed by snorkeling and enjoying the sensational underwater world, a small lunch in the restaurant, siesta on our private pool in the Maldivian swing, sunset cocktail at the bar, enjoying a delicious dinner followed by a goodnight drink at the bar was pure relaxation for us. Please don't be angry if we don't remember all the names of the wonderful family members, here are just a few we would like to say thank you: our island host Ammadey, Alfi, Murray and everyone at Ocean and Shoreline on behalf of the entire team, Asanka for his lovingly designed cocktails, Bahrat for educational yoga lessons (including aqua yoga at compass pool) and Nazim with his colleagues at Ocean Stories. Every single person did their best to make this holiday very special. We will never forget this vacation and hope to see you again. Barbara and Reini
Reviewed: 27.12.2023
Es war mein 3. Aufenthalt in diesem wunderschönen Resort! Es ist klein, aber fein! Ich wurde bei der Ankunft genauso herzlichst empfangen, wie beim 1. Mal. Ich möchte betonen, dass dieses kleine Paradies auch für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität geeignet ist! Man fühlt sich von der 1. Minute an wohl und gut aufgehoben, wie in einer kleinen Familie! Es ist egal, wo man sich gerade aufhält, jeder Wunsch wird einem von den Augen abgelesen! Meinen besonderen Dank gilt in der Compass Bar, Lucky, der die besten Cocktails zaubert! Ebenso Asanka, der Sunny Boy von der Compass Bar! Danke Euch! Nicht zu vergessen Ocean, mein besonderer Dank geht an Kokko, Du bist einfach spitze! Uchi mein kleiner Sonnenschein, werde unsere Lieder sehr vermissen! Das Frühstücksbüffet ein Traum! Ausgezeichnet! Shorline Grill, kann ich nur wärmstends empfehlen, Essen dort hat Sterne Niveau! Ebenso das Batheli! Essen ausgezeichnet! Es lässt keine Wünsche offen!!! 1* kann ich nur vergeben! Service einmalig! Meinen besonderen Dank geht an Yenny, sie war während meines Aufenthalts meine Host!Sie war immer per WhatsApp erreichbar und hat mir jeden Wunsch erfüllt! Ihr habe ich deutsche Pünktlichkeit beigebracht (Scherz). Werde unsere guten Gespräche sehr vermissen! Du bist ein Schatz! Ich danke Dir! Außerdem bist Du für mich die beste Buggy Fahrerin der Welt!!!! Alle Mitarbeiter sind sehr zuvorkommend und sehr freundlich! Mein Dank geht auch an den General Manager David! Er ist ein warmherziger, freundlicher und humorvoller Mensch, der im Übrigen auch sehr gut Deutsch spricht! Danke Dir David, auch Du hast dazu beigetragen, dass mein Aufenthalt unvergesslich wurde! Ich kann dieses kleine Resort nur wärmstends empfehlen! Es fehlt einem an Nichts! Standard und Essen von höchster Qualität. Mitarbeiter, alle sehr aufmerksam und zuvorkommend, die den Aufenthalt unvergesslich machen und zuhause noch lange zehren kann. Es ist ein Erlebnis dort hin zu reisen, man wird nicht enttäuscht! Ich bedanke mich von ganzem Herzen an das gesamte Team von Milaidhoo!!! Und ich habe mich in die Villa 107 einfach verliebt! Ich freue mich auf meinen nächsten Besuch an Weihnachten! An alle ganz herzliche Grüße!!!
Reviewed: 24.12.2023
Have visited now for 7th time, which might be sufficient in terms of review. More specific: the most attentive and warm team one could hope for. A great experience in itself. Even at high occupancy the experience is always relaxed, tranquil. I’m a passionate diver and the experience has always been fantastic - great diving team and the experience always very individualized. The food is exquisite and the island offers plenty of different experiences. The spa is great whilst the resort has a good price value ratio the spa might lean a bit towards the expensive side of the spectrum. Though the Maldives offer plenty of options (and we tried quite a few) we will for sure return to this very unique escape.
Reviewed: 24.12.2023
Once again, we had a fantastic time at Milaidhoo. We were welcomed back as part of the Milaidhoo 'family' and immediately relaxed into the friendly atmosphere. The food was exceptional as always. Special thanks to Roxy our island host for dealing with all our requests swiftly. Loved the aerial yoga with Novi!
Reviewed: 23.12.2023
What a wonderful resort and island!! My wife and I just experienced an amazing 10 days at Milaidhoo Island. Everything was outstanding .. villa, beach, restaurants, staff, spa and so on. Starting with a short nice speed boat ride after the seaplane trip followed by a very friendly welcoming with a nice glas of champagne. First surprise: there was no reception all - all was handled in the villa. Yenny our great host for the entire stay took us around and brought us into the very spacious villa with a lot of privacy and straight access to the sea which we valued a lot. Also the private pool invited us for a short cooling down after the long trip. One of the great highlights at Milaidhoo Island are the three restaurants: Ocean, Shoreline Grill and the Ba'theli. The Compass Bar next to the main pool was a great place for a sundowner. All the staff in the restaurants guided by Dumi and Nazeer were extremely friendly and very attentive - everything was possible. The highlights were clearly the breakfast buffet - what an eye catcher - the Seafood festival, beach dinner with candle light and local food and the Ba'theli boats. The variety of the menu at the Ocean restaurant was just exceptional for every day dining and we also enjoyed the friendly and interesting chats with all staff members. We started our day with the Yoga classes of Bharat (including water yoga on Saturday) and later in the day we relaxed with some spa/massage treatment at the beautiful villas. The therapists were very professional and always smiling. Snorkelling at the house reef was easy to be done directly from the beach and doable without a guide. Just explore it yourself. At the end it was time to say goodbye and Yenny took care of everything (incl. immigration forms) so that our departure was a relaxing experience. Thanks Yenny. Milaidhoo Island is stunning and worthwhile for a repeater. Special thanks also to the General Manage David for leading such a great team and resort. D+P from Switzerland
Reviewed: 22.12.2023
Everything was great! We were there for our honeymoon and it was amazing, the personnel, our butler Anth was amazing, she took care of every detail, even when we left I forgot a coat and she was kind enough to ship it back home with no cost! Would go back without any doubt!
Reviewed: 21.12.2023
A very memorable holiday with all the essential elements in abundance. Fabulous staff, amazing food and beautiful accommodation. This is the tenth time we have visited The Maldives and the eighth resort at which we have stayed. Without doubt this was the most enjoyable. For us the two most important aspects of a holiday are the staff and the food. Milaidhoo scored very highly in both of these categories. The staff, whilst highly professional, were great company and we enjoyed both intelligent conversation and wonderful humour. The three restaurants offered a combination of international and local dishes. Presentation was exquisite and the ingredients were of the highest quality, true fine dining. The restaurant managers were happy to arrange special dishes or adjust dishes to your personal taste. If you wanted added spice or certain ingredients omitted they were happy to oblige. Thanks to Mac for two fabulous wine tasting sessions. He made these both informative and entertaining. Highly recommended. I could easily list a dozen members of staff who provided laughter, friendship and world class service. Special mention must firstly go to the management team, headed up by Celine Pezel Resort Manager. In particular, Dimuthu, made such an impression on us (and one we will never forget), he visited us at most meal times, and was such excellent company. We had many entertaining and enlightening conversations with him. He was dedicated to ensuring we had the perfect stay - nothing was too much trouble, he arranged special dishes for us and went to a great deal of trouble to make our holiday truly memorable. Our Island Host Anth, deserves the highest of praise, her humour, friendship and professionalism was outstanding, she worked tirelessly throughout our stay to ensure all our needs were satisfied. She was always available to answer any questions - and she went to a great deal of trouble liasing with other staff members to ensure that all our needs were exceeded. Anth, also organised numerous (wonderful and amazing) birthday surprises for me and intuitively understood what would make our stay a perfect birthday celebration. Thank you for making our holiday so very special. We would like to also mention Dhuhu (Guest Relations coordinator). She made a lasting impression on us, even before we had arrived on the island, as we had emailed her many times with different enquiries regarding restaurant reservations, accommodation and activities, which she always responded to in a prompt, friendly and professional manner. Once on the island she made herself known to us and continued to offer an exceptional level of service, kindness and friendship. Finally, the F and B staff at each of the restaurants were outstanding in every way. Every mealtime was truly memorable and every staff member is worthy of praise - but for us Alfie deserves the highest of praise for the high level of service he offered, his knowledge of cuisine, flavours and ingredients meant that he could recommend meals that perfectly matched our tastes. We enjoyed several of the excursions on offer during our stay and a spa treatment - all of which were faultless. We very much look forward to seeing our friends at Milaidhoo next year.
Reviewed: 20.12.2023
My stay at milaidhoo was perfect, I visited many resorts in the maldives, however no where was as perfect as milaidhoo, so i decided to go back there as this was my second stay at this small remarkable island. The island is the perfect getaway for a romantic holiday, The food there is delicious, all 4 restaurants and the bar offer variety of cuisines, and all serve the best food and drinks i’ve ever tried. The spa treatments are remarkable The room is spacious, clean, and comfortable. The swimming pool in the villa is big Swimming and Snorkeling around the island is wonderful The experience in milaidhoo was perfect in every aspect I would definitely go back in my next visit to maldives
Reviewed: 20.12.2023
Absolutely stunning island, service and people💕 we had our Honey moon and we loved every day on the island. Its calm, relaxing, beautiful, luxurious and service is fantastic. lots of fishes;)) restaurants food was great, team has made many lively honey mooners surprises. Snorkling is great- just right in front of our water villa. We loved our massages and warm people. Sharks u can see ecah day near the restaurant and while diving- even those were friendly🥰🤣

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